FoxFire17's Journal

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david and lydia

21:35 Jan 23 2007
Times Read: 599

David and Lydia

A tale of two Were-dragons

One night, while Willa went to get her blood, she stopped in front of the country house. She went up to the door and knocked on it. David was one of the only were-dragons she knew as he answered the door.

“How are you tonight, Willa?” David asked, as he led her to the living room and sat across from her. “I could be better, but give me a little time. I came here to collect some blood and give you a note. I also have the money with me for the blood. Zach asked for double the order for me this time. I have no clue to why, but orders are orders.” Willa said and sighed.

She was tired, but how in the world would Joel collect that much blood in the next thirty minutes. “Don’t worry about anything. I’ll get you something to drink and be back in a few minutes.” David said, then left for the kitchen. He came back into the living room and handed her a bottle of blood and left her alone for the time being.

After drinking the bottle of blood, she laid down on the couch for a quick cat nap, but when she woke up, David was sitting on the seat across from her. “I hope this is enough for the next few weeks, but I can always collect more blood when the time comes for it. Did you enjoy your little nap? I know you will look better by tomorrow night and have a mate of your own.” “I feel a lot better thank you. I just hope I don’t pass out on the way home. I know many would kill me or wound me as it is. Thanks a lot for the blood. I‘ll see you tomorrow night around three in the morning if I‘m correct.” Willa said.

She handed him a note and said, “Zach said to read this note and go searching for her after you give me my blood and he also gave me this necklace to give her immediately. You will need to come back to his house and make sure and have her with you. He will prepare a room for you and the girl you bring. He also said to tell you that I will help retrieve any of her memories that were lost if necessary. Bye for now.” Willa said, then left for her house.

When Willa left David’s house, David thought about reading the note and opened up his letter from Zach. He knew it had to be important if Zach wrote it and gave him a necklace. When he saw what the necklace looked like, he read the letter and it said,

“Dear David,

I know this may come as a shock, but I’ve located another were-dragon. She is about your age, if not a year or two younger. Her name is Lydia. She lives about in the city near you. I cannot pinpoint her location, but can give you a general idea of where she lives. She lives in or on I cannot tell which right now, but 586 Rosewood street, Hampton, Fl. 56986. I have no clue to how she looks, but she goes by Lilith there. She is your mate and I’ll have your room ready within the hour. Place the necklace on her when she’s not looking and make sure you catch her. She probably knows nothing of what she is. Just smell her out and make sure she has that necklace on when you get her here.


Your old friend Zach”

As David saw that last sentence, he made sure he left right away and sniffed her out. After an hour, he found her asleep in her bed, but she was cute. He placed the necklace around her neck and got her out of there fast as he could.

When he knocked on Zach’s door, Willa answered and walked him down to one of the old dungeons. He placed Lydia on the bed with chains and chained her arms and legs up. “Zach made sure those chains were indestructible and unbreakable. You’re welcome.” Willa said, then left.

Well, they should hold her, but he couldn’t take a chance at anything right now. He placed a sound barrier around her bed and in the dungeon. That wasn’t hard, he thought. He went to bed and got some sleep.

When Lydia woke up, she was chained and had a necklace around her neck. She tried to break the chains, but she couldn’t. So she tried to scream her way out, but it didn’t help out one bit. She was trapped, but she sat up and leaned against the wall for the time being. She went into her meditation position and relaxed.

When David saw the position she was in, he smiled. He did the same thing every morning, but it helped balance him out for the day. He was glad he put up the sound barrier in the dungeon now. She did the same thing that Amy had done too. He kissed her on her lips and watched her soften. She looked great. He was sought after by many women.

Lydia felt something on her lips and felt something inside her melt. She felt wanton and that surprised her the most. She relaxed and tried to get her hands around the neck of his, but couldn’t. she felt him lean into her and start to surround her. Her clothing started to melt away and felt hands roam all over her body. She sighed and nearly passed out, but when she opened her eyes, she saw the most handsome man that she had kissed. She tried to stay awake, but alas she felt weak and passed out cold.

David couldn’t get enough of her after she softened on him and kissed him back, but he felt different for a minute. He noticed that he had almost called to her dragon inside of her, but she passed out. He knew that Zach would be up by now, so he went to Zach’s room and saw Willa pass out. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as I can. I need to take care of Willa for the moment. I‘ll meet you down there tomorrow night. I‘m sorry for the in convince.” Zach said, then left.

David could feel for Willa right now, but he knew that Willa would be good and well within the night. So much for talking tonight, oh well.

When he returned to Lydia, she was sleeping. He locked the door and unchained her arms and one of her legs. He went to sleep for the time being, but when he woke up, Lydia was trying to free her legs from the one shackle on her.

“You need to relax or the other three chains will clamp onto your arms and leg. Don’t bother to change or use magic. Its only going to signal the other three chains. I’m David and you are?” David asked, as he sat on her bed. “I’m Lydia, but I go by Lilith. Why am I here? I don’t know why? Is it because I’m a were-dragon?” Lydia asked.

“Yes, you see I’m your soul mate. I’m a were-dragon too. I don’t know if you can control your beast though. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but its just a precaution right now. Have you met Zach Angel yet?” He asked. “Yes, he popped in my room and asked about me that’s all I really remember from my introduction two days ago at ten p.m. I knew he wasn’t normal, but I didn’t know why he dropped by either.” She said in a soft voice.

David wasn’t surprised that he did that, it was just like him.




wiila and rafe

21:31 Jan 23 2007
Times Read: 604

Willa and Rafe

One morning, while Willa was in her math class, two boys came in. When she looked directly into his eyes, she felt something strange. As the bell for the next class rang, she passed by him and ran.

Rafe was shocked at how she ran out passed him, but he did feel something inside of her. It intrigued him, but he also felt fear too. Something inside of him told him to catch her, but he didn’t want to scare her off.

That afternoon, after Willa got home she looked into her magic caldron to see where he lived. He really lived far, but what she didn’t see was the fact that he was a warlock and a vampire. She could see that there was a barrier around his home and she couldn’t see past it.

She needed to talk with him, but she didn’t want to face him. His power was strong, but she could feel something in him that kept everyone away. She needed to know him a little better, but what she didn’t understand why he was so cold.

Oh well, she was going to find out in the morning, that she had a feeling of.

The next morning, when she got to her locker, Rafe appeared in front of her. “You need to learn how to shield me from where you live. I‘m Rafe, you must be Willa, top at your class, three time spelling bee champion, five time presidential fitness award, and last but not least, two time witch of the year.”

“Excuse me, but can you please move? I need to get my books and get to class. By the way, you haven’t listed my entire resume. Now back off me and get to class.” She said, and left with her books in her back pack.

When she was gone from his sight, he couldn’t move. She placed a spell on him that made him unable to move for twenty minutes. When he was able to move again, he went to class. She really left him speechless and stunned that she could do that without saying anything.

She wasn’t in any shape to face him right now, but she could do that. After school let out she walked to her bus and found a seat, but she didn’t like the location, so she flashed up into the front seat (switched places). Now that she was sitting down, she sighed. She pulled out a book and started to read it, but when she looked up, she saw Rafe sitting next to her. He got up and got off, but what surprised her the most was the urge to follow him. She stayed put until her stop and got off faster than normal.

When she got home, Rafe was sitting on her steps. “You really need to listen with your gut.” “Why are you here?” “Well, I would like to meet you on more solid ground. Yesterday, I was just interested in why I couldn’t control you, but I now know why and that is the fact that you are part vampire, wiccan, and werewolf. Who were your parents?”

