Ahriman's Journal

Ahriman's Journal


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16:48 Apr 12 2006
Times Read: 917

When the Director called him, he wasn`t suspecting anything bad...Just having finished his vacation, he was ready for a new task...He was even smiling when he entered the boss`s office.

- Hey, chief! What`s up?

The Director indicated the chair in front of his desk...He wasn`t smiling and he looked a little nervous.

- Welcome back, Zalmoxe! How was your vacation?

He sat on the chair, but only on the edge...Something was wrong and his senses could detect that...But The Director knew how to hide his emotions really well.

- Pretty good, i think... his voice was nervous.

- I`m glad it was that way... Do you remember the case you were working just before you left?

His memory started searching through information...

- The Draco case? I thought that was closed!

- Well, it was reopened!...

A flash of the memory brought back the details of the "Draco" file...A secret society, ruled by a misterious man, controlling all the night life of the cities, ruling the world of drugs and alcohol...But it was something more...And the night was the answer...He discovered almost by accident when he was in one of the clubs owned by Draco...The members of the society were not humans...or, at least, they were not all humans...

Some of them were what they used to call "vampires"...these were easily killed by the Company`s Force...but there were others who were classified by him as "soul drinkers"... Those could kill only by a kiss...but they were hunted also and brought to their end... The easiest and surprising kill was that of Draco...H e was a vampire and when he killed him, he was in the middle of feeding from one of his partners...

That moment made him remember the hate he felt then...his emotions slipped away just one second, but enough for the wall behind him to tremble and crack...

- Calm down, asked slowly The Director... I need you!

The Director was the only person in their Company who could control him...until one point...

- I`m sorry for that! I will try to restrain myself... Why was the case reopened?

- Because of this! and The Director pushed a file to him... He opened and the only info in there was a photo of a woman... A very beautiful woman! But something was wrong...

- Yes! We lost three guys for that picture... The "Draco" case was reopened because, in a way, it was never closed...

- You are saying... he looked at The Director in expectation...

- That she is the real chief of the Draco Empire! She was his...wife, if you want to call her that...

And now she`s back...rebuilding all that we thought erased for good!

He looked at the picture again...dark long hair, eyes shadowed by a combination of black and red make-up...body as created by the highest standards of lust and desire...black leather covering her breasts and waist,long black pants, stretched on her athletic legs...long black trenchcoat, hiding a what seemed to be a short sword...all of that woman expressed power, seduction...death.

- She`s known as The Dark One... that`s all we know about her.

- I see...his whisper made the next moment almost unneeded...

The Director leaned towards him...

- You are my best man; you know what to do...

He got up from the chair and took a final look at the picture before it suddenly bursted into flames...As he was watching the ashes falling on the carpet, he whispered with sadness:

- I know...


The night was cold and he could taste the moisture in the air; his kind of night... Perfect for the Gatherings and for killing the innocents...

Draco Empire... he thought it was destroyed...his biggest accomplishment...and now it looked like his biggest failure...

"The Dark One"...pha! What the Hell... one more abnormality he`ll have to kill...

A movement suddenly attracted his attention...he was standing outside one of the clubs that used to belong to Draco and his people... They`ve changed its name, but it was still the same...the place were most of the vampires used to gather...

He checked his outfit...all black leather, except from the shirt, kevlar source...his trenchcoat moved briefly in the wind...a strange feeling was disturbing him...something was approaching, but it was too far now for him to sense it correctly...

"I`d better be careful"...he stepped out from the shadows and approached the building...his steps were blending with the sound of the others - the sons of the dark breed - who were coming to the club, hopeing that will find fresh blood in there...

"Bastards!"...his thoughts remained unheard as he pushed the heavy entrance door and entered the lobby...

The smell of blood invaded his lungs from the very beginning...but that was not all; there were other smells...acid, sweat, hallucinogen drugs...plus the vibe...a strange music was covering the noise inside the club, making his heart vibrate, reducing his senses and emotions to a "something I think I knew sometime" feeling...

A woman passed him and he felt her breath near his neck..."Oh, yes; the smell of a non-breeder"...he watched her as she was walking away with her head turned to him, smiling...a deadly smile, loaded with lust and hunger...

