Canceling because of Ronan
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Ophidian (66)
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15:48:08 May 14 2008
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(If you want to post a thought or opinion, feel free - but outright flaming and bashing will be edited out or deleted. Hostile drama will not be allowed as it as negative, unfair affects on everyone - including most of you who are still PAYING to attend an exciting event.)

I have a situation where someone wants to cancel because Ronan Harris will not be DJ'ing. I have consulted an attorney on this over the last couple of days. Here is what I have been advised:

First is notification. Everyone has been informed email to check the 2008 gothic cruise forum on Vampire Rave at least two to three times per week for updates on changes to the Gothic Cruise. As everyone calls in to make payments, I remind them again to keep checking this forum for those updates. To which the announcement was made on April 8th that Ronan would not be DJ'ing.

Second. Ronan Harris is not a main headliner but a DJ. It is a minor act in which he would have dj'd about 4 or 5 events. Because he is a minor act and not the headliner, he can "actualy be replaced with no notification needed to be given by the venue". Which I did anyway. Legaly, the cruise is still what it is as advertised with the DJ being replaced.

Further, because the DJ simply plays music, and there was no event onboard that relied on his presence - the cruise and it's onboard functions still remain unchanged. Ronan had no autograph session, no Cd.. just DJ'ing. Further, Ronan was DJ'ing - He was not appearing with VNV Nation as a whole. So I cannto enforce his word through VNV Nation.

Had the headliner of Combichrist canceled - then a full refund would be due.

Given this information - the cancelation fees are standing.

Now before everyone gets angry, I will explain why. This is a special event through Carnival. Normal cancelation fees do not apply. The hotel will not return the deposits. These fees are clearly posted as nonrefundable. You need to keep in mind that this event takes up huge space through both the cruise line and the hotel. And that is why they are nonrefundable.

I have also contacted the insurance company. They consulted with their attorney who has said the same thing. The insurance company will not cover canceling because the DJ has been changed. The main body of this special event cruise has been unaffected. All the shows, events and functions remain intact and music is still being played as are our requests.

If Ronan not DJ'ing has affected you badly - my sincerest apologies. However blaming All Genre Travel or myself is not the answer. I did NOT cancel Ronan's appearance. He simply has not been in contact me despite the emails informing him of his deadlines and of mine with the cruise lines. I cannot "force" him to keep his word.

I had spoken to DJ Evelfaery who was willing to step aside if Ronan had changed his mind almost two weeks ago, but again.. he NEVER contacted me back.

My advice (not my attorney's), would be to contact Ronan with your greivence. As there is nothing left for me to do.

All Genre Travel

Note. I have only 1 person wishing to cancel at this time. Current count is at 200+ people attending.

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Caitiff (17)
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17:59:36 May 14 2008
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Although I am disappointed that Ronan will not be DJing, I don't think that any one can blame Zaida. She kept us informed and did everything possible to contact Ronan to resolve this issue.

To those out there thinking of canceling, please re-consider. You are going to miss one of the best weeks of your life.

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Monstrosity (34)
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20:02:02 May 14 2008
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^^^very true and damn *shakes head* just damn....
i wonder if we'll ever get an explanation from him or anyone else regarding what went on with this!

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Sire (100)
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02:47:02 May 15 2008
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I had decided to attend this year well before the DJ announcement, so you all will have to put of with me attending this year.

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Viscount Sire (183)
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05:22:16 May 15 2008
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me too dog!!!

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Antagonist (37)
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08:19:49 May 15 2008
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its a big boat anyway, might be able to go whole cruise without seeing him anyway.
so i can just "pretend" Ronan is sleeping in off in his cabin after drinking three bottle of tequila

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Mosquito (7)
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12:54:59 May 15 2008
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1 out of 200+... pfffttt!

Is it really because of Ronan's absence? Or is it because someone found out that they couldn't afford the cruise and are trying to get out of it without losing any $$...


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Mosquito (7)
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13:49:58 May 15 2008
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Just found this on the VNV Nation Empire board:

"I had booked a cruise specifically to hear Ronan DJ on it. She
advertised that he would be DJing 4 nights on the cruise. I recently
learned that he was forced to cancel. From what I have heard, he never
signed a contract for the cruise and the travel agent used him to sell
the cruise before she had anything set in stone. I know that some of
you on here actually know Ronan personally and I just wanted to let
people know of this situation. The agent has yet to send out any
formal notice of this cancellation and if these things are true I do
not want her to disappoint any more of Ronan's fans. I personally have
almost $1,000 tied up into the cruise and I am waiting to see how she
plans on refunding my money being as I had no interest in the cruise
without Ronan being part of it. The agent has also been unavailable to
answer any of my questions during her normal business hours, which
gives me cause to believe she is purposefully deceiving people or
trying to avoid cancellations due to the change in entertainment. I
believe in my heart that Ronan deeply cares about his fans and would
never condone this agent's actions. I just wanted to put the word out
that she may be harming his good name."


