Jenova's Journal

Jenova's Journal


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15 entries this month


06:24 May 29 2014
Times Read: 688

Today was a pretty chill day back at the office. I traveled to Denver over the weekend to see my brother and sister in law. I'm so glad that they're closer to me now. If you can call 6.5 hours "closer".

I also discovered the potential source of a really bothersome issue at work, so I consider that a pretty cool thing. Sometimes you have to look beyond what's obviously correct to find what's actually wrong and why.





05:31 May 24 2014
Times Read: 698

This is going to sound shallow but I don't have a shoulder to lend you to cry on. I'm carrying my own weight and right now it's pretty heavy. Go find someone else to lament your dead with. I have a hard time believing you were close when you never saw them or talked about them. I think you're looking for reasons to be depressed.




This is going to sound nuts

03:46 May 19 2014
Times Read: 729

This is going to sound nuts and ungrateful as hell, but....

AM I THE ONLY CHUMP LEFT IN THE WORLD THAT FUCKING PAYS FOR GROCERIES? I scrape together for food for myself while the people in line in front of me with umpteen kids blow a cool $225 of my tax money without so much as lifting a single penny of their own. WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE???! Get a damn job and quit stealing off my table so you can live large, yes?



03:51 May 19 2014



23 Places to Poop Before You Die

14:57 May 18 2014
Times Read: 738

This is hilarious....

23 Places you must poop before you die #12 is awesome.



18:00 May 19 2014

23, 5 and 7 look kinda cool ::)


Epic week

01:14 May 17 2014
Times Read: 744

I thought last week was hard... well this one was brutal. Glad for a "weekend". Notice the quotes. It's because I am on-call til Monday morning. I'm seriously praying for no activity this weekend because I'm tired and want nothing more than to sleep.

Talked to a co-worker today about the Autocross thing... should be fun and interesting. I'm hoping to get into it more after the holiday weekend is over.




Power naps

03:15 May 16 2014
Times Read: 752

I think it's time for one. I am pretty sure that I never wake up from those til the following morning.




Cool things about the Rave

02:23 May 16 2014
Times Read: 755

A few things I did miss:

This is the only social site with the moon phases placed prominently on every page.

interesting profiles to rate.

This is like the ultimate casual social ladder climb without the advertisements.

No stupid advertisements for random things I could care less about.

Cool people, for the most part.




do I hear Triple-Shot espresso?

01:17 May 16 2014
Times Read: 758

If I get awakened in the middle of the night again I'm getting a triple-shot to come into work tomorrow. On the good side- I have an extended Memorial Day! That means I get to take my dog, throw him in the new car, and drive to Denver to see my brother in his new house there. So excited!




If I have one more crisis tonight

01:13 May 16 2014
Times Read: 760

If I have one more crisis to deal with tonight I will be officially an unhappy camper. Just saying. If something is not working in another state, I *cannot* do anything about it at 0100... I'm so tired. Don't get me wrong, I love my job now, but there are some times where you just want to backhand someone.




Late night/ early mornings

20:14 May 15 2014
Times Read: 764

Wow they suck. Late night last night due to an on call alarm, early morning trying to get said alarm resolved. I wonder if those people realize it's 1am when they do nutty stuff like ask me to go visit a site?




Speak of the Devil

08:55 May 15 2014
Times Read: 771

I knew it. Just as I'm finally falling asleep, the phone goes off and it's the command center advising of a hard down situation. Way to go, Crisis. Way. To. Go.

This is going to be a double shot of espresso day for sure.




You know you're getting old when...

08:01 May 15 2014
Times Read: 776

You know you're getting old when you see a warning on a site that says "once you do this you cannot undo it" and you actually stop to read what you're doing...




waiting for a call that probably isn't coming

07:22 May 15 2014
Times Read: 777

but when i'm good and tired it'll come...

why is that always the truth? being on-call kind of sucks. it ruins your sleep cycle for sure.




