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Vampiric Dictionary : D

03:22 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 812


The extinction of vital functions. Although Vampires survive their own physical deaths as mortals, they never escape death itself, nor the threat of annihilation. Vampires are the living dead. Through immortalized blood, they experience their own death without losing consciousness. The physical body sheds fluid it no longer needs and aquires new powers. For a mortal to become a Vampire, he or she must be drained of blood nearly to the point of death or the powerful blood that makes the transformation possible cannot take hold. Once the body dies, the Vampire experiences a sense of invincibility and can survive many things that would have killed him or her as a mortal; the fact of death then loses some of its impact. Dispite possessing personal fears about death, Vampires do not hesitate to bring death to mortals; not only is it necessary to their survival, but they find it irresistible.




Vampiric Dictionary : C

04:23 Oct 23 2010
Times Read: 829


One of the principal nemeses of Vampires.Those who cannot cope with the changes in the world over the centuries of their existance usually wither away and die from boredom or fear. Everything around the Vampire changes, and they can find themselves in a world of confusing forms. Everything that was valued in the first portion of their life goes away, so they may eventually decide that immortal life is not what they want. Those who have the ability to move along with the changes and continue to mirror the world around them reap the benefits of accumulated knowlege, wealth, power and comfort.

The ability to block the human mind from recording incoming data from their five senses. Some humans practice this ability but most Vampires excell in it naturally. More of a mental push than anything physically generated, Vampires can cloak themselves from mortals, or when needed, other less powerful Vampires. Since all Vampires are slightly telepathically connected, cloaking becomes a necessary automatic reflex for protection.

The traditional sleeping place of Vampires serves as a womblike receptacle offering protection from sunlight and harmful forces. Because coffins fully enclose their contents, the external appearance hints that there are great secrets within. In many cultures, coffins are viewed as a sort of chrysalis, a place of mystery and transition. Alchemists referred to coffins as philosophical eggs which were seen as a vessel of transmutaion. While most modern day Vampires prefer sun-proof windowless bedrooms, almost all keep some type of container large enough to enclose themselves in during an emergency or for traveling purposes.

What Vampires form when they desire community. It is composed of one or more powerful Vampires who agree to share a territory and not harm or kill one another. Long lasting Covens are actually rare in the history of vampires, and they often involve battles over conformity or for supremacy. Vampires tend to be very solitary and distrustful, preferring to hunt alone in their own territory and to gaurd their privacy. They may have one or two companions to assuage loneliness, but usually not more than that.




The Vampiric Dictionary : B

02:46 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 863


Blood: The substance that makes life possible, it provides a wide array of symbolic possiblities. In ancient times, deities were thought to live in the blood and were invoked and appeased by blood offerings. Blood was believed to provide spiritual regeneration with the promise of immortality. Similar ideas were infused in Christianity and all other religions.Creatures like Vampires need blood to animate themselves. Vampiric blood has unique properties such as healing qualities and combustability. Humans who ingest Vampiric blood can be obsessed by it...and so starts the addiction. Above all, a Vampire will do anything to aquire human blood.

Body: When a human being is transformed into a Vampire, the senses become more powerful and receptive, and although technically the body dies, it still exists. It can move, it can take nourishment, it can feel, but it is no longer vulnerable to sickness and decay the way a mortal body is. Vampires do not eat food, reproduce through genital sex, or eliminate waste in the standard way. Vampires can shed blood via sweat and tears. Although Vampires become immortal within a day, or at the most three days,the body's cells continue to change over centuries, becoming harder, thinner, stronger, and lighter as the Vampire gains distance from their former humanity. It should not be forgotten that a Vampire is an animated corpse. But as with human bodies whose life force is still unexplained, a Vampire is the product of a completely different type of life force...no less powerful, yet still unexplainable.

Beauty: The criterion by which many mortals are selected to be Vampires. Knowing that physical attractiveness makes the pursuit of blood easier for a Vampire, Sires are reluctant to bring over less than beautiful mortals. Since a Vampires lifespan is multiplied and may never end, their existance within a pleasing face and a formitable body is made more acceptable over time. Beauty has always existed on its own terms, prior to any codes of ethics, justice or order. Bottom line...The beautiful are treated better in our world.




The Vampiric Dictionary : A

02:46 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 883


Accident: The theme of random causality grows out of the notion of an absurd universe that lacks absolute or coherent meaning. That Vampires exist at all is said by the oldest of them to have been an accident that should never have occurred. If there is no Supreme Being and no ordained order, then anything can happen. It is important not to build false systems around things that happen. Our tendency is to think that things have meaning and inevitability, but usually they don't.

Addiction: Vampires are overwhelmingly attracted to the joy of the swoon. They need blood to survive, but such a survival requires accepting themselves as killers. Those with a conscience must decieve themselves about, or attempt to buffer, the negative aspects of what they are really doing, just as addicts do. The experience of clinging to something in desperation even though it may be harmful to oneself. It mixes pleasure with guilt, a combination that can seduce the addict by being more alluring than pleasure alone.

Agents: Well paid lawyers, bankers, and merchants who make it possible for Vampires to carry out human transactions, purchase property, and in some cases set up a false career. Items such as a birth certificate, a Social Security card, a driver's license, and bank accounts can be attained with the correct talented agent.

Aging: Sooner or later, all Vampires understand that the process of aging in mortals affects their connections with them. No relationship with a mortal comes without the pain of inevitable loss.

Vampires do age,not only chronologically. But aging has a positive side for the vampiric. Their strength increases the longer they exist, although their mental ability to sustain and utilize their increased powers may decrease if boredom undermines their motivation to endure.

Appearance: After they have died as mortals, Vampires retain their mortal features, but change in their cellular makeup makes their skin and lips white, translucent, and reflective. Thier fingernails gleam with a highly polished luster.

After drinking blood, a vampire's skin and lips grow ruddy and more human in apperance. A Vampire's hair grows thicker and fuller, yet stays the same length as it was at the time of mortal death. The skin also hardens diminishing facial creases. The eyes take on a brilliant sheen and may refract many different colors not associated with mortal eyes and fangs in various configurations, grow from the canine teeth.



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