
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Ghoul (21.89)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Kansas City


Bite piercedfairy

Stalk piercedfairy



So... I just decided that since most of the stuff I had on here were a little old that I would decide to update again... Well I have my little group at work that I am starting to hang out with a lot now which is good cause it can be pretty lonely at my house unless I am on here. Well I am getting my tattoo done next weekend and I am so excited about it. I will take a pic of it when I have it done. I have been at work for a month now and I actually like it for the most part unless they put me on dishes again lol. But I have put streaks of black in my hair instead of dying all my hair. I have decided I am growing out my hair so I can do more stuff with it. But I have decided that since I am getting all this stuff done to me that I am gonna make one of my friends do it too... So one of my best friends are gonna get a tattoo done with me. LOL she doesn't know it yet though.

Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?:Kim
Are you named after anyone?:No
What's your screename?:piercedfairy3905
Would you name a child of yours after you?:no
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?:probably Thomas
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?:Meshelle
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?:my last name
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?:no
Your gender::Female
If not, do you want to be?:
Your age::18
Age you act::28... that's what a quiz told me lol
Age you wish you were::21
Your height::5'6"
Eye color::green
Happy with it?:yes
Hair color::reddish brown... soon to be black
Happy with it?:no
Your living arrangement::parent's house for now
Your family::all my close friends
Have any pets?:no
Whats your job?:McDonald's
Piercings?:a few soon to be more
Tattoos?:one getting it redone... first time was homeade
Addictions?:piercings and cigarettes
Do you speak another language?:not really a little spanish
Have a favorite quote?:Who ever said blondes have more fun should meet me!
Do you have a webpage?:www.myspace.com/xxpiercedfairyxx
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?:yeah
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:sometimes
Do you have any secrets?:yes
Do you hate yourself?:yes
Do you like your handwriting?:no
Do you have any bad habits?:yes
What is the compliment you get from most people?:I am lazy
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:What was she thinking
What's your biggest fear?:being alone
Can you sing?:I like to think so...
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?:no
Are you a loner?:kind of
What are your #1 priorities in life?:work and get more piercings
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:no
Are you a daredevil?:not really
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?:everything
Are you passive or agressive?:passive
Do you have a journal?:yes
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:strength: being a friend, weakness: talking to someone I like
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:probably my weight
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:no
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?:not really
Do you think life has been good so far?:no
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:don't trust strangers
What do you like the most about your body?:nothing
And least?:weight
Do you think you are good looking?:no
Are you confident?:no
What is the fictional character you are most like?:not really sure
Are you perceived wrongly?:all the time
Do You...
Smoke?:all the time
Do drugs?:sometimes
Read the newspaper?:just movie listings
Go to church?:no
Talk to strangers who IM you?:sometimes it can be fun
Sleep with stuffed animals?:yes... a yellow duck
Take walks in the rain?:yes
Talk to people even though you hate them?:yes
Like to drive fast?:yes
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?:yes
Hurt yourself?:have
Been out of the country?:never
Eaten something that made other people sick?:yes
Been in love?:yes
Done drugs?:yes
Gone skinny dipping?:yes
Had a medical emergency?:no
Had surgery?:no
Ran away from home?:yes
Played strip poker?:yes... all the time
Gotten beaten up?:yes
Beaten someone up?:yes
Been picked on?:yes
Been on stage?:yes
Slept outdoors?:yes
Thought about suicide?:yes
Pulled an all nighter?:no... but would if they needed me
If yes, what is your record?:
Gone one day without food?:yes
Talked on the phone all night?:yes
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?:yes
Slept all day?:yes
Killed someone?:no
Made out with a stranger?:yes
Had sex with a stranger?:yes
Thought you're going crazy?:all the time
Kissed the same sex?:yes
Done anything sexual with the same sex?:yes
Been betrayed?:yes
Had a dream that came true?:yes
Broken the law?:yes
Met a famous person?:no
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?:yes
On purpose?:no
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?:yes
Stolen anything?:yes
Been on radio/tv?:no
Been in a mosh-pit?:no
Had a nervous breakdown?:yes
Bungee jumped?:no
Had a dream that kept coming back?:yes
Belive in life on other planets?:no
Love at first sight?:yes
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?:yes
Easter bunny?:no
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?:no
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:no
Do you wish on stars?:yes
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?:no
Do you think God has a gender?:no
Do you believe in organized religion?:no
Where do you think we go when we die?:nowhere
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?:yes
Who is your best friend?:Meshelle
Who's the one person that knows most about you?:Sara
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?:Trust what you feel not what you know
Your favourite inside joke?:DORK
Thing you're picked on most about?:weight
Who's your longest known friend?:Sara
Friends you miss being close to the most?:Mike
Last person you talked to online?:Meshelle
Who do you talk to most online?:Meshelle or Sara
Who are you on the phone with most?:Sara or Thomas
Who do you trust most?:Sara
Who listens to your problems?:Sara and Meshelle
Who do you fight most with?:Sara
Who's the nicest?:Meshelle
Who's the most outgoing?:Meshelle
Who's the best singer?:Sara
Who's on your shit-list?:Thomas right now lol
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?:yes
Who's your second family?:Mike and Meshelle
Do you always feel understood?:no
Who's the loudest friend?:Mike
Do you trust others easily?:not anymore
Who's house were you last at?:Sara
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in::Mike
Do your friends know you?:some of them
Friend that lives farthest away::Mike and Meshelle
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?:no
What do you find romantic?:almost everything lol
Turn-off?:being ignored
First kiss?:ever or that meant something... ever was this guy named Chance and meant something was Keenan
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?:sad for them
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going:no
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out:yes
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv:yes
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?:no
What is best about the opposite sex?:eyes
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?:breath sometimes lol
What's the last present someone gave you?:chocolates
Are you in love?:yes
Do you consider your significant other hot?:yes
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?:Jennifer
You wanted to kill?:Jennifer
That you laughed at?:Meshelle
That laughed at you?:Sara
That turned you on?:honestly... Thomas
You went shopping with?:Sara
That broke your heart?:Jennifer
To disappoint you?:Sara
To ask you out?:Thomas
To make you cry?:Meshelle
To brighten up your day?:Meshelle
That you thought about?:Mike
You saw a movie with?:Sara
You talked to on the phone?:Thomas
You talked to through IM/ICQ?:Sara
You saw?:Thomas
You lost?:Jennifer
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?:no
Will it be with your significant other?:no
Or some random person?:no
What are you wearing right now?:wife beater and jeans
Body part you're touching right now::umm... not appropriate lol
What are you worried about right now?:Thomas not calling me back
What book are you reading?:Capote
What's on your mousepad?:Bubbles
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling::depressed, sad, loved, anxious, and frightened
Are you bored?:yes
Are you tired?:yes
Are you talking to anyone online?:no
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?:no
Are you lonely or content?:lonely
Are you listening to music?:yes... The Killers, Mr. Brightside
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

