
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Antagonist (37.47)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

lost in my mind in Nowheresville, New Mexico


Bite impaledheart666

Stalk impaledheart666


Blood loss by hate shown by the cuts on my flesh and written on my skin was, In Hell may I rest.... People just say that they love so they can destroy you in the end. Pain is just weakness leaving the body.I'm dying to live and living to die....

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Malevolent, Abhorrent, Redhead-Injuring, Scientist-Snatching Abomination

Get Your Monster Name

My name is Marissa. I'm Wiccan. I've got something to tell all of you. If you have a problem with what I believe in or you dont agree with me or w/e the hell your problem is, dont I repeat DONT send me rude messages about it. if your opinion MATTERED to me, I would have asked for it. Love me or hate me. You're still addicted.

thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and rate me. about 40% of you will not read this. but thats ok. no matter.

My deepest apologies for not coming online. I just got my computer fixed so I should be checking this profile more often. ^_^

anyways, I've had a very hard life and a very dark past. I've cut myself before and I'm not proud of it. I AM proud to say I havent cut in a few months. I'm suicidal right now but hopefully that will pass. I've been described as a very sweet person *until you piss me off*. then I can go out of my way to make your life a living hell.

I would really appreciate it if you people would stop asking me why I am here because I'm 16. I may be young, but I'm mature and intelligent. you may think I'm just another 16 year old girl who likes to talk dirty and pose for pictures in her underwear but you are wrong. thats not me. got a problem? get the hell out.

one more thing before we continue, before you judge me, try walking in my shoes. you know nothing about me and why I have cut so dont judge me. if you want to judge me, go ahead. dont message me about telling me I'm stupid and whatever because if you felt how I felt on the inside, you would understand.

as far as sexual orientation goes, I dont care whether the person I love is male or female. love is love. if you have a problem with this then you know your way out. if you dont know your way out, just click on the home link. I dont want to hear about how I'm confused and how someone cant love males and females aka be bi. dont tell me that I need to choose because I WONT! I dont have time for your childish games.

I am what some people call a hybrid *I feed off of blood and energy*. I cant control my psychic side yet but I am slowly getting better at controlling it. I rarely feed off of blood because there arent many people in my town who are willing donors, save one friend who will be my donor and I his as soon as we can find a safe place to feed.

another thing, if you dont want an honest answer, dont ask me anything. if you do ask, I will not lie to you. I also dont sugar-coat anything. I'm just straight forward ok?

I would do anything for my friends so dont mess with them. I can read Tarot cards and it freaks my friends out. Whenever I have a party, my friends beg me to take out my Tarot cards. They always make me read the cards for a new friend first. I can know absolutely nothing about them or thier past. What's really strange about it is that sometimes I can see their memories as though I were there myself. Then other times, I draw a blank. I dont know if it's psychic ability or just lucky guesses....

Anyways, I'm pretty laid back and that scares people because even when I am really pissed and about to rip someone's throat out, I am very calm about it.

I'm very withdrawn as trusting people has been my downfall countless times. I value solitude immensely and it would do you good to leave me alone when I tell you to.

Some people have noticed that my eyes change colors with my mood. They change blue, grey, green and grey with tiny flecks of gold. It is quite irritating because once you figure out what color my eyes change when I'm upset and what nots, there is no hiding my feelings from you. I try very hard to mask how I feel.

I am a very sensitive artist. I draw, paint and write poetry. To read some of my poetry, check out my journal. *If you have a problem with death and blood and stuff, then I suggest you dont read it.*

Also, if you want to know whats going on in my life, look at my journal....

I have a very strange obsession with vampires and blood. I love walking outside at night *the one time it is the most beautiful*. I've always known that I was different from most people. Note that I say different not better. I am Druid and "Fairy" by blood *according to my great grandmother-who passed away-*. I am very interested in the supernatural and occult.

I have many different split personalities. Janice is the most dominant. she is the one who writes, draws, and paints. she is moody and angry and she is also the one you dont want to meet in a dark alley. you might end up getting hurt.

most people in this stupid s***hole I live in dont like me because I'm different but oh well. you cant please them all. LOL my friends say that I am a very lovable and sweet person. I say otherwise. if you ask other people what they think of me, you will most likely get vampire, psycho, freak, emo, goth, ect.

some people say that I belong in a mental institute. well, I dont wear a strait jacket because I have to, I wear it because its comfortable. it makes me feel special because I get to hug myself and at night, I get to count the buckles. hmm... belong in a mental institute.... maybe I do... oh well... if they only knew the half of it.... LOL

wheeee!! I am a very random person but I rock like that. if you rate, I will try to get back to you asap but my comp is slow so I cant promise.

I also refuse to talk to people who hit on minors. if you are over 18 *or under 18*, I'd be happy to talk to you! I LOVE making new friends. but please dont hit on me because its just wrong. I'm not interested in phone sex, cyber sex or anything like that... if you want to hit on minors, go to a different profile because you're not getting anything here.

another thing, if you want me to prove to you that I am Fairy by blood or that I feed off of energy, you're wasting your time. I dont have anything that I need to prove to you.

also, if you want to kill me, you can't. I'll beat you to it.