"Not this night, you freak!"...he stepped down the stairs which lead to the dance area and to the bar, situated on one side of the dance floor...

- Scotch on the rocks...

The bartender moved quickly and in few seconds he was enjoying a nice cold drink...then he looked around, feeling the looks of the vampires upon him and turned again to the bartender...

- A glass of red wine, please! Non-pure...

The bartender took out a tall glass and pourred red wine from a bottle from under the bar...

He took the glass and raised it into the air:

- Wine for now, blood for eternity! he shouted, and those around him started to scream in a toxic addiction voice:

- Eternal blood for all!!!!!

He takes a short drink from the wine, then puts it back on the counter..."Stupid people! If it weren`t for those like me, you would`ve all been dead!"...

He could relax for one moment now; letting his senses explore the room, feel the emotions of those surrounding him...Humans, drawn by the specter of immortality and fame, power; vampires, searching for the next victim or slave, lurking into the shadows for the stronger opposants or for the eventual hunters...there were no soul drinkers there that night...

"Wait! What was that?" Something was approaching quickly...Something different...For one moment, he focused all his energy on exploring that new appearance...which was searching for him!

Suddenly fearing that he might be discovered, he retreated all his mind tentacles and took his glass of scotch, moving to a distant corner table, somewhere in the darkest area of the club...

"This was not supposed to happen!"

He tried to remain calm, concentrating on creating a false appearance of a vampire slave...

He was looking at his glass, trying to remain calm, sending from time to time a short beam of search through the crowd...maybe he retreated just in time, because he was sensing nothing out of the ordinary....

He wanted to raise his look and watch the crowd, when the music seemed to become more lauder for one moment then a sudden silence covered him...

He froze; a warning of immediate danger was running through his nerves like an electrical beam...

- You thought that you could hide from me?

The soft voice resonating so close to his ear, the warm breath sweeping his cheek, the hand that now was resting on his thigh...all that made his heart pounding with 200 per minute...A cold sweat was running down his spine...

"What the Hell is wrong with me?" trying to calm down, he slowly moved his hand towards his back to take out the knife and turned to her...

Seeing her in person was even harder to comprehend than the magic he felt looking at her picture...

"These eyes!...What...?"...her eyes were staring at him, studying him, entering his soul and his mind, making him lowering all his defences and becoming vulnerable...

She was just few inches from him...her body leaned towards him, her pale skin reflecting the hypnotic dance of the lights in the club...

He could see her smiling...a wicked smile, hiding something deadly but, in a strange way, something that was reflecting in his soul as an endless need...

When her soft lips touched his, the time seemed to stop; at a very far distance he could hear the knife hitting the floor, a strange laugh filling the air as a vibration was entering his heart, making all his blood warmer and warmer...

As he was falling deeper into her kiss, a powerful pain made his body shivver, when her teeth went deep into his lips and his blood started to flow on her tongue...the harder she bite him, the more he wanted to give up into her spell, to be drawn into her world...

- Zamolxe, she whispered, you are now mine!

And the time dissapeared; rotating around him with an incredible speed, images, voices, actions, spirits, all that his mind could see and understand, all that he ever felt and denied, all that he created and destroyed were coming now to remind him what he was, to remind him what he denied, to make him understand that all his life he was preparing only for this moment, for this point of no turning back...

A tear of blood was rolling down his cheek, as the music from the club was reaching him again, as the people around him were dancing and screaming in the heat of pleasure and drugs...

He got up from his chair, heard a scream and then...all went black.


A terrible headache made him open his eyes; for few moments his sight was dim and a strange sensation of straying seized him.... where was he?

He got up on his posterior and looked around, puzzled; the room he was in seemed to be a hotel room, without too much furniture, just the basics and dependancies...

He tried to get off bed when he realised in amazement that he slept on the floor and, a much bigger surprise, he was totally naked!

"What the hell happened here? What the hell happened with me?!!!" yelled inside him his conscience...

A sting in his mouth made him touch his lips with his fingertips... something warm was flowing from there and, after few moments, he was watching in surprise his fingers covered with blood....

With slow moves he got up from the floor and went towards the bathroom... a reflexion of his body in the huge mirror from the opposite wall made him turn around and look into the mirror...

