Telling the difference between being paranoid and premonitions
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Enchanter (80)
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22:01:46 Jul 16 2007
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I have always been able to have premonitions. Though I'm not so sure now, that that's what I am having. I have always had dreams, and some of the time the dreams mean something or come true. A lot of my "premonitions" are from my gut though. i get a lot of feelings in my chest and belly when something is about to happen. I don't always know what it will be, but usually I do. For example, if my mom tells me she is going somewhere I might get a bad feeling she will run into someone she doesn't want to see, and then she does.

I always listen to my gut. But lately Ive been getting these bad feelings ALL the time. about everything in my life. My girlfriend went out of town today and all day my stomach was in knots because i felt something would happen to her on the plane. I don't know why i felt it. but she called me an hour ago and she landed safely.

So my question to you all is, how can you tell the difference between being paranoid and actually having a valid bad feeling? before i was never wrong, but lately Im starting to just be paranoid.

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22:05:16 Jul 16 2007
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You can't.. So what you do is you keep in mind what your feeling is. You go on with your life, but keep aware of the events surrounding your life. Only by doing that can you find if this feeling is true or false.

I myself often have that problem.. I go with what my heart and soul tell me. And keep good watch on my surroundings and all. But I don't let it stop me.

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22:08:08 Jul 16 2007
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Also, if your beloved ones are the cause of this distress, you may be getting forwarnings far ahead of when the damage will occur or whatever the harmfull, bad situation is.

Another thing, if she was upset with something, and she is very dear to you, which i will dare to assume she is, you could have been feeling her feelings.

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Hellion (73)
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22:08:52 Jul 16 2007
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i know exactly where you are coming from. it's the same for me, i used to have accurate precognition and reliable gut feelings, but in the past few years i've found it has been simple paranoia most of the time. it's difficult to tell the difference between a true warning and an expression of our fears. the more our premonitions come true, the more we listen to them, and the paranoid we become every time we feel that little twinge of apprehension. it goes with the territory. worry,fear, apprehension - they all manifest in the same way as premonition or precognition, so it becomes a learned response.

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Hellion (73)
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22:09:23 Jul 16 2007
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ok.... because you have been having preminitions since the time you were young you get used to the fact that something is going to happen one way or another

you are not being paranoid at all...you are ....how should i put this....over protective of those around you because when your gut is saying "hey something bad is going to happen" then you listen to it and kind of warn someone about what you feel
its nothing bad just a warning sign that wont turn off
it doesnt mean not to keep listening to it, but just to be precautious when the time comes

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22:11:52 Jul 16 2007
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Thats another very good point I failed to realize, my apologys for that.. I need to keep that in mind more often than i do myself. Hahah.

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23:21:57 Jul 16 2007
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when you start to doubt yourself it is because your growing and getting more cautious of things, so everything seems to be different to you. Just relax and go with your instints,*gut feelings* they are usually correct. I would say you really love her and the seperation of you too is just over bearing your true senses. just my opinion.

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Scrounger (4)
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23:23:54 Jul 16 2007
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You really cant tell the difference sweetie but keep your feeling with you and move on with life it will be hard but it will hit you when you are suppose to know

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23:35:37 Jul 16 2007
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You can't really tell the difference between them. The only thing you can do when you have a premonition, even if it's a false one, is to just be cautious and aware.

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Royal Sire (234)
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23:50:37 Jul 16 2007
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I agree with TheAlmighty13 i dont think you could tell the diffrence, but if you do have a bad feeling go with it, it might be nothing but it might be something...

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Hellion (73)
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01:12:04 Jul 17 2007
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You can't, really. You just have to trust yourself and keep your eyes open.

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01:27:47 Jul 17 2007
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with age comes wisdom, but i've found that second guessing myself is also becomming a problem. if you find how to tell the difference please let me know.

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Unregenerate (63)
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01:51:49 Jul 17 2007
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i agree with poesraven. a way i learned to tell the difference with mine are, if i see the same thing more than three times, it's more than likely true. so far none of my premonitions, precognitions, or gut feelings have been wrong, and i hopethey never do. just keep your head up .

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01:55:45 Jul 17 2007
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The only thing you can do when you have a premonition, even if it's a false one, is to just be cautious and aware. We always get alittle more worried when it involve a loved one. Just go with the instinct.

