Ahriman's Journal

Ahriman's Journal


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3 entries this month


18:23 Mar 22 2006
Times Read: 822

I was thinking day and night about what I was about to do this night; since I`ve read that book regarding evolution, I couldn`t stop thinking about this idea. As the time passed, the longer I kept thinking about it and the harder it seemed more logical! After all, that was the idea of the book: evolution! Pure and simple!

I mounted the stairs that led to the apartment where my parents lived and, with each step, my decision became even stronger; I had only one problem: how wiould they receive this? I hoped from all my heart that they would understand.

I unlocked the apartment`s door and entered the hallway where I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and to figure out if they were both home; they were. I could hear them in the living-room. Good!

I`ve entered the living-room and I saw both of them sitting on the couch; this was already too easy. At almost 55 years old, they looked wonderful together! They didn`t seem surprised when they saw me; it didn`t matter anyway, as unsurprised they seemed when I pulled the gun out of my pocket and I shot them both in the head.

In the end, what is the purpose of the parents? Raise their children until they cam manage themselfs after which... it`s over!

I hope I can feel the moment my children will do the same...





15:31 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 837

I live, I feel, I act.... I breathe, I eat, I communicate... Why? Who wants this? And where am I?!

I am a creature of God and I move by his will on the planet He created for us, the mortals...

We are guarded by angels and pushed into sin by the Devil; we are gifted with free will, but when we use it we always breake the rules of the holy books! It is said that God gave Moses fiftheen commandments but one stone was broken and there are now only ten...

I wonder: what is all this? And why? The Church pats on my shoulder and impeaches:"Heretic!". That`s what I am?

Who knows? "I think, therefore I exist!"; that`s true. "I move, therefore I am alive!"...that works too...

But...what is true?! Who can say that all of this is nothing but a dream of an imperceptible entity, a dream that will last as long as this entity`s sleep?! Stop! God version...

Renegade! Am I an atheist? The very simple fact of asking myself this question might be a proof that I am not an unbeliever... But maybe I am! Maybe I want to be and I wish sometimes that the entity in whose dream we exist to wake up and put an end to the dream...

Sometime I have the feeling that I live a dream of mine, that the dreaming moments are actually the reality and I wish to get up...I wonder what`s beyond the dream...?

I reread the lines written above... Do you understand something?

My friend...yes, you which read this lines, the moment that something is understood, the moment it`s all over!

We were created - doesn`t matter by who - in a cage without bars, surrounded only by windows through we can only see, never open.

We are puppets in the hands of a crazy puppeteer, and the strings which binds us can only be cut in the supreme moment of melting with the nothingness. Afterlife? Reincarnation? Worlds filled with light, roads that lead to a final purpose, but...surrounded all by windows...

Look!...and you`ll see nothing. Why? That`s the will of The Puppeteer; his maze can only be understood by The Dreamers...

We passed to another idea...Dreamers...I will tell you another time...

Meanwhile...let your thoughts and dreams fly away and maybe you`ll see the dome which covers this prison...Beyond that...you`ll find out later how to get through.




The Battle Of The Spirits

15:43 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 925

He was wandering through the forest since...forever, it seemed; he didn`t know if it was day or night; the forest looked like dipped in a permanent evening, a grey evening with a foggy atmosphere that made everything look like the dream of a sick painter... the trees were torn, branches broken, fallen trees looking like decayed bodies, roots looking like carbonized bones spreading all over the soil.

But that didn`t disturb him as much as one could think; the thing that made him really uncomfortable was the silence...a silence that made him feel like he was walking in a deserted graveyard, a mausoleum of gothic nightmares, where all the souls were frozen and bodies turned into dust.

"What was that...?"... a flapping of wings made him turn around...Something was there! Moving into the fog, on the top of the trees, in a distant circle around him...the trees! Was only his imagination or they were moving, closing his way and around him, creating a barrier in his way.

The flapping was now sounding a lot closer, too close, almost...behind him!

He was frozen! He couldn`t move a muscle; with a huge effort, he began turning around, inch by inch...and then he saw her!

Beauty was never so glamorous! Words were useless to describe what he was seeing; angels were gealous on what he saw in front of him...the long black hair, the dark eyes in which he was lost as in an ocean of desire, the body after which godesses were made...

