Arvalin's Journal

Arvalin's Journal


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6 entries this month

Society of Puppets

23:29 Mar 17 2005
Times Read: 700

In my dreams

I can see

White and sliver strings

Puppets dance

Before my eyes

Revolving proudly

Laughter not heard

Runs through my veins

Tears through my eyes

Water and the rain

Pain is ignored

Can't say not felt

As I cry for relief

Silver strings haunt my dreams

As they pull me up

Society is hard today

Nobody really cares

People's feelings just thrown away

Like so many emotions,

books on shelves.

Dance and your loved

Sing and you're an angel

Try to pull or run away,

You are cast into hell

Society of puppets

Masters of us all

Marionettes and dolls

Just thrown upon the walls

Why do we fight today?

The system always wins

In this undying pain

Laughter is a sin

Society of puppets

Masters control us all

Take one step to far

Risk to loose it all.

Blood, tears, sweat

Burdens of our skin

Dance together one and all

Fight so we can win.

Society of puppets

Dance on silver strings

Masters of those puppets

Society holds us on those strings

Waiting for us to fall.




Darkness Void

23:28 Mar 17 2005
Times Read: 701

Stare long into the darkness void

Eternal hatred breeds

Blood, Anger, Tears, Sweat

Who cares anymore?

I try not to understand

Cover my face and cry?

Stare long into the darkness void

Let it tear apart your mind.

Run into the void

Do not search for the light

Put out many years before

On wings of lifeless flight.

Tears of blood stain my face

Pity shows not in my eyes

Understand the darkness now

For it is all that is left

Stare long into the darkness void

Tear apart your mind

Stare into the eyes,

Behold the darkness void.

Your staring into your mind.




Not Forsaken

23:27 Mar 17 2005
Times Read: 702

I will not be forsaken

On this cold, rainy day

Never forsaken, in this world

I will always say.

Yelling out loud

Screaming, bloody yells

Watching you die

From wounds not there

Heartache is forever

Love is not

The catcher has an open net

Will you be the one caught?

I will not be forsaken

My blood and heart are mine

The open net hasn't caught me yet

Love will never be mine

Hunger for forgiveness

But no one there exists

Life in eternal darkness

Live in my dark bliss

I am not of this world

Forsaken I am not

Come to close and I will not attack

Fear is my love, hunger, my thirst

Blood runs through these viens

Black as the ace of spades

I will not be forsaken

These are the words I'll say

Listen to me now

Come with me forever

Into the dark we'll fade away




Dark Savior

23:27 Mar 17 2005
Times Read: 703

Life was once a pleasant thing

Something to be enjoyed

Then one day I met you

One day my heart you tore

From my every core

You claimed me whole

Stole my soul

Made me yours that night

Sleep is agony

For you must leave me

Within the shadow of the night

Into the mist, the fog, the wind, the rain

Will this passion

This heat of my blood

The mark of your fangs remain?

Never leave me my dark savior

My soul is not the same.

Never leave me my beautiful lord

Into the darkness I came

Open your arms

Show me your fangs

The taste of your kiss remains

I am yours truly

My dark savior

With you I will

always remain.




Dance of Dreams

23:26 Mar 17 2005
Times Read: 704

Dance around the roses

Dance around the thorns

The storm is coming from the west

From which my life was torn

The eastward wind haunts my sleep

As dreams of wraiths and ghouls

The wind blows

Haunting my every step

Dance around the lilies

Watch out for the storm

The flowers give you tranquillity here

But your heart is torn.

The white gate swings

Its hinges old with rust

The cobble way is littered now with alot of dust

Dance around the posies, lass

Always watch your step

The sky is grey

Your mood is haunted still today

Dance around the roses

But watch out for the thorns

The storm now blows

From the west

Where our lives were torn.




Vampire's Song

16:30 Mar 16 2005
Times Read: 711

The Moon shines Bright

ON this vace of Blood

Roses-torn and splattered

Red with tears not shead

Hearts are torn, no love is made.

In life, death, dreams

Dance in the Darkness

Your Heart will know the truth

Your soul-it feels the pull, my love

Now I know the truth

Do not fear the Darkness, love

Bask here in its kiss.

I am your shelter in this place

Now take my hand

and Dance with me My love

Once you take my hand

Your final step will be made

I will take you now

To your final rest

Dance, Love. Sing

Lose yourself here-my love

Home-here in my arms

I lay my final kiss

And the Darkness has Overcome.



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