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Royal Sire (212)
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02:58:00 Jul 17 2007
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at one point you cant really tell the difference, I got the same, I got the feeling at one point I will call my mom, or tell the person I am talking to that they have to becarefull for this or that and 2/3 something is hapening and they ask me how I know, but it does not happen all the time, as 1/3 is a false feeling. I guess its becuase you are constantly on guard

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Pain Giver (55)
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06:07:03 Jul 17 2007
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My sister gets premonitions and she goes by her gut feelings too . But sometimes these are just warning signs to look out for. Just recently she had a bad feeling something was going to happen to our Aunt and it did she had a stroke.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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07:24:53 Jul 17 2007
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Premonitions are great if they can be trusted. If you have a history of being able to forecast events, wonderful for you.

Paranoia is a real issue to deal with.

If you can't tell the difference, seek professional help.

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09:00:06 Jul 17 2007
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I would say take a step back and try not to worry about possible outcomes.

Practice makes perfect as they say.

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03:15:22 Jul 18 2007
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I know how you feel, I can't always tell the difference. Just relax with it, take deep breaths, and re-group. Sometimes it's just nerves, and after that you might feel better.

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Exasperater (20)
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04:04:56 Jul 18 2007
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Have you tried keeping a journal of when you have these gut feelings, how you felt the gut feeling and what if anything happened later on? This may help you to keep track and be able to start telling the difference between a reaction and pay attention to this. Some people only receive one foretelling feeling/dream.

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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06:02:35 Jul 18 2007
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there is a myriad of reasons that we sometimes get preminitions that dont seem to pan out. it could be that our knowledge and thought/energy manipulation/etc could have changed the due course. also preminitions can be not forseeing, but sometimes memories. echoes from other lives or times in the past or even forseeing in the future, things that are not connected directly to the present time, but to the situation it represents.

just my thoughts..

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06:18:57 Jul 18 2007
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Darkest Greetings...

Well... erring is natural...and there might be some reason or reasons why it seems like paranoia...
relying only on your gut is not always good...
just saying...

Cordially yours, Lord Markus

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06:22:40 Jul 18 2007
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being paranoid i guess you'd be scared of certain things and promonitions you see things before they happen if i'm right

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09:12:17 Jul 18 2007
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sometimes your premonitions can be distracted and turn into worries and thats when you need to stop..step back...and clear yourself so that you don't get confused

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Enchanter (80)
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14:43:50 Jul 19 2007
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What great feedback everyone. I need to learn how to just be aware of things and not let them bother me to the point where i get anxiety over something that may or may not even happen. I get that from my mom... she worries too much. And i have problems with losing people that i love... I think that plays a role in it too. I fear that loving someone too much will hurt me more if i ever lose them. (from family to friends) and that runs deep from my childhood too i think.

My girl returns home sunday night. I cant wait :O)

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Nihilist (19)
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19:45:16 Jul 19 2007
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Just keep track of you feelings and see which comes true or not. Then you'll know what feeling is right or wrong.

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01:23:22 Jul 20 2007
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I don't know enough about your situation to know if this applies but here goes...

If you simply begin feeling something w/o thinking about the issue, it is probably real. However, maybe in a subconscious attempt to control and hone your intuitions, you begin coming up with fears of what could happen, not feelings about what will. You really just need to, as others have said, find the difference between the feelings when you are worried and the intuitions that are real.

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03:44:01 Jul 20 2007
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is dreams of death bad?

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Disciple (53)
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09:44:17 Jul 20 2007
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being parinoid is a more of a feeling premenitions are things you see...and they tend to happen

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12:47:11 Jul 21 2007
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i think paranoya can occur when one worries or thinks to much or is even fearfull of such things if you keep calm and a cleared mind your premonitions should be acurate.

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Enchanter (80)
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17:50:48 Jul 22 2007
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I think thats exactly what it is. i am worrying so much that it is clouding what i know. I never used to be so afraid of things. i dislike aging. i think its making me a wuss.

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17:54:25 Jul 22 2007
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I have premontions in my dreams. I see things which would happen the next day or maybe the next month. I saw my grandpa die and then next month, i went to see him, and he died in front of me, like he did in my dream.

