Jynx's Journal

Jynx's Journal


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9 entries this month

10:27 Jun 30 2013
Times Read: 510

Heres my eternity ring that Luke brought for my birthday.

 photo 1012763_10151530691247712_1606953292_n_zps6e72a279.jpg

was a very spoilt girl, had the most amazing day, got taken for a meal with Luke and my sister and Brother in law. Then my sister took us to the horses field to see their 5 horses :D then we took the kids for a mcdonalds, and to the cinema to see dispicable me 2. Then we had a night cuddling and watching son of anarchy, eating birthday cake haha.

Had a bliss birthday :D



10:54 Jun 30 2013



06:02 Jun 28 2013
Times Read: 534

argh I'm 29 today :( one year until 30!!! I demand to stay in my 20s forever!! Lol.

Luke got me an eternity ring it's so beautiful :) will post pic later :)

Going for a meal today then cinema tonight to take the kids to see dispicable me 2 (secretly its for me sssshhhh lol)

So pleased he's booked today off work so I get to spend the whole of my birthday with my love :)

Have a lovely day my VR friends.



06:23 Jun 28 2013

you look 21 , Bexi you're beautiful at any age. Happy Birthday

06:28 Jun 28 2013

Happy Birthday girlie! :)


19:19 Jun 25 2013
Times Read: 561

6months ago today, i had a random text message from a ex boyfriend who i hadn't seen in 6 years, we had always kept in touch through facebook and texts now and again. I never in a million years thought that text would shape my whole future.

2 days after that text message we met back up, and instantly realised we still had stong feelings for eachother, and since that night, we have been inseperable, he moved in, we have been through alot in the last 6 months, with losing our baby and going through all the aftermath. But we got through it, cus we are strong.

(it was 8 weeks yesterday since our loss)

I've been in relationships where ill still innocently flirt, but this time, i don't even feel or want the need to flirt at all, i barely even speak to men to be honest, because i've got all i need with Luke, he is my universe, the thought of ever losing him, well it just isn't bareable.

I love him. Hes my best friend, my heart, i laugh everyday untl im in tears, fall asleep every night in his arms, and when hes at work, i miss him from the min he leaves until the second he gets home.

And our chapter is almost complete ;-) ... almost

25th feb 2014... you do the math ;-)



20:13 Jun 25 2013

I am sincerely happy for you. It is so inspiring to read that out of so much sadness your happiness prevails. I wish the best for you.


09:36 Jun 24 2013
Times Read: 598

I honestly don't understand what people get out of all the name calling bullshit on here. Does it make people feel big and bad by 'e -bullying'? or does it simply cause a stirring in your pants?

Apparently 99% of people on here are peados according to most the drama seekers. Unless you have solid hard evidence, then who are any of you to call anyone such a word? Because a guy in his 40s or whatever likes a girl in her 20s, how does that make him a peado? is she not over the legal age? I think some of you need to research the definition of the world peado. Am i a peado becaue im 28 and my boyfriend is 23? of course not! i doubt half of you would dare say things to people in real life, would most likely sit in your bedrooms, cower behind your skypes. Not daring to go out into the big bad world.

Since when is it a funny game to take the piss out of people with mental illnesses? if a member of your family were Ill, would you take the piss, if they had downs syndrome, would you point and giggle and call names? nah you wouldnt. People love to take the piss out of things they do not understand. I'm down on the mental health register also. Does that mean you suddenly can't be my friend because im possibly unstable? nope cus im not, cus im just as normal as you, as are most of the people on here, infact, they probably fit into society alot more than the small minded fools who name call. I know a few on here who have took the piss, who have also attempted suicide, that makes you mentally unstable just as much as the people you are picking on.

Everybody has flaws, everybody has secrets, nobody is perfect.

Fighting over the internet? wow, thats something my 9 year old wouldn't even waste his time with.

~shakes my head at 60% of people on here~

Take a deep breath, go outside, get a hobby, Instead of being pathetic little children.

"oh now you have pissed me off, i am going to block and downrate you!!!! you have been warned!!!!!!"

^^ ROTFL!! Theres a minority who actually give a shit about their status levels on here... most of those are the people that actually threaten and give them out.


Anyways, the point is, fighting on the internet, is pointless, pathetic and silly.

Back to my real life now. Have a nice day VR.