But something was not right...the wings! Black bat-like wings, which were flapping in a slow motion just to keep her floating few inches above the ground.

"What...?"...but he never got to finish that thought; she grined, revealing the white long fangs, her hand grasped his throat, lifting him from the ground.

The sensation that he felt when she sunk her teeth into his neck he could only describe as...happiness melted with love..."Milady" whispered he, then all went black.

He woke up at the edge of the forest; the night was covering the world; a glimps of memory made him touch his neck...a small dotted wound was the only thing that reminded him of...of what???

In the days that followed, he was himself no more; the day was night and the night was pain and suffering; he could not eat, he could not sleep...all that he couldo was thinking of her; his eyes were glowing with a dark light, but his sight was lost...a strange desire was drawing him to the woods...harder and harder.

They say no one can resist its fate; he neither. One day, he couldn`t resist anymore...her image was haunting him every moment and the desire was greater than ever...

"I must see her!"...and he left, taking the road to the forest...

...Something was different...the fog was thicker and darker..."Was that smoke?"... He began to move rapidly, seraching, hopeing, when he heard it... A howling sound, a dark and deep noise, like the yowl of thousand tigers, made him freeze...

The ground began to shake, like thousands of feet were stepping on it simultaneous; it seemed like a great army was marching through the woods to...where?

He turned around from the noise and began to run; was it at least the right direction? The sound was closely behind him...Will he arrive in time?

Through the fog the trees were more crowded, assembled toghether in order to obtain a giant wall...or was it only his sensation?

Suddenly, a root came across his way...he stumbled, rotated in the air and hit his back against a wall of trees...

He fell near the wall, dazed; while he was trying to get up, a hand grabbed him and pulled him through the wall..."Was there a gate...?"

He blinked, as the light suddenly changed, and looked around, staggered...

He was standing at the edge of what seemed to be a giant round courtyard....In the middle, surrounded by a thick marble wall, a wooden castle, mahogany-like on the outside, with huge towers at each corner, adorned with multi-coloured flags and torches; surrounding the castle, inside smaller stoned walls, hoisting different coloured flags, huge tents, like a general`s campaign tent, with unique house (..."house?"...) symbols...attached to the wooden wall, defence towers, connected by bridges with the castle and some other towers spread in a complex formation inside the courtyard.

When he was just thinking that something was missing, a metalic flicker caught his attention...and then he saw them! Never an army looked so impressive! Soldiers and knights, with blonde or black hair, with golden helmets, covering half of their faces and carved with different house symbol, with golden mails and leather suits, with long bows and spears, and shiny steel swords, they looked like the very descendants of the great race of elfs...but they were no elfs!

No...even though they were covered by helmets, he could still see their eyes, feel their gaze and their dark souls...a strange but not so word appeared in his mind: vampires!

He started to tremble when he realized that they were watching him but also something near him...behind him; with a slow motion, he turned and...saw her! Standing there, with a golden dress and a queen crown, looking at him, smiling...

"You are so beautiful, Milady! My soul is yours..."...with this thought, he kneeled, with his head ducked, waiting...

She looked at him, seemed to study him, then, nodding; with her left hand she made a quick signal and a sword, a strange giant sword, was brought to her...and then she offered the sword to him!

Looking at that sword, taking it by its haft, he felt and knew that sword wasn`t theirs...and that it was ment for him!

The black haft, trimmed with gold stripes, the hilt made from a strange metal, huge, carved, with spear like endings along the blade...the blade! Made from a black substance, which seemed to absorb the light and then reflect it back with an infinite power, two edged and with a small dent in the middle, in which there were carved some red inscriptions...Strange characters, from a language long forgotten, but which, strangely, he could understand..."Why?"...Reading them, he felt a strange but powerful energy inside him, and from that moment on he knew what he had to do... and smiled.

"They are coming. Are you ready?" Her soft voice took him by surprise...when he realised that only he heard it, inside his mind...He looked at her and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Milady!" he whispered...at his words, a whirligig seized the courtyard and all the soldiers and knights on their horses gathered silently into battle formations, waiting for a signal... And the signal came!

A shivvering sound, like the howl of thousands wolves, followed by a rhythmic deep sound like thousand of shield were hit in the same time by thousands of hammers...the queen raised her arm, and the gates opened!

