PoeticHeart's Journal

PoeticHeart's Journal


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24 entries this month

01:49 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 619




02:32 Feb 26 2011



03:53 Mar 08 2011

Omg that's sooo cute!

17:10 Oct 18 2012

T.T kawaiiii


22:31 Feb 25 2011
Times Read: 628

Well my aunt tried to commit suicide. She took 120 pills. :/

So, they managed to save her.



01:12 Feb 26 2011



03:25 Feb 24 2011
Times Read: 636

I love, love, love the Courtesan. She is my favorite character on Assassins Creed Brotherhood online. I just adore this character. So here is a picutre I edited (obviously) and one I really love of her.


The Courtesan Pictures, Images and Photos

Isnt she just awesome?



03:41 Feb 24 2011

She's epic! Well done, my love <3


03:20 Feb 23 2011
Times Read: 652

"Some of yall were at home tonight talking about, 'Is my stomach to big?'. Fuck that your stomach aint never to big. You get a big belly, rub it, love it, embrace that motherfucker thats your shit. Tell your man, come rub my belly god damn it. And bring me another beer too.... My girlfriend Ashley say 'I got a big belly now, how Ima get a man?'. I said 'Bitch, you gonna get a man. You just gonna get the man who like the bitch with the big belly thats all.'"

~Adele Givens~



03:46 Feb 23 2011

I can tell if this is supposed to be genuinely uplifting, orrrr, sarcasm. . . .

03:46 Feb 23 2011


04:27 Feb 23 2011

Trust me, its meant to be uplifting.

03:55 Mar 08 2011

Well it's amazing, I'm stealing it.


02:06 Feb 21 2011
Times Read: 655


What are Human Rights?

Find out at the website above.




01:53 Feb 17 2011
Times Read: 665

Considering I dont believe in Satan, this isnt all that big of a deal. But...

Why in the hell would I want to go to a "Paradise" to a God, who apparently hates me. So if all gay people are immediatley doomed to hell, wouldnt that make Satan gay?? I mean, to some Christians, homosexuality is the worst sin ever. Yeah, we love people while murders and rapists get "repetance". Pfft. Plll-ease!

So with that being said, assuming Satan *has* to be gay, wouldnt he be nice to us? I mean... Hello!!! I defintley dont wanna join a God who hates me. No Ill take my chances with Satan.




03:31 Feb 16 2011
Times Read: 677


So I am having these..... I dont know how to phrase it.... personal, if you will, issues. It really has an effect on a lot of me.



03:37 Feb 16 2011

*great big hugs* I know the feeling, baby. We'll get through it together, my love. I promise <3


01:20 Feb 16 2011
Times Read: 681

So, I have figured it out. The Miz is fucking Alex Riley. Or maybe the other way around. Either way, those two are getting it on every night. No doubt




01:46 Feb 10 2011
Times Read: 700

I think things just changed...





23:27 Feb 09 2011
Times Read: 707

I soooo wish knew what to do. Either way it results in pain. I just can't decide wether or not to postpone it...




22:48 Feb 08 2011
Times Read: 730

Ok. Yeah. Im about to piss a few people off. But this is getting so out of hand.

I hate that these fucking dominars are just basically becoming tyrants and controlling the "everything else" or aka "the sandbox" of the forums. I talked with a prem who had MULTIPLE prem accounts, who said they paid a lot of money to have those accounts and if they wanted to post a 100 hugs, they should be allowed too. Which I agree with. Also, they go around deleting peoples work (i.e MINE), and throws me right back to where I spent for-FUCKING-ever gettinig to. God! The admins on this fucking site are getting on my nereves. Very badly.

Now comment away if you want (and I know a few will.).



23:08 Feb 08 2011

the trouble isnt with the dominars, its with the vague general guidelines they have to follow and pass off as "rules" and try to keep some sort of sanity in the process...its something only cancer can fix, he needs to have clear no misunderstanding, non-subjective rules that can be refferenced.


17:46 Feb 08 2011
Times Read: 732

Hey guys!

I need some help.

I need 122 friends and 55 more journal adds. Please just try and spread that a little bit. I would be forever grateful.




02:13 Feb 06 2011
Times Read: 740

Ok you guys. I need some serious rehab. I am so beyond addicted to Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 its not even funny. Its like the only game I play anymore. I cant even tell you how much fun I think it is. I mean..... I am hooked. All the way.




23:02 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 756

You wanna know something?

A damn status or position of power makes you no better than anyone else.

So... that being said. Fuck you.



23:05 Feb 05 2011


Actually, most of the time if someone here seems to act 'cool' towards you, it's not because they have a position. It's probably because they don't like you personally, or you've pissed them off or something. You're right. A position of 'power' on this website basically doesn't mean anything. We're here helping V.R along, people often times forget that the admin are real people and therefore they are subject to their own opinions. Someone can dislike you, as long as that doesn't interfere with how they act professionally.


He isnt *just* my boyfriend

04:27 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 764

He isnt *just* my boyfriend. He is my best friend, my strength, my companion, my soul mate, my sunshine, my moon ray, my tower, my refuge.

He is the guy I am so madly in love with.

