
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Dastard (23.96)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?



Bite Varvali

Stalk Varvali



Rejoice! For very bad things are about to happen.


The bones of it all:

I am a Poet, cerebral adventurer, Pagan, malcontent, fond of most, lover of little.

I believe that all things are possible, and in the possibility that all things can be believed, if only for a moment in time.

I am a Gemini through and through, and my life is a constant exercise in contradiction. I am at once humble and arrogant, suicidal and full of life, comforting and frightening. I lose faith in humanity on a daily basis; but I can look up into the sky, watch the clouds battle with one another, and forget all the pain points, at least for the moment.

I'm older than 20, younger than 40. 5"7 ish with reddish-brown hair. Pretty much Irish Peasant stock. Married twice, divorced once. I am currently married to a man that both infuriates me and fascinates me. Our relationship is the most honest I've ever had, and he'll never know how much I love him. We were married in Vegas last June.

I have three stepchildren. My favorite thing to do is make them laugh.

I don't have children of my own, and I probably never will. I worry that I won't have anyone to take care of me when I'm old. But then, I remember that I most likely won't live to be that old, and that I don't feel like being responsible for bringing another being into this world.

I trust very few people in this world.

I have a passion for Mardi Gras anything, especially clowns or jesters. I've been to Mardi Gras a few times in New Orleans, and I'm hell-bent on going back as soon as funds permit. It's not the free-for-all orgy some make it out to be. It's one of the few places I've actually felt completely at peace.

I am a true believer in past lives, and I figure my obsession with Mardi Gras came from "somewhere else," being that I was born and raised in New Jersey. Specifically, I've had inklings that I've lived during Medieval times, and Victorian England or New York. Neither life ended well, which would explain why I'm a hopeless, sulking brat now. But I'm working on it.

I am hard to get to know, but fiercely loyal once you get to know me deeply. My mouth has a natural down-turn, and people often assume that I'm upset about something. I've considered getting Botox just to make people shut the hell up. I am immediately suspicious of people who tell my they love me, or call me "sister" after only a few encounters. These types are almost always the ones who turn on me once they think they have me figured out. So if you're one of these, move along.

I am a Wiccan, and have been for almost 10 years. I was raised Catholic, and ran as far away from that shit as soon as the Goddess showed me the way. I won't tell you that I'm High Priestess this or that, initiate of the Blah Blah Coven, rank of who cares. I don't believe in titles. I believe in the beauty of the green Earth and the white moon among the stars, and all are welcome in the Goddess's house. Leave your titles in the houses of men, where they belong.

I do not whimsically enforce my will on others through magick. I don't curse people that don't love me back. I don't hex people that annoy me. I do not wish bad things upon my enemies, though they may wish that for me. I let the universe take care of the little things. I don't seek to raise the dead, or magical creatures not native to this realm. That dangerous and silly crap is for the very young, or the tragically misinformed. My rituals are mostly prayers of hope and justice. I am well protected, on many levels. More importantly, I've learned how to protect myself; that's half the battle. The other half is to know when to use what, even if that "what" is nothing...yet. =):

There is another version of the Rede that my old circle used that may be pertinent here:

"An it cause no harm, do as ye will;
An it cause harm, do as ye must.

Wiccans are not powerless against the forces that cause harm. As long as the Witch is willing to accept the consequences of her actions, do as ye must.

I've been drawn to Vampires and the seductive darkness of their world since childhood. I met my husband when we played Vampire: The Masquerade together. We both joke that it's a good thing in the daytime, we look like everyone else. I have a passion for exploring the dark corners of life, especially my activities anger the "society" at large. I've thought about becoming a donor, but I haven't really explored this yet.

I love tattoos. I have three currently, one in bad need of a fix. I'd have more, but truth be told, they really, really upset my mother. She's elderly, and I'm her sole caretaker. She comes from a very different place and time than I do, and if her denial about who I am brings her peace in her remaining years, so be it. She's a difficult woman, but a far better mother than many I've come across.

I'm also a "Gamer Chick." I play World of Warcraft. My current "main" toon is a Warlock named Vinicula. Being a female playing this game is interesting. I lust after PvP (Player vs. Player), and I thoroughly enjoy killing gankers with reckless abandon.

Aint she fierce? =)

Another current obsession of mine is Looking For Group. It's an online comic taking place in the realm of MMORPGs. Whenever I have a truly rotten day, I read the comic, and come away feeling a little less rotten. I highly recommend checking it out.

This is Richard. It's all you need to know.

In my spare time (when my job isn't working me to death), I enjoy watching horror movies, preferably bad vampire movies, Reading The Dresden Files, making plans to go to open poetry readings and never going, and watching my two cats Cyrus and Zelda wrestle. Catnip is hilarious, by the way. A few of my guilty pleasures are getting pedicures (shhhh!) and disappearing in the woods for a day without telling anyone where I'm going.

I'm a Libertarian at heart, and I believe that if what you do doesn't hurt anyone but yourself, the state has no fucking right to stop you. I hate the phrase "alternative lifestyle." That assumes that bible-thumpers are normal, and most assuredly, they are not. Some of the most wretched, unpleasant people I've come across are Born-Again Xtians. They annoy me to no end, and I can't wait until the Rapture comes and takes them ALL away, so we can start to make some progress on this planet. That goes for all religious fanatics. Get on the bus, we don't need you anymore.

My favorite food is Asian food, even though it tears my stomach up. Nobody in my family likes it but me, so I'm usually the weird girl eating alone. I used to drink a lot, but my health started failing, so I pretty much never drink anymore. Then again, I was in a horrible marriage at the time. *shrug*

I guess you could call my tastes in music alternative, if alternative means that you put on the radio and want to throw it out the window. I like techno, darkwave, most goth music, old-school alternative, indie and some punk.

At any rate, I am enjoying my time here. Please ask before friending me. Feel free to message me. I will pull up AIM or Yahoo upon request.

Namaste, my friend.

I work a Swing shift in Central time, so I am usually online after 12:30 am. For those who are wondering...

Member Since: Feb 26, 2008
Last Login: Mar 31, 2008
Times Viewed: 4,056

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