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21:51 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 21:51 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at their Dashboard. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was giving/taking Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was giving/taking Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was giving/taking Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was giving/taking Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was giving/taking Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was browsing Honor. 21:50 Feb 13 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 16:21 Feb 07 - Sabaoth was doing something Mysterious. 16:20 Feb 07 - Sabaoth was looking at their Dashboard. 16:20 Feb 07 - Sabaoth was browsing Honor.
Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. ~ Matthew 10:34-39
I am the burning light... burning in the darkest night, the eye of the storm, the reason you fear the light, I alone have saddled the pale horse of death and smelled the foul breath of the serpent, I have beheld the morbid atrocities of the endless abyss itself and have basked in the radiant scorching flames of Hell, kneel and grovel to your unholy idols for false comforts and false truths while time itself unravels the very fabric of the riddles of life, for there is no refuge from death as it is the only inevitable truth and the great equalizer of all mankind, soon I will come! I will embrace your essence, I shall devour your very soul and we shall become as one. Children of the night, seekers of false truth, soon your time will come and when it does, behold! A new rebirth. So live, children of darkness, Death has whispered unto you ...I am coming.
I bid thee welcome lost souls for you have entered my domain, but be warned and know now.
... Perhaps a bit about Myself ...
You never know what to expect from me, though some of you may think you do. Sadly perhaps, you only know exactly what I've always wanted anyone to know, one of but many a face I've assumed over the years. With all such masks I tend to run the full gamut...friendly to intimidating and every stop between. I am eccentric and idiosyncratic even peculiar at times, though I must admit nothing overly special in any regard. I am just who I am.
If God wills and given the time you should find bits and pieces about myself here, that will give you a better insight about the real 'Me'. I'm sure by now you've picked up on the theme and nature of the profile, my Faith and the Knighthood are both deeply parts of who I am. It's safe to say I'm not exactly typical for my age... or any age for that matter. You see, deep down I am a solitary creature and as such, I've never given much personal information about myself. I've been called, and even agree with, being a predator or monster among you. I have never really wished for any of you to know me on a personal level, and so have only provided vague details or shadows of a 'mask' till now.
I'm very business oriented in just about everything I do, which I guess at the end of the day helps keep most of you at bay. The outward chill has for years been a blessing and a curse when it came to forming relationships. It's likely I could say I've never had a "true" bond with anyone in life... well least not one that's ended up lasting. With that said, let me make it clear. We all make mistakes, we all have our own baggage to carry around and it's true I've not always been the best of people in the eyes of others (on here or anywhere else), nor do I ever expect to be. Such is my burden and one I agree to bear. I also admit, not all my mistakes where mistakes, some where done on purpose for my own reasons. I will let God alone judge me.
... Where words fail Music speaks ...
Lets take a moment and relax from the boredom of my Life. I've always considered myself eclectic when it's come to my tastes in music. It's another of my passions and something that I came to deeply love as a child. I range from forms of classical to certain rappers and really everything in between. You should either find a music player on the profile itself somewhere in this area or a section in my journal for music, either way I will try and remember to update on occasion what's found there.
I have always felt music was the universal language. One that's used to express emotions and thoughts. Personally, it's got to be the most beautiful language invented by us humans. Musics intention is to make people communicate and bring them together, it makes people feel. You see when music speaks to the soul, it does not need to be explained through words it simply breaks down the boundaries. Music causes us to dream and as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said ‘whenever a human being dreams, the world moves forward'.
... Knights Templar ...
It's that time for a bit more about me. This time we get to jump back to 1999 and learn that during that time I was still living in Southern California. First, a little background though... ever since I was a youngster I had a deep desire to live the life of a Crusader, I always felt out of place in this time period so whats the next best thing? Well I joined the SCA and spent all the time I could afford around the people learning every little thing I could about true history. It was there that I found and quickly got into the combat sections of the organization, the bread and butter of all I've ever wanted. I joined both the heavy fighters and the light combat rapier groups, after several months of almost living the life and really getting to know the people along with talking in depth with a few of the Marshals I learned about the Sacred Order of the Temple and how they were a organization with ties directly back to the true Knights Templars.
Needless to say, I was stoked about it and sent away for every bit of information they could and would send me. Problem was there was no way I could even begin to petition for membership until I was 16 and it had to be followed up with all types of documentation proving everything under the sun. They thought they had me beat, Mwahahahaha well I think not. I worked even harder from that day forward so that everything I sent them showed the best I could be. I dedicated myself to school, history, religion, and martial combat.
Below are just a few of the achievements I hold within the SCA.
I find it mildly amusing that I was elevated to Knighthood in the SCA almost a year after taking my Oath to the Temple though.
Knight of the SCA {Elevated by: Sir Valharic Caligula Aurelius on 08 Jun, 2000} Baronial Knight's Marshall Award of Arms Award of the Purple Fret {for scout commander intel} Order of the Cavendish Knot {rapier combat prowess and service} Order of the Royal Vanguard Order of the Bronze Ring Order of the Gold Mace Order of the Red Company Order of the Dragon's Tooth West Kingdom Leaf of Merit East Kingdom Order of the Tygers Combattant Golden Feather {for service in rapier of the Barony}
Alright wake up, I hear you snoring. I'll try not to bore you more then I already have with this because in all truth I could go on for days with information. There will be a section for all things related to the SCA and the Knighthood in my journal if you want more.
... Faith ...
{ Information to come }
Where to start here, like I said I've never been much of one to openly share anything about myself and I'll be the first to tell anyone I'm not much of a conversationalist. I guess the best place would, like always, be at the beginning though. As a young child I was never really introduced to religion in any of it's forms, my family never radiated religious. My grandparents were decent hardworking people who lived a honest life but not one that involved going to church. The only real sign of our faith came from a huge family bible set on a pulpit under a "traditional" picture of Jesus.
It was around age 8 that I fell into the occult and started to research paganism and it's different forms, I came to follow for several years Hermetic Pagan reconstructionism. I followed, I studied, but I'm not sure I fully believed any of it. It was years later that my uncle, a agnostic, really opened me up to religion as a whole. He never forced any faith or thoughts on me, he shared information openly and freely and expected me to do my own research and make up my own mind. It was only then that I really felt a calling to anything in particular and was when I found myself deep in Christianity.
Skipping forward into adulthood I still found my faith to be as strong as ever, I entered the Military as a Chaplains assistant and started my distance education for seminary out of Knox Theological. It was during my time in the military and shortly after being Ordained that I accompanied several Chaplains for a private audience with Pope John Paul II. I still have a photo with his autograph and papal seal on my wall.
Hear my words and bear witness to my vow. Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)