CitizenX's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


18 entries this month

21:25 Oct 26 2015
Times Read: 540

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone and another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Hey I'm gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust




20:05 Oct 23 2015
Times Read: 711

You retards amuse the fuck out of me some days. A bunch of you running around yapping, bitching, moaning and crying about how someone or some group smacks you around anonymously with imaginary meaningless honor numbers then you pull the same crap on someone else. lulz

Hmm I wonder who that could have been ... maybe it was

Gonna have to do a whole hell of a lot better than that darlin'. Score means jack shit to me. lulz




19:49 Oct 21 2015
Times Read: 838

You go ahead and report buttercup, you're not the first and I doubt you'll be the last.

But let's point out a few things.

This is the first one that was left for you. I see my username. ALL my honor is done with my username attached, I don't think I could care less than I already do about the scores around here. I don't need to hide my shit.

This was left after you came to my profile, rated me a 7 and left a comment showing you couldn't read the first damn time.

Again there's my profile name, no anony bullshit from me AND I broke it down even simpler for you but you're too dense to understand it. I'm really starting to feel sorry for anyone forced to have you as their nurse. People like you accidentally kill people.

Next you say that's not the shit I wrote and that I changed it...seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? ...wait don't answer that, never mind your journals already have.

Let me just highlight and point something out for you.

Once honor is left, it can't be changed. Nice fucking try saying I edited it.

Thank you Grammar Nazi, what's wrong didn't have anything else substantial enough to try and pick at? But I digress so lets get back on track. I don't need to be anyone special or even have a reason to judge the fuck out of you or the shit you do. Welcome to the real world, it happens and people do it. Sounds like you really need to get over your self.

and regards to my "rating" being only a 5.45 percent. What's your fucking point? It's an imaginary number, I'm not here to be 'popular' sooo sorry a bunch of you rejects flip the fuck out when rated anything less than a 10 all the time and hate to be called out on the stupid fucked up shit you do and say. Yeah not gonna make me the cool kid at your lunch table. lulz


There is just so much fail in this it almost deserves it's own journal entry. How many people need to call you out time and time again before you just say fuck it and try to keep your bullshit lies straight for a change.




18:26 Oct 21 2015
Times Read: 868

I know you're retarded and all but fuck. lulz It's not hard to take a minute and actually READ the fucking comment. Hello McFly anybody home? Think McFly think.

You got it wrong the first fucking time so I came back to break it down for you AND you're still too fucking stupid to get it.

YOU got negative honor FOR supporting a person here THAT has a well known history OF lying, abusing and spreading hatred.

Yes dipshit it was because you were supporting Blaze.

How the fuck you got the concept you were dishonored for supporting people who were abused is mind boggling, but given your journal it's easy to see you are a fucking MORON.

Hey people lets go 'down rate' the guy that obviously doesn't give a fuck about his scores because that will work sooo much better for us this time, after 2 years of the same shit. LULZ Oh and lets bully him so he's uncomfortable and leaves.

It's bullshit like that and people like YOU, Blaze, teetee and others that make this site shitty at time. YOU are spreading the same type of shit that causes normal users to want to leave.

Don't worry though, I'm not going anywhere for a long ass time.

I see you read the tabloids.

Yep I'm a Female and Big Foot is real, he lives next door with the Hendersons. That's right down the street from the Muffin Man. You know they throw a bitchin' pool party once a year with ol' Nessy.



18:48 Oct 26 2015


06:44 Oct 21 2015
Times Read: 921

Let me start with you there, Frankenstein, looking like something out of R.L. Stine. You're a classic megalomaniac you haven't mentioned me once in any of your rants, pity none of your journals were worth the time to click. Now quit jacking off in your journal, put the lotion in the basket and catch what the iller serial troll can deliver.

Welcome to the Pimp slap symposium buttercup, cause you know you talk a lot of shit for a Man wearing make-up.

Tee, man... you were doing fine back before you returned with your ham-fisted attempts at insults. How typical of you to chase after a headline after being forgotten. We all have a time to go and most of the site thought (hoped) you died 2 years ago. lulz

The only insult you have going for you so far is your stench and much like Martin Luther King, I have a Dream that one day you'll take a shower cause you smell like ball sack and nachos. Let's be honest a sec, your attempts to insult the Admin here suck (just like your hoodrat child on a first date). I mean fuck I've seen more complexity and creativity out of a couch from Ikea.