And on the other side of the gates, filling the forest and the wall surroundings, there they were! A giant army of daemons and trolls, of werewolves and orcs, of creatures taken from the deepest layers of Hell, was waiting for them!

A cold wind started to blow; the knight`s horses were trembling with fear, but they were not moving; everybody was standing still...

He took a final look at her; a sad smile was now covering her face... a bloodtear was rolling down her cheek when a short blow of the wind tookit away and landed it on his lips, burning his skin and his soul!

And then it began!

The army of the vampirea moved slowly, grouped and prepared towards the daemonic army, with their weapons drawn...a roar of thousands of chests came from the daemons, while the werewolves begun to run with increasing speed, preparing to jump at the horses`s throats.

Silently, like he was not even touching the ground, he started to run; his sword was getting even darker, and white flashes of lightning were coming out of the tip of the blade, rising directly to the sky...

And the first werewolf jumped...the fluid movement of the blade, the surprise in the animal`s eyes, the scream of agony of the wounded beast and the two parts of it that fell at each side of him...all happened as quick as a flash...and the bloodbath begun!

The scenes were succeeding fast around him...horses falling under the weight of the werewolves, knights decapitating the werewolves just before their heads and chests were crushed under troll`s hammers; soldiers from the infantry that were cutting off orc heads and limbs just before the daemon axes cut them in half...

His sword was now covered in blood; orc, troll and werewolf were falling under his death blows; daemons trying to attack him and then being turned to smoke and ashes by the lightning of his blade...

And, like in a play well directed, it happened...like in a slow motion picture, he saw her standing in the middle of the battlefield, fiercely and brave, with her sword just hitting a werewolf`s heart, not knowing that a daemon was coming from behind, with a giant spear prepared to go through her chest...

"Milady, watch out!..."...the shout...the desperate jump...the surprise on the daemon`s face when it saw him... the spear slipping into his chest...the fall...all happened in a second.

He was now laying on the ground, seeing only the moon...he felt the daemon`s foot crushing his hand and grabbing his sword...with the corner of his eye he saw her being pulled away from the battle by some of her knights and a sense of relief filled his soul...

The daemon approached him, with the sword in it`s hand, while the daemonic army was forming a circle around him; he knew what was about to happen that`s why he was still pealling when the daemon roared "Die, traitor!" and put the sword through his heart into the ground!

And time stopped! "The blade of eternity in the heart of a mortal; The Hunted One and The Hunter`s Hand; the immortal`s death and the birth of a God!"...the inscriptions from the blade were now glowing stronger than the sun...The sky opened...a giant whirl, made of dark cloods and red lightnings, appeared...the what it was and what it will be, the essence of life and the essence of death started to flow...strange dameons, with dark wings and bloody corpses were surrounding the edges of the whirl...and then he saw IT! The king of the Dark Realms, The Lord of Pain and Destruction, The Evil Himself was coming to get him, but it was too late! When he saw it, with the long curved spiral horns, with the dark red eyes and the evil grin of satisfaction on his never to be seen nightmare face, a last shout raised from his chest and a tower of blood hit the Daemon King directly between his evil eyes...and the Daemon King was gone!

The whirl suddenly closed, crushing the flying daemons into small pieces; the daemonic army around him roared in despair and vanished in a trail of smoke...and he was alone!

With the last forces, he managed to see her sitting near him...feeling her hands fondling his hair..."Why?"...she asked...but her question remained unanswered...

He smiled; and while he was leaving the world that hosted him, he whispered the words that chained their souls forever..."My blood on your lips, your spell in my soul"...

She was holding his head in her lap; his eyes closed and his lips moved, but only his final breath came out, while a strange phrase sounded in her mind..."Your blood on my lips, my spell in your soul"...and then, the end.

Deep in the forest, where no man will ever set foot, the history of two souls was written...one of a vampire princess, and one of a mortal man...fate brought them toghether, and fate made her hand lay the last stone that covered his grave.

Under the layers of stone and dust, beneath his closed eyes, the mortal soul was vanishing...and while the one that once was The Daemon King faced the gates of nullification, the one that once was known as The Child of Chaos was reborn...his name, knowed by few...Ahriman...the old and new, the now and forever, life and death were once again one...but his time was not yet...

A hand moved...silence...



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