20:35 Feb 10 - Ravefox was doing something Mysterious. 19:23 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in the Vampire Database. 19:15 Feb 10 - Ravefox was on the Who's Online page. 19:08 Feb 10 - Ravefox was reading the VR Manual. 19:08 Feb 10 - Ravefox was on the Who's Online page. 19:08 Feb 10 - Ravefox was doing something Mysterious. 19:08 Feb 10 - Ravefox was doing Premium Member stuff. 19:08 Feb 10 - Ravefox was on the Who's Online page. 18:52 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:52 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:52 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:52 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:51 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:51 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:51 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:51 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles. 18:50 Feb 10 - Ravefox was in Profiles.
Death can give you freedom even when it takes someone you love. I dance alone now trying to figure out this new existence. I am looking for new friends. Friends with dark hearts and maybe even darker arts. I will dance alone. I can dance alone. I am just trying to fill the long dark nights with kindred friendship, music and magick. Let's get lost in the music of the night?
Who am I?
I am a sanguine vampire.
I have been told the Earth's oceans were originally red and that what flows in our veins now is all that is left of those waters. Maybe something in me has a thirst for those long lost seas. Can you imagine all the red, salty, metallic oceans flowing for as far as the eye can see? These are the very oceans in which the life force of the universe took form on our planet. It must have been amazing. I wish I could see those oceans of blood flow once again.
I have humans throw themselves at me to drink almost weekly. So much for being a predator. It really is surprising how humans want to give it up so easily. Some even want to be completely devoured. They spoil me. Maybe it is because of me though. I think I glamour them sometimes even when I do not want to. I have done it to entire rooms when I stage myself correctly. My body calls to them, it needs them.
I hang out at bars and clubs that other supernaturals visit in the city. We usually meet during special celestial or lunar events and watch as people perform rituals. I love the sound of the drums. No one wants to be alone at these sacred times, even the darkest of us. They drink and fuck each other while I watch.
There are always a few stray humans to keep us entertained. Some of the humans are rich and don't give two shits about anything because they are above any law. They think they are even stronger than us. We get stuff from them. More than they know.
I love the vampires who say they only do energy work to feed. Really? That doesn't work so well for me. Maybe I am doing it wrong. My mentors are trying their best to wean me off blood. Maybe I am getting better.
Just you watch what happens to all these vamp clock appers and blood rappers as they drain the willing through the black mirrors everyone worships at today.
Blood is everything. I can't stop thinking about it. The desire for it sometimes overwhelms me. I could care less what genitals you have or how much money and power you have. It's all about what is in your veins. Don't even try to fuck me unless you are willing to feed me.
I wish with all my heart I had a close friend like me. An embraced kindred spirit. The nights are so very long. It would be amazing to have a partner in crime again. I lost my old one. Everyone I know keeps getting killed or choosing to end their own life.
Let's get in trouble together? We will watch out for each other. My promises never break. I will be there till the end with you. Let's watch the cities burn together. We will clean up what's left.
May you find what you seek, but be careful with what you find.