"This is not possible!", he exclaimed, as he was watching astonished the bloody marks from his body, looking like a very big feline had sharpened its claws on his body all night...

As he was watching his image in the mirror, something seemed to move inside his reflection`s eyes... he got closer to the mirror and...as in a frame by frame movie, he could see with his inner eye how the reflection raised its hands and grabbed his neck, then grinned and pulled him towards the mirror, crashing it into million pieces...

...and the events that were missing from the puzzle began falling into the right places, allowing his suffering mind to comprehend the new situation created in the last few hours...

Darkness covers his eyes...he blinks and the darkness becomes a little thinner...at some distance, a strange music is played...around him, voices, people moving...all is blurry...then, with no warning and with the force of a wave from a broken dam, colours, sounds and actions enter his mind, making him scream...

He was once again in the club; he was heading for the exit, with a strange taste in his mouth, whan a sudden scream made him turn:

- Vampire hunter! And he`s bleeding!...

At that time, with the corner of his eye he saw a blond vampire coming down from the sealing and, with his mouth open, preparing to stick its teeth in his neck... and he knew the he was discovered! No! Something from the recent past made him understand that he was revealed to all of them by someone else!

But that wasn`t the time for thinking about that! Involuntarily, his hand moved up and grabbed the throat of the attacker...one strong grasp and he was sure that almost anyone in there could hear the bones crushed...and then the heavy sound of the body hitting the floor...

For a moment, it seemed like the time had stopped once again and he could look at everyone`s face, to see their surprise, their fear, their hate... he could enter their minds, search for their identities, look for their souls and, in an explosion of pure hate, project in their minds the thing that he knew will make all of them loose their minds:

- Yes, you unfinished ones! I am the one who killed Draco! I am the one who will crush you like the disgusting worms that you are!

And then, with an erruption of movement, the time existed again and waves of vampires came down to crush him...but he was ready...

The swords that appeared in his hands were made from the taintless silver, melted toghether with an unknown substance that made the blades look all black, like some strange black holes, absorbing the light but then reflecting it with the power of millions of stars...But their colour suddenly changed when, like in a whirls of flesh and blood they were cutting through the vampiric crowd, leaving behind only screams of surprise, yells of agony, howls of fury and hate...

They were coming in an endless assault, biting him, tearing his clothes, blending their blood with his, slipping on the crimson rivers that were flowing at his feet, more and more desperate seeing that they couldn`t bring him down...

The more he killed, the more his hate for all the rot and undesirable things they were was growing...

And then he saw him; coming through the whole mass of vampire freaks, dressed all in black, with a black helmet covering his face, the vampire in front of him represented pure force, pure evil who was coming to erase him from the face of the Earth.

As he watched his enemy approaching, he saw the other vampires breaking the lines and making a path for the Dark Warrior...he leaned his head one one shoulder and, while he was looking between his eyelashes, he smiled and whispered:

- Come hear, child of the darkness; come here to meet your doom!...as he was saying the last word he suddenly changed his position and jumped from the table where he was standing until then...his swords made two circles in the air and then they camoe down to the vampire`s head...and they met the steel of the vampire`s blade!

And there they were...man and vampire; two warriors numbed in a battle position like two statues symbolizing good and evil...light and dark, only...who was the good and who was the evil? While he was asking himself that question, he could feel more than he could see the other`s eyes, looking at him, studying him, trying to find his weak points, to destroy the enemy of his kind!

And then they moved! Under the white and red flashes of the lights from the club, their swords were throwing gold sparkles, setting on fire everything around them, making the air unbreathable...they looked like they were executing a strange dance of body and sword, with moves that existed only in their minds, sharp quick moves, faster than the eye could see, broken images that could never be put together into one fluid motion...

As the fire was catching everything around them, the heat became more unbearable...small drops of sweat and blood were now covering their bodies, making them shine under the lights like grotesque figures from the Shadow Dance Of The Warriors...

And, just when it seemed that the battle could go like this forever, it happened; one hesitation, one turn too quick and one of his swords flew from his hand and entered the sealing; he then stopped and look at his opponent who, seeing him hesitate, attacked him with even greater power...the swords met and, with a sound like the highest note of thousands of violins, they broke into thousands pieces...