“I’m a foster child. I don’t know. I never really got to meet my parents or know them. I‘m lucky I wasn‘t killed because I‘m the last of my kind.” “Well, I don’t know mine either, but I’m a warlock and a vampire. My father was damned. My mother was burned for sins.”

When Willa opened her door, she placed her bag on the floor and said, “Excuse me for a minute, but I need something to drink.” She went to the kitchen and got a bottle of blood, then went outside to take a seat. She opened the bottle and drank it down.

Rafe tried to grab her bottle, but she had placed a barrier around herself. When she was done, she sat up straighter and said, “Don’t bother asking if I have another bottle that was my last one. I’m sorry to tell you that.” “Why would you do that, you knew I was thirsty. Oh well, you need to hunt tonight I figure.”

“No, I don’t. I have a place I go to. It’s very private and very exclusive. Now, you need to leave. I have to get ready for work and you aren’t helping one bit. Bye now.” She went inside her house and changed, then got to her car.

Rafe was beside her car and went to kiss her, but his attempt was failed. She knew that if he kissed her she would be putty in his hands. She blasted him far away from her and got into her car and left.

The next day at school, she was tired, rung out, and had her glasses on too. Rafe noticed her glasses were shaded, but didn’t say anything. The full moon was out last night, she should have called in today.

Just as she was sitting down, the bell was ringing, but she went to the restroom and flashed to her bed. She fell asleep immediately and her power became a barrier. Rafe went and flashed into her room then looked at her. She was quite pretty, but the barrier around her made it nearly impossible to get to her physically.

He got into her barrier, then kissed her on her mouth. She didn’t respond until it was too late. His mouth against hers had been just like in her dream, she was putty in his hands. She couldn’t do anything.

When Rafe noticed her reaction and stopped. She went back to sleep and restarted her barrier again, starting from the inside to outside. He got blasted to her wall and got up. She was wild, untamed power. More power than he could imagine.

She was worth the effort to court, but his sisters would hold her down and drain her of blood. As long as she stayed away from his house, the better he could court her. He needed to gain her trust and friendship, but he also needed to learn more about her past.

He noticed a lot of binders and loose paper around him. As he read the papers, he noticed that they were about her dreams, nightmares, and fiction stories that she was writing. He went to her computer and found three books typed up, then he went to her files that kept record of her money, blood, and food intake.

These files were quite strange to him, but then he noticed that she had a record of her dreams and the number of times she had had them. She had the same dream three times, just like he did. She didn’t know anyone around here, yet she was famous for about three books let out into the public view for the past three years.

She was going to be hard to tame, that he knew for sure was true. He checked her list of old names she went by and found out that she was about four-hundred years old. She had twenty novels bringing in money for the blood, food, and bills. She truly was a piece of work, but she had no fledglings what so ever.

He checked for any fledglings and saw his master on the list, there were a total of twenty. They weren’t even two hundred years old yet. He thought his master was powerful, but she was the strongest he’d ever seen so far.

Willa was getting up from her bed and looked at him and said, “Get out of my house or you will be killed.” Rafe tried to escape her house fast, but found he couldn’t, instead he went to his knees in front of her and begged saying, “Please forgive me? My master left me about four years ago and I had to move back in with my family.”

“Take your pity story and go into the living room and I’ll be in there in a minute.” Rafe went into the living room and sat down. Willa came in with two bottles of blood and sat down in front of him. “You need to establish your own income, so I suggest doing a part-time job. After that you can invest fifty percent of it in stocks, bonds, and such. I know how you feel. You are about twenty years old right?”

“Yes, I’m about to turn twenty-one in ten days.” “Well, you get a little power boost with that age, but you have yet to face my age four-hundred and twenty-five.” She sighed. Rafe felt sorry right now, but asked, “Do you have a list of all the fledglings that were created by your own fledglings?”

“No, not all of them. I’m going to have to set up a ball pretty soon, too. Everyone will have to be registered with their masters and fledglings too.” She sighed and took a long sip of her bottle of blood. “I could help you set it up. Just let me know when and where and I‘ll be there.”

“Alright, but get out of your mothers house now. I’ll set up a room in here, just so you don’t live with your demon sisters. They aren’t really friends with them all that well. They freak me out mostly, there’re too powerful for me control. I know they drink blood and would drain me in a heartbeat because of their thirst.” She sighed again and got up.

Rafe had to catch her before she fell onto the floor. She was still tired and he could tell she needed to get a lot of sleep. He woke her up and now needed to get her back to bed, but someone came to help him. She created many beings that helped her out. These beings could help her at school if she fainted or was about to. They could blend in when necessary to bring her a bottle of blood or potion.

She really knew her abilities to the point she could exhaust herself. She was powerful, strong, independent, and beautiful. He liked her a lot. He had to leave soon so he could pack up his room, but before he left , he needed to kiss Willa. After, she was laying down in bed, Rafe came to her side and kissed her on her lips, then left.

When he got home, his sisters asked, “Where have you been all day? Mom has been trying to find you.” “I‘m moving out of this house today. I was securing where I was moving to. I‘m going to finally get away from you two demons.” He said, then went to his room to pack. Most of his things were still in boxes, witch helped out a lot.

When nine o’clock came around, Willa woke up. She was almost back to normal again, but she heard a knock on her front door and got up. When she answered it Rafe was standing there and said, “Good evening, I hope you slept well. You passed out earlier.” “Step into the living room and I‘ll be there in a minute.”

When Willa got into the living room, she picked up his bags and led him into a room with one bed, a clean floor, and a computer. “You need to get into the online vampire group, that way you can learn a few more things about what you are. Its really important that you do that.”

Willa left Rafe to deal with his unpacking. She really needed to get some blood soon and it was going to be tough for tonight because she needed to go out and get her new supply of blood. She wrote him a note and left. The note said,

“Gone out for my blood. Be back in an hour.


Okay, she went out, I can check out her house then, he thought. He found a staircase and an elevator, then went down one floor and found a bead room with all kinds of beads and material to use them with. They were so many kinds that he noticed that some of the teachers at school wore a lot of these beads.

How she made them look so innocent was a mystery because they gave off a vibe of their own that resembled the vibe off of Willa. They were different though, but what really bugged him was the fact that she was back in the house again.

“Why are you down here? You shouldn’t be in this room right now. Its quite dangerous to everyone. We’ll go upstairs now. This room belongs to my master named Zach angel.” Willa and Rafe appeared in her room a second later. “You need to understand that I still live with my master. He won’t let me go for anything. He’s very protective of my powers.”

“Why don’t you leave him then? Is he really that controlling over you?” Willa just sat down next to him and sighed. “What you don’t understand is the fact that he’s about seven-hundred and fifty years old. He found me when I was only seventeen, by then I was already a sang vampire, werewolf, and white witch. He tried to make me his companion, but I put up a fight. I couldn’t win because he was so fast, that he started to drink my blood from my neck. He nearly drained me to the point I was nearly dead, but he gave me a choice. I choose to live, but I had to stay with him forever. I can never leave him. He is the one I have to take care of right now and he seems to become more powerful after the full moon.” Willa said sadly.

Rafe saw how she had made herself friendless and everything, but what couldn’t do was turn back time. She was an incubus and that was not cool. A curse that would never leave her for all the time she would live. She kept to herself a lot.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to see to my master. He’s waking up and you need to get back to your room before he gets up here.” Willa left Rafe and went to her master.

“Master how do you feel this evening?” She said calmly. “Bring me some blood and I’ll be just fine. Did you make another vampire?” Zach said softly. When Willa came back she said, “No, just helping one of my fledglings from one of my old pupils. He was just released to the world and hasn’t found his way yet.”

