Chance for a FREE Cabin on the 09 Gothic Cruise & Funker Vogt - Chicago
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Ophidian (66)
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00:42:43 Oct 05 2008
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Win a free cabin on the 2009 Gothic Cruise at The Awakenings II Nov 29 2008 - Chicago.

Your cover ticket includes a free raffle ticket into the free drawing for the cabin. VIP Passes include 2 free raffle tickets.

Plus you can purchase additional raffle tickets at the event.

Plus a live performance by Funker Vogt at The Awakening II

Awakenings II.

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Viscount Sire (183)
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16:54:24 Oct 05 2008
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I will be there!!!!!!!!!!! Just hope tix don't go on sale while we are on the cruise!!!!!!

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Monstrosity (34)
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15:23:07 Oct 06 2008
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Just hit up Apathademon (Chris) on myspace. I'm sure you can work something out :)

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Specter (43)
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16:40:59 Oct 06 2008
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You guys get to open for Funker Vogt!

I'm envious!

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Viscount Sire (183)
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21:21:58 Oct 07 2008
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I got my tix!!!! Z, you gonna be there????

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Ophidian (66)
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00:33:31 Oct 08 2008
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Yes! I and the staff of All Genre Travel will be there to award the cabin.

I still recommend taking the deposit special for booking next year while on this cruise. So if you dont win.. you dont loose the discounts.

If you win a cabin, and have already prebooked on the cruise - its okay. We just take your deposits, and apply it to the portion not covered by the giveaway. (like your bar package).


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Viscount Sire (183)
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03:45:49 Oct 08 2008
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You are gonna freeze your butt off!!! LOL

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Ophidian (66)
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07:25:14 Oct 08 2008
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I know! Im a native Florida.. but I lived in Washington State for 8 years. (Ex was military). by the time is was 27, I had arthritis in my hips because it was so cold!


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Monstrosity (34)
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11:43:20 Oct 08 2008
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Yes Chicago can be a tit bit nipply! Nice to have something to look forward to after the cruise. It'll make the trip home a "little" more bearable hehe...

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Malcontent (9)
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05:38:43 Oct 20 2008
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::sniffles:: Awwwwwwww Tony and I missed you guys this year. Gotta love finances. ::crosses her fingers:: I am so starting a budget I dont want to miss next year or any following that. Did the storms in the area get to you guys?

Gotta Tell Tony about the Funker Vogt thing.. he is going to flip out

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Dybbuk (76)
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02:36:47 Oct 29 2008
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did someone say FREE?? lol I wanna come in 09 I can't wait and this year should be a better year for la mula and me :)

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Exasperater (20)
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06:38:28 Oct 29 2008
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I ordered my tickets :)

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Viscount Sire (183)
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14:41:48 Oct 29 2008
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YAY!!!!!! See ya there Keith!

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Monstrosity (34)
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18:10:09 Oct 29 2008
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awesome. let the reunions begin again!

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Exasperater (20)
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14:39:02 Nov 05 2008
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Z, the weather should start to cool down for you and The Windy City should chill your bones. I think I am going to have to close my windows in the next day or two.

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Ophidian (66)
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17:16:47 Nov 06 2008
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Now see.. there ya go threatening me.. im gonna freeze.. i just know it. course.. will give me that bluishwhite deathly goth look!


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Malcontent (9)
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22:17:20 Nov 08 2008
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Cold in November?? Come back in January or Febuary when it is really cold. We are still in shorts in november. :)

I can't wait for the Awakening!!!


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Viscount Sire (183)
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05:53:36 Nov 09 2008
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Z, do you guys know that Chicago has a no smoking policy??? Are you flying or driving BTW??? And where are you guys staying??? And for that matter who is coming up to brave the midwest....muhahahahaha

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Ophidian (66)
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17:24:51 Nov 09 2008
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Me, Crystal, and Jon are driving up. We will be staying with her parents who live about 5 hours from Chicago.

Im not surprised about the no smoking policy - the whole state of florida has that.. you can't smoke in any public building - or any bar that gets more then 10% of of its profit from food sales. Which means we dont even have smoking sections in our restaurants. Bastards.