Just step back, accept the fact you've never been more then a douchestain conjugal visit and are about as tasteless as a bowl of Kashi. Seriously, there is no reason to be so mad all the time you should be use to the pain from catching your nuts in the zipper after the john rushes out of the bathroom stall in self-disgust. lulz



12:35 Oct 29 2015

I always did have a suspicion tee was a dude... seeing that pic, Id have to say yeah.


17:55 Oct 15 2015
Times Read: 1,108

Lets start at the top and work our way down, you know the opposite way Nikki goes from all her "dates".

1. I'm calling bullshit here. This is the same fucking line all the lil bitches toss around when they plan to go into hiding on some alt profile for a while. You're just to stupid to keep your mouth shut when doing that.

2. Gonna have to say bullshit to this as well. You've been here trying to pass yourself off as someone else but you had to stomp out the old profiles when you started to get called out on your shit. Maybe you could do everyone a favor and ACTUALLY do what you claim your sick ass cousin was spreading lies about.

3. Maybe you are right about #1 and #5. You keep spouting off about that shit and you won't have a profile left to log in from.

4. LULZ She's like the Titanic, she goes down on the first date and swallows all the 'Sea men' and I'm not saying shes retarded but all the truckers love her when it comes to paying, she's real good at counting to potato.

5. Same shit you said a couple days ago also and yet here your lil bitch self is, huff'in and puff'in (Just like Nikki on a 'date').

6. Of course because we all know you have *looks at nikki such high standards right? Only the best trailer parks and crack dens for the likes of you.

I know there was a lot more there but I'm sorry it's still early and googles Retard rant to English program took out a gun and shot itself while trying to translate his post.



21:05 Oct 15 2015

(lost upon edit)

00:46 Oct 17 2015

I think the last picture you posted here says it all and that has been the expression on my face: The fuck did he say? His ramblings make no sense at all. I could go back and forth with him but its just not worth it. I have tried to even feel sorry for the guy and look at he must have a mental illness but I just can't go there. I do however feel pity for those who have to be around him in rl because I suspect how he is here on this site is how he also behaves in rl. That is his own doing, his own fault. Since I have known Blaze from day one I was warned about him. So I took the advice from some here and I stayed at a distance from him. Anyone who has the need to spread rumors he killed himself 3-4x that I know of is pathetic and has no concern for those around him either on the internet or rl. That is just not a person I can have any concern about what ever happens to them. I think in about 6 months or so he will pop back up here again if not sooner. Moonie posted in her journal the perfect outline about people like Blaze and the cycles they do. So I am sure this is not the last we have herd from him. In that I can pity us and all here on VR.


06:32 Oct 15 2015
Times Read: 1,178

You are just journal gold Chief Sitting Bull ...shit.

So what we have here is a small crop from the journal posted on Oct 13th. You can see the entirety of it in the journal before this if it matters to you peeps but this is the part I want to start with.

So you wont be back to read any of the shit I have to say about your crazy fucked up self right? You already tossed bullshit to that just by editing your journal several hours later but we will let that go. So whats this all about?

Opps that's on the 14th. Looks like you came back. Did it really take you all that time to think of that pathetic bullshit to incoherently rant about? Fuck man, I would imagine you would be faster since most of it seems like the SAME LAME ASS SHIT you've vomited up before when called out.

and what's this on the first line... openly admitting to a major vr no no? Damn dawg are you's stupid.

First Rule of breaking the Rules Club: Don't talk about BREAKING THE RULES.

So now your 'sick ass cousin' is telling people on FB that your lil punk ass bitch self committed suicide. Guess what fuck face, we don't buy it and I bet the people who got the message here on VR from your AnfauglirXjawsofthirst account might have shit to say about that also. Oh wait....that's right. That person claims to have been given the profile when you killed yourself. Odd how I got a message here also that has them claiming Nikki was their WIFE wasn't that the same lie you tried passing about your relationship before?



06:56 Oct 15 2015

2 billion pounds of 'Don't give a shit' must not go as far as it once did, cause this looks like a whole lot of caring.

Turn on the stove we need to make him some more Little Bitch Dumplings.

06:57 Oct 15 2015

I dont get this .. Why on earth would I attack Niki when she has never done a single thing to me... if I were to attack someone it would be someone that deserved it.. and it certainly isnt Niki..

So wait... am I YOU (CX) or am I Dakotah now???

07:01 Oct 15 2015

And what gave me a chuckle is its posted all over my journal... I currently AM and have been for a few years LIVING in the US. I am moving back home in Nov TO Canada. Instead Little Indian That Can't admits breaking the rules here by using a isp tracker. I go from wha? To ... just being shacking my head.

07:06 Oct 15 2015

I would say everyone is me at this point.