“Well, you can make another soon. I want you to bring him down tonight, so I can meet him.” Zach got up after a little blood and came to stand in front of Willa. He kissed her on her lips and moved down to her neck, then licked her there. Willa shivered after a second and feinted.

Zach knew she hadn’t had enough blood lately, but knew she needed some sang energy, some sex, too. He caught her and placed her in her bed a second later, then went to Rafe’s room. He found him on the computer and writing to someone from myspace or vampire rave.

“So you are?” Zach asked. “I’m Rafe sir.” Rafe said quietly. “Well, who was your master? My girl has made many, I cannot remember them all right now.” “Her name was Chamomile Primrose. She is only one-hundred and twenty-five years old.” Rafe said slowly. “I remember her now. She was beautiful, smart, and had the body of an angel. She must have been able to create another like herself.” Zach said, as he sat down on the bed.

“She couldn’t keep me where she lived, so I moved back with my demon sisters and vampire mother. It was really embarrassing, but I found Willa. I’ve been keeping an eye on her and she let me look on her computer so I could point my master out. The only thing is that she said she had to arrange a ball soon.” Rafe said.

“That’s true, every four hundred and twenty-five years you must arrange a ball so you can find out how many of your fledglings have created their own and so on. Its quite nice, but can be a pain. I hope you’ll come. I have to be there myself so I can find out personally haw many new vampires I have in my family.” Zach said.

“Well, I need to see about trying to get some sang energy and a new companion to help her. She is incubus and needs a partner very soon. The werewolf inside of her has made it nearly impossible to find her one. I fear she will die because there is no werewolf, vampire, and witch combo anywhere right now. She is the last of her kind that I know of.” Zach said as he sighed.

“I’m the one you may be looking for. I am werewolf, vampire, witch combo, but I was born after the colony was scattered and torn apart. I grew up only after I was changed by my master. She was only ten years into being a vampire by Willa.” Rafe said smoothly. Zach stared at him and found that he was one hundred and fifth teen.

“You are right, but can you change into a werewolf?” “Yes, I make sure and take a potion before that happens and I don‘t get my energy drained as easily.” “Rafe you will help Willa. I know you can, but you need to make a blood oath to me first. Are you willing to do that?” “I love Willa and I will take the blood oath to save her life, too” Rafe said confidently.

“Offer up your wrist, then you will feel a small pinch of pain.” Zach said. Rafe did as he was told and when he did that he felt some pain, than Zach offered up his wrist and he drank. It was almost like he was being reborn. After two minutes, the wrists were released at the same time.

Rafe almost passed out, but Zach made sure that he didn’t. “You can still walk, but I think you need to sleep for three hours. I’ll give her some blood and that should hold her for the next few hours. I just hope its not to late.” Zach left Rafe to his nap and went to Willa.

She wasn’t doing to well, but she was holding out. “Willa, please wait another few hours. I’m begging you. Rafe will be here for you soon. Just wait and you’ll see. You will be feeling like before.” Zach said, as he poured blood down her throat. He gave her some sang energy that was normally in case of emergency for her.

Willa calmed down and went to sleep. Zach went to the end of the bed and sat down in her chair and propped up his feet. Rafe nap was only going to be for an hour and Willa was going to have the companion she was destined for. He knew that the right man would come along for her.

Zach couldn’t help thinking about how Dante and Amy were doing right now. He knew Dante was going to find her, but he didn’t want to fool around with the time stream. It really is dangerous to mess with time, but he hoped his old friend would find Amy. She was going to be a handful because of the powers, that she has. She sure could put up a good defense in battle though.

When Rafe woke up he got to Willa’s bedside and tried to rouse her, but she wouldn’t wake. She was very close to dying and he could feel it, then he noticed Zach had fallen asleep. He placed Zach in his bed for the time, but Willa tried to move a second later.

Rafe kissed Willa and she started to wake up. “Sweetheart, please wake up. You need me to help you. I’m your soul mate.” Rafe said, then she woke up fully. He kissed her lips and held her close, then made her bed into a queen size mattress. She started to make noises, but he found her neck and started to lick her there. She wasn’t in good shape, but he was certainly going to help her live.

He stripped her of her clothes, then began to suck on her neck. He moved lower to her breasts and suckled her hard. She was now starting to move against him, but he placed his hand down where she was wet. She moved against his hand and he slid inside of her one finger.

Rafe noticed the barrier and clipped it with two of his nails while he rubbed her clit. She was moaning and groaning after he clipped it. She felt some faint pain, but it vanished. He moved back to where her mouth was and kissed her hard.

She was spreading her legs, when Rafe started to push inside her. She moaned as he slid in and he was in heaven. It was tight, but she was so hot. He started to move slowly, then he got a little faster and faster. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled his mouth down to hers.

When Rafe climaxed so did Willa and she drank him in. She was starting to look a lot healthier and her skin had returned to normal. She was tired though, but she curled her body around his and wouldn’t let go.

After a full twenty-four hours of sleep, Willa awoke to being held by Rafe. She looked around her room and found it was bigger. The bed was bigger and she was comfy, warm, safe, and she didn’t feel sickly. Rafe woke up and kissed her lips, then they started to do it all over again.

When Zach woke up, he felt like brand new, then he felt Willa strong again. She was thirsty, but not for blood and he was glad for her. He felt her power at a new height and he was stronger because of it.

Rafe felt Willa, but then he felt something else, her hair was growing. When her hair stopped growing, he felt how soft it had become, then found it was all the way to her hips.

She raised up from his grasp and got a hold of her brush. She started to brush it, then it braided itself into a long chain. She was better than before her near death experience. “What happened to your hair Willa?” Rafe asked as he touched the silky strands. “I think it grew back to what it was when I was little, but I had two neat buns then. Thank you for last night I feel one hundred times better.” Willa said and kissed him on his lips.

She dressed and made sure she was fit. Zach came into the her room and saw how she looked. She looked like the day he made her, but she needed to get some food soon. “Get some blood with me and we can do some planning of your ball. You’ll need the help and I thank you for bringing her back to me Rafe. You may have her body, but I have her back to normal again. You can stay as long as you wish.” Zach said and left with her.

Rafe got up and dressed and went out to get some blood. He went to his room and checked his e-mail, but Willa came in. She wanted him in her bed and to stay with her forever. He pulled his hand away from hers at the same time she did. Their marks were identical and now he knew he would be happy for the rest of his life.

Zach married them and made sure that they stayed together for the rest of their lives.




the poet

21:29 Jan 23 2007
Times Read: 540

The Poet

By Ruth Anne Sline

Table of contents


Chapter 1 The Dream

Chapter 2 the Vision

Chapter 3 the Letter

Chapter 4 What Teeth?

Chapter 5 a New Poem

Chapter 6 Rosy the Witch?

Chapter 7 Roth Notices

Chapter 8 Roth’s Visit

Chapter 9 Magic Fire

Chapter 10 The Choice

Chapter 11 Rose’s first Kiss

Chapter 12 Marcus and Mikel’s visit

Chapter 13 Rose and Roth

Chapter 14 Mikel and Marcus’s next visit

Chapter 15 Roth and Rose

Chapter 16 Rose’s birthday

Chapter 17 Another witch inside Rose?

Chapter 18 Annita Anne Rose blows Rose’s identity

Chapter 19 healing Rose

Chapter 20 rose turns into a cat

Chapter 21 finding Rose

Chapter 22


I look out my window, there is a creature unlike the usual, and the creature is very unique with fur on its ears. Its eyes are like a wildfire. I’m lost in the nightlife. I follow my eyes in which glow black with the moonlight shining in my view.