It scared me, but when i told my parents, they said not to say such a thing. I told my friend LiritLeBoursier and she believed me. I think she maybe the only one i can trust

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Diabolist (91)
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17:59:03 Jul 22 2007
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I think that being paranoid stems from a fear that anything will go ba or someone or something has to be out to get you.

The difference between that and the other is that paranoia is not going to be a rational fear. It is rather rational to think a murderer on the loose may kill again. It is not rational to think someone walking by you in the grocery store is going to kill you. The only way that would be a rational thought would be if some condition was present that made you think they were going to do something.

Gut instinct will tell you if something is wrong. Sometimes you cannot put your finger on it, sometimes you can. Paranoia has nothing to do with gut instinct.

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Firebrand (79)
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19:53:16 Jul 22 2007
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I dont belive you can tell the difference but i think deep down inside you know the difference but its not always easy.I think you go forward and be weary

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Sire (108)
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22:17:26 Jul 22 2007
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This is something many people need to think about. Premonition and paranoia... I think every circumstance should be weighed individually... that would help in deciding if you are just being paranoid or not have to pay for the crimes of others (what usually happens with paranoia).

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22:52:52 Jul 22 2007
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i have had dreams that later on the dream had come true, which sounds scary ...

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Iconoclast (93)
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00:34:19 Aug 15 2007
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I too have had dreams that come true and yes some were scary. As to being parinoid or having premonitions well that is something that can work both ways.

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00:38:21 Aug 15 2007
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I'm thinking that maybe you're becoming paranoid because of the fact that all your "premonitions" have come true, & it's starting to take over & make you nervous

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Chimera (90)
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02:34:24 Aug 15 2007
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Personally... take a step back... Breathe... "There is nothing wrong with what is going on...."...... I have to agree with what everyone else has stated.... you've had the gift long enough to know what is a premonition and what isn't... I know that contradicts your original post but it's true.... now you need to learn the difference between passion/love and your gut feeling.... they are two seperate things....

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04:39:32 Aug 15 2007
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im gonan agree with ravenknight & almighty13 i dont think you can tell
go with your thoughts be carefull just incase it is something

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Antagonist (37)
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04:46:20 Aug 15 2007
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Im a very paranoid person.. and usually I get these weird feelings. I dont have premonitions but I think that maybe I can help you in a way. I think that maybe you should pay attention to your body`s feelings.. like a tingling in the back. I know when I get paranoid thats what happens to me. But you never know it could work for you.

LUV: Des.tiny

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Royal Sire (234)
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05:54:25 Aug 15 2007
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Their is really no way to tell the two apart but as long as your paranoia does not get out of hand i do not think you have anything to worry about...

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Transgressor (54)
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08:19:31 Aug 15 2007
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I agree with most that there is no real way to tell, most cannot see things or even feel things that have to do with themselves, when it comes to others around them that they are real close with then your energy knows theirs so you can feel what they feel the only difference is if your so worried and the feeling is so bad that it almost makes you sick then yeah somthing may be wrong. The clearest is when it has to do with others that are not as close to you but even then there are times where you'll feel like somethings wrong with this person when really its some one else.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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08:23:11 Aug 15 2007
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Paranoia is a constant feeling that someone is after you or will punish you for whatever yo are doing. its like being chased by a ghost for no reason at all. its a mental illness which is very different from premonition in which you can foresee what is going to happen. you can feel that somethings happening or will happen.

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Elemental (77)
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09:33:12 Aug 15 2007
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Hmm when i have a premonition, i can tell. I get this really good feeling, or a really depressing feelng that comes over me. Like when Dale Earnhardt SR.'s car crashed into the wall at daytona, i got this really depressing feeling, and i said that something was wrong, he wasnt going to be okay....and it turned out he died

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Sire (106)
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11:58:09 Aug 15 2007
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karnstein.. You've hit the spot on somethng I feel, a lot!!

Ther is a fine line between these.. But if one foretells premonitions, often and found to be correct, it really IS difficult to pre-judge if the next will be paranoia OR another premonition.