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Here are some of the people I regularly enjoy talking to on the site. You should seriously check out their profiles! =) I lost contact with a few people I usually talk to and as soon as I figure out what their profile names were, they shall be added to this list. by the way, you have to be EXTRA EXTRA special to me to be on this list. please, I repeat PLEASE dont ask to be put on this list. if I like you enough, I will put your name down here. and dont worry, they are not in order. LOL


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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-horror movies
-Nightmare Before Christmas
-hanging out with friends
-meeting new people
-moonlit walks
-Anne Rice
-Underworld 1 and 2
-From Hell

-PEOPLE WHO MAKE FUN OF THE MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY DISABLED! *my mother is a sped teacher. I've ditched class to work with her kids. they are simply amazing! ^_^*
-abusive relationships
-ignorance *yes on many things I am ignorant but I ask or research something. I'm very open minded*
-homophobes *people who are afraid of homos* *I do have a homophobic friend but she knows better than to hate like that around me*
-George Bush
-the war on terror *but I support our troops*
-compulsive liars
-those missionary people who go door to door trying to convert you
-my real father
-close minded people
OMG!!! the list could go on! LOL

Name: Marissa Lynn

Birthday: 10/03/91

Birthplace: phoenix, AZ

Current location:
nowheresville and lost in my mind

Eye color:
ice blue changes to grey and green

Hair Color:
blonde for now

just tall enough


ears so far

not yet

evanescence or HIM *the older music*

all that I'm living for and adams song and whispers in the dark

Genre of Music:

black, blood red, grey, green, blue

TV show(s):
family guy ect.

pirates, LOTR, nightmare b4 christmas, edward scissorhands, ect.

tomato soup

hot topic or spencers

13 or 666

hot tea

Clothing Brand:

Shoe Brand:

panther or wolf

Pizza topping:




dead black or red rose with the thorns still on it or wild flowers

This or That:
Sunny or rainy:

Chocolate or vanilla:
chocolate all the way baby!

Fruit or veggie:

Night or day:

Sour or sweet:

Love or money:

Phone or in person:
in person

Poor & happy or rich & miserable:
poor and happy

Looks or personality:

Coffee or tea:

Hot or cold:

Goal for this year:
get through sophmore year

Most missed memory:
being loved

Best physical feature:
people say my eyes

First thought waking up:
damn.. another day of hell

Do you wanna get married:

Do you wanna have kids:
yes but I'd rather adopt because there are so many kids out there without parents

If so, how many:

Do you wanna go to college:

What do you want to be:
doctor or surgeon *probably surgeon because I have a slight phobia of needles. ironically, I can easily cut myself with something sharp but I refuse to let anyone to stab me with needles*

Do You:
Dance in the rain:
yeah ^_^



Shower daily:

Like thunderstorms:
yes especially when the power goes out

hells yes!

hell yes! I think I suck but people say I have a nice voice.

Play an instrument:

Think you are good looking:
no not at all but other people say I am

Get along with your parents:

Other Questions:
Can you whistle:
yeah barely

Right or left handed:

Your bedtime:
whenever I feel like it!!!

Biggest fear:
spiders, sanity, and being alone

3 things you can't live without:
darkness, music and solitude

Color of your room:

1 brother Michael *14*, 1 half brother Tyler *4*, 1 stepbrother Cory *25 I think*, 1 half sister Mariah *12 I think*

Middle name:

2 horses, 6 fish, 1 turtle, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 18+ chickens, quail, the occasional coyote, ect.

Jinx, Chi, Lilith, Triath, Candy, and *little sister* in German by Jeff! ^_^, ect. LOL

For or against gay marriage:
all for it! everyone needs someone to love! besides, love is love.

Thoughts on abortion:
I am so against it! a life is a life no matter how small. its not the baby's fault you were too stupid or drunk to use a condom! and its also not the baby's fault that its mother was raped. she could give the baby up for adoption.

If you could be anywhere right now where would you be:
anywhere but here

Do you wear contacts/glasses:
yes I wear contacts

Are you afraid of the dark:
no. I love the darkness!

If you decide to add me as a friend, please MESSAGE me so I can add you too! =) please do not leave comments saying you added me because sometimes I cant load my own profile. and I may not be able to get back to you so please be patient. I dont get online often. ^_^ Blessed be. Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again! May the darkness embrace you! O_o you know, all that good stuff ok? ^_^

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these are the lyrics to my fave song. I dont like the pic though. LOL
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yes we do exist....

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Mysterious and a scholar, you are a member of the Tremere clan. You are pretty loyal to your clan, well, you sort of have to...especially since you are blood-bonded to most of them. You are the intelligentsia of the Camarilla and are fascinated with the occult. Possessing the ability to use blood for magic, many clans don't like to approach you. However, that is fine with you. You tend not to trust the other clans anyway.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

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adopt your own virtual pet!


its true.. rain washes away pain.

















Member Since: Oct 29, 2006
Last Login: Jun 13, 2009
Times Viewed: 4,365

Times Rated:325

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