There are many like my kind around here. I am known as Rose Nocturne. I am a vampire. I did attend school two years ago. Two years ago I didn’t know I was apart of the vampire world.

Let me take you back two years, before I found out what I was and what I was to become. The past has followed me like a dog or werewolf that I am unaware of.


Chapter one

The dream

The date is March 29th, 1986, I am 17 years old. I go to Were Cat high school at Reeds, Memphis. I live at 235 Baker Street. Its only 7 am. I have to be out and on my way to school by 7:20 am this morning and at school by 7:45 am. My lunch is normally tuna or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

I ride my bike to school in nice weather. The clothes I wear are black boots, red top and black pants. I have great grades in my classes. I also have two people who ride with me. One is named Angel and the other is named Anna. They’re both female.

I have all my classes with them. We pass notes and joke with each other. The teachers say be quiet, but we still chat in someway. We each have a packed lunch and different styles of dressing ourselves. Everyday we eat lunch together. We are like sisters to each other.

One day when we got to school three boys are staring at us. I have chills down my back. The boys now walk towards us. They’re all dressed like zombies. Their skin is as pale as cream and they have black hair strait as a line.

One of the boys introduces himself. They are handsome in my opinion. He looks at us and says, “Hi, I’m Roth. These are my friends Mike and David.” he motions left and right with his hands. They nod their heads in reply.

My friends and I giggle as they introduce themselves. He asked as if he was shy at the time and said, “What are your names? We really like how you look.” we giggled again, and then we introduced ourselves. “I’m Rosy, and this is Anna and Angel, hi.”

“Why did you seem shy when you were asking my friends and me a question?” I asked. His reply came as a surprise, when he said, “I wasn’t sure you would like talking to me and my friends.”

“Sorry, got to get to class, by.” I smiled as we raced to our lockers and then

Class. Our first class was with Mrs. Andes. She is cool. Today we had a test and would pass notes after we were done with the test.

During class after I finished my test. I pulled my poem book out to write a poem called ‘Who I know’.

Tall, dark and true

I cannot see what you look like

I can feel you with a thrust

I near you

I so not know how

I see you

I looked up at my friends and they’re still on the test so I think about that boy who introduced himself this morning, then I’m back to completing my next verse.

You never know who I am

You can’t see me

You know I exist

You know me

I looked at my friends again and they’re on the last page of the test, then I return to the poem I am writing.

I see you strong and good

I see you grow younger each day

I see you in no black

I looked at my friends; they’re still on the last page and return to my poem.

What will you see in me?

I sense you near

My skin crawls

I understand your thrust for me

I looked at my friends and they’re still working on the test. I close my eyes to

See that boy staring at me and he looks like he is looking for something. I return to my poem.

I sink in a tub

I wait for you to kiss me

I wait for your heart

At that moment, the classroom door opens, in walks the three same boys. Roth looks at me for a second time that day and he turns his attention back to the teacher.

The teacher looked in my direction and frowned, then smiled to Roth and showed them to some seats. I return to writing my poem and finished the poem.

I see you bold

I see you polite and wise

I see you respectable and nice

I see you a speeding bullet

I see you athletic

I finished my poem and the bell rang for the next class. I gather my things and wait for my friends to pack. Roth came over and then said, “How are you doing in this class?” I said, “Sorry about this morning but . . . I have to go.” I said.

That night, I had a dream that I was at a meeting. I looked at the surroundings they had, then I returned to the conversation and someone said, “She has to become one of us. She has the some power. I felt it when I saw her at school and she seemed to be writing something. She could be a witch, but she may not know unless we test her.

When I heard her talking, she was friendly, but when she giggled with her friends. She sounded like a witch. I don’t know if she’s part vampire, but I don’t know if she could be a werewolf, but not know. Do you think I could read her mind if I had to? She seemed like a whisper away when she left class. Do you have a way we can find out? I have no idea what to expect of her. She seemed to be unlike

herself when she was writing today. She could have premonitions or seen something? Do you have any idea of the identity of this girl? Could she destined to be cursed or something?

Do you have any idea at all? Tell me you do.” I gasped. Someone spoke up suddenly, “She has to be one of us or she must die. We will start testing her as much as we can. I thought about my past. When I was just a baby, I was found on a doorstep and taken in. the people had no children of their own. Now I was seventeen years old. The people who took me in said, “She had a bundle and a note with her.” Just then someone said, “We shall test this girl and turn her into one of us. What is she doing here? Get her!” my scream was heard over the alarm. I woke with that thought in my mind.

All that day, I felt awful. I didn’t want to go to eat. I didn’t want to even be at school. When I got to school I had been late for my English class and missed half of the school day.

Chapter two

The Vision

The next day at school, I was wearing all black and rode the bus in. The weather was rainy all morning. Roth was waiting for her in math class that morning. All during class, I kept to her. I thought the lesson was too easy. The class was so loud, so loud. I thought I would go crazy.

Roth sat across from her. I thought about my dream and shivered at that thought. When I wasn’t looking, the bell rang.

When I got home, I had a vision of a past place and my mother. I looked around my mother and saw what I thought was Egypt. People surrounded both my mother and me. I saw they were clearing a path for my mother. I saw what I thought was a starry sky and demons racing after my mother, but she didn’t look back.

My mother placed me on the doorstep of a house, left me there, and then raced away from the demons chasing her. The path my mother took was right next to my school, but she vanished.

At that thought, my adoptive mother was saying something to someone and spun around on her stance. She said, “Aren’t you going to come in? I’m talking to your little friend from school. Aren’t you going to join us?” “No, I have homework I have to finish and don’t send the person up to help me, mom.” I said that, as I went to my room. I enjoyed my time alone, but when I got to my room I felt like punching my door off its frame.

Later that night, I fell asleep on my thought about what I saw in my vision earlier today.

The next day, I had woken up to the sound of rain. It was six in the morning. I got in the shower and made my lunch and left.

Later during the day, I was lazy doing my work the teacher gave and fell

Asleep for fifteen minutes in biology class. All through my day, I was a wreck.

Roth was watching Rosy all day and said absolutely nothing. He thought Rosy was half asleep. He was in all of Rosy’s classes, yet she didn’t look like herself. She looked like she was down memory lane or something.

In every class that day, Rosy fell asleep. Roth thought about the way she looked. Roth had never seen Rosy look so pale and tired.

Chapter three

The Letter

When I got home, my adoptive mother was there and I said, “Do you have anything from when you found me? I would like to know what it is.” My mother looked at me and said, “Yes, I do, but please take a seat in the living room.”

Fifteen minutes later, my mother was coming in the living room with a bundle in her hands. She gave me an envelope with “Do not give until seventeenth birthday.”

I opened the letter and read:

“Dear daughter,

I am dead if you are reading this letter. Whatever comes your way is not going to be good. You will have a spell book appear later. You have with you a necklace. On this necklace are a ring and a cat’s eye pendant. These together are powerful.


Annita Anne Rose”

After I read the letter, I looked at my adoptive mother and asked, “Do you have the necklace with this letter?” At that very same time a knock was at the front door. My mother came back with Angel and Anna.

They looked so pale. When I said, “Hi.” Angel said, “Why are you so cheerful? I feel rotten.” I said, “How come you’re so pale? Are you getting enough sun?” Angel said, “I don’t know. I don’t understand why I look like this. Who knows?” I looked at her neck and saw marks of some kind. I said, “Do you know, you have marks on your neck? It looks like something from the movies that we’ve watched. It looks like teeth marks or something.”

