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Tzaddi carries the Mark of The Prince.

RIP Mae Young, we will miss you
Set at 08:46 on January 18, 2014

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Venerable Sire (136.96)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

Schenectady, NY



Bite Tzaddi

Stalk Tzaddi


Trust Everyone. Just don't trust the Demon inside them.

Proud ACM of

The Coven Of Complicit Dualities

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am happiest in the darkness. The Rave is right for me...There are many like souls here to share ideas and thoughts with. I've been interested in the darkness since I was young. I always knew I was a little different. My mother thought something was wrong with me! I thought there was something wrong with her!!! She tried to teach me all this God and religion stuff, and I just didn't believe any of it. I've always been a bit on the unique side; odd some would say. I adore the occult. I am a Solitary Practitioner. A lone witch! I do not practice any Dark arts though.

alter photo altar18_zps8f3040f3.jpg

My style is simple. Jeans and a tee suit me fine. I like my tee's nice and worn out. I am not a dressy kind of girl. I'm a grunge girl, I suppose. I like to keep things simple!

A little more personal: I am 5 foot 2, in pretty good shape. Currently, my hair is a dark blond. I have light brown eyes with a bit of green! I think they are weird! I weigh about 120 lbs. I love the color purple. I love to read. My tastes are Medical Thriller, Occult, Scary Creature Oddities, Disasters and things along those lines. I collect anything that has to do with cats, skulls, not real ones, of course, gothic fairy art, like Amy Brown, and Myka Jelina, fancy knives and lots of plants! Many of them are herbs, which I use for cooking and making spells. I'm an awesome cook and my spells aren't too bad either!!I also have a magnificent collection of crystals, and crystal spheres. I also make jewelry. I sell the stuff I make on ebay, and in private salons. I am self taught, and pretty darn good, if I might say so!

This is one of my favorites. They sell like crazy!!

Goddess Earrings Ebay photo 9-27-2013EbayHarryPotter-GoddessFairyDust004_zpsa32ec3dd.jpg

These are appropriate for Vampire Rave!! These sell very well also!

Fangs photo EbayFangs_zpsd8a514b3.jpg

This is a 40 charm Wicca Bracelet I make also!

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I am also a HUGE Animal Rights Activist. I work with Pets on Death Row on Facebook. I am particularly fond of cats as you may have noticed. "coughs" I am also a Vegetarian.

Gandhi saying photo 1239852_654683104541734_1209653028_n_zpsd9bbf394.jpg

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I am also a HUGE activist for equal rights. Equal rights for the gay, lesbian, and transgendered community. Everyone is equal, and its time for all the Bigots in the world to get over themselves. We love who we love. There is no right or wrong. All couples should be recognized as a couple. Everyone should be recognized as a person with rights. We are all individuals, unique and special in our own way. No one is a label, we are human beings. I cannot tolerate people who are closed minded and prejudiced. Archie Bunkers, step back.

discrimination photo discrimination.jpg

Some of the music I like: The Doors, Hinder, Nickelback, Marilyn Manson, Mudvayne, Nine Inch Nails, Pink, System of a Down, Godsmack, Evanescence, Fly Leaf, 3 Doors Down, Puddle of Mud, Candlebox, Three Days Grace, Tool, 30 Seconds to Mars, Crossfade, Taproot, Disturbed, Slipknot, Powerman 5000, Buck Cherry,Saliva, Red Jump Suit Apparatus, Five Finger Death Punch, Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, Cat Stevens, Areosmith, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Janis Joplin, Natalie Merchant, Ozzy Osbourn, Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie, Pink, Led Zeppelin, Korn, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Doobie Brothers, Elton John, Three Days Grace, Stevie Nicks, Peter, Paul and Mary, Mika, Metallica, Creed, Soundgarden, Journey, Sarah McLachlan, Melissa Ethridge, Alice in Chains, J. Geils, Candlebox, Papa Roach, Bush, Godsmack, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, and more. The list goes on and on....


I have currently have 16 of them now. My kids kept bringing home strays, and I am a softie when it comes to cats! I have adopted 2 Orange Tabbys from Brooklyn New York. I recently drove all the way down to Manhattan to pick up a cat for my friend. All 3 were saved from the site, Pets on Death Row! If you are looking for a pet, please adopt. Please do not buy a pet. That incourages Puppy Mills and such, and they are the most horrible places. I won't get into details here. If you want to know more, please feel free to ask. If you are not an animal lover we may not have much in common. =^..^=

I am someone, not something photo Iamsomeonenotsomething_zps72f30ef3.jpg

I was born in the country, Burlington, Vermont. My heart and soul lie in Colchester, where I lived on a farm with my Grandparents. They are spirits now, and the farm is preserved as a Historical Site. It bares our family name. Yeah, I'm proud!!! I also have recently lost my parents, so the historical site really is important to my heritage. We were farmers who worked the land.

I have lots of good qualities, and am a very good friend, a good listener, and what we talk about stays between us.

Daylight for starters!!! Fake people, homophobes, people who lie, sneaky people, underhanded people, posers, people who just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. I absolutely hate people who are cruel to animals and children. This angers me very much... There should be mandatory death penalty for both! Show no mercy!

I am also a HUGE WWE fan! My favorites are Sheamus and John Cena.

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Please feel free to write to me, or rate me, and I will do the same for you! Oh, and if you get a moment, please check out my Portfolio! I have some nice pictures of my Kids, and my new Granddaughter. I've also added some wonderful pictures my dear friend akashabloodvenom made for me.

I have some interesting things in my journal.I have added some stories, potions and spells. There's also the occasional rant, which we all do! Please feel free to copy and enjoy the spells, potions and cat Zodiac. They are there to share! I'm not one of those people who don't allow you to copy anything from their profile. That's kind of stupid and selfish to me. You can't take it with you!!! ;)

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the Rave! Peace, Love and Rock and Roll!

My VampireRave Friends and Allies

My Coven Master

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Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave


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Gotta love meds!!!

Rainbows are beautiful! They represent PRIDE!! Here is some Cat Pride!!! =^..^=

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

Dear Sweet Madison, aka Matty Catty. At this moment, she is fighting for her life. Please pray for my precious kitty. Please... photo 011_zps09b10ce5.jpg

Love for Matty Catty photo LindsayandSeanLoveforMattyCatty_zps7fa03870.jpg

I treasure the love of my wonderful friends, Hanna Rose and Sean. Thank you so much for caring about Matty Catty and me.

Loved by Sean and Lindsayy photo ASeansProtectionStamp_zpsd080909c.jpg

Cats Are Gods photo CatPrincessLadyAmethyst_zps9edb0730.jpg

Member Since: Jan 01, 2007
Last Login: Apr 11, 2016
Times Viewed: 45,901

Times Rated:3,192

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Jan 12, 2025
Dec 19, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Nov 18, 2023
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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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Real Vampires love Vampire Rave.

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