Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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29 entries this month

..don't mention food.

23:04 Nov 28 2006
Times Read: 1,066

..don't mention food.

..I've put half a stone on

and broke a zip on my jeans.

(That said, 'everyone' says I need the extra weight!)




Thatchers legacy

22:49 Nov 27 2006
Times Read: 1,071

I watched a documentary tonight with my Father, presented by the comendian Ricky Tomlinson in the disappearing Britain strand.

And, it occured to me afterward, my friend Karl has never known a coal industry in Britain.

He was was born in '85, I think.

The strike which Thatcher used to break the mining unions occured then.

So, the young people of today have never known what was: and what made us ~ and who made us ~ and what true comaradare there was for those strong men. What a shame.




27th November 2006

22:43 Nov 27 2006
Times Read: 1,072

It’s sunny and very showery as I write. My Father’s finished the housework and is Now running the small vacuum cleaner over the carpet in the backroom, as some bright spark make an error as he’d tried to clean up a drinks spill off the carpet.

He’s used the right product, to attempt his clean-up, of course, whilst I’m well in the dog-house, as you can imagine.

And, up until a short while ago, we’d been doing quite well.

He went to the doctors, for a blood-pressure test and had given me a lift there by him: and I’d enjoyed the walk back.

And yes, I realise cleaning up after me this morning hasn’t done his blood pressure any good and it hasn’t pleased me that he had to.

And, I did have to use the ‘sunny’ word didn’t I, as it’s now going so grey you’d think it was early evening.

Anyway, at present I’m having a few problems with the mouth.

My tooth at the rear of the left, at the top, has gum on the inside and not on the out, as a testament to the cancer biopsy and removal of a wisdom tooth.

And, at present, I’m just waiting to lose it. Obviously I don’t want to lose the tooth, but I know I’m going to. At present it has a distinct wobble at times: and at others infection sets in, when food has collected in a crevice; whilst currently its stable and pain free.

If I choose, I could have them all out and have false teeth fitted.

But, I want to keep mine as long as possible.

Saying that, my Father keeps reminding me that his mother had all her teeth out in her early twenties, as many women did in the twenties, to have ‘perfect’ false teeth, such was the fashion back then.

And, to have an implant would cost thousands, for one.

Money that if I had, I’d far rather spend on other things.

Yet, as to ‘Torchwood,’ which I do find quite, enthralling. It was pitched originally as a cross between a few ideas, part of which was the X-Files, which I do feel it emulates well. And, I’ll grant you, its not always as good as it could be, but it is successful British sci-fi, which is rare and I’d like to congratulate BBC Wales for producing it and Doctor Who. It’s sexy and stylish and very well paced.

Yet, all of that said, certain stories do glare somewhat and the Welsh cannibals story is one of them. The story-line had felt like a remnant of the old Hammer series, with established characters; but, that’s not a bad thing.

And further, in the shows defence I’d say two things, it was well done: and had earned its post-watershed showing with action sequences that would have looked just as good in a show like ‘Spooks’ or suchlike.

Then in the very next episode, it was straight back to form, with a character led story that wove together adultery, possession, sense identity, with some real exciting imagery and action sequences.

And, you made mention of the fairies story, which I liked very much, particularly as it had told us a little of Captain Jacks past and also showed that they don’t always win.

Personally, my favourite story so far had been the Cyberwoman story as it had shown a human side to the cyber menace, whilst being a love story.

Yes, I like Torchwood.

My only real criticism about the show is that if you transposed the lines spoken by Captain Jack with those spoken by The Doctor, you’d noticed the two are scripted quite similarly.

It seems apparent to me that ‘the big camp Welshman,’ Russell T. Davies has been a fan of the original series ‘Doctor Who’ series for so long he’s taken pride in creating his own Doctor, in the guise of Captain Jack.

I’ve listened carefully to the story-lines and scripts and it’s my assertion that one mirrors the other, except of course for the fact that as ‘Torchwood’ is a post watershed show Russell T. Davies, there’s sex, violence and gore in it a plenty.