Chapter four

What Teeth

Angel said, “Are you sure there vampire teeth marks?” I said, “I believe so, because they’re not far apart and they’re at your vain. Have you had anyone over lately?” “David was over yesterday at 3:30. Why?” Angel asked. “Did he do anything?” I asked.

“Yes, he kissed me on my hand. He also sat next to me on my couch. We had a staring contest and I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I knew, I woke up at 8:00 pm last night.” Angel said slowly. “Did you fall back asleep?” I asked. “Yes, I fell asleep after I got to my room.” Angel said. “Was your mother there? Was the house locked?” I asked.

“My house was locked and my mother was gone. I don’t know where she went. The car keys were there, but she was gone.” Angel replied. “Weird I don’t understand this at all.” I said.

“What happened to you Anna?” I asked. “All I know is that at 3:15 yesterday Mike came over. We played cards and had a staring contest. He said, “Lets have a staring contest,” then the next thing I know he kissed my cheek and I fell asleep.” Anna said. I asked, “Did you black out or something?” “No, I didn’t black out, I must have fainted.” Anna said tiredly. “Strange you never fainted before.” I said. “When I woke up, I was on my couch and my mother was gone, the door was locked, but her car keys were still there.” Anna said yawningly. “Where are your parents? Don’t you dare say anything? You are staying here tonight. Angel is you okay?” I asked, and then Angel passed out.

When I felt Angel’s head, she was clammy and cold as milk. After Angel passed out, Anna passed out too. The marks and disappeared and their color was now returning to their cheeks and face. When Anna and Angel woke up, they were back to normal.

Not once, I didn’t ever see them like that ever. Some of their problems probably were that they hadn’t noticed time flew by fast. That night, when Anna, Angel and I ate, we were quiet. Later that night, when Angel and Anna fell asleep, I thought about my letter from the bundle I was given. For a moment I was given a chance to find out more about my real mother and who she really was.

The next morning, there was a knock at my door. After five minutes it stopped. Anna, Angel, and I were awake after eleven am. I fixed eggs, bacon, and toast. Anna and Angel inhaled the plates in five minutes. I took my time to make more eggs, bacon, and toast.

An hour later, the dishes were washed and we were all watching television, when there was a knock at my door. Anna’s mother was there and Anna left with her. An hour after Anna had left; Angel’s father was there to pick her up. Both of their parents were quite suspicious of me.

Chapter five

A new poem

The next day, I was at school, the teacher looked at me very carefully and asked, “Do you feel alright?” I said, “I feel fine. Why do you ask? Am I pale or something?” My teacher said, “You look pale and like you’re about to pass out.” At that moment Roth was behind me. “Hi, Rose.” He said. “Hi, Roth” I said.

“Why are you so grumpy?” Roth asked. “I didn‘t get any sleep last night.” I told him. “Why didn‘t you get any sleep last night?” Roth asked quietly. “Don‘t ask.” I said.

When I got to class, my friends weren’t there. There were only five other students there. After the lesson was over, I wrote another poem. This one titled ‘Rose of Darkness’.

Rose of death,

Black as the night,

Sharp as a blade,

Small and dark,

The thorns find you,

One prick of blood,

May end your life.

As a gift, it is given

To you, the next victim.

To become a killer

Stuck in the nightlife.

As you change,

Throughout the night

To one, of many,

This continues

As a lover of the dark,

Will always be

One of the bloodsuckers.

As I was writing, Roth watched me. The assignment the teacher gave us was done in a minute for me, but everyone else was still writing. When Roth tried to see what I had written, all he saw was ‘rose of darkness’ and nothing more.

When I saw that Roth was looking at my paper. I pulled out a thick binder and placed ‘Rose of Darkness’ in the very back, while I did that Roth saw a lot of poems mostly dated from October 2nd, 1983 to now in 1986. I saw a shocked look on Roth’s face and I smiled at him. “Speechless.” I said.

Roth said, “Quite, can I read a few?” “Do you want death, darkness, or would you prefer to figure my latest poem called ‘As my life’? No one can figure out my poems without reading them say twenty times. Read. See if you can figure out my poem?” I said grinning. “I’ll try.” Roth said.

As Roth read ‘As my life’, he was able to understand what Rosy was saying. He wondered, while he read the lines that were so long it seemed like a plea for help and release. If Rosy wrote like this, then why didn’t she publish these poems in New York or someplace nearby?

That afternoon, Roth went to Rose’s house. “Can I please read a few more poems?” Roth asked Rose. “Go into the living room and I‘ll be there in a minute. Want a coke?” I said. “Yes.” Roth said happily.

Ten minutes later, Roth sat in Rose’s living room with three large binders in front of him and a coke. I sat across from Roth working in another big binder. “Are you guys alright in there?” My adoptive mother asked. “Yes, we are mother,” I said dryly.

After my mother left, Roth asked, “Are you all right?” “Yes, I just hate to be near her.” I replied. Roth just stared at her and had to smile after he read another page.

These poems could be mistaken for spells, he thought. When Roth left Rose’s house that day, during the week, Roth thought about those poems and kept thinking about how they were written.

Chapter six

Rosy, the Witch?

That night, after Roth left, I thought about how my dream seemed to have his voice in it.

One evening, I thought of my world. I was alone in my poetry book and was going out of my head. The next thing I knew, I was in one of my poems and one of the lines danced in front of me. As I said the words in that line, I saw something happen. My clothes changed to a dark black robe. I was wearing a pointed hat now and my charm necklace changed to a stone.

I looked around to see moons in every shape, size, and color. The words became curled letters with pictures and lists of ingredients. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My first book of poems was floating in front of me, but it changed from what it was to a spell book with my name on it.

I didn’t know what to do with the book that was still floating in front of me. Shock of my situation had sunk in and I felt reality was disappearing fast.

The book fell into my hands and it was heavy. I don’t know how I got a wand in my hand either. A pedestal appeared in front of me too. I placed the book on the pedestal and opened it. My poems had been transformed and changed into a different language I could read.

Just then, I wandered about how I was going to get home. A moment later I was in my room. I still had my wand, book, pedestal, and the clothes too. Keeping this a secret was going to be harder, than anything else in the world.

Chapter seven

Roth Notices

Now disguising my newly attained objects would need to be done. It was six in the morning by the time I had hidden everything.

I hopped in the shower, dressed, made lunch, and left for school. When I reached my locker and got everything out. I went to class and got every assignment done in exactly thirty minutes.

Roth was looking at me funny, when I was working. I must have looked better somehow. I was aware of everything around me. I realized that my necklace was out and put it under my shirt fast.

Roth wondered, what that stone reminded him of, then it hit him. That stone was part of a picture he had seen before. He didn’t know if it belonged to a witch or warlock. He felt like he knew that stone once before. It had been years since he had held it.

Rosy had left already and Roth still didn’t know what had happened to her. Rosy had looked like normal again, but she had something hidden from the world and everyone else at school. Well there was only one way to find out and that was to go back to her place again.

There were a few tests coming up, so he could say that he needed help studying. Okay, he now had a plan now. The day he would go to her place would be tomorrow at three p.m. he needed to gather a little more observation of Rosy first.

Little did Rosy know he had covered for her when he saw her at the meeting weeks ago? She probably thought it was a dream, because he had placed her in her bed (in her room). He liked her a little too much.

The next day was a whirlwind of classes and assignments, that Roth had almost forgotten his plan. Rosy was different today, she didn’t talk to him at all. It was almost three pm. now.

