
Vampire Rave member for 15 years.

Status:  Irritater (16.09)
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Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Louisville, KY


Bite DeamonLoveSlave08

Stalk DeamonLoveSlave08



To Live is to Die


My name is Alana. I am older than 21 but younger than 30. I am a LPN/nurse. I work full time and I am currently back in school for my RN. I about 5'5 1/2. I am thick and curvy. I have 5 tats and 8 piercings. The tats are on my left arm, upper back, lower back, and 2 more on each side of my chest. (On the right breast is the Godsmack sun.) I have the piercings in my nose, tongue, and 3 in each ear. I was referred here to VR by someone and I am glad I was. I am on here to meet new kick ass people and maybe makes some friends.

A little about me: Well my life is music. Music, music, music. I love rock, and some classic rock. My favorite band in the universe is Godsmack...which is obvious in my profile. They are the gods of the universe. Sully is the god of rock. He is the best stage performer I have ever seen. I am very devoted to this band. Let's just say I would sell my soul just to get tickets if I had to. It's a good thing I am a nurse and make decent money then isn't it? lol. The last time I saw them was a few years ago here in Louisville. Metallica was here as well. Now that concert was unbelievable! I started listening to Godsmack when they first came out. Their music is so dark, and fills me completely. I can relate to everything they say in their lyrics. My song is Voodoo. For many reasons. I love a lot of bands! Such as: Fuel, TOOL,ACDC,Marylin Manson, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Disturbed, The Gathering, Lacuna Coil, Evanesence, Trapped, SystemofaDown, Rob Zombie, and many, many more!

I love to sing! My dream is to start a band after I grad. from college. I know that is EVERYONE'S dream but it is what I have always wanted my whole life. Nursing is my back up plan. I enjoy what I do, but my passion will always to be up on stage.

I moved here from Wichita,KS to Louisville about 9 years ago. My mother's job at the time relocated us here. In Kansas, we had 50 acres of farm. In Louisville, we have not even an acre. The transition here was really tough. Especially when after like 3 years of moving here, my father died.

He loved tattoos! He had like 30 of them. One day he went out of town to this tattoo parlor, and got a tribal on his right upper arm. It was a great looking tat. But there was a problem. That tat ultimately led to his death. The needle the tattoo artist used was dirty and my father contracted Hepatitis C. My father was an veteran Marine, and so he was nothing but muscle. He lifted weights and everything. Some people used to say he reminded them of Hulk Hogan. Even at 40. Well the hepatitis ate him up over 2 years and at the time of his death, he was a yellow skeleton. That shit was the hardest thing I had to go through. I lost, my mentor, my hero, my best friend, and the bravest man I have ever known. When he died, I died with him. It took away a part of my heart. Everything I was was gone. I was a quiet, straight A, church going girl. When he took his last breath, it took the last thing of me. From that day on, I went wild. Followed no rules and had no boundaries. Lived without care. It really didn't matter to me at the time whether I died or lived. I never have been back to church, or anything. He death, really changed my view on life. I have never seen another human suffer as much as he did. Tht's why that experience led me to the career I am in now. Every time I save a life, or make a difference in someone's life, I get pieces of my heart back. Well anyways. enough about that.

I have always been interested in vampires, and all the other dark creatures of the night. As a kid I worshipped vampires. I was one for Halloween every year I believe. I wanted to be one so bad. But now as a adult, I know they are not real, but if I had the opportunity to become one...I would. They are so beautiful to me.

The pictures below was Godsmack's 2003 H&L Custom Chopper. Bad ass!

The bike was filmed for the "SPEAK" video on MTV. It has been featured in several bike magazines and can also be seen in Godsmack's "Changes" DVD.

He is so delicious! I love his tats!

Here are some fun facts about Godsmack:
1. Sully Erna was awarded the ceremonial key to the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts.
2. Sully has a book out called “The Paths We Choose.”
3. Sully Erna, Robbie Merrill , Tony Rombola , and Shannon Larkin are the members of Godsmack.
4. Past members of GS:Drummer Joe Darco and Tommy Stewart.
5. Their first CD was “All Wound Up”. The next one was "Godsmack", then “Awake”. Next there was “Faceless”.Then there was “Godsmack IV”. Other Albums:Good Times, Bad Times ...Ten Years of Godsmack,Rockin' The Corps -
An American Thank You, Any Given Sunday,The Other Side, The Scorpion King, Nativity In Black, Vol. 2 - A Tribute To Black Sabbath, and Serenity.
6. Before Godsmack, Sully was in the band Strip Mind.
7. Sully is devot Wiccan

Here is a picture of the band with Chris Angel.

Member Since: Sep 05, 2008
Last Login: Sep 19, 2008
Times Viewed: 8,511

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