
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

For A Second I Wish The Tides, Would Swollow Every Inch Of This City
Set at 03:45 on August 28, 2010

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Evildoer (42.12)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Somewhere In the Darkness



Bite TheMidnightSun

Stalk TheMidnightSun


It's Not What You See.....

Greetings. Thank you for visiting my corner of the forest. This place is where all kinds of creatures that go bump in the night can find refuge. My favorites, and most cherished are the Gargoyle and the Gryphon. Please, enjoy your stay and stay as long as you wish. Don't worry about what you can see in the moonlight. It's what you can't see that you should be wary of.


revamping Pictures, Images and Photos

Re-Vamp In Progress, Please Return In A Week Or So To Rate. Any Questions, There Is A Message Button Up The Page.

Kneels only for Master Pictures, Images and Photos

The Midnight Sun

poodle Pictures, Images and Photos

First Off, let me tell you, I did NOT choose my name based on the new book by a, in my opinion, talent less author. My name comes from my love of the moon and of the shadows. What dwells in the darkness intrigues me, what lives in the rays of the moonlight interests me, and so I've taken the name in honor of the moon.

Now, I do not follow one path, I follow many, and they connect eventually.

Western Zodiac:
Fantasy Pictures, Images and Photos

Libra - The Scales
September 23 – October 22
As their zodiac signs and meanings would indicate, Libra’s are all about balance, justice, equanimity and stability. They easily surround themselves with harmony and beauty, but sometimes go to extremes to do so if their goals are unreasonable or unhealthy. With Venus as their ruling planet, Libra’s are very understanding, caring, and often the champion of underdogs. They have keen intuitions, but often don’t give themselves enough credit for their perceptions. They can be quiet and shy if not persuaded to come out of their shell. Ironically and in spite of their introverted nature they make excellent debaters, often proving a point from out of seemingly nowhere.

Celtic Zodiac:
godess Pictures, Images and Photos

Physical Goal: To link with others.

Mental Goal: To recognize that the group unconscious does have an influence...to absorb, go inward and learn about the self.

Spiritual Goal: To enter into the group mind with joy and assist others in their spiritual journey so that they will, in turn, offer assistance...to learn that all is intertwined.

Amergin Verse: "I am a Ruthless Boar"

Ogham Association: Gort

Polarity: Masculine

Color: Sky Blue

Class: Chieftain

Letter Character: "G"

Month: September...eleventh month in the Celtic Ogham. September is said to have originated from the word "Septem," which means "seven," being the seventh month in the oldest Roman calendar. It is the first month of Autumn's rule and a time when the Druids celebrated their Festival of Alban Elued...bidding the Sun God farewell, while thanking him for the harvest.

Alias: "Moon of Buoyancy" and "Moon of Resilience"

Magickal Properties: Healing, Protection, Cooperation and Exorcism

The Boar - Important to the art and myths of the Celts, the Boar (once common throughout the British Isles) was known to be cunning and ferocious. The battle horn of the Celts sported the figure of a Boar's head, their shields were decorated with engravings of the Boar in warfare, and figures of this animal were mounted upon their helmets. The Boar was said to lead the Celts in battle and show direction for their warriors. The skin of the Boar was also believed to heal wounds. One legendary Boar was Orc Triath owned by the Goddess Brigit. In Arthurian tales, the Boar known as "Twrch Trwyth" was one of Arthur's most terrible foes. The White Boar of Marvan was said to inspire its master with the ability to write music and poetry.

The Goose - As with most birds in Celtic lore, the Goose represented prophetic knowledge, bloodshed and skill. Traditionally symbolic as messengers and servants of the Gods, they could be portents of either good or evil, bringers of luck, omens of death or sacrificial animals. The interpretation of the flight patterns, habits and songs of birds were all methods by which knowledge of future events might be told or unfortunate circumstances avoided. Celtic monks used the Wild Goose as a symbol of the God Spirit and, in Roman times, it was noted that Britons would not eat the flesh of the Goose. Bones of Geese have been found buried in the graves of Iron Age Celtic warriors.

The Butterfly - Symbol of faery faith, the Butterfly was believed by many cultures to be the souls of the dead and the keepers of power. Traditionally, no negative energies were said to be experienced in any area of the Otherworld where Butterflies could be found. They were symbolic of the freedom from self-imposed restrictions and the ability to regard problems with greater clarity.

October 14-October 23: Those born on this date also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Maple, whose motto is "Combative Angel" or "Independence of Mind." Maple individuals are far from ordinary and never completely satisfied with standard replies. They admire those who clearly assert themselves and rise eagerly to any challenge. Maple people are full of imagination and originality, inclined to stand out in a crowd due to their willpower and sense of committment. Though appearing shy and somewhat reserved, they are truly ambitious, proud and self-confident. Maples hunger for new experiences and have a desire to impress. They enjoy what is unknown, strange and even hostile. The inherent Maple need for independence often clashes with the need to be surrounded by a community. With a tendency to be nervous, Maple people have many complexities. They possess excellent memories and easily learn new things. The love relationships of Maple individuals tend to be complicated affairs.

