
Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Shadow (10.71)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  July 16, 1984
Age:  39

canada BC


Bite Simzarian

Stalk Simzarian



"I am he who hath entrusted his soul to the eternal vortex of time" Lezard Valeth

AAA welcome I see you must have taken a wrong turn as few people would come here on
perpous *a man sitting at a bench in front of viles and tubes and odd coloured
things that drip, looks up at you and adjusts his glasses from the far side of the
room that is dimmly lit by several oil lamps* well since your still here and have
not left guess you want to know a little about me ? heh .. well might as well I
am just waiting on these to finish here anyways.

*he turns on his seat to face you arms crossed as steam and smoke rise up
behind him* well admitidly I dont think I am alltogether all here ... not sure if
I ever was.Then again I look around and see a lot is not alltogether there as is
it often makes me wounder. I have grown up my whole life frustrated I have had this
overwhelming urge to do something great and yet have as of now been unabole to realy
it makes me rather annoyed at times and feel incompatent and incapabole. I am a witch
from a long lign of witches and yes a male witch is a witch and our abilitys have been
passed down through the generations sadly my moms side has been a little bit cut off as
we where esenchaly shunned cas of my grandmother who was an evil person who abused her
powers. our familys tallent happens to be weather controll this might sound laughabole
to some but it realy is one of the more dangerous tallents to have and even more hard to
controll properly. *leans back in his stool thinking about what he might say next as
a hailstorm seems to pickup outside*

I dabble a little right now in alchemy ... err hold on a second *something seems to have
boiled over onto the bunson burnner behind him* err drat now its ruined.. oo dont worry
its just a cup of tea I was makeing, But as I was about to say I dont go in too deep
into the alchemic arts ...due to the fact I have limited funds and have yet to figure
out how to turn lead into gold *laughs* ok perhaps a bad joke but still. one of my
*he gets up and walks across the room to a small cabnet passing by a table full of
bluprints* aaa I see you noticed those *he quickly scoops them up and puts them away
they happen to be one of my current big projects that I am hopeing works out it is
to be the attempt to craft a practical airship something more usabole then hot air
ballons but still stays in the air for a long time and dose not run on fossle fules.
I can hear people saying now "we already got airplains we dont need those" well gass
wont last forever and will probobly be gone within my own lifetime ... and as such if
I want to fly I need another method unless i take to flying a broom *he points to a
corner full of broken brooms* I dont think thats happening any time soon.

*he finaly finishes cleaning up the table and goes back over to the cupboard and pulls
out some milk and surger for the ruined tea* might as well not waist it. anyway
One of the other areas my family specializes in happens to be kitchen witchery which
mixes quiet well with alchemy for the creation of potions poisons or even just good
eats. ok I know some of you are saying "simz ... thats retarded realy kitchen
witchery ?" well dont mock it mates its some powerfull stuff and has allowed me to
learn a great deal about herbs as well. my Devining skills happen to be something I
dont use often not because i am bad at them but rather because they frighten me what
I normaly can see... and I have never been abile to see anything good i only ever see
bad events comming to pass and this is trubolesome but my powers cant be all that bad
as I have also an unateral tallent at makeing things grow ... I have been abile to
make just about anything I touch grow *asumeing its actualy something that grows of

hmm whats that ? you wana know whats in that side room ? well its off limits
it happens to be my shrine where I worship. who do I worship ?? welll
I happen to primarly be a dragon worshiper beeing dedicated to the goddess tiamat
followed closly by gaia the moon and then finaly fire I try my best to walk the
path these 4 goddesses wish for me though sometimes we have slight dissagreances
... and I often learn they where the ones who where right. *one of the tubes on
the far table he was working at explodes* oo dear not again *sighs and shrugs*
well I better clean up that mess before it eats through the floor again the
fumes are rather toxic so perhaps it is a good time for you to get going for
now... if you come again perhaps we can talk further if not it was interesting
enough to meet you.

A word to the wise
I do not generaly play well with others expesholy others who I do not wish to play with ... what dose this mean it means that while one person might try to take me and command me I will no only not follow orders but will do everything in my power to bring them down untill they
let me go. I will only follow and swear loyalty to those who
I myself choose. my loyalties my aligance my destiny is mine
to decide and nobody elses.

hmmmm an interesting man poped by earlyer for a visit it seemed... at least I think it was human ... it left a stamp which I asume is an important symble around here ... lets see if I can get it to work


ah ha ... there we go took a few trys *sweeps up the mess from incinerated failed attempts* but seems I managed to get this to work ... seems I got some stuff I need to learn here ... whats this do anyways ? *shrugs and places it on his wall across from the door* at the very least I am now safe if an epileptic enters my room *cackles*

Member Since: May 14, 2011
Last Login: Aug 17, 2011
Times Viewed: 2,181

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Mar 28, 2022

MistressofChains was here

Mar 04, 2020

Psychic Vampire and Mystery Author...

Apr 11, 2019
You have been visited and fairly rated by Ylvax. Enjoy the darkness.


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