
Hell (Coven)

Roses are red, Winters are cold get on your knees and do as your told!
Set at 18:30 on July 24, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

Status:  Ethereal Being (31.62)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

The Rocky Mountains!



Bite MistressoftheDark

Stalk MistressoftheDark


Never take life to seriously, you won't get out alive!

Suckin on my titties like u wanted me,
Calling me all of the time like Blondie!
Check out my Chrissy behind it's fine all of the time!
Like sex on the beaches,
what else is in the teaches of peaches?
Huh? What?

Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
Fuck the pain away , Fuck the pain away!
- Peaches

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First Off please bare with me as I try to get the hang of this

and build up my profile and page. Thanks! I know there will

be typos, if you see one and I missed it please let me know. I

am kind of OCD about that. Also please add me as a friend I

am in the red if you have been rated I have added you as a

friend, or will if u rate and add me! Also My daughter just

joined her name is TemptressAetheria, so please be good to

her and watch over her and help her out like you all did and

do for me. She really needs friends and ratings to build up

and I will help her get her profile built up Thanks everyone!

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In case you cant tell PINK is my favorite color. I am 5'3" "YES"

a shorty! I will have you know a bundle of dynamite! Blond

hair, Dark hazel eyes, I am not one of those super skinny

girls,so if you like that I am not for you. I am a complete

smart ass. I will give you a hard time because that's who I

am, but it's all about kidding around, for the most part. You

cant take most of what I say too seriously. I guess you have

to have the same sense of humor as I do to get me. I have a

old style about me. I think pin up is way sexier then playboy

style. I love the looks and style from the mid evil days, 20s,

30s, 40s,and 50s. I believe I have a old soul. I want a man

who knows how to treat a woman right. I want chivalry,

passion, and love. I have been with losers and am so done

with that. I want to be treated like a lady should be treated.

I want those cheesy cliche things flowers and candy and foot

rubs. I treat a person as they treat me. I love tough guys,

slight bad boy edge. I don't want a asshole just a guy I know

can protect me and will fight for me if I was ever in trouble. I

have a big mouth, I say what I feel and sometimes it gets me

into trouble, LOL. I am the type of girl that trys to always look

sexy in the bedroom for my man. But I am also the girl that

wants to be able to put on sweats and cuddle up to watch a

movie at home. If you want to text me you can 7209371034

What Mythic Creature are you?

You are a Fairy!
You are a Fairy!
Your a Fairy!Your an adorable creature of the woods you may look cute but even you know you like to play mind games with humans and animals of our world you never harm to bad you just play games cause you don't realize you hurting people
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

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My thoughts are crabbed and sallow,
My tears like vinegar,
Or the bitter blinking yellow
Of an acetic star.

Tonight the caustic wind, love,
Gossips late and soon,
And I wear the wry-faced pucker of
The sour lemon moon.

While like an early summer plum,
Puny, green, and tart,
Droops upon its wizened stem
My lean, unripened heart.

- Sylvia Plath

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I am obsessed with fairies.
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I am a hardcore flirt. I have a huge heart along with a huge

pair of ... No wait scratch that- I have a great sense of humor

& I am very straightforward, No B.S. with me. I have not been

able to get out much lately because when your a parent it is

hard to juggle things for yourself, and your kids and

everything else we have had to deal with.I am a single

parent. We have been through some hard times which I will

explain to you if we start talking. I have a sweet look to me

but I am not as innocent as I look.

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If you have actually made it this far then there is your first

bonus point.I use to party all the time, so I still have the wild

girl in me waiting to let loose. I like to wrestle & get a bit wild

sometime and I will probably cheat to win, I like going mud

boggin/4 wheelin. I like dancing & drinking when I am able to

get out.I like to play video games ( I am such a Kid in that

way). I am looking for good friends & maybe that special

someone if it happens. I always try to get along with

everyone. If you stay on my good side you have a friend for

life. If not your loss and the bitch comes out.

