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00:52 Sep 05 - DawnOfTheDead was in the Message Center. 00:52 Sep 05 - DawnOfTheDead was in the Message Center. 00:52 Sep 05 - DawnOfTheDead was in the Message Center. 00:52 Sep 05 - DawnOfTheDead was doing something Mysterious.
My sanity wrote a suicide note, but one of us is illiterate and the other is blind.
She is a ghost.
I am cocoon goo.
Ex favilla nos resurgemus From the ashes, we will rise.
I am many things, I have lived many places and have taken many forms.
Currently I am a mother, an artist, a gardener, a nature nerd, an empath, an eclectic pagan witch, a forager, an herbalist, a crazy cat lady...
I talk to the moon, often. Sometimes she answers.
I live in a small, rural town in western Oregon and I have found some peace in finally putting down roots.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)