
Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Vexer (13.19)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?



Bite aKillerCraving

Stalk aKillerCraving


i'm always wanting you

If you live in Fayetteville, NC. PLEEEEAAASE come save me! I'm so damn bored in this town! haha

Click banner for pictures (it will bring you to another website)

The link only works when it wants to, apprantly, so this is the number you call to leave me a message :)
Code: *6484437

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fisrt off let me say HIIIII!!!! YAAAAAYYY! Someone came to visit me! WHOHOO! (haha)
well....okay....Im Jessi/ Gypsy Jack/ A Killer Craving/ NoOneIsAll...i've got more than one personality living in my head, i think. im not a goth or an emo or a prep or whatever. i'm a little of everything...pro'bly the most un-biased, open minded people you'll ever meet.
I love to laugh. Joking is the best relief for me. Me and my brother were actually asked to leave the room at my Memre's funeral 'cause we were lauging so hard.
I don't believe in having ton of flashy pictures and stuff on my profile. I do have a few buttons (duh, they're at the top of the page. Even though this page is simple, it doesn't mean I didn't put any effort.
I'm adding to this a little more everytime I think of something, so bare with me 'till I get it right.
Family is very important to me. You'll see pictures of them below. I took a few of the presented photos myself. (you'll know 'cause there were be a few **** next to them.) and though they aren't the best, I'm still very proud of them. So yeah, intro is over. enjoy the rest of my profile.

I just moved to Fayetteville. Its so weird living here after living up north my entire life. Its kinda depressing- they don't have coffee milk here. :( I have to have my mom send down coffee syrup, haha.


My yahoo IM name is nooneisall. Feel free to add me. But be warned, i'm a crapy conversationalist no matter how hard I try (haha)

I'm terribly moody. Up and Down. But I try to remain optimistic.

This is my mom and my real father asking her to marry him.


This is my father, his skany girlfriend Weeeeendy (whore). She's holding my 1/2 brother Arther. The other kids from left to right are: my little brother Josh, my little sister Brianna, my half sister Deseriee, and my half brother Charlie.


This is me. I can dress myself. haha


My mama, when she got her GED


My father, right before he died

My mam and my stepfather


(You survied though the flash backs! Haha)

my loves are photography and singing/writing....but since i'm not all that great at them i'm hesitant about making a job outta either one.
i love to pick people's brains and hear all the odd stories they have to tell...(so if you're a weirdo and wana share lemme know)

This is the rollercoast across the street from my mom's house. When I lived with her, I'd see this from my bedroom window.



Even though I have no objection with listening to people vent their problems, I do have a problem with people bitching about nothing. That's right, you little emo "im gonna kill my self cuz that gurl said i wuz uglee" or "my parents dont luv me cuz the didn't buy me thoze pantz i wantd frm Hot Topic." please, just shut the fuck up. When you've lived in homeless shelters and had to stay in battered women's home 'cause your father was trying to git your family, or lose 5 people you loved dearly in 4 years, then have your father OD on christmas and as result watch your mom fight not to be commited to a looney bin and then, to top it all off have your step father drop out on you and become a coke head just like your real dad, then you can say you wanna die. Your life ain't so bad now is it? good! so shut the FUCK UP!....if you're gonna bitch, let it be for a reason. as long as it's a good reason, then awsome, bitch away!!! I'm all ears for ya!

I am taken (and no, I'm not so concited as to think that everyone wants me and that I'm the sexiest thing to grace this world)...so no, I won't send you dirty pics. Just cause I parade around in a corset or that I have pictures of me soaking wet, doesn't mean I'm cheap. If you ask, or make dirty comments, hubby will take care of you. (awww..he's so sweet)

He is a solider and a gun obsessive. He's also a comic book nut. and he's a Jessi fanatic. (haha)





I love pic comments, though. Critsims, critiques...maybe even a little praise...haha... all comments will be returned.

What I Like

water (rain) bitting, kissing, Mirko, horror, comedy, pratical jokes, phantom of the opera, silence of the lambs, LABYRINTH! the forbidden zone, the united states of leland, die mommy die, the rocky horro picture show, the fifth elememnt, tank girl, edward scissorhands, charlie and the chocolate factory, donnie darko, the lion king...., are you being served, dog the bounty hunter, the stephen king mini series KINGDOM HOSPITAL, CSI Miami, INVADER ZIM!!!!! Pan's labyrinth

This is my younger brother (leftm duh) and my baby sister (right) They are the world to me. (I think I love them more than anyone....even hubby, but he understands.) They are two of the most amazing, strong and true people I have ever met. We have litterally been through hell together. And no matter how much I mess up, they always tell me I'm a good girl. We three children are the kindest, most accpeting people you'll ever know. But mess with one of us...you mess with the whole damn Clan. (yeah, that's right. Outsiders have dubbed our family The Goodwin Clan.) Be forewarned! GRRRRRR!!!! haha



What I Don't Like

Let's Try Not To Be So Negative. I'm Sure You Can Figure Out What I Detest


My Musical Tastes

Type o Negative, avenged7 fold, fiona apple, aerosmith, christina aguilera, aqua, abk, awilhelmscream, alien antfarm, backstreet boys, david bowie, brandy, mary j. blige, brand new, bnl, big ears, black sabbath, burnt by the sun, borknagar, bjork, breaking benjamin, daniel bendingfield, blink182, buju banton, tracy chapman, cradle of filth, the cure, dark lotusm drean, drop kick murpheys, 3 doors down, the decemberists, the doors, dream theatre, darft punk, disturbed, 3 day's grace, the darkness, dixie chicks, krishna das, def leppard, evenescene, eminem, electric wizard, eve, fort minor, 5 for fightng, flyleaf, fallout boy, gc, godsmack, the gorillaz, greenday, googoo dolls, him, hootie and the blowfish, hawthorn hieghts, indigo girls, icp, kid rock, kittie, killswitch engage, the killers, korn, linkin' park, lamb of god, avril lavigne, mobb deep, modest mouse, my chemical romance, megadeath, madonna, miss angie, alanis morisette, manson, metallica, nightwish, nickleback, nin, nirvana, no doubt, otep, ozzy, outcast, the offspring, pink floyd, pearl jam, puddle of mudd, primus, plum, pod, panic at the disco, pink, Queen, rem, rush, rage against the machine, revis, rammstein, stained, slipknot, sum41, system of a down, smashing pumpkins, simple plan, stone temple pilots, shikira, sting and the police, gewn stefanni, skindred, seether, sublime, ashlee simpson, britney spears, twizted, tatu, shania twian, today is the day, u2, the used, von bondies, the wallflowers, weezer, rob zombie, the vervepipe, the crashtest dummies, garbage, missing person, nonpoint, blood for blood.....pretty much anything you can think of


kay....well...i'm done stealing your life away with my words.

____Jessi_____ oh yeah. ya can leave me a voice comment (even though i know you won't) I'ma weirdo, I like to hear people's voices....


You are The Moon

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.

The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

(I have Just Stolen Your Soul)

***If you're going to add me to your friends list, let me know so I can do the same. If you're not brave enough to tell me, then don't bother to add me

Member Since: May 16, 2008
Last Login: Jun 26, 2011
Times Viewed: 4,089

Times Rated:343

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