Grey Fairy
element: depression
weapon: tears
you often r depressed and sad and see the negitive

side of things. i say, dry those tears, come

out of your room and go to the park on a

sunny day, have a picnic! for once, have

fun!!!! ;)

What kind of Fairy r u?
brought to you by Quizilla
and your anime self look like this! youre the punk!

(sweet) youv had b/fs..but your a little

confused about how you feel at the

moment...(me: this is my fav pic!!)

what would your anime self look like? (girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla
Friendship- Your inner power is

Friendship! Your friends mean everything to

you, as you do to them. You are generally a

happy, laid back person who anyone can

approach. You love more than anything to make

new friends and hang out with your old ones.

Everyone generally loves you for being such

an awesome, cheerful person. You have heaps

of close friends, and can think of nothing

better to chat on the phone for hours with

them, or hang out with them whenever you can.

Youd die to protect your friends from harm,

and are always there for them, no matter

what. Life for you is just a breeze, with the

friends you have, life is all but perfect.

And if you are ever brought down, like youd

do for them, your friends would just pick you

right back up again, and be there for you no

matter what. You have a positive outlook on

life, and people love to be around you

because of your joyful, bouncy nature. You

probably love a good joke and tease your

friends until they are bright red, but they

love you all the same. Good on you for being

so positive! With your attitude, and all your

friends, life for you were usually be great!
Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet:

The guy/girl who feels like the best friend

in the world. The two of you would be able to

talk about anything together. He/She would

probably be your friend first before you fell

for them.
Your stone/jewel: Emerald
Your power: Friendship. The ability to

make friends with anyone, and to soothe old

rivalry so that peace and friendship upholds.
Your element: Water
A quote that applies to you: Everyone

hears what you say. Friends listen to what

you say. Best friends listen to what you

don't say.

