1. Why buy a Premium Membership?
2. Do I get a refund if the Dark Network closes?
3. What happens if my membership gets suspended by an Administrator?
4. How do I see who has rated me?
5. Why are some dates for ratings not available?
6. What is Lurking?
7. How do I open/close/move one of my Forum threads?
8. How do I embed audio or video into my Profile?
9. How do I change the Style Sheet for my Profile?
10. How do I use a Profile skin?
11. What is Stamping?
12. How do I use Premium Member File Storage?
13. I bought a Premium Membership, but I had a temper tantrum and deleted my account. Now I am back and I want my Premium Membership back. What do I do?
1. Why buy a Premium Membership?
With a Dark Network Premium Membership, you have access to far more features than
with a free account. However, the main reason to purchase a Premium Membership is to
help support the Dark Network and defer the massive costs involved in running the network.
2. Do I get a refund if the Dark Network closes?
The Dark Network is committed to remaining online no matter what the future may hold.
However, at times the future can be hard to foretell. Except in the case of acts of God,
the Dark Network will remain open. In the event a closure does occur, no refunds will be issued.
We've been here since June of 2004 (over 21 years!). We're not planning on going anywhere.
Please review our Terms of Service for a full description of termination
and membership policies.
3. What happens if my membership gets suspended by an Administrator?
Suspensions by the Administration are rare. If the suspension of a Premium Member
is called for, the Administration will first try to resolve the problem in every
possible manner. If a suspension is absolutely necessary, the Premium Member
will have his/her account expiration lengthened in direct proportion to the
length of the account suspension.
4. How do I see who has rated me?
This will vary depending upon which site you are logged into. For Vampire Rave:
If your Premium Membership is active, you'll see a whole new menu panel at the top
of your screen. The most frequently used Premium features are listed here,
including seeing who has rated you.
Most other sites have a "Premium Menu" link that takes you to all of your advanced
5. Why are some dates for ratings not available?
There was a bug in the Profile rating system that was not detected until
Premium Memberships were launched. Up until March 6th 2005, if a user rated
you but did not leave a comment, the date was not recorded. This bug has
been fixed. This bug did not affect Portfolio or other ratings.
6. What is Lurking?
When you're Lurking your Profile won't show you as online. You won't
show up on the Who's Online page, and you won't show up as online on
any Friend lists. Lurking allows you to surf the Dark Network anonymously.
7. How do I open/close/move one of my Forum threads?
You will see additional links in your Forum posts. They will only be on
threads you have started. It's not a good idea to open a thread an
Administrator has closed without asking the Administrator first.
8. How do I embed audio or video into my Profile?
With a Premium Membership you can use HTML tags not available to regular users.
The additional tags you can use are: <object> <param> <embed> <bgsound> <IFrame>
Audio and video use the <embed> and <bgsound> tags, and in some cases
the <object> tag. If you need help understanding how to use these tags, seach google for: html tutorials
9. How do I change the Style Sheet for my Profile?
Click Edit Your Profile. You'll see a new window located second down in
the middle. Here's you can edit the Style Sheet code for your profile.
For help in constructing Style Sheets, search google for: html tutorial style sheets
10. How do I use a Profile skin?
Click Edit Your Profile. Scroll down to the window marked
Specialized Style Sheet for your Profile. There are several
buttons. Clicking one will change your Style Sheet into the
corresponding pre-programmed code. If you find a skin that is
close to what you're looking for, you can further edit the code.
New skins will be added periodically.
11. What is Stamping?
Premium Members can create a custom Stamp and then leave that
stamp on any item they rate. To edit your Stamp, click Personal Settings in your Premium Menu.
12. How do I use Premium Member File Storage?
The File Storage link is in the Premium Menu. It's pretty self-explanatory.
You can upload and delete files from that page.
File uploading is somewhat browser-dependent. If you're having problems,
make sure you are using the most recent version of either Internet Explorer,
Netscape, Opera, or Firefox. Although other browsers may work, they have
not been tested with the system. Make sure cookies are enabled and that your
Internet Security settings are not too high. Make sure you do not have a
software firewall like Zone Alarm blocking outgoing data. Make sure your
browser is not showing you cached pages. This will cause problems under
some circumstances. Click 'reload' on your browser if you are in doubt.
The rules for using File Storage are listed on the File Storage page.
Failure to follow the File Storage rules may result in account suspension or removal.
13. I bought a Premium Membership, but I had a temper tantrum and deleted
my account. Now I am back and I want my Premium Membership back. What do I do?
If you want another Premium Membership you'll have to buy one. When you
deleted your account you deleted all of your account records.
Management will not keep reinstating your membership every time you choose to
go and make a statement. If you wanted to leave the Dark Network you
could have done so without deleting your Profile and Premium Membership.
You made the choice to zap everything.
Leech (2)

Hellion (73)

Premiere Sire (126)
Vampire Rave is a member of
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