All in all- he's everything I want in a guy with a bow tied on.



16:54 Feb 05 2011

:') I feel exactly the same about you, baby <3

I can't tell you how much I love and depend on your constant love and support.


03:03 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 767

Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!

The extreme Diva!

Check those out you guys!!




Just for fun.

16:29 Feb 04 2011
Times Read: 770

Just playing with the journal.

Message me sometime




03:10 Feb 04 2011
Times Read: 777

So I have decided something.

In the words of the great Rambo "Live for nothing, or die for something" I want to modify that just a bit. I am now following the motto "Id rather die a truth, than live a lie.".

Today has just been a bit of paranoia for me here and there. And I hate that.




Tribute for Beth Phoniex

00:48 Feb 03 2011
Times Read: 795

beth phoniex Pictures, Images and Photos

The picture you see above is that of the ever wonderful, Beth Phoniex, or as some of you may know her, the Glamazon!

She has had an impressive carrer both in and out of the WWE.

After she graduated high school, she competed in several independent companies. She then went on to compete in the well known, OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling). There, she won her first title, being the OVW Womens Championship. She then signed a developmental contract with the WWE, where she became allies with the legendary Trish Stratus. A couple of weeks later, she suffered a legitmate broken mandible and had to have surgery and nine screws put in her jaw. However, she was only out of action for two months as she returned to OVW to further train, and where she would pick up her second OVW championship.

Later, she would return to WWE and soon pick up the WWE Womens Championship, her first in WWE.

Soon after that, Santino Marella would issue an open challenge to any one in the back. Beth accpeted and defeated him with a roll-up. The next week, they confronted each other in the ring and engaged in a few grapples, which would end up in a kiss, that would leave them both with confused looks. They would proceed to return the next and be the newly formed t.v couple, Glameralla. However this couple wouldnt last for long as Beth was elimnated in a Diva battle royal by Marella who competed in drag, claiming to be his twin sister "Santina.".

She would then be traded to Smackdown, the first trade of her carrer. Later, she would enter the Royal Rumble, becoming the second woman ever to compete in a Royal Rumble, with the first being Chyna. She would elimnate the Great Khali, but then would be elimnated by CM Punk.

On a episode of Superstars, Beth would tear her ACL, offically putting her out of commision. She would then undergo surgery and return once again at the Survivor Series pay-per-veiw, and assist Natalya in the post match against Michelle McCool and Layla, making herself a fan favorite.

All in all, Beth Phoniex is one of the most dominant divas ever in WWE, being compared to the likes of Chyna. Beth has a bright carrer ahead of her and should fufill all her potential.

(all info was retrived from Wikipedia)



00:57 Feb 03 2011

Beth is awesome!

06:50 Feb 03 2011

That was a cool read. We have a friend that works for OVW. We were at his house once back in 2001 when Rico Constantino came in. I have a picture of me holding his belt. This was back when WWE was WWF. They put on a show at Louisville Gardens "The Last Dance". After the show we got to meet Chris Jercho, The Undertaker & Kane, The Big Show and a few others. lt was a fun night.

I am a short person and to stand next to the Undertaker was like standing next to a mountain that moved.

I never got to meet the Rock, that made me sad.


14:36 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 800

I promise guys if I ever get a premium I will make a section on my journal for rants only, that way if you dont wanna listen to me go on and on about the things I hate, you can just skip all that.



01:42 Feb 06 2011

But it's the rants that often contain the most truth and interesting moments in our lives :)


01:07 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 817

Wanna know what amazes me? Hypocrisy.

I am not and I repeat I AM NOT(!!) trying to paint the wall with one brush here. Bare that in mind.

But today in my third period, there are 8 people (including my teacher) who are "Christian" out of the ten of us in there. Pfft. Please. There is one I have heard very vebarlly discuss his disdain of gay people. Then there is another guy. Whom I heard cuss today. And then there is the our teacher, who is so blinded by her own politcal views and religious intolerance, she cant even teach the criteria correctly.

One thing I saw once that struck me as so true. It went like this:

War. Proverty. Murder. Gay marriage.

Guess which the southern Baptist convention is protesting?

In other news, Barbra Bush, has appeared in a Human Rights campaign video, voicing her support for gay marriage. Barbra, we love you.



01:21 Feb 02 2011

I took a relegion class in college one semister...and the teacher was "christian" day one we went around the room and introduced ourself and told what relegious path we followed...well you can imagine when I mentioned I leaned a bit towards the pagan side. You can imagine how the rest of the semister went for me. All my papers "A" worthy never got more than a "B"

01:24 Feb 02 2011

Yup. It just endlessly amazes me.


04:07 Feb 01 2011
Times Read: 652

I loves me lab partner, Megan. We crack up all class long.




Mrs.Peck: so you have all those balls bouncing around...

Us:[Insert suppressed grins, and suppressed giggles]




02:08 Feb 01 2011
Times Read: 650

Ummmm.... wow.

What I felt today kinda weirded me out.




So... some changes coming soon.

00:32 Feb 01 2011
Times Read: 656

A list of things I am going to change

-The rating system on my profile.

-My MSN address.



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