
Hell (Coven)

Truth makes your Black Heart Bleed
Set at 17:36 on April 09, 2012

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Changeling (71.07)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  March 14, 1990
Age:  34



Bite DarkxSidexOfxThexMoon

Stalk DarkxSidexOfxThexMoon



I walk a lonely road..

Greetings my Dear Visitor and Welcome to my humble Profile..

Can I offer you a seat by the fire, a cup of kindness and a night full of Dark Tales?

Please, sit back and make yourself comfortable, for it is I who will guide you through the mysterious alleys of my heart and mind..

About Me

For several years I have searched for a place to call home. Although I believe I have found that place, I sadly cannot follow my heart just yet.
As always, life is complicated and one has to adapt. I do believe, some day I will reach my destination, my home..

Until that day, I am letting life flow and see where it takes me..

By nature, I am a quiet person. I will observe before I act or say anything. I like to be alone and have nothing against solitude. In fact, I prefer it above company. Unless, of course, you can convince me otherwise..
People that are intelligent or have something valuable to say, catch my attention.
Although, when introduced to someone new, I may appear shy. Because of this, people tend to think I take everything seriously.

That is true, but to a certain extend. My friends will confirm I have a weird sense of humor and can sometimes say the strangest things. I take that as a compliment as I like being different and unique. I will not follow a group just to fit in. To me, that would be a betrayal of the soul.

I do not like fights, were it verbal or physical. But should an occasion arise to defend myself, I will not hesitate. However, if it isn't absolutely necessary, I will walk away with my dignity intact. Peace and quiet are one of the things I value the most.

Discussion on the other hand, is something I appreciate, as it is an intelligent and mature way of sharing one's opinion. Only if accompanied by respect, of course.

I invite you to figure out the rest for yourself..

My Likes

I adore the night and everything in it. I like when there's a storm outside and you can cuddle to your loved one and watch a movie together. I like walking in the rain or long walks in general as I love nature.

Gentlemen and men that show respect to women, gain my interest and appreciation. A strong man that is intelligent, has values and would be considered a gentleman, intrigues me..I know a few men that fit that description..Sadly there aren't many left..

During my spare time you will most likely find me reading a book.

I also enjoy watching movies and anime and listening to music.

Love cute little cats that come running to you so you can stroke them, scratch behind their ear and hear them purrr. Love overexcited dogs that jump to the ceiling or shake their tales so hard they can't stand on their four paws.

Like the things you can do when there's shampoo in your hair..always wanted to have a mohawk or try an Elvis Presley hair due... *Thank you...Thank you very much.. *

When I listen to the song Englishman in New York by Sting, it always makes me smile, no matter how I feel..

Be yourself, no matter what they say..
I'm an Alien..I'm a legal Alien,
I'm an Englishman in New York..

My Dislikes

I really don't like liars and people that pretend or people that seek attention by causing drama. Other than that I pretty much get along with everybody.

Favourite Movies

I enjoy action movies, detective stories, adventure, mystery, horror, thriller,.. Anything except for (romantic) comedies and biographies. I very much enjoyed watching: Lord of the Rings, The Bourne Trilogy, The Transporter movies, Point Break, Dirty Dancing (the original version), Harry Potter movies, Shooter, The Guardian, Constantine, From Hell, Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers), Millennium Trilogy,... to be continued..

Favourite Anime Series

Kuroshitsuji ~ Black Butler
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective
Vampire Knight (Guilty)
Fainaru Fantajii ~ Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Favourite Music

I mainly like all kinds of Rock and Metal, but I'm open minded, so other genres can occasionally interest me as well. Other than that I mainly listen to: Pink Floyd, The Scorpions, Sting, Alanis Morissette, Cranberries, The Verve, Metallica, The Alan Parsons Project, Foo Fighters, Paramore, Nickelback, Editors, Kings of Leon, Placebo, 30 seconds to mars, Myrrhkuri Fyve, Panic! at the Disco, Disturbed,... to be continued..

Favourite Books

The Drenai Series by David Gemmell
Jane Austen novels
Maigret Series by Georges Simenon
Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
To be continued..

For some time now I have been playing with the idea to write my own reviews on movies, books and music. And finally I gave in to it and decided I should go through with it. For those who are interested, you will find my reviews in my journal..
Since I'm not a premium member, I will devide it as following:

Movies will be in the Potion Section
Music will be found under Spells
Books under Stories

I will keep everything concerning me or my other craziness in the Personal section and I will keep Poetry open for my future work holding my occasionally creative mind.

