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And when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed
Names Asher
Im not new here Ive been on this site for a very long time not so much these past few years but maybe I can change that, I'm 34 I have two cats Nocturne and Clover ( Avani pass away on June 30th 2022) and three new kittens Geovani, Nappa and Pepper, I work in medicare advantage health insurance, I am currently getting my head back on right so me and my Family can finally buy a home. I am polyamorous, Pansexual I prefer they/them but I honestly don't care. I do not put up with red flags nor those who think Serial killers ( real life ones ) are cute and "sexy" I play World of Warcraft along with other games on stream on twitch and I'm pretty open when you get to know me. I'll be updating this more later
Books I like to read
The Abhorsen Trilogy by Gartyh Nix
Sevenwaters Series by Juliet Marillier
The Black Jewels by Anne Bishop
The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce
The Doom Stone by Paul Zindel
Reef of Death by Paul Zindel
Depeche mode
lady gaga
scotty sire
hollywood undead
Glass animals
kate bush
boy epic
Sleep Toekn
I also Larp under Amtgard - Emerald Hills - Duchy of Rebel's Keep My character is Cya She is a dragon born Barbarian I started back in march of 2023, to get in to everything I have been crafting alot and hopefully I can get a sewing machine I will be posting photos of events and outfits right now sadly they are amazon ones lol. I hope I can work toward my master hoods. But it has taken a back seat as I work to my ACW (Armored combat worldwide) Which is fun we put medieval armor on and just beat the day lights out of one another I am learning new things every day, and new skills I can use out in the real world and Ampt as well! JUst need to build my cardio up! T_T
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)