It's a toughie.. and only really affirmed once the Nature of the premonition, OR paranoia attack, has occured.
Really interesting thread... thanks

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Sire (106)
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12:03:36 Aug 15 2007
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I've had a lot of premonitions, lately, before, i'd keep schtum about them, becasue I assumed I was bieng paranoid.. I either smile or I shit myself when The event comes about for real OR whatever it is I predetermine.

I have chosen to not be silent and to speak what I feel or forsee... SO far I have blown 2 people away with my accuracy, this week! hehe.. It's cool.

I was told to shut up, coz I was scaring them with my accuracy! LMAO. Ultimately , tho, It was cool, because they were forewarned ergo, forarmed.

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12:13:38 Aug 15 2007
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To put it simply Paranoid.
Some one that thinks someone or something is out to get them.
Premonition knows who or what is going to get them.

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Enchanter (80)
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15:30:10 Aug 15 2007
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i think your right destiny. i think that i need to find a way to tell the difference between the two emotions by paying attention to my body and its reactions. i had never thought of that.

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Sire (103)
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17:55:39 Aug 15 2007
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It would seem the only difference is whether or not you're proven right.

I'm sure both believe equally strong in the veracity of their thoughts, visions, fears but one is right and the other is crazy and until their dreams come to pass, no one knows which is which.

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Malefactor (67)
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01:57:22 Aug 24 2007
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I don't really know if you'll be able to tell the difference at first, maybe you should take a step back and give it some time.
But the only thing i can think of is if it realy is a premontion i think you'll know for definite, you get that instinct, maybe perhaps if this premontion hapen more than once then i think it is more than liekly to happen.
But if your not totally sure maybe this could be your parania, this could affect it all.
But then again wehn it comes to a loved one, you always feel anxious to know that their safe this could be one of those times?


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Firebrand (79)
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04:08:21 Aug 24 2007
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The only difference that I have noticed with my premonitions is if I ever question if I am right or not. If I act with resolve & no hesitation for a thought then its a premonition.
For instance if things: if I had a dream about a friend getting hurt & deep inside I know its gonna happen & I get a momentary void of emotion. I would advise said friend before I ever get conflicted of reality or disillusionment. But if I doubted myself at all theres a very high risk that it was merely paranoa (sp?).

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11:42:05 Aug 24 2007
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well I think paranoia is where you feel like something is about to happen and you are constantly worrying about it, but I thought that premonitions were when you actually see something happening in your mind before it happens.

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12:49:50 Aug 24 2007
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A little bit of Paranoia is always good....It keeps you on your toes but it's your mind working overtime out of fear capped with overly sensitive issues around you.
Prems are not felt necessarily out of fear but partially out of overly sensitive issues that lurk within the subconscious mind and are connected with you sixth sense, the sense that protects and warns and feels vibrations of emotion.

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Necromancer (96)
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14:40:15 Aug 24 2007
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I cant tell the difference but I know there real

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Revenant (41)
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14:42:29 Aug 24 2007
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i sometimes get flashes of whats going to happen in the next five minutes.
but most of the time i get it in dreams.

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14:43:37 Aug 24 2007
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You cant really. You just have to keep your guard up at all time's. I know what you going thru it happen's to me all the time.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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17:02:29 Aug 24 2007
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premonition is something you got in your gutts deep and real, paranoia is a medical situation, and most of the time you cant controle it, premonition you can control it.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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17:03:20 Aug 24 2007
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sorry to clarify one point,
you can control what your reaction to premonition and also what it will do to you, paranoia you cant, it controls you

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17:33:32 Aug 24 2007
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just a suggetion....anxiety meds might help you...? i was similiarly plagued by seemingly bad omens and got paranoided as hell...

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Premiere Sire (122)
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17:44:12 Aug 24 2007
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Put down the crack pipe and step away slowly... Seriously, delusions often escalate into very harmful situations

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04:25:04 Aug 25 2007
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Some times it hard to tell . I get premonitions too and sometimes they just seem to "crazy" to think that it could really happen . So when comes to being paranoid or not just take your gut feeling . I do .

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04:28:23 Aug 25 2007
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to me a permintion as always been a second thought. something that caused me pain. But i think that getting paranoid and that is... just a part of listening to it too much

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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04:43:28 Aug 25 2007
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I have had the same problem. For me, I have learned to focus on the time lines that each event causes. When I find the time line that I am on mentally, I try to focus on what will actually happen. Then I just use that to calm my nerves about such events. The same happens for De'ja Vu.

