
Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Nihilist (19.13)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

my bEd, in Wisconsin



Bite BondageXBabe

Stalk BondageXBabe


"It's tImEs lIkE thEsE, As bEAUtIfUl As thEy ArE, ArE EvIl whEn thEy ArE gOnE." -UltrA vIOlEt

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Fare thee good biddings to all. I am Bree, Breanna, Serena, what ever makes you feel comfortable. I am happily with someone very special to me, so please, if you are single and looking, do not impress me, befriend me. I have short-layered black and red/purple hair, blue eyes that change to orange or black. I am 5'6 and have an average build. People have said I have the fairy look-big eyes, long nose, big ears, and long pretty fingers. I ask you to read all about me before you rate because I am more of a writer than a designer. Thankyou and enjoy...also, watch for my bites...

†Collector of Thy Blood†-ME
Sometimes thou haunt thee in thy dreams,
Sometimes thy lies beneath thy seams.
Art thy feeling of one lurks behind,
Hope that thy won't see thou to find.
For it is known thou will bite,
Wish thy won't find thou to site.

For in thee night thou shall escape,
Only to collect souls under her cape.
Frieght may fill to insane,
For she's taken over thy viens.

Thee collector of thy blood,
Brought forth by madness.


Can you be a real Vampire?

You will be a vampire, you love blood
You are like me, your not afraid of night, you are perfect for a vampire, you love blood and sleeping in coffins. You have the nerve to kill, you can be immortal, though you think that it's a curse but it's a gift.Welcome to the kingdom of the damned
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What's your soul trying to say? (girls only) pics and loooong results (may be a bit hard to take in, but it will work, or help)

You pretty much hate life. Sometime something happened that made your life turn around so quickly. Being in the state that you are, you try your hardest to find happiness, but you can't seem to grasp it. The world has seemed to have forgotten who you are.Try: writing a story, scheduling a spa day, or redecorate something.Writing, Include: notebook or journal, pencil, open windows, and time alone. This should help you find time to appreciate your talents as a person.Spa Day, Include: manicure/pedicure, get your hair done, and buy yourself something.This should help you appreciate yourself in a whole new way.Redecorate, Include: Try your room or a peice of furniture.This should take time, and help you feel like you are accomplishin something in a long while. Take this quiz!

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Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63%
Stability |||||||||| 36%
Orderliness |||||||||||||| 60%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 70%
Interdependence |||||||||| 36%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 56%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 70%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious |||||||||||||| 56%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Materialism |||||||||||| 50%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 43%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Self absorbed |||||| 23%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 50%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||||| 56%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Peter pan complex |||||| 30%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 64%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63%
Vanity |||||||||||| 43%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 63%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

What is your true weapon?(with cool pics!)

Sword.The master of melee. You prefer to be up close and personal. Although you are efficient at speed, you do not worry of strength because no one can match your strength.Take this quiz!

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What SEXY fairy are you? (w pics and lots of results!)

You're not a fairy... you're a little devil!Click Here to Become a VampireTake this quiz!

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What is your Paranormal gift?

Ooohh.. Spirits and ghosts capture your attention? Going through walls, things passing through you.. how else to freak others out when they try to shake your hand? Of corse, you may feel invisable at times if you've let things pass through you too much and may just want something to touch or hurt you. Try not to let that happen and live a little, you Phantom.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

What Faery are you? (Beautiful drawings by Amy Brown!)

.:Shadow Faery:.
You are the Shadow Faery. You are a very dark person, and you tend to keep to yourself a lot. You're also very practical and possibly very smart, but don't show it very much. You like lurking in the shadows and thinking of ways to avoid people. You should lighten up a bit! People could learn to love you if you just come out of the shadows a little.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

what would you look like if you were anime.

You are just lost. you need to change before you do something than will hurt you or others, that is if you havent already.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

Do you smile because you are happy or because you don't want people to know that you are hurting?

You hide behind a smile!!
You put on a mask because you are so broken and you don't know what people will think. You like to be someone differen't around other people because it gives you a chance to escape you pain. When you get the chance to be alone you burst into the same broken cries that you are always dealing with. You want to be okay more then anything!! Her feelings she hides, her dreams she can't find, she's falling behind, she can't find her place, she's looseinf her faith, she's all over the place. That is how you feel alot of the time.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

Are you insane?

You are one insane mother fucker!!!!!
You are a bad ass. hell ya
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

Which rock chick are you? (girls only plz, pictures!)