Chapter eight

Roth’s visit

A knock on my front door alarmed me out of my studies. I went to check to see who was at the door, only to find it was Roth. I opened the door and said, “What is it Roth?” I sounded annoyed.

Roth couldn’t blame Rosy for being annoyed. He said, “I needed help studying for the up coming tests, is that a problem? I thought you would be studying too. Can you please help me?”

I said, “One moment, I need to see your books first. Step inside the front door and I’ll check the living room and my room first. Just wait here.” I went to the living room and found my spell book, so I hid it in a stack of books and papers, then took them upstairs to my room. My pedestal was out and I placed my book on it. I waved my wand and hid it.

Roth saw that Rosy had hidden a unique book in a stack of papers and other supplies. Now she said, “Come on up, I’ll get us some drinks.” Rosy raced down the stairs to the kitchen.

Roth noticed that magic was in the air in Rosy’s room. He also felt it too. Rosy came through the door and got her books out, as Roth had done before hand.

The notebook that Rosy looked at first was put up, so she got a different one. Roth noticed that she was reluctant of that notebook. I said, “Math, biology, English, or health? Where do you want to start?” Roth said, “You pick, I don’t care.” “Okay, math it is then.” I said. “You do have a calculator right?”

“Actually, I was wondering if you had any magic or magical items.” Roth asked. “Why?” I replied. “I’m just wondering because the air is full of magic.” Roth said. “It depends on why you want to know.” I said sharply. “I’m a warlock, that’s why.” “I’m a witch.” I said. “I can help you, with a tutor like me. You can be stronger than you are now.” Roth said.

“Okay, but why would you help me?” I asked. “I like you and I’m more experienced with magic.” Roth stated. “Are you a vampire?” “Yes, I’m actually one hundred and seven years old.” “Did you know Annita Anne Rose?” “Yes, she was a dear friend of mine. Why?” “She was my mother.” I said quietly.

Roth now understood Rosy, but why was she in this world? He felt sorry for her now that he had learned why she had intrigued him so much. “Your mom wasn‘t just a witch, but a vampire too.” Roth said as he sat down next to Rosy.

“Why didn‘t she include that in her letter? Why didn‘t she?” I said sadly. “She probably wrote that in code? Did you think of that?” Roth said. “Where’s your note?” he asked. I pulled out the bundle from under the bed and looked through it. I handed the letter to Roth who looked it over to find the decoding clue.

It was on the back in magic fire, which was hard to make without his wand. “Do you have your wand Rosy?” Roth asked. “Yes, I‘ll get it and my book too?” I asked. “Yes, get both.” Roth said.

I got my wand and waved it around the room. The room changed instantly to a magical setting. Roth was impressed that Rosy could do that after a few days.

“How did you master that spell on your own? Have you been reading your spell book or something?” Roth asked. “Yes and yes.” I said. “That’s the hardest spell to do in the world. How long did it take you to learn that spell?” Roth asked. “Well, I had to work on it two nights ago after I found out I was a witch.” I said.

Chapter nine

Magic Fire

“Can you read your spell book yet?” Roth asked. “Yes.” I replied. “Okay, did you know your mother first learned that spell first? She knew how to make magic fire really well. You should be able too, but let me see your book.” Roth said. I handed my book to Roth and he looked through it. When he came across the spell for magic fire he places it in front of me, on the pedestal.

“Read this before anything else.” Roth said. “In con tar ta?” I said. Roth sighed slowly. He should have known that she could already read that spell. “In con tar at, right. Now hold you wand pointing to your other hand. Now say IN CON TAR TA.” Roth said.

I did as I was told and soon enough there was fire in the palm of my hand. “Magic fire can’t burn your mother’s note or your hand.” Roth said. I placed the letter over the fire and words appeared slowly. They were in different ink though.

“My Daughter,

Beware of Marcus and Mikel Lanksworth of the pentople traponia. They’re very dangerous. They are demons who control whatever they want.

Look for Roth; he will help prepare you for the battle of the worlds.

I am a vampire and a witch. I had to hide this message very carefully.


Annita Anne Nocturne”

“That’s all it said?” Roth asked. “Yes, there is no more.” I said. I put the fire out and closed my book. I waved my wand and my room was back to normal, just as my mother walked up and asked. “Is everything okay in there?” “Yes.” I replied.

Chapter ten

The Choice

I went back to empty my bundle to find more jewelry, another note, and another book. Roth looked at the book and tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. When I opened the book, I found that it was a diary, spell book, potions guide, and much more.

Roth couldn’t understand this book at all. The letters weren’t in order or the same. This wasn’t her mom’s though he thought, then he remembered that her had this book with her own writing that he couldn’t understand.

Well this explained a lot to him and why he actually liked her. He needed to change her tonight for her safety. “Rosy, I need you to clear your mind now. There is something I must do to help you become stronger and more powerful.” Roth said quickly.

“Okay, but why?” I asked. “You’re in danger of being killed or hurt in the next month.” Roth said. He went into her mind and held anything that would stop him.

I didn’t even flinch as Roth bit my neck and drank my blood. As my heart started to pump faster, he stopped, tore his wrist open, and had me drink his blood, until I passed out in his arms.

Roth took everything that was in Rose’s room with a snap of his fingers. He took Rose to his house in his world and set her up in a room without a window. She was out for the count when he had cleaned her up.

Roth knew Rose would be hungry and he needed to stock up on blood now, that he had changed her. Roth knew that she would sleep for the next few hours and he needed to get food.

Three hours later, Rose was starting to wake up and Roth raced to her side with a glass of blood for her. He didn’t expect her to wake this early.

“Rose, Rose, Rose.” Roth called out and placed the glass to her parted lips and poured the blood down her throat. She felt something going down her throat and felt relief. She was still tired and Roth now held an empty glass. She went back to sleep, but Roth knew her new name was Rose Nocturne.

I wouldn’t respond to Rosy anymore. I would soon start my training in this world soon, but I needed sleep right now.

When Rose tried to move a few hours later, Roth had appeared with another glass of blood. Roth had to hold Rose up as she drank the blood. Roth had to lay her down again. She still felt tired and fell asleep again.

Roth now felt that he needed a little more blood right now. He went out for more blood and got back before dawn. I slept through the day and started to wake up with a scratchy throat that felt painful.

Roth was by my side now and gave a tall glass of blood to me. I drank it down in an instant. “Where am I? Roth?” I asked. “My house in your new world. I had to change you last night so you could survive the battle. I needed to train you anyway.” Roth said. “What about school? Everyone who knew me?” I asked.

“You no longer exist in that world and you belonged in this world anyway. Besides you would‘ve bitten your foster mom anyway.” Roth stated and returned with another glass of blood, which I drank in one gulp.

“Do I really need to stay here? I don’t know which world I’m in. Besides that, how come you made me a vampire?” I asked. Roth answered, “By saving your life from what it was to what it is now. They don’t know where you are now to even test you or kill you.

So you figure the facts and all that you’ve heard in the past two weeks. Do you want to live or be killed?” Roth just sat down next to me and sighed. I replied, “I want to live, but what does becoming a vampire mean? I can’t die. I’m safe and protected. Or does that mean I’m not going to be hunted?”

“It means you won‘t be hunted, but you will be tested. What you thought was a dream, you were really there. I covered for you that night and you have already repaid me in other ways. I‘ve only delayed your testing, so I could train you.” Roth said calmly.