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Sire (109)
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06:23:34 Aug 25 2007
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My opinion is that if it's happening all the time, then you might be paranoid. Premonitions will usually happen in your sleep a lot, even if you don't remember them, your body will and kind of, bring them forth, when needed. Paranoid, well...we all get that...and that usually happens more often when you don't want to see someone you care about go somewhere alone, or you're coming in to a situation where you don't really know what to expect.

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Shade (32)
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07:14:43 Aug 25 2007
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I my self would like to learn the difference.

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11:12:54 Aug 25 2007
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I have had many premontions and i can tell the diffrence vetween me freaking out and me seeing sumthin,,lol

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Dybbuk (76)
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13:36:05 Aug 25 2007
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Like many have said you cant really tell the differnce, just be cautious.

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14:07:17 Aug 25 2007
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Never go against your instincts.they,re there for a reason.make a note of your premonitions.But always be careful.

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14:19:34 Aug 25 2007
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it is simpel to tell when you are getting a premanition there will be sighns to let you know you are on the right track if you are not seeing anything to confirm what you are fealling more than likley it is your mind playing tricks on you

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00:45:24 Aug 30 2007
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True. Be cautious. Never telling what will happen.

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01:40:26 Aug 30 2007
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Paranoia is based on random feelings. Premonitions are true visions of what will or could be. Sometimes it's hard to tell one from the other.

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Iconoclast (93)
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11:43:26 Sep 25 2007
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Way to go unigon that is one of the best ways to describe them. *W*

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Enchanter (80)
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16:37:07 Sep 25 2007
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wow the feedback on this has been amazing everyone. Thank you. I think from everything i realize now that im not going to be able to tell the difference. its more like making sure i dont let it get to me or give me anxiety. i cant spend time worrying about things. Ill miss out on so much more.

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Haunt (40)
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17:32:06 Sep 25 2007
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Really, being paranoid is like playing the What If Game. You get nervous and wonder about all the BAD stuff that COULD happen. Premonitions are the sense that you feel something is GOING to happen, good or bad. There is just a feeling of assurance that something is iminent (and maybe you can change it), where paranoia jst sort of takes over your brain and runs off with al sorts of scenerios.

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Nightmare (97)
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18:11:57 Sep 25 2007
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In my opinion, there is no difference between being paranoid and having a premonition, unless the premonition actually happens.

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Unregenerate (63)
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18:12:21 Sep 25 2007
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i am not so sure you can either hun but i know what you mean i have the same problem at times when i was about 14 i was sleeeping when i had a dream about my cousin rickey and he came to me and said he was dead. i wont up freakin out my mom ask what's wrong and i said something is wrong with rickey a few minutes later my brother came and said he had bad news my cousin died. So i have had the same premonions to sometimes they are dead on sometimes they are nothin. hope this help ya kissses&deadlybites always

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Premiere Sire (122)
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20:24:26 Sep 25 2007
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i have to agree with a few people. you cant really tellt he diffrence. but, keep an eye out, there's bound to be one to show up soon.

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Basilisk (92)
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20:43:41 Sep 25 2007
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Being paranoid is a condition, it borders on having a pyschosis...premonitions are different. They are totally different

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Basilisk (92)
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20:44:45 Sep 25 2007
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oops, what I meant to say the premonitions could be a mental gift. Paramoia is a mental affliction

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20:47:47 Sep 25 2007
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I know you personally and I know that things are getting better in your life, so I would say that it might be because you're scared they'll get bad again.

For anybody else, I would say listen to your head more to differentiate the feeling between paranoia and premonition.

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21:35:47 Sep 25 2007
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I wouldn't worry (although its hard not to) just try to look at it from a perspective that we all become engulfed in things sometimes, and cannot quite see things objectively. There are times when we are generally down, but we have the power of instinct to take our gut reaction and go with it, and I think that is something that, in this culture where we are completely reliant on others, that we do not forget.

