FemaleBloodLust69's Journal


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2 entries this month

Blown Away

02:55 Oct 21 2006
Times Read: 602

Vanessa was jolted out of her daydream by a quick stop. It was now 8:30 pm the next day. She gazed out the window at the long endless stream of cars looking for a spot. “We’ll never find a spot.” Vanessa sighed. At that point a spot opened right in front of them. As Rayne pulled Vanessa made a gun out of her fingers and shot the air. “Yet again, my luck.” These kind of things always happened to her, but she loved it, I mean who wouldn’t? They got out and walked, dodging cars and people, to get to the front gate. When they got there Rayne and Vanessa traded in there tickets for green wrist bands. The two walked down the hallway moving closer and closer to the glowing light at the end. They covered there eyes as they entered the green and blue strobe light flashing inside the stadium. Rayne recovered first and ran off to meet other friends she talked to. Vanessa leaned against the stone wall at the back. She watched all the people in the front. Vanessa watched all of them wearing black with a smile on her face. She sat there for a while and looked at the black blur of clothes as she thought, alone they seem like nothing, but together they look like a monster reaching up for souls and the undead.

Suddenly the screech of a guitar played. The group of people screamed and jumped around as the band started to play. Vanessa stayed against the wall and bobbed her head to the music. Music sooths the savage beast? She laughed to herself but soon stopped as her gaze fell on a young man that appeared 17 or 18. She felt an odd presence, a dark aura if you will. Her throat tightens as if she was choking. Before her stands a dark figure, his skin is quite pale, still human tone, but looks more like he doesn’t go in the sun much. His long dirty blonde hair hung around his face almost to his chin. His eyes seemed to be gold as if he was a tiger. He dressed in typical all black, black incubus shirt, fishnet shirt underneath, and a pair of black Jinco jeans. His long black leather trench coat stretched to his knees. It appeared to be leather to her eyes.

The young man walked up to her and says, in a smooth yet mocking voice, “What is a young little girl doing here? Shouldn’t you at home playing with your dolls, cooking or cleaning?” How could he? If this is his way of flirting then he is way wrong. “Flatter me, and I man not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me and I may not forget you.” She cocked back with out any laughter in her voice and no humor is her eyes.

Vanessa smiled to herself as she saw him taken by surprise. She walked toward the crowed, but was pulled back by the pail hand of the young man. “Listen, I’m sorry. My friend told me to do that. Let’s start over. My name is Aden, and you are?” Vanessa could tell that he was trying but his effort was useless. “I’m … … … walking away.” She says it coldly and with no remorse. Aden reached for her hand again but Vanessa turned around and punched him in the mouth. Vanessa smiled as she walked back into the sea of black.

She started to sing along but was soon interrupted by her friend. Rayne came over and spoke to her frantically, “So spill! Who was that total hottie who you were talking to?” She waited with anxiousness in her eyes for Vanessa’s answer. “ If ya want em’ you can have em’. He’s a jerk. Go to em’ if ya want em. The bastards name is Aden. With that Rayne shrugged and left Vanessa be. As Vanessa smiled as one of Vanessa’s favorite songs came on, it was called “Mega Mix” it was a techno song. Vanessa got lost in it. She loved the hypnotizing beat and the way that it controlled her body. She was so into the music she didn’t notice at first as a boy came up behind her and dance with her. Although Vanessa did turn around and see him. He was hansom, muscular, human tone skin, and green eyes. His hair was black and spiked with red tips. He wore black baggie Trip jeans and a fishnet shirt. Vanessa asked him his name once he put glow sticks around her. “Lance, but you can call me Acid. My Friends call me that.”

“And why would they call you such a name?”

“ Because my kiss is Addictive.” He smiled at her and leaned forward making there noses touch. “And your name my dear lady, if it is not to much to ask?”

“Vanessa, Vanessa Amelia Magic Rose Smith.”

“A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”

With that he leaned forward and brushed a kiss past her lips. He pulled back and walked away but not before calling back to her, “I will see you soon.”

“I hope so.”

“Don’t worry you will… sooner then you think.”