Amy Lee
You're young, you're pretty, and you've got an amazing voice. lots of people hate you for who you are, but they're just a lot of fuckers :) Your're very imaginitve and love designing clothes. You may not seem it sometimes, but your very close to your family. and you love halloween, who doesn't??
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

Peek Into Your Soul: A Survey About You
Hair color:Black, brown, purple, blonde
Eye color:Blue
Pimples?:sometimes on my forehead
Freckles?:not really, lots of beauty marks
Book:Nora Roberts
TV show:South Park
Movie:Queen of the Damned
Author:Nora Roberts
Artist:As in Art? then-Vincent Van Goe
Actor/Actress:Actor: Adam Sandler
Food:Ramon Noodles
Drink:Mountain Dew
Animal:Kitties!!!!-Thay r so fluffy and cuddley and calm
Instrument:Electric Guitar Babi!!!
Facial Feature:hm...thats a tuffy...prolly eyes I guess.
Color:Thats a given-black
Place to visit:My mind
Room in your house/apartment:My Livingroom cause its almost all furnished
Fictional Character:Happy Bunny
Grade (so far):None of them-school was hell and back
Mythological Creature:Another given- Fairies
Web site:hmmm...let me think...OH VR!!!!!
Thing to do:Restrict my Andy Candy tehe...
Day of the week:They all suck
Season:The Fall
Type of weather:Kool enough to be comforable in my Happy Bunny sweatshirt and baggy-ass tripp pants. Also the kind where I can drik tea all day and sit outside.
Do you...
Drink?:Like a camel
Smoke?:Like a freight train
Drive?:Like a Taxi
Kiss on the first date?:A date? whats that?
Have sex on the first date?:I usually first have sex with someone if I am with them for long enough that I can trust them and have been sober during that time.
Do drugs?:a few...mabye...on occation...if I'm in the mood...or have a headache...
Live outside your means?:all the time
Obssess over your looks?:As long as there isn't a mirror around
Abuse your family and friends?:Emotionally yes...I hate to admit it, but it happens
Get good grades in school?:heck no
Get sleepy during the day?:All the day
Own a car?:Yes I do Fellow Survey
Own more than 15 pairs of shoes?:Nope, only 3
Own more than 5 pairs of jeans?:oh yes. Is cause if the factory jobs I have had.
Have you ever...
Smoked a joint?:....YES
Stayed up all night?:of course
Cussed in from of your parents?:yes plenty of times...bad year for the family
Hurt the feelings of someone you loved?:more than I'd like to admit.
Had your feelings hurt by someone you loved?:...more than I'd like to admit
Failed a class?:More than I'd like to admit
Been really really scared?:Yes...It was a mix of a shock though
Had to face a phobia?:Yes, in Febuary
Cried in public?:too many times, I don't hide
Thrown up at school?:Yes I have
Been kicked out of the store?:YUP but it wasn't MY fault.
Been in a car wreck?:ha...huhu...um...yes...my fault, into a building.
Dumped someone?:Yes, 4 out of 8 that I have had
Been dumped?:Yes. 4 out of the 8 I have had.
Had a one-night-stand?:Nope. I am proud to say
Kissed and told?:All the time
Cussed in a Churst (or some other religious structure)?:Not in a churst...but in a chruch
Beaten someone up?:Almost.
Been beaten up?:Heck no
Broken a bone?:Not yet
Been willing to sell your soul to the devil for something?:Heck no, I'm not that dumb
Lied to someone you loved?:Little lie
Stolen from a friend?:More like borrowed without asking and returned
Eaten an entire gallon of ice cream in one day?:lol no...not yet
Gotten an award?:a few, yes
Told a joke no one thought was funny?:All the time
Laughed so hard you cried?:All the time
Cried so hard you laughed?:um no..thats alittle wierd
Been to the opera?:heck no
Fallen asleep in class?:So many times
Been cheated on by your boyfriend/girlfriend?:More than id like to admit
Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?:Heck no...Cheaters are liars and I am a Lover
Been in love?:I thought at the time
Gone out with someone who was married?:heck no
Gone out with someone a lot older than you?:...does 9 years mean alot older? then yes.
Been stood up on a date?:Actually no
Looked horrible in a yearbook picture?:More than I'd like to admit.
Done something life-threatening?:More than I'd like to admit.
Cut school?:..heh once again...more than I'd like to admit.
Bought a lottery ticket?:the scratch-offs...
Cheated on a test?:mabye, I can't remember
Can you...
Ride a bike?:duh
Draw?:Kind of
Sing?:Kind of
Dance?:Kind of
Skateboard?:heck no
Speak a second language?:I wish I did...well...actaully...I kinda do sometimes
Play an instument?:I was learning guitar but I was self taught and I nenver really thought about getting lessons
Recite the Gettysburg Address?:lol no
Label all fifty states?:On a good day
Name all the US presidents in the order they served?:I wish, I'd feel smart then.
Read Tarot Cards, runes, palms, and/or, tea leaves?:hmmm...kindof
Cook?:oh yes, tis fun
Whistle?:Not really, I'm whistle challenged
Snap?:heck yes
Cross your eyes?:lol yes, I can in a few different ways
Touch your nose with you tongue?:no...hey when is this thing going to end?
Balance a book on your head?:yup
Sew?:Heck yes
Recite the ABCs backwards without pausing?:Not without pausing.
If given the opportunity, would you...
Kill someone you hate?:dunno if I could do that
Have sex with someone really really really hot?:I do all the time, My ANDY CANDY
Star in a movie?:heck yes, that would be kool
Be on the cheerleading squad/football team?:...I won't go into that...right now, NO
Become the king/queen of a coutry?:Too many responsiblities
Steal something you wanted?:prolly not
Cheat on a lover?:HELL NO
Let someone cheat on their lover with you?:I've dun it before but I thought they were over her
Experiment with someone the same sex as you?:heck yes, if Andy would let me
Live the life of someone else?:depending on who
Sell your soul to the devil in exchange for something you really want?:fuck no
Go back in time and change something from happening?:I wouldn't want to screw with that.
Go to the moon?:HELL YEAH- I'd live on the moon!!!
Run for president?:...no
Pick one
Coke or Pepsi?:Pepsi
Cats or dogs?:KITTIES!!!!!!
Really smart or really hot?:I'm more for the in-between
Really successful or really popular?:really successful
Really rich or really famous?:Niether, both are too egotistical
Smart and depressed or stupid and happy?:Smart and depressed...No stupid and happy to balance out
Summer or winter?:winter
Spring or fall?:FALL
Hot or cold?:COLD
Love or lust?:I'm all for love
Chocolate or vanilla?:Chocolate
Skateboarding or surfing?:ICK
Which of your friends is the most...
Annoying?:Slut Muffin (Old friend)
Who/When/What's the last...
Person you talked to on the phone?:My mom
Song you listened to?:Korn- Falling away from me
CD you listened to?:Korn-Issues
Movie you watched?:Click
Book you read?:It's been awhile
Thing you ate?:Ramon Noodles
Thing you bought?:A carton of Camel wides
Time you cried?:Lastnight
Time you laughed?:I tihnk today
Been scared?:Lastnight
Kissed someone?:Right before Andy left
Told someone you love them?:Right before Andy left
Prayed?:It's been awhile
Hugged someone?:Right before Andy left.
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†Turn 0n's†
Tripp Pants
Dark Makeup
Shiny objects
The touch of cold steel
Long Nails
Pointed Fangs
The Color Black
Cut up skin
Popping Veins
Head Banging
Pale Skin
Eyes that have Distinctive Markings in the Iris
Bondage Straps
Black Roses
Black Lights
Hott Candle Wax upon My Skin
The Smell of Dragon's Blood
Trippy Items