Some people...


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Needler (12)
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14:11:49 May 15 2008
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I'm excited about getting to hang-out w/ Combichrist!
Ronan is soooooo last year!!!!

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Spook (24)
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14:39:55 May 15 2008
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What a loser. Grant it that it would be cool for him to spin, theres going to be so much fun stuff to do besides the clubs. People like that are better off not going if you ask me.

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Ophidian (66)
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15:25:28 May 15 2008
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I noticed she failed to put on that website, that Ronan announced he would be DJ'ing without my permission. Whatever. She'll hear from an attorney soon enough. Its called.. liable.

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Scamp (26)
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18:49:34 May 15 2008
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Z, You've done everything you possibly could, kept people up to date exactly where you said you would and I don't see how anyone can blame you. In addition, the non-refundability of the cruise is pretty darn clear from all the documentation.

If Ronan were to get back to you and say he would still like to DJ is that still an option or is it out of the question?

He really was so incredibly sincere on the boat. I just have a feeling this could be worked out if it were possible at this point.

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Specter (43)
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19:17:28 May 15 2008
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The plot thickens eh?

Well thats truly sad.

I'd like to think after a week of hanging out with him that a lot of US know Ronan personally too. It only has me bummed at all because I looked forward to seeing him again outside of a concert venue, and we never got our CD's. For me its a matter of integrity and keeping your word, but hating someone isn't going to change it.

I'm looking forward to the bands, even if I only have so much love for some of them. However, even if all 3 canceled, and there were no excursions that interested me at all, I would say "Ok, lower it a little and lets all hang out anyway".

I'm going for a week of rest on the ocean with friends and to make new ones.

It's vacation! Let's not stress ourselves out any more than we have to beforehand :P

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Ophidian (66)
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21:35:16 May 15 2008
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At this point, Ronan would have to "jump through some hoops" so to speak.

He needs to deliver the CD's to those who were promised it last year.

Im really conflicted about the question to be honest. Beyond the fact DJ Evelfaery signed a contract.. he was already willing to alter his plans a 2nd time to let Ronan DJ. And now... he's back on again. Truly, its not fair to him either. AS a note.. because of this with Ronan, DJ Evelfaery is barely being paid for his time, AND he has to still pay to get on the cruise. (Which is why I will make it up to him on his 2009 contract).

Although I am a business owner, Im also a human being with a moral heart. Yes.. i know that sounds cheesy.. but honestly? I think DJ Evelfaery has been jumbled around enough.. and with all the negativity surrounding a previous thread, Im surprised he doesnt feel like poo over it and is still willing to DJ for damn near pennies and peanuts.

so.. there it is in all its honesty. Perhaps Ronan will make things right and sign a DJ contract for a different cruise.

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Spook (24)
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02:21:31 May 16 2008
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Nothing against him, but that is a piss poor way to handle business. Please I'm sure hes not that busy. For Gods sake, hes not Madonna!

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Sire (100)
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04:29:03 May 16 2008
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The horse is dead...

147 days to go!

47 days until the Gothic Cruise baby arrives (likely a bit sooner...)

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Specter (43)
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06:34:49 May 16 2008
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We can't even buy him drinks to make up for low pay! :P

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Dybbuk (76)
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06:49:40 May 16 2008
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no buyin the gothic baby drinks around me...
buy ME all the drinks lol

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Viscount Sire (183)
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07:11:36 May 16 2008
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I want some drinks too....scootch over Scarlett

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Dybbuk (76)
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21:15:33 May 18 2008
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I am going to the fetish ball here in phoenix next weekend..guess whose playing at it?
VNV nation :)

I SHOULD flog him till he confesses his sins :)

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Viscount Sire (183)
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21:26:39 May 18 2008
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Get 'Em girl!!!!

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Sire (100)
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21:26:41 May 18 2008
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I want you to get video of that!

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Ophidian (66)
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19:47:35 May 19 2008
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I have to stay professional.. so I cant say anything.

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Specter (43)
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17:02:43 May 20 2008
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Put em both in gimpsuits until CD's flow forth!

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Needler (12)
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14:52:47 Jun 11 2008
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so Scarlett did you ever pin down Ronan?

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Viscount Sire (183)
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18:14:02 Jun 11 2008
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I was gonna post the same thing girl...lol

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