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Some people never say what they want, and that's why they never get what they want. ~ Madonna
Phantasm: A product of fantasy, such as a delusive appearance. An illusion, ghost, specter, or a figment of the imagination. Derived from the Greek work "phantazein," meaning to present to the mind.
TO BEGIN: My name is Walter, and I am 37 years old, married to the love of my life for many years. I am a zealous horror nerd, and I especially love Gothic Romance and Gothic Horror literature and films. I was an English major in college, and I am an avid reader and occasionally, I write stories and essays.
I collect books, and I have a massive amount. I particularly collect vintage gothic paperbacks (always feature women running from houses on the covers) and I have amassed an incredible amount. I have probably well over 5000 books neatly shelved or boxed in my house. Aside from horror, I do occasionally read bodice rippers (google it), especially if I'm going through periods of loneliness or depression.
Aside from books, I am also an avid film nerd; with particular emphasis on horror films and Italian Gothic cinema. Mario Bava is one of my favorite directors, as is Dario Argento, George Romero and more recently, Robert Eggers. I've seen thousands of films going back as far as the early 1900s, (and I watched the short films from the late 1800s in college).
I am also an amazing homemaker; I really know how to clean a house, and I can cook. I love arts & crafts, especially decoupage and crochet. I can fix things, especially pertaining to home repair. I love refurbishing old, busted furniture, sanding it down and repainting it to give it new life. When at home, I really try to focus on hobbies that create something so I can remain productive.
My husband works a lot and most of my family has either passed away or lives very far, so I am here to connect with other people and pass my free time. I am a very positive and energetic person, and I love talking to people so if you message me, expect long responses because I love learning about others. Below, I will start with literature because that is my favorite subject!
CURRENTLY READING: "The Witches of Eastwick" by John Updike
Horror films are my absolute favorite. Italian gothics, especially those directed by Mario Bava and Dario Argento. Giallo films, classic horror; you name it, I've seen it. And of course, I love the teen films of the 1980s like "Pretty In Pink" and "Sixteen Candles." I also love "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion." Occasionally, I'll even watch a Rom-Com; "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail" are my absolute favorites. I can watch them both over and over.
Murder She Wrote
The Twilight Zone
Dark Shadows
Friday the 13th: The Series
The X Files
Tales from the Darkside
Unsolved Mysteries
My absolute favorite series!
I love to crochet; I can follow just about any pattern thrown at me. I also love to refurbish old, tattered furniture by sanding, staining and painting it--basically giving it brand new life. I love my job and I've done it for 17 years, and I talk to my best friends a lot, all of whom I've had for 20+ years. I also love thrift stores, yard sales, antiques, kayaking, hiking, and most importantly: Rollercoasters.
Profiles that have been inactive for 4+ years I rate a 1; everyone else I rate a 10. If you log back on, message me and I will fix it. It's really this simple, thank you. I just don't feel it's fair completely dead profiles have higher ratings than other users who work so hard to make their profiles stand out so beautifully.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)