
Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Irritater (16.57)
Rank:  Member
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Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?



Bite Iarisn

Stalk Iarisn


You can't pull someone out of the dark if that someone was born to darkness.



My user name is Iarisn, but my real name is Staci. I don't really care much for the name but I'm stuck with it and deal with it. I am not a vampire but I have the atmost admiration for them and have been obsessed ever since I was a little girl. My friends are my world and I must say I am over protective of them as they have my greatest loyalty. I hate people who are two-faced, posers, liers. I have a lot more about me so if you have any questions speak to me.

About Me Personality Quiz
What is your name?:Iarisn
How old are you?:17
When is your Birthday?:march 21
What is your zodiac sign?:aries
Where were you born?:PA
Where do you live now?:PA
What color eyes do you have?:brown
What color hair do you have?:red
How tall are you?:5 something
How much do you weigh? (Be Honest Ladies):120 somewhere round there
What is your race?:ns
What is your worst fear?:obsession
Do you smoke?:very very little
Do you drink?:yes
Do you cuss?:yes
Do you use drugs?:no
Have you ever or will you ever steal?:I have
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?:yes
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?:yes
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?:yes
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?:Hannibal
Do you suffer from depression disorder?:no
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?:in my sleep
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?:no
Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?:yes
What subculture do you belong too?:ns
Are you evil?:um...half&half i guess
Do you believe that you can be possesed?:yes
Are you a paranoid person?:no
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?:yes
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?:yes
Are you a violent person?:sometimes
Do you take your anger out on other people?:sometimes
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?:no
What is your favorite game?:dx ball
What is your favorite movie?:Queen of the Damned
Who is your favorite band?:korn
What is your favorite song?:When the Children Cry
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?:horror/mystery/actionadventure
What is your favorite color?:red
What is your favorite food?:breaded shrimp
What is your favorite drink?:moutain lightening
Do you own a pari of converse?:ns
Do you own a pair of dickies?:ns
Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?:someone else
Are you a virgin?:no
Are you kinky?:yes
Do you like biting?:hell yes
Do you masturbate?:ah..fact of life people
Do you watch pornography?:yes
Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?:yes
Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?:no
Are you hyper active person?:sometimes
Are you religious?:not really
Do you have any self inflicted scars?:yes
Does pain turn you on?:yes
Do you stand for originality and creativity?:sometimes
Do you like meeting new people?:yes
What do you like most about life?:friends
What do you dislike most about life?:spreaded drama
Do you believe in love at first fright?:undecided
Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?:yes
Have you ever had to beg for dinner money?:no
Do you own a car?:no
Have you been to jail, yet?:no
Are your clothes held together with safety pins?:some of them
Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows?:no
Have you ever vomit while making out?:eww. heck no
Have you held a job for less than a day?:yes
Do you own more than two pair of jeans?:yes
Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?:yes. just for the fun of it.
Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house?:yes
Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?:no
Does the world piss you off?:sometimes
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Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?:yes
Toilet Paper someone's house:yes
Played Poker with money:yes
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:no
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk:yes
like someone but never told them:yes
went camping:yes
had a crush on your broher's friend:no
walk in the rain without an umbrella:yes
told a joke that NObody thought was funny:no
been in a talent show:no
started laughing at someone's bedtime:no
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of:yes
been to a nude beach:no
drank jack daniels:ns
cursed in a church:no
been called a slut for kissing someone:yes
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:yes
wanted to be a police officer:no
dumped someone:yes
been hit on by someone too old:yes
wanted to be a model:no
bought lottery tickets:no
made out in a car:no
cried during a movie:yes
wanted something you couldn't have:yes!yes!yes!