Chapter eleven

Rose’s first kiss

“So you’ve given me more time to train. Is that it or are you sure about the testing me part. Why did you really change me last night other than you like me?” I said. “What do you mean like you? A crush? Why would I not like you? I…uh… Kinda have fallen for you, yes. I’ve really, really wanted to do this to you.” Roth kissed me hard and gentle at the same time.

Rose was shocked and surprised that he was kissing me like his life depended on me. I started to kiss him back harder, than he did. Roth tightened his grip on me. I was his wildest dream come true he didn’t want to let go, but he finally released me to allow their breathing to return to normal.

After fifteen minutes, he got up and said, “It’s time to get started on your training. Grab my hand and I’ll show you my space, where I do my magic.” I lifted my hand and placed it inside his outstretched one. I was pulled up quickly and had to follow him. I saw more rooms and stopped in his study. He pulled his wand out and mines too. He waved his wand and everything changed a second later.

He had two sides; one had my books, and things. The other side had his things. “You’ll acquire more things as time goes by.” Roth said. Their clothing had changed too, but Roth’s clothes were midnight black with stars and moons.

As I looked at mine, they were still dark black. Roth noticed how she was dressed and felt surprised, at the same time. The color she was wearing was the same as his.

“Why do you have midnight black on?” Roth asked. “I don‘t know. I had this on the first night I found out I was a witch. I don‘t know why either.” I replied. “That’s a ‘masters robe’ you have on and that can only mean, you are ready or you‘ve already mastered your book. Have you done all the spells in your book yet?” Roth asked. “No, only two spells have been done. I have been reading the others, but I haven‘t done them yet.” I said.

“Are you aware of everything around you?” He asked. “Yes, I can hear thoughts and feelings too.” I said. “You’re a master of the first degree now and that means you’re ready for the first test.” Roth said sadly. “Let’s try the other spells in your book now.” Roth said as he looked through her book.

Just then, one of my huge volumes of poems was in front of me changing it’s form to another leather bound book and landing in my hands. Roth noticed that Rose now had another spell book. I opened it and read the first spell, “Black and blue is your stone, but change it into another form.”

As I read that spell, my stone changed into a blue heart on a silver chain. It looked like the heart of the ocean. Roth was surprised that she just got a sun on her robe.

“Look at your robe Rose.” Roth said. I did and found a sun on my arm. “Did I just get that sun?” I asked. “Yes and you‘ve mastered another spell. Now there are two moons on your robe too.” He said and returned to reading her book.

“Spinning round the world are you, look into another point of view, only to see what you don‘t want happening.” As I said that spell, Roth saw that Mikel and Marcus were coming to his house. “Rose stops reading now. We need to get back to my study, leave your books here.” Roth said hastily.

I did that and in a moment we were back in his study. “Sit at my desk and read this book here and don’t do any magic.” Roth picked out a book and put it in front of me. Roth left the study and the doorbell rang.

Chapter twelve

Marcus and Mikel’s visit

Roth answered the door and said, “Hi, Mikel and Marcus. What can I do for you?” “We‘re looking for Rosy. Have you seen her?” Marcus asked. “No, I have Rose here, but not Rosy. Would you like to meet her in my living room?” Roth asked. “Yes.” Mikel said. “I‘ll go get her, just wait in here.” Roth said.

Roth raced to his study to find Rose still reading. “Marcus and Mikel are here to meet you Rose. You‘ll need to have a cheerful attitude around them. Okay?” He told her. I stood up and said, “Okay, but can I get something to drink? I’m thirsty.” “Sure thing. Now, I’ll show you where they are and you can go in and talk to them.” Roth said.

When I entered the room they were in, I said, “Hi, I’m Rose. You’re Marcus and Mikel I hear.” “What are you to Roth?” Marcus asked. “I’m his girlfriend, I’ve just been staying here for a while.” I said as Roth came in the room with my drink. He handed me my drink and asked, “Marcus and Mikel, would you like anything to drink?” “Yes, you wouldn’t have any angelic punch, would you?” Marcus asked. “Yes, will that be two angelic punches?” Roth asked. “Yes.” Mikel said.

As I sipped my goblet, I answered mindless questions from Marcus and Mikel. Roth returned with Mikel and Marcus’s drinks, then he sat next to me. Roth told me telepathically not to let Marcus and Mikel know about her former life.

Roth was pleased to find Rose was doing well, but he noticed that my goblet was empty. He asked me silently if I wanted more blood and I nodded. Roth said, “Excuse me for a moment.”

When Roth left, Marcus asked, “Do you know Rosy or Annita Anne?” “No, I don‘t. Why do you ask?” I replied. “We are looking for them that’s all. We need to talk to them about something important.” Marcus answered.

Roth came back with Rose’s drink and saw she was uncomfortable, that was his cue to get them out, but he handed her drink to her. “Well, Marcus and Mikel, I think you should be on your way now. Rose has had enough questions from both of you tonight and it’s almost dawn. You need to be on your way.” Roth said. “You‘re right, we need to get home anyway. Thank you for the drinks and nice meeting you Rose.” Marcus and Mikel said together, and then left.

When Roth returned to the living room, he saw that Rose had fallen asleep on the couch. He picked her up and carried her to his room. He laid her on his side of the mattress and went to lock up the house.

When he returned, Rose was laying on her side. He covered her up and went to the other side of the mattress to sleep. At least she had told the truth and a few lies.

Chapter thirteen

Roth and Rose

The next night when Rose was about to wake up, she smelled something next to her. Roth was waking and she felt tired. Rose felt something cover her mouth and latched on a wound of some kind. She drank blood and felt relieved. Roth pulled his wrist away and started to kiss Rose’s face, to wake her up.

“Thank you for covering up your identity Rose. You’ve helped me out of one obstacle.” Roth said as he kissed my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Roth looking at me differently. “What are you doing? Roth talks to me.” I said quietly.

“I really owe you one. You really did a great job last night.” Roth said. I started to sit up, but Roth held me down. “You need to stay in bed tonight. I’ll set you up with your magic setting. You need to be in bed, while I get some food for both of us.” Roth said, in a way that baffled me. “Okay, I need my wand though.” I said.

An instant later, I had my wand and was in my setting on Roth’s mattress. Roth went out for more food, while I practiced a few spells. Including changing the shape of my crystal into a diamond.

I just read most of the spells out loud, and then got out of my setting to sleep. My wand was in my hand when Roth came back with food. He woke me up and carefully placed my wand on the nightstand.

I woke to Roth lifting me into a sitting position. He had torn his wrist to feed me again, to wake me up. I woke up after a minute. Roth got the goblet off the nightstand and held it to my lips.

I took hold of the goblet and drank the blood. Roth began to kiss me on my neck and bit me gently. He drank some of my blood and closed the bite off before I could see it. I couldn’t understand what some of my spells did, they still boggled me.

Roth had helped me, but now he wanted more. He started to kiss me on my neck again and I leaned against him. I was making sounds now and wanted to get more.

Roth turned me over and straddled me. As he kissed me, he started to rub his hands up and down my arms. I started to move underneath him and he started to move his lips lower to my breasts and shoulders.

I was moaning and groaning after five minutes of this. Roth knew what was going on and started to slip into my mind to stop any resistance I night have put up. Now he started to take his shirt off and getting mine in the same motion. I had my bra on still as Roth bent down to kiss me hard on my mouth.

Roth moved his lips down to my throat and sucked at one spot, until he almost draws my blood, then he moved lower until he got to my shoulders. He sucked me there too. I was scratching my nails against his back, that they almost drew blood.

Roth grabbed my hands and chained them up to the headboard. I was restless and didn’t stop moving my body. He went back to where his mouth had been and sucked again.