Yet, to return to my earlier point, I’d like to reiterate, BBC Wales should be congratulated for the shows production, at a time when I’d doubted that there’s not be any ‘Doctor Who’ back on our screens.

Now, instead of one ‘Doctor Who’, we have two.

And, that’s okay by me. Yet, saying that, I don’t like the current Robin Hood and I was one its initial viewers who turned off after the first episode.

I’ve been a fan of the character since I read the stories of the character as a child, much as I read the early stories of Arthur.

I had liked the Jason Connery ‘Robin Hood,’ which I’d thought carried the character well, whilst the BBC is lacklustre in my opinion.

Anyway, all of this brings me to your last question, “How’s the job hunting going?” Not very well would be my answer.

First off, it’d taken me ages to find the last job, which I’d been finished from in a somewhat ignominious manner.

Then there’s the fact that I am the age I am; and employers don’t respond well to applications when you find something to apply for.

And Now my recent gripe, which is that you can’t do a specific job search, a SOC search on the jobcentres own website, which has frustrated me so much that I’ve taken action about the matter.

I made my remarks the other day when I’d signed on and was then sent a small booklet with which to make complaint, or suggestions.

Needless to say, my suggestion had been that you should be able to do a specific search on their website, much as you can on the job points in the jobcentre plus offices.

And, talking of teeth, I just gave my Dad a Black Jack, the old liquorice penny sweets. And, unlike me, he doesn’t suck, he chews: and it removed a filling for him. Typical.




Christmas thoughts

13:18 Nov 26 2006
Times Read: 1,073

..I'm thoroughly determined to enjoy as quiet a family Christmas as possible, with as little crass commercialism, as I can.




About me...

12:20 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 1,077

..I was a care assistant, doing full body care with the disabled, then elderly for eleven years, seven full time.

..Now unemployed, last couple of months:

..the NHS decided they couldn't renew my contract, even though I saved them a lot of money as an Audit Technician.




From Cradle To Grave

11:58 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 1,079

..National Health Service, been going since '49, I think.

..The idea had been care, free at point of need, to all, from cradle to the grave.

..A good idea.

..but, lack of investment and too heavy management mean it's ill.




..a light wind and showers

11:46 Nov 17 2006
Times Read: 1,087

..It's sunny, there's a blue sky

..a light wind and showers

..the tooth is stable, so no pain.




"What are you up to?

01:10 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 1,089

..making sure I don't make too much noise

..I may pay for my broadband, but they pay for the electric, as I keep being reminded.

..and, I'm unemployed again, so can't afford to argue..




I was asked what I was doing..

13:51 Nov 14 2006
Times Read: 1,091

..finish the letters I'm writing.


..I don't like losing contact with those I like.

..so I put in the effort that others talk of and don't do.




..and right Now, I feel pretty good

00:00 Nov 14 2006
Times Read: 1,095

..the cancer biopsy looked like a kidney in its little jar.

..ah but, not only wouldn't they give it me for breakfast.

..but, they also told me I didn't have mouth cancer.

..that's cool.

..and right Now, I feel pretty good




I was asked how I was..

23:20 Nov 13 2006
Times Read: 1,097

..in pain and relaxed.

..what a weird thing to be able to say!!




In response to a question, I said:

23:12 Nov 13 2006
Times Read: 1,098

..you've seen my pics.

..I'm not doing too bad for an old un.

..pity is, the mouth had a biopsy and a wisdom tooth removal.

..ah well, I still get my legs round my neck!




thought for the day!

22:47 Nov 13 2006
Times Read: 1,099


..with a mouthful of a saline solution is not a good idea! This keyboard was nearly a mess!




"What a nice lady... is Nightgame."

13:45 Nov 13 2006
Times Read: 1,102

..logged on three times, thanks to the time I do so and littlelaptop struggling.

..and after a few minutes 'a nice lady' had messaged me, with the sweetest of messages, after reading that last entry.

..she had wished me a happy belated birthday in Sparkle tags: and I'm still smiling about it through a degree of tooth ache and receding gums.