The Dark Warrior stopped and looked amazed at the rests of his mighty sword...he looked at what was left from his sword, then looked up at the enemy and grinned...

- Now you are finished!

He never knew how or why he felt that then; all that he could remember was that he jumped forward and grabbed his enemy from his throat...and in that position, he reminded who he was and all that he learned, he reminded his friends dead in the battles against the vampires, he saw what they`ve done to the world and what would mean his death there, in that moment and he knew he couldn`t allow for that to happen...With small but quick steps, he entered the mind of his enemy, saw his hauteur and desire for killing the innocents, and he slowly turned that into pure fear...and extended to all those who surrounded him, waiting for the end of the battle...

And as he was exiting the mind of his pray, seeing the fear from his eyes, he opened his mouth and, for a moment, no sound came...but when it did, it was like the voice of God was rolling down from the sky, crushing everything in its path:

- Dieeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! and there were no boundaries who can restrain his mind; the wave of hate exploded in every vampire mind making their blood boil and their bodies burst into the most intense fountains of blood! And then came the silence...pure silence, nothing but him and the ocean of blood surrounding him, with the flames taking over everything slowly, purifing all in their way...

The last image that came into his weakened mind was a blurry shape that was looking at him from the top of the stairs...something familiar but dangerous, something that he knew will have to face someday...something that now looked at him and smiled...his lips felt like burning and...it all went black again!


He opened his eyes, feeling a strange sensation in his head...it was like his mind was trying to exit his skull and all the gates were closed; he touched his head and shrieked...something stinged...he looked at his fingers and saw them covered with blood...fresh blood...and while he was wondering where the blood was coming from, he remembered!

Like a strange dream, in which all the details were relived backwards, he remembered all that happened in the last 24 hours...and was able to finally understand who and where wanted him...but he couldn`t figure out why...

- You bitch! I will kill you with my bare hands!

His words filled with hate were resonancing from the empty walls of his room and were coming amplified back to him, making him suffer even more and making his hate grow even stronger!

He stood up with a surprisingly precise move and wnet to the shower, to clean his wounds and try to relax...

As the hot water was running down his body, he leaned against the wall of the shower cabin and tried to empty his mind from all the negative thoughts...slowly, without rush, trying to obtain the mind peace that could allow him to find a solution of his problem...

For few moments his mind travelled back in time, to the moment he was born...not as a being but as a telempath...the first time he realised that he could enter the mind of the others, see their feelings, being able to modify them...then, the first time he realised that he could influence objects around him with his mind...the first time he killed another being with his untrained mind...

A tear rolled down his cheek when he remembered that stupid fight he had with his best friend and when he wished for his heart to stop...and then seeing him falling to the ground like he was hit by a lightning...

After that, he could never face another human without being afraid of hurting them...he had to be taken away from his parents and put into a what they called "mental institution"....there they sedated him, kept him in a white room, without the possibility to hurt others....or so they believed...his cry, as he discovered very quickly, could make the walls split...and be put together again...and he used that as often as he could...using the night to escape and wander through the woods, watching the moon and the stars...slowly finding his peace.

It was there where he discovered his true powers; it was there where he could develop into a full grown telempath...it was there where he found out that humans were not the only species who ruled the world...

He killed the first vampire almost by accident...it was a newborn, a beginner who thought he was an easy target...when he made his head explode, he felt joy for the first time...and pleasure! And he left, searching the ones like him, the ones he felt vaguely from his so-called prison, the ones who were looking for him, asking him to join them...

The first member of The Company he met was The Director...and although he knew that his powers were greater, he also knew that The Director could teach him a lot of things...and he did; day by day, minute by minute, with the help of some well prepared teachers, he learned new ways to focus his powers, he learned new qualities of his powers, he became their Prodigy, their unique weapon against the forces who were trying to take over the world...and he loved it!

But now, as he was concentrating on healing his wounds and puryfing his mind, all that training, all that effort seemed useless against the new force he had to face...but he was sure that the answer to his problem was not far away.

And with the last drops of water, the answer came...but not the one he was expecting...out of nowhere, two hands grabbed his waist and started going up his chest...a wet naked body pushed against his back and he could feel her breasts touching his skin...he wanted to turn around but a voice in his head said "no"...and he listened...but just when he was asking himself where was that going, he felt her fangs sticking in his throat and his blood filling her mouth...he screamed and...a sound like a rolling thunder made him open his eyes...an incredible pain was running through his body, concentrating in his neck...he touched it and...nothing! His skin was clean, no traces of bite or anything.

