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Place A smile on your face to hide the pain from the world - Ladyrose
I am not new to Vr..I don't talk much i mostly stay in the shadows .
I like alot of things just like the rest of you.I have made mistakes along the way and I have learned from them ..I know im not perfect but then again who is
I will be your best friend or your worst enemy the choice is yours.Don't get me wrong i do have a very soft heart and have been told time and time again I'm to nice for my own good well that maybe true but that's just me and who i am.
I first came to vr when my baby sister told me about the site and i got hooked right away .i did leave for awhile but came back as you see .
I dislike Cheaters,abuse of any kind ,people that play mind games.
I like all kinds of music from rock to country
No i didn't change my name just to get a higher rating .I changed it because felt like needed a change .
A little more about XLadyRoseX ..I have had some struggles along the way like most people from abusive to rape the scares might never ever heal but i like to think that the situations that i have been in over the years has made me the person i am.
I also enjoy collecting anything that has to do with eagles .
At a young age i know i was different from my family and friends not just in size but when i would bite my on lip i enjoyed the taste of my own blood way more then i should have i never told anyone about it until now actually
Lastly I am not the same person I was back when i first joined .I have forgiven alot of things and I have moved on .If you are my friend thats great if not and want to cause problems well there is a little thing called block option.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)