Lav's Journal

Lav's Journal


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3 entries this month



14:13 Mar 23 2017
Times Read: 432

This probably could have gone into any category of my journal easily, but I am putting it here. Mostly I am doing this because I used an example of it within my Burn Method entry. Though I have referred to the Ink-Shed multiple times in multiple sections throughout my journal as a whole, and I started it less than a month ago. It’s safe to say I use this a lot. I also have an entire journal section dedicated to this style of writing (see under Sounding Board).

I came across this term in a Philosophy class during University. Every class started out with a question written on the board, and 5 minutes in which to write about anything that came to mind concerning that question. While I don’t know exactly who coined the term, it is defined as “the consumption or waste of ink through writing”. So how does wasting ink work for anything exactly?

Required items: Pen and paper. Or a word document and a keyboard, your choice.

Purpose: The purpose of Ink-Shedding is well…multi-purpose. You want to think more critically about a particular topic. You want to come up with other ideas associated with a topic. You want to vent. You want to know where your catches or questions are in a topic. You want to kill time. You think best when you aren’t concerned with filtering responses. You need to plan something out. You’re working with a topic that is vast or complex. You are exploring feelings. You have been repressing a topic. You have an intense dislike of ink and wish it would disappear forever. The possibilities are kind of endless.

Rules: I would normally refer to this as a method, but honestly the method is simply “choose topic; write”. No, here it is the conditions that really matter.

1. Decide on a minimum time. For example, 3 minutes.

2. When possible, do not give yourself a maximum time limit.

3. Screw structure. This is not an essay, you do not have to plot an opening, middle or closing. There are no rules here and you will not be marked on cohesive structure. As a perfectionist, this is where the rules start getting hard to swallow. Leading into:

4. Just write. While you start on a particular topic, you don’t necessarily need to be on the same topic by the time you finish. As you think it, write it. Whatever it is, don’t filter, just write. It doesn’t need to be factually correct, grammatically proper, or even in the same language you started writing in.

5. Do not stop writing until the time is up. If your pen has stopped moving, there is still ink in there that has not met its doom. No one cares if the bridge from one thought to another is actually just a doodle from one side of the page to the other. Keep writing. Under no circumstances do you put the pen down; it should be in your hand, moving that whole minimum time. It’s almost harder when you’re doing this on computer in this aspect. Just tap random keys until the next thought comes in for you to pick up off. The sound of keys should be constant while you’re writing. No breaks.

6. No corrections allowed. This is painful to write for me, but it is actually very helpful. Do not correct the piece you are writing. No cross-outs, no pauses to return to correct a misspelling, nothing. Your pen should be moving forward at all times and not back. Always forward. Again, this is so much harder for me in a computer format. No backspace allowed. No mouse clicks, no touchpad. Nothing but keystrokes forward, never back. If you must correct it, wait until your time is up. Then once you’ve read it through, correct it at that point. Do not waste valuable Ink-Shedding time with correcting yourself.

This is likely getting a “why?” response from a few people. Why can’t you stop? Why can’t you correct?

Here’s why. Your mind is jumping from idea to idea, creating its own flow of thoughts that can be visually tracked. Just thought to thought, nice and smooth, wait, back up, is it spelled that way? Hm. Maybe this way? No…still not right. Oh there we were. Where was I again? Oh, right… Yes. This is entirely the exact opposite of smooth flowing thought. That one interrupt can be the difference between you writing something that is incredibly apt, summarizing everything you meant to beautifully, and just looking like something you scribbled together in 3 minutes. Correct it later.

A second point to make is that mistakes can tell you more about what you are thinking than anything else. Looking back at a piece after you’ve written it and recognizing that there is just this space where you lost the thought and just skipped a line and started a whole new sentence and thought - what exactly does it mean? Analyzing how you wrote it down from thought can tell you a whole lot more about your blindspots or things that you just can’t put into words yet. Perhaps that blank space should be the topic of the next Ink-Shed. This exercise shows you the state of your rational mind and how it connects ideas to make a whole.

At first, everyone’s going to have gaps and holes. Mostly because this exercise is contrary to everything that most people generally do when writing or speaking. We correct, we filter, we backtrack and we structure. Without any of that, it takes a while to really get the hang of it all. As you get more comfortable with it though, those holes become gaps in understanding or ability to communicate a particular thought. You can learn a pile from where the mental train leaves the rails.

So that’s pretty much Ink-Shedding in a nutshell. Versatile tool for understanding your own thought processes.

Questions, comments, death threats? Message or comment.




