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2 entries this month

Welcome to the New Age

21:16 Aug 15 2013
Times Read: 507

With a new aspect of magic to explore, I was excited once again to learn and push my limits. Sun magic... the term itself seems a little ambitious, if not a little wacky (to say the least) for a vampire. The first step

was to understand the properties of the energy, and then I would learn what to do with it. So one day (against instinct and personal experience) I stood out fully into the sun, and took in its energies. It was warm and tingly, and everything you feel on the outside, only... different. In my opinion, part of the reason for that was because I was no longer fighting it. I wasn't putting up barriers and energy in direct opposition to it, so it wasn't as adversarial as it normally would be. But that's just my opinion. It felt intense, and strong, and warm, and even dangerous (as it does on the outside), but not so potent as it usually did. Again, I think that this was because I was temporarily being open to it, but whatever the reason, it felt almost as it had in the beginning... Almost as it had when I first began being truly sensitive to it; almost as it had when I first started practicing magic.

One of the biggest differences was that I had a much better, deeper, fuller understanding of the energy, and its effects. The next step was to take hold of the energy before it took hold of me. There's a step in energy manipulation that a lot of people don't pay much attention to, and the concept of which is rather important. When you manipulate energy, you are taking control of it. You are taking charge of it, and claiming it basically as your own. This principle is very important with sum-magic, because if you don't specifically take mastery over the energy, and rain in its effects, the magic itself will be constantly volatile/toxic to you... if you're a vamp, that is. So you have to take mastery of it (bend it to your will as if it were your own energy), and then rain in its effects. If you can sense its effects, you can recognize it as an energy. If you can manipulate energy to make shields, you can manipulate the sun's energy to make a sun shield. If you can do all of this, you can block, or hold off the effects of the energy as you use it. A caution though: the sun puts out more energy than you ever could, and over use can be overwhelming. Eventually the energy's effects will

prevail if you use it too much.

Then I just followed my instincts, and listened to my body. I learned a few things about it that I had no idea about. The energy actually had healing properties! If it were to be used in the right amount, it could actually be beneficial. But that's the catch, I had to focus the energy in an area, but as soon as it felt healed I had to take it out, or it would start to have negative effects. I also learned that sun energy, as we all know, was very good at seething into things. Now I'm sure you're probably thinking something along the lines of "WOW... give the kid a medal, he's a genious! Sarcasm heavily applied to wound made by the stupidity that I am reading." But bear with me. Why I found this an achievement was because I learned that I could specifically infuse sun energy into objects to give those objects the same properties of the sun... just on a much smaller scale. IE: I could infuse the energy into a rod, and if I used that as a weapon for training (I often include such things in my training) whilst we were sword fighting, with each blow, I could infect the person or thing with the sun energy. I just had to focus on pushing it out with the blow. Like wise, even if I missed, I could let out the energy in the area of the person or object and over time infect the entire area (and move on from there).

Another thing that seems obvious, but could be used in interesting ways, is that sun is very very radiant.

It seems to focus more on being radiant than even fire energy does. If you made a sun shield, you can use it to do more than just protect from sun. It is such a strong force of energy that if you made a shield with it focusing on a specific aspect of it, whatever that aspect is, the shield would vibrantly radiate that effect. IE: You could make a sun shield that radiates healing, and all near you would feel the effects of the healing. Again, you should be cautious about how much energy you radiate to others as too much is harmful to vamps, and way way too much is harmful to humans even... So unless you're specifically trying to put on vamp-repellent, try to mediate how much you radiate. That being said, if you are doing combat with vamps, sun energy would be a very... effective way of doing so if you knew what you were doing, and were being careful of yourself. As long as you're cautious, there are endless possibilities with sun magic; if you're thinking about experimenting, I recommend it. Just listen to your instincts, and your body. If you feel something is wrong, stop it, immediately. This is, in effect, poisoning yourself. So be careful, but also be open minded. There's more to the sun than just our mortal enemy that is exceedingly corrosive to us. There are good things that can come from it too. With that in mind, and the fact that the possibilities are practically endless, I am still experimenting with it these days, and I am sure I will be for as long as I live (as I'm sure there's more to it than I could possibly discover in a lifetime).