If you have any remarks on my reviews or suggestions concerning movies I should watch, music I should listen to or books I should read, please feel free to send me a personal message :) I love to explore new things!

Biting or Messaging: I have nothing against biting, so go ahead if you wish.
However, if your purpose is to get my attention and to talk to me, I suggest you send me a message. It is far more likely I will respond to a message, than to biting. I would appreciate though, you left out the names you would like to call me. I am not your 'honey', 'baby' nor 'cherry blossom' or any other, so I do not wish to be addressed in such a manner. Thank you for showing the appropriate respect.

Rating: As it is a personal, subjective choice.. I only, will decide who I will rate. It is my choice and I like to keep it that way.
The people I do decide to rate, always receive a 10.

Adding to Friend's List: I only add Friends, as the name suggests. It's nothing personal, but I will not add you because you have added me or because you have spoken to me once. I add people that I find interesting. If we get along and we like each other, I will be very happy to add you and talk to you in the future.
If any of these things don't suite you and your only goal is to have an extensive 'friends' list or you want me to add you because you have added me, then by any means move on. You don't have to add me, I reserve the right to not add you as well if I do not wish for it.

I realize this all may sound a little harsh, but I have no intention of hurting anyone's feelings. I merely do not like to be forced into doing things I consider a privilege to give. Rating and adding are the things I do for the people that I like. It is my way of showing them I appreciate their friendship. They have proven to be unique people with an intelligent mind, kind heart and good values and this is my way of saying thank you to them. So to all of my Friends..Thank you for being the person you are..

My very first Protection Stamp!!! Thank You BatsInTheBelphry! :) Those are really cool! And I'm honoured to put them on my profile :)

You are such a cool person with an amazing talent for both Drawing and Music..!
People, Check out his Music by clicking on the Stamps and going to his Journal.. Trust me, you won't regret it! :)
Keep on Rockin' the world with your awesomness my Friend! :)

Thank you, TheHaunted, for this beautiful stamp! I absolutly love how dark it is..
And I am honoured to put it on my profile :)

You are an Amazing Person! You're kind, loving, you have the most amazing big heart and our conversations are always meaningful to me.. You teach me so many things and I always wait in anticipation to talk to you again! :)
It's a real honour to be your Friend.. :)

My Third Protection Stamp!! Thank you RedRose!! It is my honour to put such a unique Stamp on my Profile..

You're one of the sweetest people I know! You're a little Angel with a very big heart! :)
*Lots of kisses and hugs go out to you* :)
I know they make you rise in level.. hehe xD

A breath taking and beautiful Protection Stamp by lordfawn..Thank you for this much appreciated gift!

Lordfawn and I had the pleasure to meet through one of our common interests. We started talking and found we got along quite well. I'm sure many interesting conversations will follow..
Thank you again, lordfawn :)

Look how adorable this Protection Stamp is! :D
Thank you so much, Luke! It is my pleasure to present it on my Profile!

Luke and I have a special connection.
I first met him when I was new to this site and he approached me with the proposition of joining Existere, what later turned out to be the best Coven any person could have ever wished for!
He is always there when you need him. He is intelligent, has an incredible sense of humour and is one of the most kind hearted and fantastic people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
There is no party without Luke.. and let me tell you.. That man has charm!
Thank you Luke.. for being my Friend and for making me laugh and smile with your hilarious comments :)

Another beautiful Stamp! :)
Thank you Destroyer for this awesome ass kicking mummy lego soldier that will protect me from harm! I love it! It's so cute! :D

I'm very much looking forward to getting to know you better, Destroyer :)
And thank you again for the stamp! ;)

How beautiful is this!?! :D
Antoniette, thank you! You managed to combine my love for the Dark side and my love for Animals.. I love it! :D And I'm honoured to present it on my Profile :)

I am being loved and protected! xD Thank you guys!! :)

This made me cry Happy Tears... :')

Thank you Antoniette...
I just recently had the honour of meeting you..We became Friends and you really are one of the most Amazing people here on Vr and even in my Life.. Thank you my Friend! :)

Profile under construction..please be patient. Thank you.

Member Since: Dec 15, 2010
Last Login: Apr 26, 2014
Times Viewed: 10,242

Times Rated:719

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Nov 03, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Oct 30, 2023


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