Stress Relief - The Burn Method

21:13 Mar 15 2017
Times Read: 449

As an introduction, I will start off by saying that this particular post walks the line between a spell and an exercise for good mental health. What I have found is that many people overlook the potential of this particular spell (and I call it a spell pretty loosely, for lack of a better option). I would encourage anyone to actually try this one at least once to give it a chance, because it works rather wonderfully to remove all sorts of junk from your life that brings you down.

This spell can be used to help purge out negative thoughts, harmful memories, fears, compulsive ideas, and stress. Realistically, anything that lurks in your head that you have problems getting out can be targeted by this spell. Essentially, it works to draw out things that otherwise clutter your mind. My most common uses are to let go of stressful ideas or to vent when negativity clouds my mind.

What You Will Need:
Pen, paper, some alone time, fire. Honestly, the time part is usually the hardest to get. You may also include incense or pretty much anything else that you find helps you unwind a little. A glass of wine. This is quite possibly the simplest spell you may come across, so dont over think it. Obligatory note to remember fire safety.

What To Do:
Take a few moments to just sit back and relax as much as you can. Get your paper and your pen, and just start writing about what it is that is haunting your mind. If possible, dont edit, dont backtrack and rethink anything, just keep writing. Your goal is to give whatever it is form. Be descriptive, and dont censor yourself any. Pour all your thoughts and energy into making this thing real. No one else will be reading this, just write. This is where the time comes in - you want to leave yourself enough time to write out every little piece of what it is that you want to say on your topic. If your mind strays any, or shifts to something else, just flow with it.

I cannot stress enough the importance of not censoring what youre thinking. Seriously. Just roll with it. Pour all of it onto that page. Keep writing until there isnt anything left to be said. Remember that you are not making an argument, youre not doing this to prove anything, and it does not need to make sense to anybody (including yourself).

Once you have gotten all you wish down on the paper comes the fun part. Take your paper(s) and set them all on fire. One by one, piece by piece, turn them into confetti and throw them on the firewhatever you feel like at the time. Allow the fire to burn away the negativity and consume it. Do not hold on to the concepts, youre burning them for a reason.

Now comes the part where you go about your night or day and set your mind to better things.

How It Works:
Seemed simple enough, right? So how does this thing work exactly? Well, as I said, its more a psychological exercise than it is a spell. What you are doing is taking an abstract thought and giving it a physical form. Youre putting your energy into making it tangible. Then you are removing the tangible piece of it. This works in a couple ways. The first image that comes to my mind is that of the voodoo doll. You are making a thing that is a representation of something else. Youre making an image and asserting your control over it.

The second way in which this may help is that you are creating a record. Instead of these issues being stuck in your own head, you are making them reality. Even if they are not shared with others, they are still being brought into the world and shared in theory. Perhaps youre writing issues down that youve never spoken with anyone about before. Perhaps it is something youve never fully conceptualized. Either way, it is being drawn out of the shadows of the mind and into being. You are removing their power over your mind because they are no longer solely yours. They become a thing. A thing which can be burned. A thing that can be harmed.

Other Variants:
I have also seen people do this method with artwork, in that they paint or sketch something that represents what they are feeling or struggling with. Canvas is really expensive though, so I wouldnt suggest lighting a canvas up. There is nothing that says you cant sketch or draw out a concept if you just dont have the words for it, for example. Or perhaps that is a more engaging method for you.

For those who are more technologically inclined, or without access to a safe burning space, similar ideas are to open a blank word document and start writing. The hard part here is to try not to censor it, go back, make changes. You want to keep flowing forward, not doubling back and editing. Why not go back? You may ask this, I suppose. The simple answer is that moving forward stops your urge to continue to re-visit the problem. You dont want to revisit it, you want to rant it out, and then get rid of it. You want to move only forward here. Anyway, once youre done with your electronic version, there is an option to just print it and go light it on fire as above, or just pitch it in your recycle bin and delete the file. Just get rid of it. Often for little venting, I just open the page and just close it without ever saving it. Then it goes away, but I still got it all out.

Comments? Thoughts? Other variants? Feel free to leave some comments or messages.




Mission Statement

23:04 Mar 08 2017
Times Read: 459

The purpose of this section is for thoughts and writings that are mostly focused on or rooted in Paganism. By segregating these particular entries out of the rest of them, I am hoping to be able to find anything that I may need to refer back to just a little bit easier. It also serves to allow those who do not necessarily subscribe to a Pagan path to not have to wade through the spirituality side of my mind. Apparently it can be a bit of a shock to learn that I balance science and craft work.

All comments, replies, messages and thoughts are appreciated.



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