
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Bloodsucker (50.29)
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?




Bite stormy0048

Stalk stormy0048



"I know you can't hear me, but can't you just 'listen'?" ~~ Garfield the Cat

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I am proud to announce that on May 24, 2007, I received from my Coven, the Patron's Award for Coven Spirit. This is a great honor to me, and I wanted to share it with everyone.

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This is a tag that my wonderful sister, Lady Mystique made for me...

Hello, and Welcome. My name is Carol. I am 50 years old. I have 2 children: Nathan is 19 and Sarah is 18. I have raised them most of their lives as a single parent. Their father died when they were very young. So they have been stuck with me trying to be both dad and mom...haha.

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I am not a vampire, or a witch, or anything like that, (although my kids would beg to differ about the witch part...haha).

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Courtesy of MsTags.com

But I am intrigued by them. I find vampires to be very seductive, and full of mystery.I guess you could say that I do have a little bit of a dark side to me. I'm just not too sure of how to bring it out I guess. But I feel a little more comfortable here lately, thanks to all the great people that just let me be myself. I think I would like to be an elf, though. They are so beautiful and facinating.

One of my favorite movies is ' From Dusk till Dawn'. I didn't always like "scary" movies...haha. My kids got me watching more of them.

I just recently started reading some fantasy books by Anne McCaffrey. I have read all of the ones on Pern and the dragon riders. They are awesome. Some other books that I am reading are by Terry Brooks, the Shannarah series.

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As you can see, I absolutely love horses. Anything to do with horses, any type of horse, some unicorns and pegasus also. But mainly the horse. My first tattoo was a black stallion. The name 'stormy' was the name of my first horse, well, shetland pony, but he was my alltime favorite.
But there are other things I like to do, like camping, fishing, cooking out with family and friends, and just about anything to do with the outdoors. I work nights, so I am usually up most of the night on my nights off.

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I like most music, but prefer classic rock. I even like some of my kids music.
Here are just a bare mimimum of some of the music that I like:
Aerosmith--Moody Blues---ZZ Top--Lynard Skynard--Charlie Daniels--38 Special--Fleetwood Mac--Heart--Cindy Lauper--Boy George(yeah, I like his music)--Prince(or whatever his name is now)--Ozzy Ozbourne--Meatloaf--The Eagles--Korn--Gorillaz--Eric Clapton--The B-52's--Robert Palmer--Rod Stewart--Steve Miller Band--Journey--Molley Hatchet--And way too many more to mention.

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Well, I have received my studies for the Animal Massage Therapy, and let me tell you, it is going to be a lot of studying...haha. Never knew there was so much to learn in that field. After my schooling I will be an Animal Massage Therapist. Cool, huh? My son is also going into the business with me. I'll be certified in canine, feline, and equine massage when I am done. Not really sure what to call our business though. I want a really good name that portrays massage therapy for animals. (Any suggestions will be appreciated).
But, in the meantime, I work as night maintenance supervisor at WalMart. I really like it but it is not so easy on my body anymore. I am not a spring chicken anymore, you know.

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I have always loved horses... (did I mention that already?)...haha. I grew up with horses. Then, married a biker, and sold the horses. After I divorced him, I went to college, and majored in Horse Management and Training. I went one year, and met my children's dad, got pregnant with my son, and college was put on hold. I never got to go back and finish, because the college didn't offer that course anymore. I don't regret a single minute of my life, though. My children have been my life, and I have enjoyed every bit of it. But, my kids are almost grown now, and I do plan on trying to buy some land and at least try to get a couple horses again. I want to just raise them for pleasure. I miss them so much. I don't think there is anything more awesome than watching a new foal trying to take its first steps. Or just sitting with a new foal and watching it slowly and cautiously come up to you and stretch its nose out to touch your face and try to figure out just what the heck you are. The little ones are so curious, that it can get very comical. Horses are such graceful and strong animals. Wild Mustangs are the ultimate. Just to be able to run wild and free would be awesome.

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I believe that if you look into the eye of a horse, you can see its soul.