"What a nice lady... is Nightgame."




it is as it is.

23:36 Nov 12 2006
Times Read: 1,106

..a tad churlish of me, no doubt, but I'm a little miffed that I seem to have been forgotten by those I care for, on my birthday, the tenth.

..I know people are busy, but...

..ah well, it is as it is.




acquisition of broadband

17:51 Nov 11 2006
Times Read: 1,110

..although between travel and broadband I’m nearly always broke, I am thankful I got broadband: which I got primarily for email and vampirerave.

Vampirerave says it’s an online community.

In a fashion that’s accurate.

Yet, saying that, it is the people I met there who have made it so interesting.

That and the fact that its pages now have become a repository for my artwork, photo’s and stories.




Fiancee, plural

23:15 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 1,115

..the second came out with the classic:

"You can trust me, I'm not like all the others."

..she had been.




As I told someone

20:18 Nov 07 2006
Times Read: 1,119

..the tower is now fully functioning, with cable all over the room.

..I swear down, once I've done what I've got to ..I'm going back to as it was.

I hate mess!




the aged tower...

15:46 Nov 07 2006
Times Read: 1,120

..the tower can now play DVD's.

..my friend called round and performed minor hardware associated miracles!!




quotation versus speech

23:58 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,124

Cha! English.

" are speech marks ..its only current accepted practice which connotes that " is a quotation mark.




My Dad and ... the grumps

22:54 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,126

..he's starting to get grumpy.

..and as he generally suffers in silence,

unlike the jokes about most men ..you notice.. he's just not as energetic ..in fact, he acts likes me! j/k




I'm selfish..

22:20 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,127

..I'm selfish, I don't want them to ever stop being there.

..stupid, I know.

..the're early eighties/late seventies ..and have been my rock, my world.

..and I think like this when I hear of the death of someone elses parent, or like now, when one of them is ill.




My Dad and ...

17:20 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,128

..Dads got a sore throat.

..so, we're suffering.

..grant you, he's not as bad as some men.

..plus, he did get the hoovering done when he was up: and, it was pretty well his first lie-in while I've known him.




wavs ..and Dad

17:12 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,129

..been learning what I can access from the net in terms of wav files.

..probably something to do with them all being 'out of dat' ..there was so much.

..and small as it is, this little laptop can download quite fast.

..I'm well, Father's not: sorethroat.

He doesn't deal with such things well ..and everyone has to suffer with him.




Remember, remember...

23:19 Nov 04 2006
Times Read: 1,133

Remember, remember, the 5th of November.. gunpower, treason and plot!

...there's fireworks going off outside ...and I had been trying to finish a story.




…me reminiscing, I guess.

14:46 Nov 04 2006
Times Read: 1,138

…me reminiscing, I guess.

But, I like this Autumn weather.

a relationed ended well, in a cornfield,

in weather just a little warmner than this,

a lifetime ago: her legs were endless ..and were good, wrapped round my back.

We'd gone a walk ..she had decided it would end soon, which had been on the cards anyway ..so we enjoyed the afternoon ending as only two people can.

..and if something has to end, its grand when it ends well.




just because of an idiot!

22:52 Nov 02 2006
Times Read: 1,142

...just got back from the project ..and isn't there alway's an idiot who spoils things for others?

In this case ~ as we were leaving the church, one of 'the lads' was seen to throw a bottle through a window.

I can see it now ...the project will fold, just because of an idiot!




someone who should be commited!

15:58 Nov 02 2006
Times Read: 1,143

My sinus ache. I have a headcold ...and its the use of Adalat thats allowed me to use the keyboard, theres such a chill in the air, that Raynards is killing my hand.

But, its sunny outisde and I'm a committed volunteer, so I'll get to the project.

Yet sometimes I think that committed volunteer just means someone who should be commited!




"take it easy"

14:26 Nov 01 2006
Times Read: 1,147

English expression amongst friends or ancquaintances, meaning 'I hope your day goes well.'



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