†Turn 0ff's†
Stripes on Shirts
Popped Collars
Bright Colors
White Walls
Rap Music
Lip Gloss
Ego Trips
People Who follow to fit In
Closed Minded People
Insecure People
People Who think They are Funny
Bad Teeth
Blue Eyes
Attention Seekers
The whole Aspect of Ghetto

Fav Music



Cradle of Filth - Born in a Burial Gown

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Crdle of filth

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†Pe0ple I Love†

Brother Brandon (RIP)
Brother Aaron
Jarod Toast
Danny Filth
Johnathan Davis
Morgan Lander
Adam Sandler
Johnny Depp
Vincent Van Gogh
Leonardo Divincci
Nora Roberts
Amazing Jeckle Brothers
Marilyn Manson
All my friends on VR

†Pe0ple I L0athe†
Katie Holmes
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Micheal Jackson
Paris Hilton
Hilary Duff
Britney Spears
And A few ex-boyfriends


Also, if you are of the following: Flirt, Prep, closed-minded, Poser, much younger, Uncraeative, Overload on Slang, Gangster, Satanist, Vampire Slayer: I proabably will not like you.
Another thing-If you are confused about anything this site talks of, I can help to the maximum of my ability to do so. Come one and all, I have no prolems answering questions.

Member Since: Oct 07, 2006
Last Login: Jun 10, 2007
Times Viewed: 1,724

Times Rated:210

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