Before long the stadium had a stream of people going to there cars. A lake full of light shown from the parking lot. There were only two people left in the lake of light. Vanessa was near the woods listening to the night as she let anger, thought, and music escape her mind. As her thought’s escaped her she remembered the man called Aden and the one called Acid/ Lance. She remembered the conversation and everything that was done. Vanessa pushed back the thoughts and returned to the silence of the forest. She closed her eyes to the lights and sounds out of her mind. Vanessa never felt like she belonged to this world. She always thought that she was supposed to be somewhere else at that time. Like some one was watching her even though she didn’t know it. Soon she herds a far off wolf howling to find a friend. She called to her friend of the night silently, “I understand how you feel, for I feel it ever day.” With that she let out a slow and resting breath out of her lips.

Rayne lay on the hood of the car smoking a cigarette and called to Vanessa, “Hey Chick! Let’s get a move on. You want to see Luna again don’t ya?” She threw the cigarette out and jumped of the hood to get into her car. Vanessa barley heard her, she was lost in thought, and the wordless conversation she was having with the far off wolf. She herd something from the bushes to her left. Vanessa’s thoughts began to race. Should I run? Should I stay and fight? With that she picked up a rock and threw it. Some one called out, “Shit! That hurt!” Vanessa moved closer to the bush to check it out but Rayne beeped the horn, making Vanessa jump. As she turned she herds 2 whispers and a growl. Vanessa ignored it and walked down the slop to her friends and got into the car. As they pulled out of the space and into the road Rayne talked. “You are so damn lucky! I tried to get a guy to dance with me and none would. You just start to dance and a total hottie dances with you, none the less he kissed you. And you had that Aden guy looking at you with that look.” Vanessa looked at her watch and changed the subject quickly. She wanted to know what Aden was doing looking at her but she had better things to worry about then a guy. “Great we will never get back before Dad. Luna’s going to be gone, I know it.” A single tear escaped her burning eyes and rolled down her face as she thought about life with out Luna




The Beginning of the end

02:52 Oct 21 2006
Times Read: 603

It was an average day for Vanessa; warm, sun was shining, birds singing in the trees. She loathed these types of days. Vanessa cherished the days that most others hated; days were the wind blew violently sending a chill down to the very essence, as the rain made you feel so sad and lonely like it would never end. She woke from her decease like slumber to the drowning sound of her alarm clock. Vanessa moved her pail hand sleepily to turn it off. It lay on top of a marble, black table along side of a black light and a metal box with a Celtic cross on top of it. Her hand barely made it to the off button before it fell, she turned over letting her hand shield her eyes from the bright, red, flashing numbers, 9:45 am, like a search light warning weary passengers and sailors out at sea. She moved her hand though the black lace curtain to let her smooth, slender legs out of the feathered twin bed. Vanessa sat up and yawned stretching her slender but a bit muscular arms up until she herd a pop. Then she let them move weightlessly back to the black silk blanket under her. She shuffled in her bed readying herself to get dressed, knowing that soon her friend would be arriving to take her to a concert. Vanessa slid to the side of her bed placing a foot onto the floor only for it to shoot back up to her breast. Her arms wrap around her legs as her crimson nails claw into her thighs. She leans forward letting her hands hold her while she looks over the edge. A small flash of teeth and a killer look can be seen as she picks up a spiked bracelet. Vanessa pushes herself back up holding the bracelet in her right hand. Sitting down on a pillow, she turns it over letting the cool metal and sharp points leave chills going down her spine. The spikes themselves were blue but every thing seemed red in the light of the alarm clock. She turned it over more to find teeth marks on the leather near its buckle. Vanessa let out a small growl as she looked about her black abyss of a room. Undiscovered, mysterious, deadly. Everything that a girl could ask for. Like the saying goes, “The loveliest rose that thy hast ever seen, can also be the deadliest rose thy hast ever seen.” Vanessa turned and looked to her window of sheets, a dark and misunderstood mist waiting to be explored. To see some ray of hope shine threw her thick black curtains.