- This has gone too far!

He got out of the shower and started dressing up with a new set of clothes; after all that, he took a final look at the room, knowing that he would never set foot in there again and left the room...throwing the key in the first garbage bag he found on the way...

When he arrived at the Company`s Headquarters, the dawn was upon the city...a strange will made him stop and turn around, waiting for the sun to rise, knowing that it was the last sunrise he would ever see...and as the sun raised from the ground to take over the world, a tear of blood rolled down his cheek, touching his corner of the lips and being then taken away by a short blow of the wind...

With a deep breath he turned his back to the ruler of the day and entered the building...he didn`t then stop until he reached The Director`s office, where he enterd without knocking, feeling that he was expected...

- Morning, Zalmoxe! What is the problem?

The calm voice of The Director took him by surprise and for the moment he forgot what he came there for...but his will acted without any control from him and the words came out naturally, like he was telling him that the sun just arised:

- One problem: I need to see my file!

A cold chill seemed to fill the room and he could sense that his question was somehow perceived by all members of the Company...Nobody, in the entire history of the Company, had access to his file...the implications were undescribable and could lead to chaos...and everyone knew that...but he also knew some of the facts that were hidden behind that decision...

- Why? One word, one second of weakness from the Director and something terrible eneterd his mind...the sensation of an immediate danger filled his soul...but he hide it really quick, because the gates of The Director`s mind were closing...and he retreated.

- Because I think that in there I will find the solution for this case...

He sounded very calm...too calm, because he could sense the Director trying to enter his mind, to find out what was going on in there...and he got help! Vaguely but without a doubt, he could perceive other minds trying to pass behind his mid`s gates, trying to extract whatever he had in there..."Not this time...not ever!"...but his thoughts were never heard...instead, he smiled...

The Director looked at him suspiciously, not letting his true feelings appear on his face, then, knowing that maybe he had only one way to find out the answers he was looking for, he shrugged and opened a black box from his desk and took out a golden key...and threw it to him.

- You know where to go...

He catched the key and turned to the door...right before he exited the room, the Director`s voice make him hesitate for a moment...

- But be very careful with that...very careful!

He lowered his head and left the room; on the hallway turned left and went to the elevators...he took one to the lowest level of the building, at few hundreds meters under the ground...after he exit the elevator, he walked to a dark corridor, having as guidance just a peception of something that belonged to him...and at the end of the corridor, after he passed through several rooms filled with cabinets, the last door he found, was the only door where the key he was holding fit. He turned the key in the lock and the door opened, silently...behind the door, a small room, lighted with an only weak bulb-light, which was hanging just one meter above a metallic table which had on it one yellow file...his file!

He sat in the only chair in the room and opened the file...in there, he found a plastic bag which contained some of his marrow cells...the giudance for every member of the Company...in every file there was an envelope like that...but only few could sense it...under the envelope, only a piece of paper...

- That`s it?...his voice was heard only by the titanium walls...he read the paper closely...

- Father...unknown...mother...unknown...brothers/sisters...one!...Who?...

Only with a strong will he could restrain his emotions from errupting and destroying everything around him...and that will came from the next and last row on the paper...

- For further information see reference R - 666, section 13...

Looking at the paper but not seeing it anymore, he tried to think about what he had just found out..."A sister! Of course! That explains it! Wait...something is not right here...Reference R - 666????"...some part of his training was to learn to sort the files of common interest for the company, files about past activities and other thing without importance...he suddenly remembered that he met with some info containinf reference to the R - files...

- But those were only 665...and were referring to drug testing on ani...

With the force of Thor`s hammer, the truth hit him and maked him scream with anger and hate! The walls of the room curved and cracked, although they were made of two meters of titanium alloy...the file turned to ashes in seconds and the walls of the corridor started trembling like a giant hand had grabbed the earth and was shaking it with fury!

He sensed immediatly the agitation that was whirling everybody in the company; he could almost taste the steel of the weapons that the soldiers who were now coming to him were getting ready for anything that could go wrong...He grinned and walked out of the room...and as he was turning the corner he could see them...25 of the Company`s Task Force...the best of them...

