Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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2 entries this month

That had impressed me.

01:28 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 572

I’ll be pleased when this current mess with the dole is over, ‘coz much as Dad meant well, the idea of a threat from them, of possible prosecution has me freaking, after ‘last time’. I know Dad had meant well, but his actions have caused undue stress, that ideally may be ‘solved’ as of the 3rd. So on Tuesday when I picked up my money I’d checked out that money had been transferred from my ISA to a dual account in both my name and my Father’s, with him having sole access, till his last day, when I’ll have access to it, which is a compromise, that will lose Dad [then me] £400 a year. Well, I phoned the fellow who called me in and told him what I’d done to satisfy them and comply with their wishes. Even now I await a response to my last phone-call

Anyway, Thursday morning I went through to make my first fresh coffee of the morning before starting housework with Dad. On my way back through to my room I looked out the living-room window at a dark sky and bright colours thanks to the early morning sun.

And there, on the lawn, had been a squirrel. It had hopped across to the middle of the lawn then sat and looked a tad confused, a second or so. It then disappeared down the drive and towards the back of our home.

The other Sunday had been so very different, from Saturday it was incredible. For a start it had been sunny when Barry picked me up. Then the traffic was with us for the journey. And, when we made the decision to goto Colwyn, instead of inland, it had been the first of several good suggestions. We had snaked awhile on a bench seat overlooking the promenade at Colwyn, then later passed the new workings by the pier, as we had journeyed inland, having taken a wrong turn. We had ended up in Llandudno and, ended up on the tram, taking on up to the top of the Great Orme, where we drank a beer I’d packed in my bag. Then later, as we began to journey homeward, we’d taken the coast road and travelled much of the way on the promenade road. It’s worth mentioning that after the tribunals of Saturday, even the journey home had been pleasant, leading me to say about five times “It’s been a good day.”

Then, at the doctors on Monday and Tuesday’s the dentist, the same thing happened, my Father’s health was enquired over, with both saying a) what a lovely man he is and, b) what a lovely voice he has.

Of late I’ve been watching ‘Game Of Thrones’, but from the first episode onwards. And although it’s a challenge obtaining the episodes, it has been worth it. The show, like ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Person Of Interest’ has excellent characters and interweaving storylines that has me gripped and, most certainly not a waste of time acquiring.

Come Saturday the 14th Barry drove round and picked me up, prior parking up at Bromborough Station Car Park. We’d then got the train to Liverpool, which had interested Barry as it had been his first time on a train in years. We had got off at James Street and followed the colourful crowds to the riverfront. There’d been much free to see, like the fellow using a water-propelled jet pack, in the dock.

That had impressed me.

We’d wandered round, from one end to the other, amongst the many display’s, like that radio Merseyside had devoted to the First World War, then passed the many food stalls, before Barry decided on coat curry, ‘tween two, so I could taste it. As I had said on the little film we made, “It seems I like goat.” It had tasted like mutton.

There’d been a lot to see as I say, speedboats racing on the river, cadets climbing and people promenading, all on a sunny afternoon.

And, if I had said once, I said a dozen times, “It had been a really good day.”




kendrix47 has 'all' his video's...

00:29 Jun 08 2014
Times Read: 581

I awoke Wednesday morning knowing full well that I had the dentist to face, in preparation for the cap, that’s to be put in place. The injection had been painless, which had pleased me. I then went home to cook a casserole, thankful it feeds three, as Lucie was due down, to pick up the CV I’d been putting together for her. Well, after tea I’d found myself waiting longer than I’d expected. When she had arrived, it had been with an eight pack of Shandy and, I’d been pleased to hear her tell me she enjoyed my cooking, after eating a portion of the aforementioned casserole. We had chatted so long about stuff she had needed to talk of, that it had soon been midnight and, too late to print out the CV. That had been a tad irksome, to say the least…

Come Thursday I woke and saw to the housework with Dad. Once finished, I’d watched some ‘Mathew Wright’, then made my way to the bathroom, to confront my bedhead: that is when I’d realised I was a tad ill, well more so than usual that is… the right side of my jaw was swollen – and, I had to sign on. I’d contacted the dentist and made an appointment for 2:15, nearly the same time I sign-on. And, the last thing I’d needed was to be sanctioned, for poor time-keeping. And, to add to it all, there’d been voluntary work in the evening to do to. Well, Dad gave me a lift to the station, where I’d got my travel ticket. Then he’d taken me to the benefit office, an hour early, or so I’d thought. I’d chatted with the guard at the door awhile and, explained myself to a member of staff, only to learn that I should have been upstairs, for an appointment in just quarter of an hour, with my advisor. So, I’d trudged up the stairs and explained myself all over again, then got seen to. I’d even been given a new signing-time, in the form of an appointment, at a time to suit me. I recall she had said to me, “When’s best for you?” I’d replied, “Between 11:30 and 2:30” I’d been given 11:30 Well, from there it had been the dentist, where I’d been put on a course of antibiotics… Thankfully, voluntary work hadn’t been too onerous, but I had been more than a tad hyper once home…

Friday, I’d hoped my face might be down somewhat, it hadn’t been. But, I’d got the shopping done with Dad, before getting on with my day…

Come the weekend Barry got to see his grandson, who stayed over. Come the evening, the phone had rung, but I’d chosen not to answer it, as I’d been playing a film on my Dell Seven machine, for Dad and myself… ‘Strike Up The Band.’

