
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Ethereal Being (31.27)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  blueeyedbaby
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Behind You!



Bite RisikaKadaris

Stalk RisikaKadaris


You tame your own life....make whats bad good...charish whats good forever.

Buried at PhotoCasket.com

I am 16 years old. I am currently going to a bording school called Milton Hershy School. -_- I roleplay and my roleplaying chara is named Risika so I desided to use her name on this site...read the book called 'In the Forests of the Night' by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. It is a wonderful book that I think anybody might enjoy. There are other many good books by her.

My favorite bands? Well I listen to rock...some of my favorite bands are: Papa Roach, Evenesence, Korn, Slipknot, Sysetm of the Down, Hawthorne Hights, Breaking Benjaman, Three Days Grace, Styx, AFI, Disterbed GACKT!!!! and many other bands but you get the point ^^;

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Things I hate:....People who lie, People who judge before they get to know somebody, people who annoy me, people who hate me, people who don't understand me, people who have huge egos, people that have WAY too much pride....

Things I love: My friends, my music, my brother, poetry, reading, writing...um....dogs, wolves, dragons, (Blah, blah, blah)


You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all. What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?


Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!

This is a random poem that me and my friend made together...me mostly >__>;

The Voice Inside Your Head
I'm the voice in your head,
Telling you, you look like you're dead.
Did you remember to set the alarm system last night?
Did you remember to turn on your light?
There's a killer in your closet,
Now you know you've lost it.
Your sitting on your bed,
While you rip your hair from your head.
Your screaming while you bleed,
Look at that...you cut your wrists,
It seems...
The killer is standing in your doorway,
My voice rings out of his mouth, 'I'm here to stay...'
You tilt your head and look at me odd,
I disappear...
Oh God!
You realize its only Monday...
I'm here to stay,
For four more days.
You sit there, your eyes blank...
Your in a daze.
I promise to leave...
When the weekend comes.
Oh...but I also promise to be back...
When the week begains
So I wreck havoc again...
For I am the voice inside your head.

What Is Your Inner Desire?

death causes many things death happened for you at a young age. But what you lack in shortness of life, you make for in anger. Your strong sense in character, made you untrustworthy and uncanny to be around.
How do you compare?
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How Randomly Cute Is Your Personality?

Evil Cute
Evil Cute
Your personality proves to be an evil kind of random cute! Don't worry its a good thing... the gummy bears wont kill you... yet.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

Another poem that I did is called Storms...when I wrote this poem...I was just angry at the world, actually It was supposed to be a song but I changed it, sorta, to be like a poem. One of my friends said he was going to use the poem as a song so...yeah...I hope I get money from it >.>; I doubt it though....Okay...so...


Storms of my mind,
Surrounding my eyes.
Thoughs raging thorugh,
On small things.
Twisiting like a tornado,
Screaming like a hurricane.
I'm being held down,
By these iron chains.

Oh these wars raging in my mind,
Keeping me from smiling.
These storms are damaging my pride,
It seems to me you've died...

Blizards howl,
The thunder growls.
My tears fall,
The rain calls...
Me to the center of my mind,
Smothered in darkness,
Untill the pounding of my heart becomes...
So dull,
I feel that I have died.

Oh these storms in my mind,
Keeping me from smiling.
These storms daminging my pride,
Your just staring as I'm dieing.

The winds howl,
I know now...
You never were there.
A figment of my imagination,
Just empty air.

You are the storm,
You caused the storm,
You caused my death.
You laughed...
As I took my last breath.

Oh these wars raging in my mind,
Keeping me from smiling.
These demons in my head,
The storms in my mind...
Damaging my pride,
To you It seems I am dead.

Okay...enough with the pictures now -_-; I'm gonna tell you alittle more about myself...First off...I'm Irish....and German and proud to be both ^^; (Irish rocks!)
I love friends like family and try my hardest to see them smile...I can naturally tell when my friends are not alright...even if they never smile. It's easy to tell, so if any of my friends read this profile...you can't hide from me!! O_O; When I am depressed and stuff I listen to my music to calm me down or I write my poetry. As you can see I love to write poems. Some of my favorite things are:

Listen to music
Listen to my friends problems (I am a natural listner so if anybody has problems you can talk to me -^_^-)
Hang out with friends
Talk to my brother (He is an '07' grad)
Draw (I try to draw -_-; )
Um...I play games -^_^- some of my favorite games are:
Final Fantasy VII
Devil May Cry3,2
(O.o; Thats about it)
Thats about it...I really dont have much else to talk about...so...yeah..
What is your spirit animal?

Wolf Spirit
Wolf Spirit
Your spirit animal is the wolf.
Loyal, protective, quick-witted and polite.
The spirit of the wolf is a powerful one, but maybe not so much on a physical level. The soul of the wolf goes beneath the skin, straight to the heart. A wolf spirit need only keep those he loves close, and keep those he fears closer.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

This is for my friends to see....Now you know your chillin with a freak >_>;;

You are 33% normal


You not normal. In fact, you are a weirdo. Although you still have the potential to fool people into thinking you are normal. They will certainly be in for a rude awakening none the less.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

This tooke me by suprise...I would have thought I was a purple or something like that >.>


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!

Member Since: Mar 22, 2007
Last Login: Nov 30, 2008
Times Viewed: 5,925

Times Rated:401

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