- Sir! Please remain where you are and allow us to escort you...

He started laughing to the lie he just heard; the soldiers were just weak empaths who didn`t pass the first steps of training...their minds were open books to him...

- And if I don`t stop?

The soldier`s finger never touched the trigger of his weapon...the moment he knew that their orders were to shoot him on the spot, he acted...not screaming, not shouting...just letting his mind gates down and relesing the pure hate he was keeping behind them...the blood from the exploding chests and skulls covered his clothes and face...a piece of brain touched his mouth and, in a gesture of surrendering he took it slowly and put into his mouth...he was still chewing at it when he got up in the elevator and pushed the button that was supposed to take him straigth to the Director`s floor...

As he was approaching the surface, the evil inside him grew even stronger...the army that was waiting for him in front of the elevator`s doors never knew what hit it...but the wepons that started to shoot their owners, the ripping of flesh and bones caused by the realese of the animals inside each men, the desperation for living, the pleasure to kill, the feeding of the partner`s still beating heart...all images he received with an unknown and impossible pleasure...he knew that from this point there was no turning back...and the doors opened...he took one step and stopped.

- This has gone too far, Zalmoxe!

The Director`s voice took him by surprise...but only for a moment; behind the Director he could see the best men The Company had in controlling the minds...and they were all prepared to kill him; the desire was so obvious that he started to laugh loudly...his laughter becoming powerful with every breath...and they were surprised and for a moment they left their defences low...and that was the mistake! Almost with no effort he entered their minds, touched some nerves and suddenly, all fell to the ground, with their brains filled with blood...dead forever! In a second he killed the best force of empaths there was on the planet...leaving only two...him and The Director...and the Director`s throat was now in his hand...and his grasp was becoming stronger every second...

- Reference R - 666....where is it?

- I don`t know what you are talking about...The Director`s voice was choked and weak, but the lie still was strong...

- Don`t lie to me! You trained me to see lie even in the truth! WHERE IS IT?!!!!!

But The Director didn`t answer...with a flash of intuition, he knew that the man who was now standing in front of him would rather die than tell him what he wanted to know; in a desperate action, he focused all his energy on him...but The Director`s mind was strong...still...step by step, nerve by nerve...cell by cell...his mind was penetrating through the defences it was facing...

- Don`t resist! It will be even worse for you...his last words came out with a white dust from his clenched teeth...but, in a last blast of energy, the last defence caved and The Director`s mind was now naked in front of his...and he began his search...

In the last corner of the mind he was torturing, hidden even from its own conscience, he found what he was looking for...The reference R - 666 never existed on paper...it was a mental file kept by the Director...and the animals...were exectly what he believed...

"... the cells were prelevated succesfully; the donors were disposed properly...the evolution of the foetus took an interesting event...it is splitting...this is interesting: it seems that we`ve created a new race...and perfected the other one....the subjects are developping according to the anticipations...Error! There seems to be an unacceptable attraction between the subjects...the memories were carefully removed....the male subject is what we`ve been looking for but it must be isolated from the female...research showed that they are fertile...but their union would be catastrophyc!...the female is developping too fast...and the new power is disturbing...we`ve come to the conclusion that she must be eliminated... there seems to be a lack in the security system... she escaped! Someone from the inside helped her...we`ll have to retrieve the boy...she must be destroyed or the plan will be a failure..."

His grasp weakened...the dimensions of the new informations he found were enormous...he felt The Director moving away from him...he leaned against the wall and looked at him, seeing him as he was far away, blurry and mishaped...

- You killed my parents!

The Director suddenly looked more clear and closer than ever...

- They were just subjects...balast to the experiment... his voice sounded suddenly calm and peaceful... Come, let`s talk...

His eyes became bigger and he recovered his strength in an instant, understanding what The Director was trying to do...

- No! I will not let you do that!...

He pushed him away and started to run...the exit from the builiding never seemed so far! Behind him he could sense the remaining forces regrouping, trying to follw and stop him...

The soldiers who were guarding the gates never saw him, when he passed by them in a run of despair, a run for life into the night which was now covering the city...

