CitizenX's Journal


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12 entries this month

05:52 Aug 31 2015
Times Read: 552

As long as it's not a game of wits, I'll play with you, but I refuse to take advantage of your handicap. lulz




02:31 Aug 27 2015
Times Read: 665

ok ok so I've given it a little thought and here is what I've come up with.

You see this:

As being the same as this:

and you see this:

As being the same as THIS

See how fucking stupid that even begins to sound? and the morons who are rushing in to support you don't even stop to put 2 and 2 together about it. You can fix ignorance but stupid is forever.

Wait....wait, ok maybe I can see it a little now

No still can't get my head that far up my ass. lulz



04:10 Aug 27 2015

I love this... this is spot on...

09:06 Aug 27 2015

LMAOOOO!! i love your journal posts...keep them coming. i think you should get all the honors


23:54 Aug 26 2015
Times Read: 716


Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me? You are honestly going to sit there behind your computer and equate people taking away some imaginary, nonexistent VIRTUAL number to a group of ARMED Islamic terrorist. At first I just thought you were stupid but now, now you've proven not only are you fucking retarded but you're ignorant and self absorbed also.

oh and btw, I doubt any of them taking your honor give enough of a shit about you to not like you in the first place. lulz



00:26 Aug 27 2015

I agree with you oh no not another website that bans me...getting banded is like getting a badge in cub scouts for the first amendment ...my page sucks bro I'll be honest....


21:54 Aug 22 2015
Times Read: 805

You are not fooling anyone gramps. What happened to all that righteous indignation and disgust over the site becoming a festering den of maladjusted wackos, extremists and the delusional?

Didn't you say YOU were better than all this? and the slap on your wrist made the leaving of VR permanently all the easier?

You took the first step now man up and have the courage of your convictions and keep with it or bring your profile back and shut the fuck up. Stop pussy footing around, you just look foolish.




15:08 Aug 22 2015
Times Read: 865

So, like yeah. Because I'm like all clean and sober and shit it soooo totally didn't take me the last 20 days to come out of a drug and alcohol induced haze enough that I could remember parts of what I think, maybe happened on my birthday before all the money and gifts I got were used for quick fixes.

But yeah like I think parts of that happened or like it all could have been shit from tv that I was watching while doped out of my head and not changing Baby Mary's (my daughter) diaper. OH btw did I mention I started a gofundme a while back so I can pretend to be using whatever you chumps will send me for things to make her life better? You should so check it out.




16:42 Aug 22 2015

I wonder what social services would say if they see that she can't afford her kid... or if she can afford the kid, and she is just spending all the money on "other essentials".

Makes me sad when I read things like this, because had that child been adopted, it would (generally speaking) be a normal child. Now it's going to grow up impoverished and poor, and that's sad.


08:15 Aug 19 2015
Times Read: 949

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone and another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Hey I'm gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust




20:19 Aug 18 2015
Times Read: 1,028

Come on Buttercup, you are going have to do better than some imaginary numbers.

Amaze me with your intellectual prowess, dazzle me with your ability to cleverly craft witty satirical insults at the drop of a hat.

Mesmerize me with the depths of your thought provoking insights and remarks. Entertain me ... or just go away already. lulz




18:42 Aug 18 2015
Times Read: 1,050

On a lighter note -

WE the people of VR demand to know why our appointed admin are unable ... NO, strike that UNWILLING to fulfill their obligations to us.

I for one demand more sunshine and fucking hookers from now on from the Regents.



20:44 Aug 18 2015

God dammit, C. I'm a Regent not a magician!

aaaaaaaaaaaand.. I'm keepin all the hookers for myself. In the closet. Chained up with..... the lotion.

21:36 Aug 18 2015

In the closet with the lotion? you mean like UpirLikhyj? LULZ

21:37 Aug 18 2015

Wish I had known this when I was recruiting Hookers for the coven I was in. I got scolded.

00:23 Aug 19 2015

Dakotah- Hookers need Covens, just like any 'ol regular person on here. Don't let anyone deny you the right to hooker-ege induction!

Hell, Obscurity runs a coven and she's a big 'ol hooker. I know this for a fact since... since my other personality. hah ;)


16:28 Aug 18 2015
Times Read: 1,076

Well wasn't that just extremely predictable.

Lord 'High on himself' talks a lot of shit about the quality of the site, the people who call it home as well as the volunteers who try and keep it up in running order then makes the symbolic threat of leaving the site because it's obviously below his standards, now that he was slapped on the wrist for something, but in the end DOES NOTHING and makes himself out to be more of an ignorant pompous asshole then before.

Congratulations and before you go into some long winded puff-up about all your achievements let me say - I just don't care. I'm sure all your published notes on vampires and invitations to some second rate conferences filling the back rooms of some low cost hotel all look wonderful in that home research office of yours with only two employees. It means jack shit though. Any hack can get shit published anymore, I mean fuck look at NellMorgan here on the site, shes batshit crazy and has a published book for sale on Amazon. The visual media is even worse - "Vampires" and "Researchers" appearing on Ricki Lake, Tyra Banks, Vanessa and more.

Point being, it doesn't take a lot to be able to build up every achievement you want to try and use to make yourself seem better then anyone here. It's all meaningless if you are a dickhead about it.




07:06 Aug 17 2015
Times Read: 1,151

Yep, no drama at all until you get a tap on the wrist for breaking the rules then you turn into King twatwaffle riding in on your menstrual cycle. lulz

Well quit the yappin and get a pack'in then m'lord highntight. No reason for such a "dignified" "vampire" researcher like yourself to continue slumdogging it with the rest of us delusional inmates.

Do us a favor as you "leave VR permanently" though, let the virtual door hit you where the good lord split ya.




15:18 Aug 14 2015
Times Read: 1,216

So would that be the same library that has asked you twice so far to leave and not return? The same one that said you and your child were disturbing others? Gotta love how shit like this happens when you are places you shouldn't be.




06:11 Aug 15 2015

I have an illness, and I'd never wish it on someone. Goes to show what sort of a person she is when, as an ex addict, she says she wishes the person overdoses. She of all people, who claims to have done terrible things for money for drugs, should know better.

16:19 Aug 15 2015

Please. LULZ she's not an "ex" addict; she's the only person who believes she's clean now. How else could you possibly explain her constant erratic behavior? Additionally, she's delusional beyond words.

Honestly though, her daughter's future looks bleak. As if having a bat-shit mother isn't bad enough, she'll likely grow up thinking libraries are ominous. That's just what we need, another illiterate child.

By the way, who leaves their iPhone in a baby's possession? Oh, that's right...Mary!


19:50 Aug 02 2015
Times Read: 1,298

So let me get this straight you went back to the library you were kicked out of PERMANENTLY back in June and you are surprised and upset over being told you have to LEAVE?

Just when I started to think you couldn't get any fucking stupider then you already were you amaze me with new levels of ear biting greatness. I hope to fucking god the next time you step on that property they call the cops to have you removed and issue a notice of trespass.



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