Ivy - The Survivor
Among other cherished qualities of the Ivy Celtic tree astrology sign, most prized is your ability to overcome all odds. You have a sharp intellect, but more obvious is your compassion and loyalty to others. You have a giving nature, and are always there to lend a helping hand. You are born at a time of the waning sun so life can be difficult for you at times. This sometimes seems unfair because it appears that obstacles are coming at with no prompting on your part. Nevertheless, you endure troubling times with silent perseverance and soulful grace. Indeed, Ivy signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-rooted faith that typically sees them trough adversity. You are soft spoken, but have a keen wit about you. You are charming, charismatic, and can effectively hold your own in most social settings. Ivy signs are attracted to the Celtic tree astology sign of Oak and Ash signs.

Native American:
DarkEvilemofly Pictures, Images and Photos

Crow/Raven: Sep 22 – Oct 22
Highly enthusiastic, and a natural entrepreneur, the Crow is quite a charmer. But he/she doesn't have to work at being charming – it comes easily. Everyone recognizes the Crow's easy energy, and everyone turns to the Crow for his/her ideas and opinions. This is because the Crow is both idealistic and diplomatic and is quite ingenious. In nurturing environments this Native American animal symbol is easy-going, can be romantic, and soft-spoken. Further, the crow can be quite patient, and intuitive in relationships. Left to his/her own devices, the Crow can be demanding, inconsistent, vindictive, and abrasive

October : Hunters Moon
Your sense of timing is impeccable. Moreover, your sense of knowing through extrasensory perception is uncanny. You have a keen awareness about yourself and your environment. This unnerves a lot of people, and many within your tribe fear you because of your powerful knowing. Consequently, you often find yourself in solitude - although you always long for a partner who understands you. In fact, you spend much of your time seeking partnership and this has made you adept at the "social dance." You know when to withdraw and when to reveal yourself. You have many layers of personality and you can pull these out to suit your needs at will. Your life lesson is about self- acceptance as well as accepting others for who they are (and accepting how they feel about you too).

Chinese Zodiac:
Metal Ram
tribal ram Pictures, Images and Photos

(Feb 17, 1931 - Feb 5, 1932) (Feb 15, 1991 - Feb 3, 1992)

Is sensitive, creative but domineering.
External is a show of calm but this person is no pushover. Pick a fight with him and see his arsenal of weapons.
He is very proud and possessive and wants recognition.
Chinese Metal Rams or Sheep are determined and ambitious people. They tend to be less compromising and try to make things their way. They are great observers but not good listeners. Metal Rams are creative beings and often shy in nature. They often become the center of attraction in groups.
Ram Lucky Color: Blue
Ram Lucky Gemstone: Emerald
Ram Lucky Number: 1, 7, 8 and 13

Creatures of the Midnight Sun

Gargoyle Sentinel Pictures, Images and Photos

God Bless The Gargoyles
by Dav Pilkey
In a long-ago time, when long ago peoples
were building cathedrals and raising up steeples,
they crafted stone creatures and set them on perches
to guard and protect and watch over the churches.

So gargoyles were born, and they stood night and day,
keeping evil and terrible spirits away.
And ne'er was a creature so true and so loyal
as the watchful, courageous, and fearless gargoyle.

But the years came and went, and the people did, too.
and in time, they forgot what their ancestors knew.
And whenever they passed by the gargoyles' lairs,
they trembled in fear at the gargoyles' stares.

As time went along, people's fear turned to spite,
and they sneered and they cursed at the guardians of night:
"Demons!" they grumbled -- "grotesque!" and "horrid!"
"Those beasts don't belong on the house of the Lord!"

When the gargoyles heard these words that were spoken,
their stony old hearts became crumbled and broken.
Then storms rumbled in, and their eyes filled with rain,
and in stillness they stayed, alone and in pain.

But, as it so happened, some angels were near,
and, heeding the grief of a gargoyle's tear,
they each fluttered down from the heavens on high
to sit with the gargoyles ‘neath thundering skies.

Now, angels have ways of making things right,
so they stayed with the gargoyles all through the night.
Patting their heads and wiping their tears
and whispering life into gargoyle ears.

And soon all the gargoyles did magical things:
they gurgled and coughed and shook out their wings.
Then, together, the angels and gargoyles took flight,
and they soared through the clouds on a blustery night.

And while over pastures and hills they were winging,
the voices of angels were radiantly singing!
Music of healing and songs of rebirth
to all of the creatures in all of the earth:

"God bless the rain, and the stormclouds that bring it.
God bless the music, and the voices that sing it.
God bless the ones who sing everything wrong.
God bless the creatures who do not belong.

God bless the hearts and the souls who are grieving;
for those who have left, and for those who are leaving.
God bless each perishing body and mind
God bless all creatures remaining behind.

God bless the dreamers whose dreams have awoken.
God bless the lovers whose hearts have been broken.
God bless each soul that is tortured and taunted,
God bless all creatures, alone and unwanted."

