DireConsequences's Journal

DireConsequences's Journal


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14:22 Sep 05 2013
Times Read: 840


I don't think I could feel more alone then I did today. I'm not a person who likes to socialize but there are people that I get along with good (obviously). Well, it's just been odd. Brett and Aurora both started school on the same day. I can't get online because of her being at school and us having dial up. If she gets in trouble or something happens, they won't be able to reach me. Not only all of this but Anthony started a new job. I'm happy for him. I'm pretty estatic for him and really hope it works out for him... But it means I'm not getting to talk to him as much. Well, more like at all. I've talked to him like twice for short amounts of time. Of course I could always message him on FB but I can't get it to load from home at the moment (more like eight days now). So I guess I'm just yeah... being like myself.

I've gotten the clothes mostly caught up. Aurora's room is completely cleaned again except for washing the marker off of her walls and wiping off the windows. I've gotten a bunch done in the kitchen. I need to move the fridge but that'll have to wait until Friday when Brett's home or something. I'm going to move the stove too to clean under it. X_X I'm trying to get as much done as I can while Aurora's at school so when she gets home I can help her with everything she needs work on.

She doesn't want to write her name with a big A and the rest in lowercase letters. She also got in trouble twice that she would telll me about today. She wouldn't tell me how to teacher punished her either. I think she got put in the corner though. She got into another child's bookbag to see what they had brought in for show and tell about what they did this summer... and the other thing she got in trouble for was not wanting to share with any of the other children.

I'm sure she'll get the hang of it and I've already explained it all to her again. I even made her explain it back to me in her own words. I'm making her trace her name over and over again the proper way. She knows how to spell it and she knows all of her capital letters and a majority of the lowercase ones. She gets confused on the lowercase ones here and there. She's really smart and I know it. Heck, she was trying to tell me she didn't even know why she got in trouble but once I explained to her that we already know how the teacher will sit the child down after class is over before they're dismissed and ask the child to explain to her what he/she did wrong. If he/she can't tell the teacher, she'll tell them and then have them explain to her what they did and why it was wrong. So she definitely knew what she did wrong before she came home on the bus. *nods* She just didn't want to tell me.

As for me, I'm surviving. Today was a bit harder then yesterday. Probably because I was expecting Brett to stay home until one and spend a little bit of time with me at least. Instead he was working on the truck and explorer with my stepdad to get one of them working so I could drive it down to take Aurora to the bus stop or pick her up.

Speaking of which... I drove my stepdad's truck today. All I have to say is oh my gosh, I've never driven anything that big on a road. I've driven it up in the mud where they're putting their trailer but not on any of the roads. It's nuts! LMAO! I'm used to my little car. It's going to take some getting used to for me to be comfortable to drive that thing in winter when it's really bad out. O_o

As of yet, I haven't really gotten to spend much time on myself. I'm pretty bitchy. I could barely move this morning. It's suckish. I had to keep telling myself that I couldn't double over in pain on the walk down to the bus stop because I thought we were running late. I knew I heard a bus and I thought it was the one she rides... it wasn't though. So yeppers, we were walking as quickly as we could this morning on the way down.


Here I am with Brett wanting to get a job on training and I want him to keep going to college since at most he has two semesters left including the current one. I want to make this all work. Aurora's going to school, him going to class, and I'm at home. I'm tired of being at home all the time. Aurora's already been getting into some trouble at school and it's only her first week. It's nothing major that she's doing but she's been so stubborn with sharing and small things.

I fell yesterday pretty good. I tried to kill myself. LMAO! I fell on Aurora's one glitter ball that has a green fish in it. I went flying and hit the wall kind of weirdly. I hit my foot the hardest. I thought I broke the toe knuckle on it because it looked to be sticking straight up. When I finally got to where I could look at it with all the blood, I found out it was just the toe nail that was torn almost completely off. It was at an odd angle where it was shoved back in my toe a bit and in the side some. I tried to bandage it after talking with my mom and it just wouldn't work. I couldn't get the guaze to lay on it with the toe nail sticking up at that angle. I ended up hobbling out to the kitchen, getting pliers, and ripping out my whole toe nail. It was insane. The whole nail came out in one piece clear down underneath the skin. It hurts. I guess it doesn't help I busted my foot in different places pretty good, my hip is what I landed on, and my head hit the other part of the wall. O_O I'm fine. Just limping around the house.



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