had sex on the beach:no
had the drink sex on the beach:no
seen someone shoplift:yes
hung up on someone:yes
yelled at you pet:yes
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy:yes
tried to strip when drunk:yes
gotten seasick:no
had a stalker:no
played a prank on somone that had them really scared:yes lol that was sooo funny
been embarassed by one of your family:yes
felt bad about eating meat:no yum yum
been to an island:no
been in love:yes
ate jus because you were bored:yes
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww":depends
Screamed in a library:no
Made out with a stranger:no
Been Dumped:yes
Wished a part of you was different:yes
asked a guy to dance:no
been asked out by a really hot guy:no
laughe so hard ou cried:yes
went up to a complete stranger and started talking:no
been sunburned:yes
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert:no
threw up in school:no
recieved an anonymous love letter:no
had to wear something you hated:yes
been to a luau:no
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass:no
cursed in front of your parents:yes
been in a commerical on tv:no
watched a movie that made you miss your ex:no
been out of the country:no
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk:yes
won at pool:no
went to a party where you were the ony sober one:no
went on a diet:no but I need to
been lost out to sea:no
cheated on your bf:no
been cheated on:yes
tanned topless:yes
been attacked by seagulls:no
been searched in an airport:no
been on a plane:yes
been pants-ed:no
thown a shoe at someone:yes
broke someone's heart:sadly
sung in the shower:yes
bought something way too expensive:no but I wanted to
done something really stupid that you still laugh about:yes
been walked in on when you were dressing:yes
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie:heck no scary movies rock
been kicked out of the mall:no
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back:sometimes
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one:yes
done something stupid when you were drunk:no
fell off your roof:no
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone:no
had a deer jump in fron of your car:no
threated someone witha water gun:yes
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge:no
open your eyes underwater:yes
eat whatever you want and not have to worry:maybe
ice skate:havent tried
sing in front of a crowd:no
be a bitch at times:yes
do thirty pull ups:no
walkin in really high heals:no and yes if boots
eat super spicy foods:yes
sleep with the lights on:no heck no
touch your nose with your tounge:no
fall asleep easily in the car:no
do the cotton eye joe:unfortunetly
play ddr and not fall:ns
surf:havent tried
fit in your locker:no
do a split:accidently on skates
taste the difference between pepsi and coke:yes
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Three Things
Three things that scare me:
2:Lost Luvs
3:Charater Lies
Three people who make me laugh:
Three Things I love:
Three Things I hate:
3:Spreading Drama
Three things I don't understand:
1:Why things have to be so difficult
2:Constant Drama
3:My own insane obsessions
Three things on my desk:
Three things I'm doing right now:
1:Listening to music
2:Filling out this quiz
3:Messing around on myspace as well
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:Meet certain people
2:Live the life I always wanted
3:Explore and do things
Three things I can do:
2:Hang out
3:Other Activities
Three ways to describe my personality:
Three things I can't do:
3:ha! dont ask
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[the guarenteed time waster]
[things they always put at the beginning... for some reason]
[school]:not telling
[book]:Stranger with my face
[so we're interested in...]
[taken or single]:taken
[if taken, name please]:lex
[if taken, how long for]:month
[if taken, fling or relationship]:ns
[if taken, is it love]:no
[if single, crush name]:..
[if single, how long crushin]:..
[if single, does (s)he like you back]:..
[longest relationship lasted]:ns
[shortest relationship]:one day
[ever dated someone you didnt like]:yes
[if so, why]:because I felt bad for him
[ever cheated]:no
[ever been cheated on]:yes
[ever considered cheating]:no
[wrong or okay to check out others while taken]:ok
[more flings or relationships]:flings
[last person dated besides current]:ronnie
[first boy/girlfriend]:kevi
[friends for relationship advice]:ns
[secret relationships]:none
[know the person before going out]:it would depend
[looks or personality]:both
[best way to get facts outta someone]:ask politely then threaten lol
[tell crushes youre crushing]:um
[girl or guy to make the first move]:guy
[ever gotten back with someone]:yes
[celebrate anniversaries]:yes
[remember anniversaries]:yes
[phrase]:too many
[color]:red but for wearing red&black
[movie]:queen of the damned
[song]:when the children cry
[book]:stranger with my face
[anti-boredom activity]:poetry
[place to be on a friday]:anywhere but home
[place to shop]:hot topic