Down With the... Sun-Sickness?

11:32 Aug 13 2013
Times Read: 517

It wasn't long before I began to feel the effects of the sun. In fact, before I even knew what I was, I had experienced sun sickness. One weekend afternoon I had helped out with a social event from early in the morning to late afternoon. I was very proactive, and out in the sun all day, not expecting the consequences that would follow.

I had participated in this event with two friends, and even walked home with one afterwards, not paying attention to the signs my body was giving me that there was something wrong. When I got home I felt absolutely drained. I felt tired to my core; I felt tired to my blood. I lay down to sleep that afternoon and woke up badly sun sick. I was sick for two weeks straight. Not wanting to eat anything, or drink, not having the energy to get up and move anywhere, or do anything, the weeks flowed by in a long, dreary, haze for me.

I woke up one morning in a hospital bed. I found that I was connected to an IV drip, and wearing a

hospital gown. Most of that time I spent sleeping, I think, because I don't remember most of it. I do remember the doctors giving me breathing tests, and doing x-rays on me, but not much else. Later on I was told that IVs are for healing someone who is dehydrated, and though that may have been part of the problem, that certainly wasn't all that was wrong. But I didn't learn this until much later, and after my Mom had told me about what I was.

Years later, when I would ask why I was in the hospital, my grandparents would only tell me that they never remembered me being in the hospital like that, and then with further prompting and explanation they would say "Yes, I remember that... but I have no idea why you were there." Ever sense I learned

what I had experienced, I was decidedly more careful about how much sun bathing I did.

Over time it seemed that the sun's effects had grown more potent. It started out as an uncomfortable warm itch of the skin, and it grew hotter and hotter, and from an itch to a beating burn across his skin that left me sunburned within minutes, and sweating constantly. Finally I had decided that it was getting to be too much. So one day, as I was walking to the store, I put my hand up towards the sun. I felt the heat, and the rays of the sun, and I understood that it was an energy.

I acknowledged the energy all over my body, slowly trying to seethe its way inside, took hold of it, and pushed outward. I repelled it from my body almost as if reverting an inverted umbrella made of energy. To my surprise, it worked! And I felt better. So I let go of the energy, and centered myself, thinking of a way to produce the same effect, but without having to focus on doing so the entire time I was outside. I took a deep breath in, and pushed a shield outward, bent on repelling the energy of the sun.

This was helpful, but only temporarily because the sun energy that could seethe into my body could also

seethe into my shield over time. After all the sun produces more energy than I possibly could on my own, and it was continuous, and all the sun seemed to focus on.

So I needed a better solution; a more permanent solution. Then I realized that the sun that I was feeling was an energy, and shields were made of energy. So I thought to make a shield, not using my energy, but the energy of the sun. If I could push it away from myself, if I could control it enough to repel it from my body, I could control it enough to turn it into a shield. So I did.

At first, it was a little scary. The thought alone of taking hold of something that naturally made you sick, weakened you, and surrounding yourself with it... well, it's scary. Especially when you can sense all of that, and you don't just know it; you feel it. But the point of the shield was to repel the energy, and as long as I made the barrier so that as little energy as possible flowed from it to me, I was pretty safe.

The only problem left was how to sustain it. It wasn't of my energy, so I couldn't just keep feeding it naturally as long as it was up (like a normal shield). So I made it so that it was receptive enough to the sun energy to be able to feed off of it, but as soon as the barrier became relatively full, it would begin repelling it again.

All I had to do was occasionally check on the shield, and ignore the brightness of the sun, and the much smaller amount of energy that I had to deal with, and presto! My sun problem was relatively gone, and a whole new genre of vamp-magic was made open to me. Needless to say, I was very excited.



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