And the gargoyles beheld wherever they roamed
that the souls of the lost weren't really alone.
Each one had an angel, each one was protected,
and each one was cherished and loved and respected.

And so it is true with the gargoyles this day,
for all of the angels who love them have stayed.
Together they wait until days become nights,
to embark on their dark and most glorious flights.

So if you see shapes in the night sky, don't fear --
it simply means angels and gargoyles are near!
Guarding the earth with their gentle night call:
“God bless the gargoyles. God bless us all."

Werewolf Pictures, Images and Photos

"Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright." - Original Wolfman (With Lon Chaney..Jr? Can't remember)

"Beware of wind fallen apples, and of men whose eyebrows meet."

fantasy Pictures, Images and Photos

Fact 1) Vampires Don't Sparkle.

The Vampire
Lord Lytton
I found a corpse, with glittering hair,
Of a woman whose face, tho' dead,
The white death in it had left still fair,
Too fair for an earthly bed!
So I loosened each fold of her bright curls roll'd
From forehead to foot in a rush of red gold,
And kissed her lips till her lips were red,
And warm and light on her eyelids white
I breath'd, and pressed unto mine her breast,
Till the blue eyes oped and the breast grew warm,
And this woman, behold! arose up bold,
And lifelike lifting a wilful arm,
With steady feet from the winding sheet
Stepp'd forth to a mutter'd charm.

And now beside me, whatever betide me,
This woman is, night and day.
For she cleaves to me so, that, wherever I go
She is with me the whole of the way.
And her eyes are so bright in the dead of the night,
That they keep me awake with dread;
While my life blood pales in my veins and fails,
Because her red lips are so red
That I fear 'tis my heart she must eat for her food;
And it makes my whole flesh creep
To think she is drinking and draining my blood,
Unawares, if I chance to sleep.

It were better for me, ere I came nigh her, -
This corpse, - ere I looked upon her, -
Had they burn'd my body with penal fire
With a sorcerer's dishonour.
For when the devil has made his lair
In the living eyes of a dear dead woman,
(To bind a man's strength by her golden hair,
And break his heart, if his heart be human),
Is there any penance, or any prayer,
That may save the sinner whose soul he tries
To catch in the curse of the constant stare
Of those heartbreaking bewildering eyes, -
Comfortless, cavernous glowworms that glare
From the gaping grave where a dead hope lies?
It is more than the soul of a man may bear.
For the misery worst of all miseries
Is Desire eternally feeding Despair
On the flesh, or the blood, that forever supplies
Life more than enough to keep fresh in repair
The death ever dying, which yet never dies.

Gryphon 07 Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm a very confused young woman, lost on the path of life. I enjoy roleplaying of all types, and I enjoy spending time with my love, my pet, my fiancé Tripos.

Cold Black Safe Pictures, Images and Photos

I enjoy what hides in the darkness from human eyes. To me, if it can not be proven that it isn't there, then it most certainly IS there. The wonder about those words, if it's hiding in the darkness it can not be seen. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it can't see you.


Like many, I have many a nickname, but my friends, closest to me that is, know me as Poodle.

Ah, now you wish to know my story? Well, my story is nothing out of the un-ordinary. See the moon? How she shines and bathes us in her beautiful glow? I am not above the power, the call of her voice. There is a reason I prefer creatures who walk in her light. You see, I was born at Midnight, where the moon is at her peak and most beautiful. This changed my fate. Now I'm here in this forest, visited often by friends and other creatures, protecting it.

The legend passed down in my tribe says that only children born at the time when the moons call is strongest, and facing North can save the beaten and the damned. So, I have taken up my fate and I work to protect and saved the unwanted and misunderstood, while cutting down those who oppose me.

Though I do not only fight for the misunderstood, I also do my master's bidding. He is a kind, though stern master, and he is mine. I will fight for him until my heart stops beating, and my soul leaves this world. I love him with all of my being, and nothing is more important to me then him. My Master, My Love, My Tripos.

Proudly Owned Pictures, Images and Photos

The sub-missive's Prayer
Allow me the strength to answer questions I can't fathom.
Allow me the spirit to know His needs.
Allow me the kindness to choke back retorts.
Allow me the serenity to serve Him in peace.
Allow me the love to show Him myself.
Allow me the tenderness to comfort Him.
Allow me the light to show us the way.
Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to Him.
Let me be able to show Him each day my love of my service to Him.
Let me open myself up to completely belong to Him.
Let my eyes show Him the same respect, rather I sit at His side, or kneel at His feet.
Let me accept my punishment with the grace.
Let me learn to please Him, beyond myself.
Grant me the power to give myself to Him completely.
Grant me the strength to please us both.
Permit me to love myself in loving Him.
Allow me the peace of serving Him.
For it is my greatest wish,
my highest power to make His life complete,
as He makes mine
author unknown


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If you add me as a friend, please message me and let me know so I can return the favor :3

Pledge Pictures, Images and Photos

My Previous Mentorship. PrincessChild is a wonderful Mentor :)


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