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I am a Sagittarius
Sagittarians are classically known as the 'favorites of the gods' for good reason: We are famous for generosity, humor and optimism, and for the ability to see the best in every situation, no matter how dire the circumstances. Of course, the other side of that coin is excess and extravagance. So, in addition to knowing how to laugh--and how to make others laugh--Sags are also experts at overdoing everything. At the same time, if a Sag really does have to be restricted to just one of anything, it had better be the biggest or most impressive of its kind--literally, a one-of-a-kind object.
Sagittarians are also famous for their love of travel and philosophy; they crave knowledge, and will spare no effort to satisfy that innate curiosity. Sag's own personal philosophy is that life is really nothing more than a series of extended vacations--hence the reason so many born under this sign of the archer end up living in a different city , state or even country than where they were born.
When it comes to relationships, Sagittarians often find that some of their most successful ones are with four-legged creatures--their connection to anything with fur, feathers, and even leaves is legendary. Romantically speaking, if you are a human, you can only 'have' a Sag of you very own if you are willing to hold on with an open palm. Restrictions will not be tolerated. However, if you let your Sag sweetie know you care, but allow them to live as they see fit, you will have gained an intelligent, witty and highly impressive partner whose long-term loyalty will astound you.
One Warning, though: Don't ever ask these folks a question if you don't really want to hear the answer. Sagittarians aren't known for their ability to lie. They would much rather tell the truth, regardless of the consequences--because that way, at least they can be sure that you know exactly who they are. So, while they can get along with just about anyone, Sags are most drawn to the other fire signs, who also live by the motto"what you see is truly what you get". No games.

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What color is your Inner Dragon?

Your Inner Dragon is the embodiment of Nature and the Earth. Greens spend almost all of their time below the canopy or just above the treetops in tropical rain forests. Not a bad life considering every other creature in the forest looks up to you, figuratively and literally. You speak the language of every animal and plant in your domain and know most of them by first name. If people mess with your forests, you're more than happy to wail on their puny butts. Because of your protector/caretaker role, you are the Earth Elemental dragon.

Naturally your whole life pretty much revolves around the other couple million species you keep an eye on, but that's not your whole dragon. You also like to like to impose your steadfast will on others, commune with Nature, and lobby governments for alternative fuels and conservation. Your favorable attributes are Midnight, Winter, gemstones, mountains, caves, soil, respect, endurance, responsibility, prosperity, and purpose in life. Folks shouldn't get the idea you're a hippy pushover though, because your breath weapon is a nasty Fire/Acid combination. Maybe you should invest in a hemp shirt reading "Don't knock my smock, or I'll clean your clock." *wink*

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This is a pic of a fairy that I scanned, and with a little help from my friend Jamie, finally got it put on here.

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I also like a lot of fantasy things, such as fairies, dragons, wizards, etc., and I like a lot of midieval things as well. I like going to Renaisance Festivals.

I also love thunderstorms, lightning, beautiful sunrises, and sunsets. The kids and I went to New Mexico last year and saw some of the most beautiful sunsets we have ever seen.
I hate the cold of winter, I think I hate the wind mostly, because it is always windy here. But, I absolutely love it when it snows.
I love tree covered mountains and hills. I love Eastern Oklahoma and Missouri, and Arkansas. I have never seen the Smokey Mountains in Tennasee, but I am going to someday.

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I also love wolves. I think they are an awesome animal.

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I am also a Native American. Although I have failed to research just how much, and plan on doing that soon. My dad always said that somewhere down the family line was a Chickasaw woman, but he didn't know who she was. Many of my relatives on my dad's side have the features, so maybe it is not too far down the line.
My children are 1/4 Chickasaw/Choctaw. They are on the Chickasaw Roll.
I love Silver and Turquoise jewelry. My home is mostly Native American and, of course, Horses. I collect horses and have since I can remember.
I love Native American Art and Pottery.
We lived in a little town when the kids were small, and a Lady had a little nick-nack store there. She also painted pictures and was very good. She was also part Chickasaw. She painted my son a picture of an Indian with an eagle over his head...she painted my daughter an indian maiden in a beautiful dress. She also painted me a picture of an old abandoned barn in the country with a pathway leading to it and painted both my kids walking down the path. She has passed on now, but we will never forget her. Rest in Peace, Juanita Culberson.

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These are a couple pictures of Blue River, our most favorite place in Oklahoma to go camping and swimming. I love the serenity of the river.

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The temperature at Blue River was 104, but the water is ice cold. So, needless to say, we spent most of our time in the water,,,This last pic is a pic of my son. I thought is was an awesome picture.

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That's it for now. I'll be adding to this more as I go along.

Thank you for stopping by to see me and just make yourself at "home". Be it ever so humble.

*Please feel free to have me as your friend, but remember to let me know so that you can be my friend too!*

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Last Login: Dec 05, 2009
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