
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Evildoer (42.82)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

My Beautiful Theatre


Bite Xulldia

Stalk Xulldia


And all my days are trances, And all my nightly dreams, Are where thy dark eye glances, And where thy footstep gleams — In what ethereal dances, By what eternal streams. -Edgar Allan Poe-

I don't remember how I gained my love to Vampires and the darker sides of Life and Death, but I have always been thankful that I have. I since that unknown point in my life I have always been enchanted by their strength and grace. Depending on what you read, they can be beautiful or horrifying. Their choice.

I am what you might call "dark". I am, but i'm not over the top either. I hang out with a very mixed crowd and my best friends hate the music I love and love the music I hate. There are other things to connect us. It isn't about image or religion or whatever else. My family, my friends are important to me. They know they can depend on me. Any good friend can.

Almost always I'm open to talking to people. Its not like I'm going to tell *everything* about myself, I'm willing to listen to you. Biting is tolerated, but if you stalk me or add me to your friends list, please tell me. that is all I'll ask. I won't give you my IM, but you are free to message me. You could email me, but i rarely check it.

Before I became enthralled with the “creatures of the night” I had grown in my spirituality a little bit more and started to understand that Death isn’t “evil”. Life isn’t “good”. How can it be? It is vital to the to Cycle that both continue. I’m not saying that I have worked out the mysteries of the universe. I’m mortal, I don't have the time in any number of life times to even start to scratch the surface. Doesn't mean I can’t try.

People I think of as good friends:

ValShizzle~ There are many things that can be said about her...we've known each other for a number of years before the Rave and outside the Rave....but I finally talked her into joining us! I think of her as my sister, and always will.

xShadowxCorpsex ~ somehow she gets me to laugh on the days that don't seem like days that I can laugh on. She is wonderfully inspirational person. And I know that I can say that in complete honesty.

Azezel~ One of the first people I met on the Rave. He has been so nice to me. He's easy to talk to.

queenmorbid~ She helped me out a lot when I first joined the Coven of the Stone Guardians...like *where* to go to earn favor....

Aziel~ He pointed out to me that he didn't agree with a comment I had made on my profile. I have change it since, but it got us talking. Conversations are very interesting. I think he's one of the cool kids.

LadyShelly~ Many here know her as a kind and sweet person...which I feel is a bit of an understatement ;) She has a beautiful singing voice.

BloodyRayne~ Another lover of the Theatre! and kindred "techie"...excuse me..."theatre junkie!"...and I will get me troupe to do that festival...somehow....

BrokenxDoll~ She is *a lot* of fun to talk to and that I can talk to her without feeling strange about what I say. She's very sweet.
And I shall forever send her messages with
random nonsensical questions!!

~other Pagans, Wiccans, Druids, and Witches
~other religions (thoses who give the Pagan religions and spirtualities a tarnished name and image can go fuck themselves)
~ the colors black, purple, green, blue, red, white. All shade and tones of these.
~black eye makeup
~blood. Where it belongs. In my veins.
~molten silver
~Neverwinter Nights!
~Tim Burton films
~Music by the bands listed below
~Monty Python
~Cold weather
~hot tea
~apple cider
~Thunder storms
~Order of the Stick (online comic)
~well hand -crafted jewelry
~Edgar Allan Poe
~ the feel of a fresh journal or sketch pad

Things I loath with a burning passion:

~Individuals who give a bad name to the Pagan Religions
~animal crulty in all forms
~titles of sexual orientation (Love is love, no matter who its with. Love one another for their person within the given title, don't hate them for being even slightly different from you)
~black lipstick. On most people, its looks tacky. myself included in that. Okay, so on some, it looks hot, but not on me...
~hot weather
~my natural hair color
~those who preach to me
~being sick
~rude people (who doesn’t dislike them?)
~people who belittle others
~the shit music (i.e. hip hop, rap, country)

the basics:
i'm 18, red head with blue/green or grey eyes (it changes) and 5'6" and average build. So after saything this : i don't wanna be asked about what i look like. Damn people...(a diffent site, but i'm just posting it now so don't have to over and over again. it isn't vanity, its laziness)

So yea, I'm a jewler, but i think i've said that already...anyway. i'm also a Girl Scout. my troop never does anything girl scout-ish (other then Day Camp...i'm the knife "safety" lady. I teach small children how to not stab themselves). I've been a Girl Scout since i was in 3rd grade. I laugh at Boy Scouts as I walk by them. Their mom's glare at me. its hilarious. Well to me anyway....MOVING ON!
I write, but i don't have anything in here yet. stay tuned....


The Cruxshadows, Emilie Autumn, Bella Morte,Diary of Dreams, Paraylsed Age,Carfax Abbey, Neuoactive, KMFDM, Nightwish, Rammstein, Loreena McKennitt, Zeromancer, Celldweller, VNV Nation, And One,The Dreamside,Ego Likeness, Skinny Puppy, Otep, The Last Dance, Qntal, Eisbrecher, ThouShaltNot, Corvus Corax, Voltaire, HIM, Clan of Xymox and the list goes on... and on...then stops...

Some books I recomend:
False Memory and Velocity both by Dean Koontz
Lucas by Kevin Brooks
Probable Future by Alice Hoffman

The Productions I have worked on. Tech and/or Acting
"Robin Hood" Beth
"Mouse on Mars" Costume Misstress
"Any Number Can Die" Construction, Props, Painting
"Dancing At Laugnasa" Ass. Stage Manager, construction, painting
"All the Way Home" Construction, Props, Painting
"Footloose" Acting- Town Person/ Pricipal's wife (no lines...damn it...)
"Noises Off" Ass. Director, Construction, painting, props
"A Streetcar Named Desire" Construction, props
"Peter Pan" Ass. Stage Mangager, Construction, props, painting
"Once Upon a Mattress" Acting-Peasent, Angel Choir ,construction, painting, props, funiture
"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" Construction, painting, house
"A Midsummer's Night Dream" Acting-Hippolyta, Construction, painting, funiture, props
"The Children's Hour" Acting- Mrs, Amelia Tilford, Furniture head, construction
"Child's Play" Furniture head

Member Since: Oct 14, 2005
Last Login: Nov 10, 2009
Times Viewed: 7,654

Times Rated:498

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Mar 29, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 04, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Nov 25, 2023


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