
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Ferine (29.52)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Georgia USA



Bite LadyDeidre

Stalk LadyDeidre


The immanent goddess did not create the rose she is the rose . She did not create you , she IS you .

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Hello, my name is Devon. I am a 27 year old mother of 2 beautiful children. I have been married for 9 years. I have been studying Paganism for around thirteen years, and I was learning about the goddess before it was the "IN" thing to do. I consider myself a celtic shaman . My patron goddess is Brigid. I love to read ,mostly horror but I also love a good romance novel. I love Ann Rice ( I dont know anyone who doesnt love her work). I am a true Taurus. I am opinionate, tempermental, kind, caring, loving, giving, sharing, blunt, and I speak my mind; there is no sugar coating with me. I am 5'5" long redhair, green eyes. Some say I am beautiful , I don't think so. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though. Blessed Be.

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My favorite television shows are.... Charmed, House, Supernatural, Lost, Prison Break, The Simpsons. Family Guy , and Drawn Together,

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Some of the music that I like is....
The Killers, Aerosmith, Staind, Disturbed, Static X, Rammstein, Evanescance, Metallica , Type O Negative, AC/ DC , Collide, Led Zeplin, Joss Stone, Nickelback, Franz Ferdinand, and Heart

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Take the quiz:

What is your Paranormal gift?

Control of Fire
You're a little pyro, arn't you? Fire attracts you and you've learned how to control it, or even create that pretty little flicker of red, orange, and blue light. Be careful, though, you could set your friends, family, or even yourself on fire... try doing that to the enemies.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Eyes of Beauty - Your soul posesses Eyes of Beauty.
The world is your dance floor and you intend to
boogy your life away. You see the world
through eyes of grace and kindess. You are
known for your great capacity and abiltity to
love. You are probably quite popular and you
have the ability to make friends fast. Your
bubbly personality attaracts people left and
right. You have stolen the hearts of many and
have great plans for your future. You are very
intelligent and behind your sweet smile lies a
girl who is strong-willed and probably a bit
tempormental. Sometimes you can get a little
carried away and believe yourself better then
others, but it doesn't take much for you to
come back down to earth. Your intentions are
always good, and the word manipulation is not
even in your vocabulary.

What Kind of Wolf Are You?

Grey Wolf: The most powerful of all wolves. A creature of legends and spirit.Take this quiz!

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What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)
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What 7 deadly sin are you?? UPDATED(with pics)

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?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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You kill with magic.
You are very skilled with magic, but have poor
fighting skills. But it doesn't really matter
anyway since it can be as powerful as other
weapons. You are probably missunderstood by
people and have some pain inside you. You are
not the kind of person to start a fight, but if
you are provocted you respond. You probably
don't have that many friends either though you
might want some. According to you life is a
lonely journey and you try not to care to much.
Most people who are witches or anything similar
is thought to be evil and want to see all
people suffer. That however is not true. You
don't feel that much joy seeing others in pain.
You are probably peaceful and quiet when left

Main weapon: Potions and spells
Quote: "A man can be destroyed but
not defeated" -Ernest Hemingway
Facial expression: Blank eyes

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
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Your death will be from a broken heart...Most
likely because you fell in love with someone
you loved more then yourself or because your
not loved at all. You will die from just giving
up on life itself...not eatimg, not talking,
not doing anything. You will most likely die
alone in your house with nothing but the
picture of the one you love in your arms...

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
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Your eyes are Sorrowful. Wandering Angel eyes. You
Hate to be made fun of.

What kind of eyes do you have?
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Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'll bet you expected this answer. You already knew
you were a DARK ANGELIC, didn't you? You
are similar to a demon but slightly different
in that you don't revel in evil...you revel in
pleasure. Your wings resemble an angel's but if
that's so then you are a Fallen Angel - your
love of sin caused you to be cast from the
Heavens. They are black as raven wings and are
nearly as dark as your desires. You are
faithless and love it - you believe there is no
Judgement Day to fear and so you can do what
you want! You have a refined concept of what is
sexy and a slightly chaotic sense of 'fun.' In
fact, you love chaos and view much of what you
do as a game. You are typically attracted to
those that will challenge your mind, power, and
wit...and are 'dangerous' people like you. It's
not unlikely that you are bisexual or at least
open to the concept, because you seek
excitement and passion everywhere and in
everyone. Chances are you have a special talent
for magick - you're a powerful being and you
know what you want. Like a Serpent of Eden you
like to try your powers of seduction and
manipulation, though your intent is rarely to
cause harm. You have a deep, dark sense of art
and/or poetry, because your mind is a deep,
dark place. While typically smirking, amused,
and sarcastic, you are capable of severe
revenge and a passion and intensity unrivaled
by any other. In your eyes life is for
enjoyment and pleasure - nothing else. If
you're not having fun in your own twisted way,
you're not happy. You are easily bored with the
vast majority of people. You are most likely
drawn towards the Gothic subculture and
probably adore Goth music, art, and style. Many
people look down on your seemingly careless
lifestyle and may even consider you 'slutty'.
Not true. You just know you're sexy and you're
damn proud of it. Dark Angels have an outlook
most like Satanists - loving sin and looking to
none but themselves for power. Congratulations!
You're my kindred spirit. As far as I'm
concerned - you know what life is REALLY about.
Have fun...Muahaha.

Trying to find source, will be posted ASAP.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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You are sad because of your grief

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
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The Temptress

You are the one who comes into people's dreams at

night to drive them mad with desire. You are

sultry, sexy, and passionate. Others find you

hypnotic. You have the sort of smoldering

eyes and bedroom glances that are the stuff

of legend.

What's so scary about you: Like sweet poison, you

are addictive and deadly.

Your gemstone: Garnet
Your moon: Rose Moon (July)

Which Beautiful Vampiress are You? (For Girls! - Gothic Anime Pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

"No one holds command over me.
No man. No god. No prince.
What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal?
What is a claim of power for ones who defy death?
Call your damnable hunt.
We shall see who I drag screaming to hell with me."
-Gunter Dorn, Das Ungeheuer Darin. Vampire the Masquerade 2nd Edition Book

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Love Ya, Lady Deidre

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Member Since: Dec 21, 2005
Last Login: Apr 04, 2009
Times Viewed: 7,355

Times Rated:476

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Feb 27, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Nov 26, 2023


Aug 25, 2023

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