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schedule1 carries the Mark of The Prince.

Vampire Rave member for 19 years.

Status:  Premiere Sire (128.18)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  July 22, 1918




Bite schedule1

Stalk schedule1



"Everyone is a potential naked slave to you once you become a trainer." - Anne Rice

VERY proud Assistant Coven Master of the Coven of Murmur.

I have been on VR for OVER TEN years now, so I am pretty old school on here. In addition to being the ACM of Murmur, I am also a VR "Immortal."

Please feel free to add me as a friend & add my journal as well. If you do, let me know so that I can return the favor!

NO DRAMA.....if you enjoy drama, please move along.

I am a very empathic person with powerful intuition. Which is a double sided sword sometimes. Not only can I feel others emotions, I can actually be that person at the time they are disclosing info to me. (ie, One time, a friend was describing how her dad finally came home from the military and died that day at her house from a heart attack.....I literally became her, a 6 year old girl and felt the pain of a 6 year old girl losing her daddy. (Which was odd for me being a 6 year old girl at the time!) So I am much more of a psychic vampire. I can DEF feel and feed off of others emotions, feelings, thoughts, etc. Not in a negative way, but in a way to help them understand what they are feeling and or going through. The BEST part, I have to admit, is when bringing someone an INCREDIBLE amount of pleasure.......b/c that brings me a deleriously insane amount of pleasure in return.

I have also learned how to MASTER the OBE (Out of Body Experience) and take full control of the 1st the OBE led me on journies, now I guide the OBE's to where I want them to go.

Since about 12 years old or so, I also began experiencing dreams that even though I was asleep, I KNEW it was not a dream, but a very powerful message. My 1st experience with this let me know a female friend was going to die (but did not know which one) and sure enough, later that day, a female friend was brutally murdered by her ex b/f with a samurai sword.

I have only channeled twice, and BOTH times I was under 3 years old (I was reading and writing at 2) and both times I channeld my dead sister. It has not happened since then.

Also, I enjoy being bitten HARD (leaving purple marks, drawing blood), and I also enjoy biting back just as hard, as well as extremely deviant & kinky sex, hard core BDSM, fetish, role play, etc., but there is ONLY ONE person I will do this with: my beautiful & sweet wife, I love you babe! (others are invited to watch ;-)

I have a passion for going to confirmed haunted/dark places. I have been to Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam, the Amityville horror house, the sorority house at Florida State University where Ted Bundy murdered numerous women, the lighthouse in St. Augustine, St. Francis Inn and many other places. Spent the night locked up (with the wifey :-) & ghost hunting inside of the Old Jail in St. Augustine on New years 2011....Captured OBJECT MANIPULATION in the death row cell, which is a very rare occurrence! I plan on visiting many more places of this nature!

I also DJ and produce music. I only spin dark, evil, bass heavy, NON commercial electro. I spin VINYL, I am sick of all the DJ's supposedly "spinning" when they're using CD's and/or a laptop, that is a digital mix, not spinning! Music is certainly a passion of mine, it runs through me. Some of my favorites are Uberzone, Dynamix2, Jackal & Hyde, Funk Lab & Infiniti, Wu-Tang Clan, Rakim, Tech N9ne and Snow the Product. I enjoy lots of other music as well, but I'm not going to make a laundry list of all of my favorite artists.

VERY much into the BDSM life. All (bondage, discipline, domination, submission, sadism, masochism) aspects of it, even extreme BDSM (and so is my wife). Gotta love it!

Some of my fav movies are Human Traffic (if you've NOT seen it, go rent it now!), Irreversible, the Matrix, Black Swan, Clerks, Anchorman, Ninja Scroll, 12 Monkeys, 5th Element, & most of Tim Burton's stuff.

My favorite books are easily The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty's Punishment, Beauty's Release, Justine the Misfortunes of Virtue & 120 Days of Sodom.

I'm a HUGE animal fan. I have been a complete vegetarian since the age of 9 (by my own choice, both parents eat meat). Kind of ironic that I enjoy human blood/flesh, but not other animals blood & flesh. I still grew up big & strong, 6'1 tall, broad shoulders, dark hair & a large gauge tongue ring stud that I am quite talented with ;-)

Attended a good University & earned a degree in psychology. The brain, the mind, the subconscious, ego, id, etc all fascinate me & I love to learn more & more about it!

I am NOT here to to pick up people! I am happily MARRIED to an AMAZING & INCREDIBLE woman, that I am COMPLETELY in love with! (and she will kick your ass if you try, lol!) She is the sweetest, kindest, most incredible human being that I know and I LOVE her with ALL my heart, mind, body and soul. I also fully lust her & like her to boot, she is my best friend as well as my wife! You can check out her KICK ASS profile under the name Tannaleaf. I am here to learn and share my knowledge with others who seek it.

PLEASE READ: this is just a personal preference. I am not loading up my profile with TONS (there are some) of pictures, quizzes, stamps, etc, b/c I want my profile to be more about substance. I have NOTHING against people that do like these things, I have seen & enjoyed some GORGEOUS pages on here!

Member Since: Jan 01, 2006
Last Login: Jun 09, 2019
Times Viewed: 29,783

Times Rated:1,884

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Jan 08, 2025


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Dec 24, 2024
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Aug 17, 2024

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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