Astral Projection- combatting distractions draft

06:52 May 15 2014
Times Read: 780

Submitting this to the Rave for a member article:

Astral Travel- Combatting Distractions

This article is best viewed after reading the following:

Astral Projection for Beginners

The article above was written by my alter-ego DeathNotes 7 years ago so I figured it’s time to start working on a follow up.

As mentioned previously, astral projection/ travel requires advanced meditation technique. It will be difficult to achieve body separation without first teaching the psyche to let go of the body and its influences and desires.

When you feel you have mastered the previously mentioned technique of relaxation and separation it’s time to move on to the possibilities of actual travel. This is the exciting part of learning to move without your body and leads even further down the path of self-enlightenment.

I believe that death is just a doorway and that one can learn to move on after this life in a number of ways.

So now that you understand how to and can achieve separation from the physical self, how do you maintain conscious thought to will yourself onward to what’s next? How to you avoid distraction and the strong pull of the body for you to return?

Many travelers have reported achieving that altered state of separation only to find themselves snapped back into reality by distractions and random thoughts. It’s as if the cord that ties your astral body to your physical body gets pulled and you quickly find yourself back in the physical.

First thing to note here: make sure before beginning that you find yourself in a space that is free of distractions for the duration of the time you intend to travel. It’s said that Bebarlang Vampires are highly skilled astral travelers that find secured locations for their physical beings before traveling out. This is a common practice to minimize interruptions.

Worthy of mention: distracting thoughts are going to happen. The best thing to combat them is to let them happen. Many times travelers will find themselves on the verge of a great journey only to experience the stray squirrel thought that halts them in their tracks.

When those thoughts occur, it’s important to avoid getting frustrated. Let the thought come and go naturally. Gently pull your concentration back and if you find you can’t let the thought go, then get up and return later to try again. You must force yourself to not get frustrated if you have to give in to a distracting thought. It’s difficult to retrain yourself to release those thoughts later on if you teach yourself up front to be frustrated when it happens.

Others have suggested that astral projection is easier with background music or white noise to fill the room instead of dead silence. If the silence is too distracting try playing soft music or try teaching yourself a mantra to repeat over and over in your mind.

Eventually you will want to take off the training wheels and learn to project without the need of music or specific conditions that may not always be available.

For that reason alone, many astral travelers have suggested the use of a focal point. This is a mental image that you find draws your consciousness to it. Some will use a location to pull their consciousness away from the body as a transition to the actual journey.

Another common distraction is the body’s desire to move rather than lie still. When you first attempt to project you may find that your own body yanks you backwards with a knee-jerk reaction.

The best way I’ve found to combat this is by training your mind the same way you trained it to avoid distracting thoughts: let it happen and don’t get frustrated if it breaks up your session at first.

When your body moves, concentrate on adjusting your position slightly so that you don’t feel as inclined to move. Chances are high that your current position is unnatural and moving your foot slightly to one side or adjusting your position in one direction will help to curb your body’s desire to flop around at the wrong moment.

When you know that you’ve made the adjustments necessary you are ready to focus on ignoring the desire to move. When the urge to move comes, make note of it mentally and then remove your focus from it. It’s kind of like acknowledging that someone needs your attention and then continuing on with your current activity until you are finished.

I hope this helps fledgling astral travelers. This is solid technique that has worked for me personally. Feel free to message me with questions or add me to your friend’s list.

Safe journeys to my fellow travelers-





Well Bliggity, Bloggity, Bloo ... ?

03:53 May 09 2014
Times Read: 790

Ok, so it rhymed. I realize it's been like 2 years since I last logged on. And things continue to change like mad.

Finally feel I am where I am supposed to be in life with my career and in all other things in my life. It still turns out that I have one private spot left on the inter webs: Ye Olde Vampire Rave. *muah*



04:36 May 09 2014

Hey! Welcome back :D

06:57 May 15 2014

:D Not sure how long I'll be staying, but I've been successfully lurking for a week- damn video games got boring as hell. :P

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