23:57 Oct 15 2015

I got into a foray with that blazing moron and his trusty sidekick, a couple of years ago.

I'd ignore their crap (after poking their fire for a few days), and they'd die down a bit, and then a week or so later, I'd get messages from "Nikki", saying "He and I broke up because of this" or "You're right, it was all a lie", and various other things admitting that they are morons lying through their teeth... and then a couple of minutes later I'd receive a message from Chief Blazing Hate being like "AHAHAHAHA WE WERE JUST JOKING YOU STUPID BITCH, NOTHING COULD DESTROY OUR TRUE LOVE" and so on.

It was great. xD They'd flip between accounts sending me messages full of self-pity and whining about how he was "actually a horrible person irl" and so on, and then he'd message me saying he's there with her, and they're "laughing so hard while sending those messages".

They also used an IP tracker on me. Even sent me screen shots of it and my location read-out. ♥

I should find those screen shots. I hope I have them somewhere.


19:07 Oct 13 2015
Times Read: 1,279

(Hey Chief Tumbling Dice, pick something to say and fucking say it once)

Injun Joe, poor poor Injun Joe.

Where do I even start with this convoluted bullshit you've decided to spout off this time. I think you've outdone yourself because the levels of crap nears epic fail.


I'm willing for the readers here to give this one a good break down this time. I think the screen shots of messages sent FROM the AnfauglirXjawsofthirst account will be the most interesting for people to see. Didn't think I would be sent some of those messages did ya Blaze. lulz

I'll start uploading here in a bit. For those wanting to watch, get your popcorn ready.


Some of the peeps that have sent me screenshots and forwarded messages have asked I not throw them under the bus with this. So what do you all think? should I say fuck it and blast away without regard for my informants or what.

Leave a comment.



03:33 Oct 14 2015

Anyone's I sent you, you can use. Last month I think it was, or in Aug, I got like 3 messages that Blaze had killed himself, they found the body in some field with a note to Nikki. When I asked for a link for proof the messages stopped. Guess who profile the messages started from. But like he says he won't be checking his profile... again, so might have to wait, oh I don't know, three days for him to reply to this... unless he responds back on his Sire account. That should almost be a beating pool, when will he pop back up again.

02:15 Oct 15 2015

This isn't the first time I've had to deal with these disgusting things being said. This has happened before because of assuming things.

After reading this, there isn't any hate.. there is only pity. Living with that sort of untreated mental illness and issues must be very hard on a person.

I do for sorry for the new people that get wrapped up in the web of destruction, but not for the older ones that have seen this behavior/experienced it before. It just reinforces the whole 'choose your friends wisely'.

06:01 Oct 15 2015

What and the fuckity fuck Blaze????? *Sighs... I am not attacking anyone on any other profile.. despite the stupid shit I did with the fake pics .. that I take full responsibility of .. and owned up to my shit publicly .. I am not in any way shape of form faking who I am now.. and as for attacking Nikki.. I surely am not.. I have not attacked one single person on this site since I have been back.. and I wont attack anyone either.. no matter what anyone says to me..

06:09 Oct 15 2015

I picked it right, three days and he is back.


19:33 Oct 12 2015
Times Read: 1,348

Soooo was this before or after Blaze supposedly "killed himself" and this new person was given the profile and his "wife" Nikki.

If you want to try and bullshit people keep all the fucking lies going in the same direction with everyone you fucking morons.



04:22 Oct 13 2015

Never met anyone else on this website who types like that moron Blaze, haha. Or the petty insults. Just wait till he starts spewing insults about your "cunt" and how "diseased it is"... that's his signature move. He REALLY gets the ladies with those lines.

But he's married. So maybe he's ceased talking about the vaginas of other women...

Unlikely, lolol.

08:05 Oct 13 2015

Well fuck, that's going suck for him then cause I happen to keep my cunt extra clean. See I have to otherwise my nutsack gets jock itch from my yeast infections. / sarcasm

(and yes folks that was a reference to Stephen Lynch)


18:12 Oct 12 2015
Times Read: 1,387

Yes Fangy, we all know you're old, balding and shooting dust. It's ok lil buddy. lulz




04:32 Oct 12 2015
Times Read: 1,434

That looks exactly like the native american recipe for lil bitch dumplings.



16:18 Oct 13 2015

Haha, where do you come up with all these great names!?! XD


21:36 Oct 10 2015
Times Read: 1,536

I wonder who that could have been hmmm ........ ;)




06:31 Oct 10 2015
Times Read: 1,604

(Place Holder)




20:24 Oct 09 2015
Times Read: 1,680

FUCK YEAH !!! Beware you fucking retards I've got ADMINISTRATOR POWERS now or so the rumors go. lulz

Now take a moment and really give that rumor some thought, I know, that's going be hard and likely painful for a lot of you mouth breathers reading this.


