Aicard's Journal


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9 entries this month

Hear Me...

15:50 Jan 19 2007
Times Read: 765

How I've loved you

And will always love you

You were the one to light

The stars in my night

Why can't one of such

Beauty live forever

Hear my soul scream its plight

You were the gift of joy

You were my light

You gave so much to life

My angel of the night

Oh hear me call you

I'll always call for you

Though you are no longer here

May my voice be carried

To your spectral ears

I need to know you are near




Through The Darkness

22:25 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 767

I lived in darkness

Withdrawn from modern life

My mind was full of negativity

And my mood was depressed

I can relate to the melancholic poets

And the gothic literature of Edgar Allan Poe

These lost souls are misunderstood

This is not a quest for evil

But a search for positive energy

I will come out of this stronger

Wiser and more sympathetic

I felt so restrained by modernity

By the pressure to conform and look good

I took a razor and cut through the superficial layer

To get in touch with my soul

I had to risk losing my life

To realise how precious it is

Now I am fully restored

A cloak of darkness surrounds me

I see the world in crystal clear vision

Droplets of blood fall from my eyes

A memory of the sadness I endured

A bright new spirit guides me

But the darkness will always be there

To remind me how bright these days are




Through The Darkness

22:25 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 767

I lived in darkness

Withdrawn from modern life

My mind was full of negativity

And my mood was depressed

I can relate to the melancholic poets

And the gothic literature of Edgar Allan Poe

These lost souls are misunderstood

This is not a quest for evil

But a search for positive energy

I will come out of this stronger

Wiser and more sympathetic

I felt so restrained by modernity

By the pressure to conform and look good

I took a razor and cut through the superficial layer

To get in touch with my soul

I had to risk losing my life

To realise how precious it is

Now I am fully restored

A cloak of darkness surrounds me

I see the world in crystal clear vision

Droplets of blood fall from my eyes

A memory of the sadness I endured

A bright new spirit guides me

But the darkness will always be there

To remind me how bright these days are




I Infect Your Soul

22:24 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 768

My darkness fades from view

And enters deep into you

I infect your soul

Let my darkness swallow you whole

You are part of my dreams

I am the precursor to your screams

I engulf your spirit

And take you to the limit

Taking you over the edge

Leaving you dangling on the ledge

To jump and die

Go on, pretend you can fly

Let me watch you fall to the ground

I will watch with joy unbound

Let me take away your life

Let me hand you this sharpened knife

End it all

And beware the fall

Deep down into my dark black hole

I am the keeper of your poor lost soul

Come join with me

Embrace me

Clutch me to your breast

Let my dark magic do the rest

We are the terrors that fly in the night

There is no point in putting up a fight

Let us entwine

Your wretched soul is mine

Let us again embrace

And leave behind this damned human race

Your body is nothing but an empty shell

Your soul belongs with me in Hell

I infect your soul

Let my darkness swallow you whole




Tale of a Gothic Princess

22:50 Jan 12 2007
Times Read: 771

Princess Dominica looked so beautiful

All dressed in black

With white make-up and dark purple lips

She sat on the throne so full of majesty

The onlookers were dazzled by her beauty

And worshipped the ground she walked upon

The King was not well

And expected to die soon

And the Queen had died long ago

So the young princess would soon rule the Kingdom

Everyone was impressed with her intelligence and grace

She carried out her duties without question or complaint

And she would always greet new visitors with a smile

Once the audience was over she would return to her rooms

In the privacy of her own room she would cut her wrists

And let the blood pour into a bowl

She would force food down her throat until she could eat no more

Then she would go to the lady’s room and be violently sick

Underneath all her garments she was painfully thin

She felt so much pressure to be beautiful

She had many suitors but none that she loved

A stranger from abroad arrived one day

And stole her heart

But he was not a suitable match for a princess

A handsome sailor of common stock

She pleaded with her father to let her marry

But he doggedly refused her request

One night she took the blade

And slit both her wrists

Not a cry for attention

But an attempt to take her life

Living was a torment to her

The expectations too high

The rewards lacking in true value

Her dead body was found the next morning

And all the towns folk mourned her death

The beautiful princess had departed this land

And headed off above the clouds

To find a happier resting place

A traditional Gothic funeral was held

To celebrate her life

Many fine words were said

And then her body was buried

Under a thousand red roses

Her Cousin Isabella was now next in line

And took over the royal duties

A heavy burden for a fifteen year old to deal with

“So many souls are sacrificed on the road to glory”




Brain Damage

22:46 Jan 10 2007
Times Read: 773

The lunatic is on the grass.