Her pet lay at the end of her bed. She leaned forward once again to turn on the black light so she could see. The light was a deep purple, illuminating the room. Vanessa fell back onto her bed to wake her pet tiger. “Luna… wake up. Food will be here soon.” Vanessa reached to a ledge above her bed and to get a pack of cigarettes. Luna growls as she jumps off the bed and heads for the dresser on the other side of the room. “Hey I’m 17 so I can. I’ll stop after this pack.” Vanessa looked her pet over. It wasn’t young but it wasn’t old, no matter what it was, it was still dangerous. Luna’s fur was a ghostly white. The creatures yellow eyes gleamed in the darkness like demons looking threw the woods hunting you. Vanessa watched as Luna moved clothes to reveal a wooden door nestled in the black carpet. As Luna disappeared to the house below Vanessa was once again reminded of the forever lasting cuts in the magnificent creature’s fur. Vanessa takes a hit off of her now lit cigarette and moves to the bookcase next to her dresser on the other wall. She hit’s the power button and listens as the stereo tries to read the Marilyn Manson CD resting inside.

Luna comes back up the steps; no sound could be heard as she moved. The smell of meat, then the sound of the lose 12th step as Luna jumps to the platform then up to the room. “Take it to the tower, Love.” Luna nodded and let the meat get tighter in her grip. She moved past Vanessa to a set of spiral metal steps leading upward. Vanessa smiles as her pet obeyed. She hit the play button and welcomed the sound of a guitar.

She put out her cigarette and looked into her vanity mirror at her ghostly appearance. Her piercing green eyes looked back at her as if trying to read her blank expression. Vanessa’s black raven colored hair went down to her lower back, it was thin and strait giving it a dark blue shine. She looked behind her mirrored self. “Man I really need to clean my room.” Before she turned around she looked over her hour- glass figure to see what others see. To see why people stay away from her and turn around to run away when she walks toward them. She sighed as another day went by that she was a mystery to herself. She went to her black cedar dresser that sat behind the hatch that went to the house below.

Vanessa called it the “House of Horrors.” She leaned down, almost sitting on the floor to get out of the 2nd to the last drawer to get out a black incubus shirt. She leaned down to the last drawer to get out a pair of black pants that has chains hanging off of it. She slid the pants on, along with the shirt, and looked in the mirror. Vanessa gave herself a nasty look and took off the shirt, throwing it on the ground to join the other clothes. Her hands went through the drawer until she found a black bathing suit top that said incubus on it along with a fishnet shirt. She threw on the fishnet then the top and looked in the mirror. Vanessa bit her lip as she thought of what was missing. She had combat boots, fishnet, and bathing suit top and black pants with loops for chains. “Duh!!” She smacked her head and put more chains on. This caused her pants to drop and hang on to her hips. She smiled as she put on purple lip stick and spiked bracelets. She yelled to Luna happily, “Ya know what day tomorrow is right Lu?” The tiger jumped onto the spiral stair case and growled playfully. “That’s right Lu. The big concert.” She slipped on the spiked red collar around her neck and smiled. “I’ll try to be back before dad.” She turned and jumped down the hatch-of-a-door and ran outside. She yelled up to the tower from the front yard. “I’ll try to be home before dad comes home. I won’t let him take you Luna!” She looks to the road to see a black Corvette roar down the road. Vanessa yelled at the car and jumped back as it pulled up in front of her. The window rolled down as a short haired, skinny girl called out the window. “Next time watch who you yell at.” Vanessa looked at the girl inside the car and frowned. Both girls bust out laughing as Vanessa got in the car. As they drove off. Vanessa got a look at the clock, 10:12 am. This girl was Rayne, one of Vanessa’s closest friends since they were young. As they drove Vanessa looked Rayne over. She was wearing a black tank top and a le’ brat piercing. Her shoes went to her knees like Vanessa’s. The only reason that it did this was because Rayne and Vanessa went to get there shoes together, along with a skirt that Rayne was wearing. Vanessa looked to the sky as she remembered times from when she was younger. Nothing seemed to be as hard then.



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