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21:54:10 Sep 25 2007
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well sometimes you cant tell the difference, but i think the reason you're starting to feel paranoid is because you're used to having premonitions and gut feelings telling you that something will be wrong and since not a lot of things will go wrong at the moment your gut feelings arent used to that and it's just trying to conjure up those feelings so it can feel "normal" again

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Archfiend (57)
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00:15:16 Sep 26 2007
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You can't really tell the difference. Because not everyone is of sound mind and body. A logical explanation wouldn't be logical to a paranoid person.

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Great Sire (114)
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03:41:14 Sep 26 2007
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There is a big difference between the two things, however, telling the difference would be hard if there were some kind of mental imbalance that were interfering with a persons judgement.

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Archfiend (57)
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03:53:18 Sep 26 2007
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It's when you have a deep certainty that something will happen, without any reason to know. Like, if you're really sure that your friend's gonna die (many premonitions have something to do with death) TOMORROW, that's a premonition. But if someone told you that and you just forgot, it's not. Usually premonitions are the result of an overactive imagination or paranoia, especially bizarre ones. Of course, instinct is perfectly normal. Having a "hunch" is part of human nature. It's when you're absolutely positive that something, usually bad, will happen, without any real reason to think that way.

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Enchanter (80)
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04:48:24 Sep 27 2007
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Premonitions are weird. Human beings have evolved a bit from creatures that used their instincts and other senses.

We still hold these traits and they still work. This is what most people would call a gut feeling or a premonition.

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Royal Sire (234)
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18:43:11 Sep 27 2007
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Telling the difference between paranoia and premonitions would probably be a hard thing to do, i would just go with your gut feeling, i do not see how it could hurt anyone if you did...

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Charmer (84)
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18:57:53 Sep 27 2007
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The line ismost thin. Do not doubt your abilities or good intentions for others. Gifted people are always theobject of other peoples jealousy and pettiness. Be true to you and make the best of a very special gift.

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18:59:51 Sep 27 2007
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It's important to trust your instincts. Listen to how you feel inside, and act accordingly.

Either you end up behaving like an idiot or you actually do the right thing...

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19:01:21 Sep 27 2007
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That's true, and its better to act like an idiot and be wrong than to not do anything out of fear of acting like an idiot and then you be right.

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20:46:34 Sep 27 2007
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Reading thru the thread I have gotten the impression that you are stressed and that will affect your premonitions. Try and set some time to just you self and lay on you bed with complete silence and focus on you.. theat should help you clear things up... it alwasy works for me.

Love and miss you


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Bestial Spirit (27)
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21:58:08 Sep 27 2007
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I have had premonitions through my dreams twice.

It started about a month ago.

First was I would find something I was missing and looking for under my bed.

(Dream told me what it was, I'm just not stating what it was. Just clariying.)

When I awoke, I looked there.

Second was that I would meet my current boyfriend at the mall.'

Next day I went, and met him.

I don't believe in coincedences when it comes to premonitions.

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19:33:59 Oct 19 2007
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being paranoid is getting feelings about something happening

having a premonition is actually seeing something happening

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Lusus Naturae (45)
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19:59:08 Oct 19 2007
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im not sure im so fucked up right now
i have no clue if its one or the other

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Sire (103)
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20:12:58 Oct 19 2007
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Take a step back and breath deeply. There is no real way to accurately examine if these gut feelings are premonitions or just a hightened sense of paranoia. Many times our sense can fool us into believing that a certain outcome is inevitable.

The inclinations you recieve are coloring what we see in your life. If you let the gut feelings take over, than you are not in control of your gift nor are you able to distinguish between what is a real premonition and what is merely a bad egg sandwhich.

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04:55:30 Oct 20 2007
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not everyone can get used to their premonitions i never could but everytime i have had one its always something bad like a friends parent dieing or my parent dieing....just some cant get used to it and wish they never had it

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Marplot (14)
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05:17:11 Oct 20 2007
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theres no real way of telling

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Venerable Sire (131)
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07:59:28 Oct 20 2007
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I get feelings of something that is going to happen,at the same time,sometimes I tend to get paranoid.

In that case I wonder if the bad stuff happens because it was going to happen and I felt it,or I made it happen because of my paranoia.

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Nightmare (97)
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12:24:21 Oct 20 2007
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Really this is a difficult one, like asking, am I mutated or evolved?

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12:24:21 Oct 20 2007
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