And, of late it’s been my pleasure to watch the blue-tits flying in and out of the nesting box, as they feed their young: I’ll stand in the living-room doorway, just watching them for ages. They’re fascintating.

The weather had been good until Monday evening, when it came to pass, that I’d not have to water the lawns for a day or so, as thunder and lightning filled the air, with it seeming to occur just outside our home, as Mickey Rooney launched into the tune of the film, ‘Strike Up The Band.’ A rousing way to end a film, I’d enjoyed… although Dad being Dad said, “It wasn’t one of his better one’s…” There’s just no pleasing the darn frellin curmudgeon…

Though it rained through the night again, the weather round here had been good on Tuesday and Wednesday. Dad had filled his time painting the living-room ceiling and mowing the lawns, whilst having indigestion…

Wednesday afternoon, I did office work for a friend, using some skills I have not used for many years. It’d been cool my friend seemed to appreciate what I did for him and, give me payment for my efforts. Heck, when I had called at Barry’s on an evening walk, I’d still felt on a high on that one…

Thursday I woke to Dad still with indigestion, we’d he’d had awhile, but then he had chest pains; well that was too much so with little persuasion, I had called the doctor out. She had called round after a few hours of Dad saying ring back and say they’re not needed. And, after a check of him the doctor had said he was fine. As I saw her out and apologised for being a problem, she had said not to fear, as my Dad has a special place, then added as an afterthought, as do you.

Voluntary work was tiring, as there’d only been three of us there to do the work of six, or seven. Needless to say, I was hyper as hell till early in the morning. Then come Friday morning proper, Dad and I went shopping to the Azda in Brombrough and had managed to miss most of the rain, although the car hadn’t been as lucky. So while put the shopping away, Dad dried the car down. Later, as I did some computer work Dad was outside trimming one side of the Beech Hedge. And, while I was watching where the Blue-tits are nesting I saw the Mother push young chick out the hole, dead. Whether or not she understood it was dead or not, I don’t know, but it was sad to see her hopping from the privet hedge to a bush then nearby the body on the concrete and, seemingly agitated. It had been good to see Barry awhile, in the evening…

On the Sunday morning Barry called round, picked me up and we began our journey to Fleetwood, with the idea of seeing the pier, as in his past, Barry had made some pieces for it, when it was rebuilt. Well, with traffic being traffic, the journey there took longer than it did to get home, but we’d had good weather much of the journey.

And, although we had not got to the pier, we had stopped off at a model boating lake and, we’d eaten a picnic on the beach. That’d been well cool…

Come the Bank Holiday Monday I watched the blue-tit again; zooming into and out of the nesting box, at full-speed, often doing u-turns, both in and out. And, I’d even got to see both the remaining chicks at the hole, being sure to take a photo, of course.

I had got the top of the tall and wide Beech Hedge trimmed, as the weather allowed and saw Barry in the evening, when he showed me the pictures and film he’d taken on our day out…

Then on Tuesday it was off to the doctor’s on another fine day, albeit it had taken me awhile to get ready, as it so often does now. On the way I met Alex and enjoyed his company awhile, before going home to cook, then later face the dole website…

By Thursday the Bluetits had flown, much to my discontent. Although, come the evening I’d been pleased once more, to see Nadia, at the project. If I have a shortlist of people I like, that young lady is definitely on it. Saying that, I still left as I do, as I’ve chosen to since Roger got bossy, quietly and without fuss.

On Sunday Barry went to Norton Priory and both been discovered to see the cost of entrance, so much so that after eating, we had said as much on film, to be uploaded onto Dailymotion.Com, where Kendrix47 has all ‘his’ video’s.

In the evening I sat to watch ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’, a film I’d watch again and again, a I would and do all the others. And boy, am I looking forward to the new one that’s due out later in the Summer…

As I wrote the announcer said the next film would be ‘Blade 2’ and as I wanted to see it yet again, I reached for a tape, to record it. As I had reached for a much used 240 and rewound it at speed, hoping that it’ll reach the beginning before the film started it struck me with amusement that I’d done this many many times, in the past…



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