Ok long enough. Something tells me you didn't stop to think that if I had Administrator powers I wouldn't just abuse the ever loving fuck out of them by now? lulz Obviously you peeps are dumber then I expected or gave you credit for. Unlike the real staff here IF I HAD ACCESS to a Admin account MOST of you would NOT be here anymore.

Ohhh sorry Cancer, I'm not sure what happened, my finger slipped 300 times while on the delete profile page. Sucks to be them, good thing the ToS says you can do as you fucking please because it's YOUR SITE. lulz

Better luck next swing



21:35 Oct 09 2015

God forbid if someone has only one profile and trollz around here with it. Like it is forbidden to make a profile, stay within the TOS and troll. And you can't have your own views that may or may not line up with someone else! Because then you are totally them because rumors are true as THEY ALWAYS ARE! -gasp-

So if you're Payne, and now are me, then I am also Payne and I've just never realized it till now.

Holy Fucking Jinkies-balls.

I'm a god damned time traveling, body morphing miracle!

21:52 Oct 09 2015

If it's been said on the Internet it's got to be true and this time it has more weight behind it because someone made themselves a neat little account just to say it from, that means it's top secret. lulz

00:23 Oct 10 2015

What a blazing hot anger he has.

00:24 Oct 10 2015


I hate it when all of my personalities get together in one spot!

Wait...I'm an Admin now?

-looks around-


I'm gonna tear some shit up.

19:35 Oct 11 2015


13:14 Oct 29 2015

Who gives a ratts azz who CX is. Seriously.

06:24 Oct 30 2015

Lonely stupid fucks around the internet seem to care a lot. lulz


03:06 Oct 06 2015
Times Read: 1,807

And the ditsy blonde steps up to the plate. It's a wild swing and a miss.

Didn't you listen to the last round, Bleach head?

Pay attention, cuz you're sayin the same shit that they said!

It's a bunch of 'Blahbity bloo blah blah blahbity bloo blah!' I ain't hear a word you said but did you just throw out a name there? Payne? Yep I did read that right LULZ

Let me make it easy for you buttercup cause I've seen you on cam and I don't need any more of your skank in my journal.


So heres a sign you might understand



07:52 Oct 06 2015

ROFL What in the hell is this bitch even going on about?

I'm guessing I "supposedly" said something about her or her pics?

Fuck,I'm talented. And apparently busy.

For the record...I don't give a shit what she looks like,who the hell she is,or what she does.

And if by some slight chance you are referring to my previous journal post of calling someone retarded..Cheer up,darlin,it wasn't about you. HAHAHAHAHA

But after reading these lovely comments and all...I agree with X...here's ya sign...CUNT

19:05 Oct 06 2015

Fuck now I'm talking to myself again LULZ

20:27 Oct 06 2015

Nope sorry CitizenX you cant be Payne as i know her lustful boobs and well yours are not lulz


18:21 Oct 05 2015
Times Read: 1,878

Six other guys all respond to her.... and who the fuck is BJ anyway? lulz




16:26 Oct 05 2015
Times Read: 1,909

No wonder you and Blaze, oh sorry, PhlegmsomethinganotherXhasCocksuckersjaw support each other. Bitches be reading the same play book. lulz

(Highlighted due to craptastic background)



02:25 Oct 06 2015

Hahaha this is hilarious lol well I know I don't own anyone explanation for anything i do but I can't resist to say few words here lol

First of all I don't give fuck what people think and as we alllll know here yup i did use pics of that girl. I had my own personal reasons why. But like EVERYONE could see or for those who didn't saw me on my vr Webcam feel free to join my Webcam and see who i am .....i think I can't fake Webcam ~giggles~ all my pics on profile,portfolio or edited pictures are mine i am on them.

And do i care what non important people on vr thinks about me? Nah I don't give flying ef lol

People who is important and i care of they already know me.So Payne join my Webcam anytime sweetheart lol

Oh btw nice journal ;)

02:31 Oct 06 2015

And oh BTW I'm not in coven of my ex lol he always was good friend of mine actually he is one of best friends first on my list. ;) but anyways again i don't care what anyone thinks or says .Have nice day or night lol

04:01 Oct 06 2015


01:52 Oct 01 2015
Times Read: 1,502

With Christmas right around the corner maybe gifts should go out early. lulz

To: PhlegmsomethingsomethingXhaslockjaw

From: "Secret Service" Santa



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