As he was running, his mind was putting everything in its place, closing the circle in an unforgiveble conclusion; with his inner eye he could now see the truth behind the face of The Company...He could see the dark foce which was raising, the use of unknowing victims, the hunger for power...the surprise at the news that they were not alone...the war against the vampires...the slaughters...then the research for a superior being...a beaming device who could attract the vampires and trap them in the death`s grasp...he now knew that his mother was a vampire...he could feel it in his blood...and his father...probably an empath...665 failed experiments...monsters who couldn`t resist the blood mix...then, the foetus who divided...probably the only way it could`ve survived...but the genes split in an unpredictable way...and he became what he was now and she...become vampire...and more than that..."soul drinkers"...she was the first one!

As he was aproaching his target, the rest of the details came even stronger, as a culmination of existance...he remembered love...a strange love, pure love...although they were related, they were inlove...and she knew that! She tried all the time to draw him to her...all the actions of the Draco organizations were meant for her to find him...and be reunited once again...their child would`ve become the superior being they were searching for...but...and the last thought remained there as a burning nail stuck in his brain...there was also another way...to speed up the process...

Her presence hit his senses like a hammer; he stopped and looked around...he was now in a park...near the central fountain, a familiar shape was standing with the back at him...

- D...Demetra... Her name! That was her name! He rememberd like it was a moment ago the day he picked their names from an ancient book of legends...

She turned and looked at him...dark and beautiful, with her long coat floating in the soft wind...With trembling steps he approached her...

- Now I understand, he whispered...now I understand...

Her hand moved swiftly on his cheek and she smiled...

- Come! We have to...

"What was that?!"...a feeling of immediate danger sounded like a doom bell in his mind...They were there! He leaded them to her...

- You are in danger! You...

He never finished his sentence; the bullet came as a terrible pain in his chest, exploding, covering her with his blood...in a slow motion, he fell onto his knees, his eyes looking at her , seeing her despair, feeling her tears...telling her what she had to do...

- I love you! Please, finish it!

She leaned over him and in a last act of love, she pressed her lips against his, in a kiss of death...but in a kiss of eternity...and as he soul was leaving his body to blend with his new existance, all that he ever represented, all that he ever did, his hopes and dreams, his whole energy being moved into her, giving birth to all that they ever looked...the supreme being!

His last thought now sounded clear in her mind...and tears of blood came running down her cheeks...

"...there is always another way...for one to live another has to die; but the will of one cannot compare to the will of many; all this time your love searched for me and I was blind; all this time I tried to search my true meaning and I failed; what we were at first, we can be at last...I am just a mortal...but you are the future...our child might never be what you or they wanted...because, after all, this was never meant to happen...My love, I have to go now...but when you`ll know this, you`ll know my decision...as long as I were alive, danger would`ve never been gone...through me, they could reach you...and all your efforts would`ve been useless...take my soul, take me, let me be free at last...but remember, I will always be here for you...because untainted love cannot ever be broken!"




The Plague

20:44 Apr 03 2006
Times Read: 940

The fire flickered one last time in its attempt to defeat the time then it died out. I was all alone; the plague scythed everything in its way, leaving no one alive. The priest said that it was a Divine Punishment, but when the disease cought him, he forsweared God. How can people change...!

They started to die...like that...out of nowhere. Few, at first; then their number grew rapidly. You could see them on the street, how they falter, stumble and fall down like rags and, after few minutes, the bodies started decomposing. I`ve tried, at first, to bury them, but it was too hard; sometimes they teared to pieces while I was dragging them to the grave...Horrible! But I found a more viable solution: I splashed them with gas and then I set them on fire; it is amazing how fast can a corpse burn!

When all that was left on the street was ashes, I started entering the houses and, wherever I found a body, I set the fire. In some houses the sench was unbearable but I did my job anyway, like a robot: enter, splash with gas then throw the burning match. At one point I was afraid that I will run out of matches, but our town is very small...there are only few houses left untouched.

Yesterday, the last man died; I was walking down the street, smoking a last - maybe - cigarette, when he came out of a courtyard, praying to me for redemption. He had grasped me with strength when, suddenly, his voice froze; he died hanging on me. I barely detached him from my coat`s lapels. I dragged him to the place were I was keeping my gas tanks and I set him on fire there, staying up all night watching the fire. I realized how weak are we in front of nature.... We are nothing!