[time to go shopping]:anytime i feel like it
[vacation spot]:florida
[thing to say to a friend]:get lost
[date to forget]:ns
[movie]:napoleon danimite
[song]:staci's mom
[book]:every book I read is awesome
[nightmare]:evil et
[color]:piss yellow
[time to say 'you look fat']:when im bitchy
[how are you on...]
[turnng in homework]:not good
[giving advice]:good
[writing stories]:good
[explaining things]:good
[remembering things]:good
[sneaking out]:good
[keeping a secret]:good
[taking pictures]:good
[what do you think of when i say]
[friends]:good times
[lines]:write backwords
[boring]:Mrs. Smith
[myspace]:love it
[school]:good times (mostly)
[have you ever]
[gotten caught stealing]:no
[gotten caught sneaking out]:no
[lied to your best friend]:no
[corrected a lie]:no
[done a selfless good deed]:ns
[heard someone tell you they love you]:yes
[lost something important to you]:yes
[done something that had bad consequences]:yes
[danced in public]:yes
[scared someone who had the hiccups]:no
[rock climbed]:yes
[ridden on a plane]:yes
[gotten seasick]:no
[had things remind you of people]:yes
[zoned out for a long time]:yes
[fallen asleep during class]:no
[been called a bad name]:yes
[been overcomplimented]:ns
[formed a subparty at a really boring party]:yes
[been forced to do anything]:ya
[dissed plans with friends]:no
[told someone off then walked away with your head held high]:yes
[heard someone say theyre proud of you]:yes
[and now what]
[current time]:7:58
[now whatll you do]:find another quiz
[youre bored again, arent you]:not really
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long, great, beautiful, fun, rocking, funky survey
your name;:Iarisn
hair colour;:red
eye colour;:brown
hair length;:past shoulder
height;:5 something
home life
are your parents still together?:yes
if no, do you see both of them?:..
do you have any siblings?:yes
what are their names and ages?:brandon 18
do you have any step-parents?:no
do you have any step-siblings?:no
if yes, what are their names and ages?:..
do you have any children?:no
if yes, what are their names and ages?:..
do you have any pets?:yes
what kind?:dogs, cats
what are their names?:nick,shiloh,hercules,domino,spunky,alou
who do you live with?:my parents and my brother
love life
are you in a relationship?:yes
if not, how long have you been single?:..
if yes, how long has it been?:month
how many previous relationships have you had?:enough
why did they end?:because
do you see yourself marrying the one you're with?:no
are you a virgin?:no
if yes, are you waiting till marriage?:..
if no, how old when you lost it?:14
how many people have you slept with?:2
if you're single, do you like anyone?:..
if yes, have you told them?:..
book;:Stranger with My Face
movie;:Queen of the Damned
actor;:Ian M.
actress;:Sarah J.P.
chocolate bar;:whatchamacallit
pizza topping;:peperoni extra cheese
ice cream flavour;:pina caloda
school subject;:spelling lol
soft drink;:moutain ligtening/mello yellow
alcoholic drink;:pina caloda
smell;:cotton candy
tv show;:inuyasha
have you ever...
had sex?:yes
watched a disney film?:yes
been in a fight?:yes
been in hospital (for yourself)?:no
committed a crime?:no
been arrested?:no
been drunk?:yes
done drugs?:once
stolen from a friend?:no
betrayed someone?:no
been betrayed?:yes
been dumped?:yes
dumped someone?:yes
cheated on a partner?:no
been cheated on?:yes
done something and never told anyone?:yes
lied to your parents?:yes
intentionally did something you weren't allowed to do?:yes
do you....
have an ipod?:no
have a cellphone?:no
drive (legally)?:no
have your own car?:no
wear glasses/contact lenses?:yes
have a lot of friends?:yes
enjoy life?:sometimes
want to go on big brother?:no
watch a lot of tv?:yes
use myspace?:yes
use bebo?:no
use msn?:no
have a lot of cuddly toys?:dont use them
have a weird fetish?:maybe
who was the last person...
you hugged?:sam
you kissed?:lex
you talked to?:carolyn
you text messaged?:..
text messaged you?:..
you called?:grandma
who called you?:dave
you had sex with?:david
you said 'i love you' to?:alexia
you hit?:my brother
you lied to?:ns
you got angry at?:danielle
got angry at you?:ns
told you they hated you?:ns
what/when was the last....
thing you drank?:peach tea
thing you ate?:pizza
place you went?:grandmas
car you went in?:grandmas van
time you slept?:last night
time you brushed your teeth?:this afternoon
time you kissed someone?:the other day
time you had sex with someone?:ns
time you saw a friend?:yesterday
time you were on the phone?:today
time you went shopping?:ns
meal you prepared for someone else?:ns
thing you cooked?:ns
time you were drunk?:last weekend
time you danced?:ns
time you showered?:last night
cd you bought?:system of a down
song you sang?:ns
show you watched?:mad tv
word you said?:Hell I don't know
instant message you got?:ns
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Member Since: Apr 18, 2006
Last Login: Jul 12, 2011
Times Viewed: 2,896

Times Rated:325

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