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This is my virtual home. If I welcome you into it as a member, this is not your home, you are a guest. The definition of "guest" here simply means, that if you came here voluntarily, you'll be treated with kindness and respect. Or at least as much as I can muster. I will and do have "favorites" and if that becomes obvious, I refer you back to the beginning of this sentence.
Those who may be sent here against their will well, that is a whole other story. You are not guests. If you have been sent here, you were sent for a reason and the door is locked behind you and will not be opened. You have the options of "VR suicide", that is self-deletion or you can sire out. Blinding will be at the whim of this Society's Master.
With some form of sincerity, ReiverOfSouls
This was left by the previous Society Master. I too, will adopt the same concept as He intended, and continue my coven in this manner.
Coven Mistress, LADY ABH0RASH
Same concept applies, will continue on as was before.