18:53 Jun 24 2013

Maybe they like to make up later : ) . But youre so right . we come here to get away from problems in our own lives sometimes, and sometimes we just want to hang out with people that likes the same things we do like zombies , vampires, and so on . I dont know why it has to be such a name calling battle and seems they pull more in with them . My opinion just wish they would stop or self delete


10:01 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 648

i never ever thought i would say these words... EVER... im ashamed to be a xbox girl :( xbox one is so so so so horribly planned, i literally sat in horror watching E3 .. its bullshit, no playing any games, even offline games if you arent connected to the internet? any game you buy you do not own, microsoft does, and reserve the right to ban that game from your console as and when they see fit, for whatever reason they want? no pre owned games, or lending games off friends, so basically, you have to buy brand new games, you dont own those games, and if you dont have internet your console will say fuck you.

It pains me to say, i will be buying a ps4.

Money grabbing has turned microsoft into a complete and utter joke, i hope they enjoy the money they will lose from the many gamers who are now switching to Sony.



10:05 Jun 19 2013

;D Welcome to the team.

10:22 Jun 19 2013

I've never saw the attraction with xbox tbh but regardless I'm noticing more and more Live players switching to PSN so you're not alone... welcome to the darkside, we have cookies!!!

10:29 Jun 19 2013

what flavor cookies :D

10:44 Jun 19 2013

Raspberry and white chocolate... the big ones from morrisons :D

10:55 Jun 19 2013

i don't go to morrisons, but if you throw in a choc one from asda ill be a happy sony player forever haha

12:09 Jun 19 2013

Yay! Welcome to the Sonyside sista

it had to happen one day ;)

17:04 Jun 19 2013

You're wrong love,stick to X box,it's way better always has been.I never had a problem with any of my games.There's a new X box coming out too,I would never switch to Sony uuuugh, lol

19:46 Jun 19 2013

What about PC games?

19:49 Jun 19 2013

pc games will live forever :)

Ive been playing world of warcraft for 7 years now and still love every second of it :D


10:25 Jun 14 2013
Times Read: 692

A couple of days ago, i went into a random cam, i dont really go in cams anymore. Anyway i hadn't seen this person before so thought why not. And holy shit, there are some strange people here. This guy, 'apparently' couldn't die, he had been mauled by a bear, hitby a car, countless suicide attempts, shot, stabbed blah blah... now come on, anyone who could possibly believe all that needs as much therapy as he clearly does.

It's disturbing how people can actually believe their own lies.

Anyway on a diff note lol. Had some AMAZING news, and enjoying life so much more than i thought possible. Me and Luke are gonna go away the weekend or something, we haven't decided much yet though. It's fathers day on sunday so been spending too much money on useless gifts that will probably never even leave the packaging, but still, my dad is worth it :D.

Was going to get a tattoo this weekend, but i have had to cancel due to unforseen circumstances ;-)

Have a lovely day Ravers xx




11:27 Jun 11 2013
Times Read: 712

Oops sorry Zombeh!!! lol when im using my iphone for vr i sometimes hit block on accident rather than honor or message.

So if anyone gets a random block off me, get someone to message me cus its most likely i didnt mean to lol.

Off shopping with Rach, lots of money to spend, oh so little time to spend it. Haha, should be a interesting afternoon :D



18:12 Jun 11 2013

I do that all the time on my phone, thought it was because those damn keypads were made for women fingers .

19:36 Jun 11 2013



09:34 Jun 07 2013
Times Read: 737

Thinking of Changng my name back to my original name when i joined vr, ChaoticWhispers. But i think that its locked forever right?

Oh and I'm back on live on xbox, had a few months break, wasn't in the mood to play. Anyone wants to add my GamerTag is ChaoticBexi :)



17:52 Jun 14 2013

I will have to add you, my gamer tag is LadySyn87


09:50 Jun 03 2013
Times Read: 758

Had a awesome weekend, me and Luke drove to Wales for a random day out in Llangollen , horse shoe pass , it's a cafe / pub at top of a mountain and you can see for miles :) the view is stunning up there. And we seen Thomas the tank engine lol!! I was actually really excited lol!!

looks like summer in the uk has finally arrived :) I do love summer as I suffer with winter depression so it's nice to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Although I can't stand heat, I hate that too hot to do anything feeling.

Hope you are are having a nice weekend / week xx



10:49 Jun 03 2013

I perfer the winter over the summer, used to be the oher way around but now I can't stand summer. lol.

13:13 Jun 03 2013

glad you had a nice weekend

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