The lunatic is on the grass.

Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.

Got to keep the loonies on the path.

The lunatic is in the hall.

The lunatics are in my hall.

The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

And every day the paper boy brings more.

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

And if there is no room upon the hill

And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

The lunatic is in my head.

The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade, you make the change

You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane.

You lock the door

And throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me.

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear

You shout and no one seems to hear.

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

"I can't think of anything to say except...

I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!"




Princess and the Ghost

22:44 Jan 10 2007
Times Read: 774

The Princess lived in a magnificent castle

High on to of a hill

The King was situated in the palace some distance away

But he often visited and stayed at the castle

The Princess was very beautiful

She was twenty years old and adored by the towns people

Many nobleman hoped wo win her hand in marriage

The Princess often wondered alone in the castle

And sometimes she walked through the dungeons

He felt at home with the dead

A sense of melancholy was always close at hand

She was reluctant to play the role of a princess

She wanted to choose her own husband

But that was not the way of things

While walking through the dungeons

She came into a contact with a ghost

His name was Sir Peter

He had been a gallant knight

And was brave in battle

He had been locked in the dungeon by a previous king

The Princess was enchanted by her ghost

She was not frightened at all

She found his presence comforting

She could empathise with his troubled spirit

The previous king had fallen in love with Sir Peter's sister

But she did not want to marry the king

She was an Anglo-Saxon and the king was a Norman

She already had a husband in mine

Who was the blacksmith in the local village

The previous king tried to take her by force

But the villages and townspeople resisted

Sir Peter headed the resistence

Eventually he was captured and taken to the castle

And his sister took her life rather than be forced to marry the king

After several years in the dungeons the king had sir Peter beheaded

The Princess was shocked by the story

She knew how his sister must have felt

Soon she would be twenty one years old

And her father was determined to announce her future husband

And her birthday approached when spent more time in the dungeon

Talking to the ghost of Sir Peter

The inhabitants of the castle thought his very odd

But said nothing

On the morning of her birthday

Her chambermaid entered her bedroom

And found the Princess lying lifeless on her bed

She had taken her own life

A note was found next to her body

"I have chosen my own destiny

I have chosen to join the ghost of Sir Peter in harmonious unrest

Will we ever find peace or will we haunt the castle forever?

I depart this world in a state of peace and contentment

Please don't weep for me - I have found my true destiny"

Time passed and the kingdom became a democracy

And the castle became a tourist attraction

Some people say they can still hear two ghosts singing and laughing together

Apparently content in their state of harmonious unrest




The Gift

20:03 Jan 05 2007
Times Read: 776

We seek inspiration

Lost souls searching for answers

We write down our thoughts in words

In hope of shining some light on our own dilemnas

The therapy is the cure or is it the disease

The words swirl around our heads

Driving us on in search of answers

If I say I will die will it happen

WIll the thought become reality

Or will it be erased from my mind

Screw up all the negative thoughts and throw them all away

Start all over again but I have no answers

Writing is the only therapy that works

If I can write one great poem maybe I will break the chains

Unleash the tempest and let the thoughts flood my mind

Sensory overload - still I sit here in my chair

Writing down my thoughts

If I get recognition will the flow of words end?

Will I no longer have the urge or the need to write?

Creativity is my reason for being

I will continue to write and shine light on the world

We are the writers of the world

Shining light on our innermost thoughts and desires

We aid understanding and knowledge

We provide the basis for positive action

With understanding comes peace

I lay down my pen and begin to dream

And thank God for the gift of creativity




Crucifixion of an Angel

20:00 Jan 05 2007
Times Read: 777

She remains defiant in the face of death

Nailed to the cross

Accused of treachery and witchcraft

She was only true to her soul

She had a taste for adventure

She could bewitch and beguile

She was fantastic company

A party animal who also had a sensitive side

She loved romantic trips to Paris and Rome

She liked expensive clothes

Her lovers would spend all their money on her

But that was enough to keep her close

She always felt the need to move

Always uncomfortable in one single place

A thirst for excitement which had to be quenched

Many of her partners became paupers

A few even took their lives

She was an explosive personality

Once you had spent an even in her company

Your life would never be the same

And now she has been judged by her former lovers

Found guilty of being a witch

An old crime in a modern setting

I kneel at her feet and beg her to forgive us all

"Your beauty corrupted our souls

Such beauty only belongs in heaven

Return to your eternal home

And forgive us for being mere mortals."



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