What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
brought to you by Quizilla





I freaking love pancakes!

Family Guy!!
brought to you by Quizilla
Brooding Faerie
You are the Brooding Faerie. You are always working

over something in your mind. Not exactly

thoughtful, but... brooding. Something has

happened to you that requires a lot of

thinking over; and it's probably not good.

Wings: Black
Power: Darkness
Sexual appeal: You are a distant and vague

person; the perfect type to try to win over.

Many guys see you as a challenge that they'd

love to overcome, with your heart as the

prize. Maybe after you're in love you'll be

able to let the darkness in your heart pass.
What you look for in a guy: You look for the

same, dark-emotional guy, someone that

reflects your feelings and that has the same

outlook as you. Usually he has dark/black

eyes and hair, and sometimes he even wears

mascara and eye shadow, but strangely enough

you don't seem to attract these kinds of

guys. Go figure.

What kind of Dark Faerie are You? (Girls only with beautiful pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Too bad!
You are Dark

You are a dark person.

Secretive, and a bit depressed. It's either

by problems in your life, or your attitude

towards things. People feel depressed or sad

whenever they're around you, but it's what

you think right? Don't care about what other

people think? I agree with you on that, but

do take care.

Please Rate and


What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Favorite Bands:
Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
Rob Zombie
Hawthorne Heights
Avenged Sevenfold
Bloodhound Gang
Foo Fighters
Nine Inch Nails
and most of all

(Moon)Lunar Fairy:-- *INSPIRING and INTERESTING*You

are deep, and inspiring. You take express a

great interest in the universe and

horoscopes. You wouldn't miss a comet for

anything. You can be slightly superstitious,

but you are creative and ambitious. You can

be eccentric and emotional and also slightly

mysterious. You are a great friend and a

truly fun fairy to be around. Try writing

poetry because you may discover some talent.

Remember: you have a lot of confidence (which

your friends admire) but be careful not to be

too competitive!! :-)

Which Beautiful Fairy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
BLUES are motivated by INTIMACY, seek opportunities

to genuinely connect with others, and need to

be appreciated. They do everything with

quality and are devoted and loyal friends and

employers/employees. Whatever or whomever

they commit to are their sole (and soul)

focus. They love to serve and will give

freely of themselves in order to nurture

others lives.

BLUES, however, do need to be understood. They have

distinct preferences and occasionally the

somewhat controlling (but always fair)

personality of a confident leader. Their code

of ethics is remarkably strong and they

expect others to live honest, committed lives

as well. They enjoy sharing meaningful

moments in conversation as well as

remembering special life events (i.e.,

birthdays and anniversaries). BLUES are

dependable, thoughtful, nurturing, and can

also be self-righteous, a bit worry-prone,

and emotionally intense. They are like

sainted pit-bulls who never let go of

something once they are committed. When you

deal with a BLUE, be sincere, make an effort

to truly understand them, and truly

appreciate them.

What Color Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
BROWNISH LIKE - You love to PARTY! ! ! You are

almost always drunk and having a good time!

What color should your hair be?
brought to you by Quizilla

Paranoid Disorder:Very High
Schizoid Disorder:Very High
Schizotypal Disorder:Very High
Antisocial Disorder:High
Borderline Disorder:Very High
Histrionic Disorder:Very High
Narcissistic Disorder:High
Avoidant Disorder:Very High
Dependent Disorder:Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

adopt your own virtual pet!

Sorry it has been a while... I have just been really stressed out by everything that's going around me... I am currently working at Sonic and about to move to Kansas City, KS. But its gonna be wierd cause I only know one person over there and I am gonna be so lonely. Well I won't have internet so if my name closes then I will make a new name when I come back and will let you all know so.... Bye Everyone... I will miss you all.

Member Since: Feb 01, 2006
Last Login: Jul 28, 2006
Times Viewed: 3,638

Times Rated:332

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Feb 11, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Dec 22, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Aug 25, 2023

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