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Viscount Sire (183)
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18:58:52 Nov 09 2008
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If you guys want to come and stay here on Friday night you are more than welcome and I have plenty of room. I am about 45 min to and hour from Reggies. That way you wont have the long haul on Saturday.

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Exasperater (20)
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04:58:25 Nov 10 2008
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Z, I was going to ask the same question about where you were going to stay before we booked a room.
seeing that you got a place, we are looking to book a room in the downtown area.

I will let you know more when we do get a room.

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Viscount Sire (183)
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05:11:55 Nov 10 2008
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Reggies is right near Chinatown and in a not so good area...Lots of bums and such....

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Ophidian (66)
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17:59:41 Nov 11 2008
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Tr1n1ty.. We want to take you up on that offer!

I wasnt looking forward to a 6 hour night after a 5 hour drive!


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Viscount Sire (183)
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20:10:51 Nov 11 2008
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and of course if you want to come back Saturday after the show....

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Exasperater (20)
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13:48:39 Nov 23 2008
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according to Project .44's myspace, they have just been added to the show.

Vary Ministry sounding for those who do not know.

See you Saturday :)

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Monstrosity (34)
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15:43:33 Nov 23 2008
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yes, everybody, you get fucking excited!

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Exasperater (20)
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14:43:41 Nov 24 2008
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Mother Nature is prepairing for Z
November 23rd

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Viscount Sire (183)
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03:43:38 Nov 27 2008
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Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this event.....Now some bad news on me...I been in the hospital since Saturday! I had 2 blood clots one was in a major artery. They got them broke up with blood thinners and clot busters. But I am not sure what is gonna happen from here. I am waiting for the docs to come in today. If I had not gone to the ER on Saturday chances are good that I would not be here right now. But thank goodness I had the common sense to go. I will update everyone when I know more, since I now have my laptop here with me! I had lost all circulation to my left foot for 2 days and there was talk of me actually loosing my foot or some toes. I have since started to regain color and blood flow to my foot but my toes are still numb on the bottoms and very sensitive on the top. My foot muscles have atrophied and I finally got up today and did a couple of short walks...using a walker of course since I cannot bare full weight on my foot. I finally got moved out of ICU today but I miss it since the nurses are so awesome up there! And this eve I finally got my restricted diet gone and can eat normal again! YAY! Now they just need to get my blood thinners to the right dose and hopefully I will be out of here by the end of the week....But I don't know that for sure...even if I do I cannot possibly walk around very well and I am still in considerable pain off and on....So have fun you guys!!!!

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Ophidian (66)
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03:45:54 Nov 27 2008
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hey girl!

Thoughts and prayers are with you!


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Monstrosity (34)
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15:00:25 Nov 27 2008
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aw get better soon hun!

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Viscount Sire (183)
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19:18:54 Nov 28 2008
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Thanks guys! I am dying up here. It is like being in prison at this point! LOL

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Exasperater (20)
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02:06:34 Dec 02 2008
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Thanks Z for the lovely door prize you gave us at the show :)

And I hope all goes as good as possible Cheryl. I hope to see you at the Febuary Combichrist show @The HoB.
We will be spending the night down their again.

Great set's Mama C, I hope you didn't catch me dancing.
I hear I got a bit silly at the end.

Take care all,

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Malcontent (9)
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03:53:05 Dec 02 2008
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We missed you at the show :(

I hope things are getting better so you get out of that hospital.

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Ophidian (66)
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06:00:57 Dec 02 2008
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Congrats to Jesse who won the free cabin!

For those that dont know him, Jesse was on the 2008 Gothic Cruise!

Was great seeing so many people. Jon, Crystal and I stayed with Chad that night. Thanks Chad for putting us up Sat night!


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Viscount Sire (183)
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08:33:17 Dec 04 2008
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Thanks guys!!!!! I am home!!! YAY!!! Now I am having a hard time getting my schedule back in order since they wake you up a million times a night for labs and what not. I have some nice black and blue marks from all of the needles. And now I have to go get blood work 1-3 times a week for the blood thinners I am on til they get my dose perfect. And 3 of my toes are starting to blister cause my skin will be dying and falling off from the lack of circulation I had to them from the clots. Kinda like getting frostbite. They look terrible!!!

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Ophidian (66)
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16:16:29 Dec 08 2008
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Glad your home and doing okay.. well.. as okay as you can be!


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