A door opened with a sinister grate. It was like a scream into the night... And when did it get so cold in here? I can feel her! The lady with the scythe! She`s approaching me with an evil grin on her ugly face... You will not take me! I`ve resisted you until now, I will not give up in the moment of victory!

My pen is running restless on the paper; I have to keep writing, no matter what! It became something vital for me...but...what is happening?! My pen slips out of my hand and hits the floor...Oh, no! It pounded, spreading the ink all over the place...It`s like someone took the chair underneath me... I sink near the table; my hand tries to grab the edge of the table but it catches nothing but air. My head bangs the floor with a deep sound; everything around me goes black...

I start hearing voices; unclear at first, blended, then they become more clear:"...You will die!", says one;"You thought you could get away!" says another. A baritonal voice roars:"Nobody escapes HER!" and the ugly face appears in front of my eyes!... I try to shout, but there is no sound coming out of my numb throat. "I am going to die!" I think, and the voices around me confirm:" Yes! Yes! You will die! Yes! Yes!"...The scythe approaches and.... A voice pervades with power:"Silence!" and all the other voices become silent; the scythe dissapears. Instead, a white light appears, a light which radiates warmth. In the light... i see a face... an angel! The feminine face of the angel who smiles at me means life, redemption! A hand is stretched and a warm voice, intimate, says:"You don`t have to die! We need you on Earth! You know that!".

Suddenly, I open my eyes; the fire burns jolly in the fireplace. Near me, the pen...it`s unhurt! I get up with slow movements and I sit at the table. The white page of the notebook is calling me; my hand twitched an the pen wrote on the first row:"Hymn dedicated to life". Outside started to snow. In the silence of the night I can hear the world`s rebirth...I am not alone anymore!





14:57 Apr 03 2006
Times Read: 944

Darkness; everywhere...around me, in me, darkness rules. It`s been like this for years (or decades?) and I have no idea when it will be over. In fact, I don`t really care; here I don`t need any light or any of its surogates. It is darkness, a deep hard night but, in the same time, there are present all the blessings of the night: silence, peace, rest, sometimes calm and whispered talks with your neighbours (we don`t wanna wake up the ones who want to rest!).

It`s good...is not like before, but it`s good...I feel a laughter coming....I`ve just remembered what an old friend of mine used to say: she said that is useful to learn things outside your area of interests and that is good to take some risks from time to time, accept other ideas, opinions, even if they are in contradiction with your beliefs! You may never know when they`ll be of help. I replied with sarcasm:"Even when you`re dead?!"...The answer came in a flash:"Yes!".

For my own shame, I must admit that she was right! It is really embarassing not knowing something about the subject of discussion...Plus you might learn new things every day! I`ll tell her that when she`ll join me; I don`t think I`ll have too much to wait because there was a black dude here earlier... Azazel I believe it was his name... and he told me that she is preparing for the final road. I can`t wait to see her!

Hmm, a worm! Lately they don`t appear as often as they used to...I wouldn`t mind it if they`ve fed with something else beacuse I have only few cells left and I don`t want to appear in front of my friends bare boned! And not only that: if all that is left of me are bones, I enter the last phase of evolution (while you are decomposing nobody disturbes you; you have 7 years of peace. After that you`ll go to one side or the other, depending on what your soul have done in these 7 years: it is judged, wighted, analized and then...on your way!...in Heaven or Hell. Sometimes it happens that they can`t make up their minds and then they send you back - a new life - to see what you`ll do, after which they judge you again) so I wouldn`t like to leave before I see some dear friends of mine!

Well, that`s it! Hey, a rat appeared! It`s so funny! I have the feeling that my trial is coming to an end, a strange disturbance is going on around me and it`s getting kind of hot in here. Oh, yes! There`s Azazel! It`s clear now! I was sent right where I thought: The Black Legions! It`s gonna be a Hell of a fun at the Apocalypse!

The last cell is gone; from my mouth wide opened and with some teeth missing, a small flame raises slowly; then...two horns, two membraneous wings and my new soul starts his walk on the red corridor...Yes, it`s gonna be Hell-of-a-fun!



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