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I have never been one to put up with crap from anyone. I am

not a bitch , but I am not a little lamb either. I have always

been a strong headed person & know how I deserve to be

treated. I have taught my daughters to respect themselves

& others, to be strong & not ever do something because their

"friends" are doing it, or to have any guy peer pressure them

in to doing something. I have taught my son to respect

himself & women, to be a gentlemen cause lets face it there

are fewer & fewer of those in the world. I absolutely don't

think a man should hit a woman. I am old fashioned in a lot of

ways. I don't care if someone likes it , or not because that is

how I feel & I am the one living my life. I am too old to deal

with high school games and I won't do it. I am for sure a very

emotional person. I am very sensitive that is my weakness, I

hate seeing people get hurt especially children. Any crime on

a child I think is the absolute worst. I LOVE my children more

then anything else and can't even begin to imagine hurting


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As you get older you get set in your ways and its harder to

change & compromise on those things. I never take NO for a

answer if it's something I really want & I usually get it. I don't

give up easily. I am a true friend as long as I am treated with

respect. I am the person my friends call to ask for advice ,or

they really need to vent , or talk about something. I am a

slightly bossy bitch. I love doing things spur of the moment. I

am a full blooded German hot head. I am very stubborn and

wont back down. I luv learning new things,Knowledge is very

important. I watch a lot of science and history & other shows

like that. I love a variety of movies but I am a huge horror

movie fan, been one ever since I could remember, while other

children were watching Care bears. I was watching Friday

the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm street, and others. I am crazy about
Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches.

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As far as religion goes I am not a religious person.

I believe in the balance of nature. I believe what goes

around comes around. If you really need something

to help you it will come to you if you concentrate and

think about it hard enough. It wont be when you are

expecting it, but it will come. I have always wanted to

learn more about the Wiccan religion out of anything

because I feel it is closest to earth and I think it

sounds like a beautiful religion. I hate when people

say its worshiping the devil. I think more death and

war has come out of certain religions, in trying to

force everyone to believe what they want them to.

I think everyone has a right to choose what they want

to believe in, but should not force that belief on others.

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Video games my PS3 and XBOX 360
are a couple addictions, Thunderstorms
I love being in the rain when its pouring,
Sleeping, Funny people, The mountains,
Movies, Going on road trips, Gentlemen,
Halloween I love dressing up, Chocolate,
Amusement parks, Beach & Boats!

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Hateful people who want to hurt
others & put them down to make
themselves feel better, Any scum
that hurts children in any way,
Boring, or long drawn out movies,
fighting, Stupid People.

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I am a Kim Harrison fan I hope to
see a show, or movie about her
Hollows Series.
I like Charlaine Harrison she wrote
The Sookie Stackhouse Novels aka True Blood
Dexter novels
DaVinchi Code

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I am a huge movie buff ,
but horror movies are my favorite.
To list all would be way to much.
A select few are
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I am in Love with Woody Harrelson
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Queen of the Damned - Lestat is so sexy!
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Rob Zombies movies
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Quentin Tarantino movies
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"Zeds dead baby, Zeds dead!"

A nightmare On Elm Street-all of them
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The Original's My Men, Freddy and Jason
wont be the same without them!
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A clockwork Orange
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Trading Places and pretty much every other Eddie Murphy movie
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Silent Hill, Resident Evil, The Princess Bride,
The Goonies, A Christmas Story,
Indiana Jones all of them,The Hangover.

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True Blood,
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The Walking Dead
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8 0 ' s comedies because I think the 7 0 ' s,
8 0 ' s & 9 0 ' s Saturday Night Live
casts were the funniest
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The Simpsons, Family Guy,
Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory

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I love a variety of music death metal,
rap, jazz, blues, reggae, punk, alternative,
pop, hard rock, classic rock, ect..
Stevie Ray Vaughn was the Man!
He played a MEAN Guitar!
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Member Since: Jul 07, 2011
Last Login: Sep 12, 2011
Times Viewed: 7,225

Times Rated:356

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Dec 04, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Mar 27, 2022

MistressofChains was here

Mar 14, 2021
You have been fairly rated by Premiere Sire Amaranthine.


Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Enjoy the Darkness...

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