Roth moved lower, until my breasts were in his view, then he ripped my bra off. He saw how they looked and started to suckle my gently, then harder. He licked and suckled me to the point; he wanted to slip his penis inside me. He kissed me on my mouth and went back down. The lower he got, the more I bucked, and made pleas of desperation.

He worked my pants off along with my underwear. My shoes were already gone from the night before, but now I was bared to Roth. Roth loved what he saw. “Roth, please?” I said as I moaned.

Roth moved his hands up my legs to my thighs, then he split my legs, baring the triangle of hair my underwear had done no justice to cover. He bent down over my legs and kissed his way up my calf to my thighs. He sucked on one spot on my left thigh, and then bit me gently, tenderly, and lovingly. He drank my blood along with my lust. He switched to my right thigh and did the same thing.

I was about to scream his name, but he kissed me on my mouth again and went down to my triangle of hair. I felt Roth spread my womanly folds of flesh and start to lick me. I was wet, slippery, and moving still.

Roth sat up for a moment and chained my legs to the footboard of his bed. He went back to where he was, I screamed his name, and then he knew I was ready for him.

Roth slipped a finger inside my vagina and began to move it in and out of me, then he placed another finger inside me. He started to stretch me as he kept moving his fingers.

He found my cherry and with two nails, he cut it, while he kissed me harder than before. He swallowed my scream and felt me cum, that’s when he got off his bed and removed his pants and shoes.

When he rejoined me on his bed, he got between my legs and started too pushed in me. He kissed me when he pushed in me in one motion of his hips, then he tore at his throat, so I could drink his blood.

I started to suck on Roth’s torn throat and felt him as he pushed in and pulled out of me, I started to feel a tidal wave pull me under.

Roth had pulled me from his throat and kissed me deeply, so I wouldn’t know what he was doing to my body. As Roth released my arms and I pulled him down to my collarbone area, then he sucked and kissed me. That’s when he bit me hard and went over the edge.

I was clawing his back and felt my fangs slide out, and then I bit him hard on his shoulder. I drank his blood as he drank my blood. I let go and screamed his name.

Roth pulled himself up for a moment to unchain my legs, then he saw me smile, then I fell asleep. Roth needed to get food for both of us, so he covered me up and left.

A few hours later, I stirred from my sleep and found I was sore. I looked at my body and sighed. I just didn’t know what had happened with the time, but Roth was there in a moment later with food. He was grinning from ear to ear; as he bent down to kiss me.

Roth handed me the goblet, then got behind me to hold me up, as I drank my meal. I was wild earlier and he loved me, until I had fallen asleep. Roth knew he’d taken my innocence away, but I was worth all he’d done to my body along with the marks I had made on his.

Chapter fourteen

Marcus and Mikel’s next visit

“Rose, we need to get some sleep, okay?” Roth said as he took the goblet. “Alright, thanks Roth.” Rose said, as she fell asleep a second later. Roth just held her and fell asleep too.

The next night, after Roth woke up, he tore his wrist open, so Rose could relieve her throat. When Rose drank a little blood, she was carried to Roth’s bathroom to get cleaned up.

When he pulled his wrist away, she whimpered, and then opened her eyes. Roth kissed her gently and said, “Time to wash up sweetheart. I know you’re tired, but I have a feeling Marcus and Mikel are coming over tonight, to talk to us.”

“Okay, but you’re going to have to help me clean up. You know that, right?” Rose said. “Yes, I know that and I look forward to it.” Roth said as he set her down to get out of his clothes. He got the shower started and placed Rose on the bench in the shower, then got in and got some soap.

Roth was happy he could do this for Rose. He loved to touch her, but soon enough, she was clean and dressed. “Want to sleep a little more tonight?” He asked. “Yes,” she said. “I’ll place you in your room and join you later on. Here’s your wand, so you can read in your setting too.” Roth said all this as he carried her to her bedroom.

As Roth lay her down and he noticed that she was asleep already. So he covered her up and kissed her gently on her mouth. Just as he closed Rose’s door, he heard the doorbell.

Marcus and Mikel were at his door as Roth opened it. “What can I do for you gentlemen?” Roth asked. “If you have any angelic punch and a seat so we can talk with you and Rose.” Marcus said. “Sorry, but there is no more punch here. There’s only water. Rose is still sleeping.” Roth said quietly, so he wouldn’t wake Rose up.

“Alright Roth, but we‘ll be back in a few hours.” Marcus said and left. Roth was right about his gut instinct tonight. So he went to the blood bank and the supermarket for food and drink. When he got home he had everything set, so he filled a goblet with his blood and went to wake Rose.

She was awake, but wasn’t well. Roth lifted Rose to a sitting position and poured the goblet of blood down her throat then checked her over. “Come on Rose, you need to be active right now. Wake up.” Roth said. He opened her door and raced to the front door, just as Marcus and Mikel were about to ring his doorbell.

“Sorry, but Rose is sick right now. I need to tend to her.” Roth said. “I hope it’s not that virus that’s been going around. Is she clammy and tired? Those are the two main symptoms.” Mikel said.

“You want to look at her? You can just be very careful.” Roth said and showed them to Rose’s room. “Well I would suggest you try bats blood and cow’s blood mixed together. It should heal anything that vampires catch. Our mother still uses it today.” Marcus said. “Could you go get those two things for me to give to Rose, please?” Roth asked. “Sure thing, we‘ll be back in twenty minutes.” Mikel said cheerfully then left.

When Roth was back at Rose’s side, he found her asleep and her skin was clammy. Roth heard her moan lightly, he tore his wrist open to feed her a little bit. She drank some, but not much.

Roth opened the front door as Marcus and Mikel came back. Roth said, “Thank you.” “This should do the trick.” Mikel said. “Mix it in even amounts from each. It should be half and half. We’ll be here tomorrow and you’re welcome Roth.” They left.

Roth went to the kitchen and followed Mikel’s instructions to a ‘T’, then went to Rose and poured it down her throat. Rose starting to wake up and she even sat up by herself. Roth was actually happy that she had her energy back. “What was that?” She said coughing.

“You caught a virus that’s been floating around the atmosphere outside my house. That was a mixture of bat’s blood and cow’s blood.” Roth said and saw something race out of her bedroom door. That’s when he noticed that Rose was a lot better and watched whatever was fleeing her room.

“Now what was that?” Rose asked. “I don’t know, but it made you sick.” Roth said. Rose got her wand and her book that he couldn’t understand. She opened it and looked through it and found, “‘Monteluk, may cause tired and clammy side effects if around. Bat’s blood and cow’s blood, you drink it, it goes away.” She read aloud.

Roth just stared at her funny. “What is going on with you?” Rose asked Roth. “Nothing. I‘m just surprised that that creature can do so much harm. The cure Marcus and Mikel‘s mother swears by. Yuck, would be for the taste though.” Roth said. Rose got up and walked towards her door. “I’m going to be in the living room reading.” She said as she left.

Roth got up and went into the kitchen. He filled a goblet for her and went into the living room. Rose had changed it and on her Pedi stool was that one book he could read now. “Rose are you here?” Roth asked. “Yes, I am here.” Rose said as she appeared in front of him.

“Have you been practicing Rose? Can you will yourself invisible?” Roth asked as he sat down next to her on the mattress. “I really don’t know. I’m still learning to control my powers. You can read that book on the Pedi stool now. It’s a spell book, potions guide, and I think a diary. That’s where I found this spell. ‘In cognete contortra toa’ spell for invisibility.” Rose said.

Roth had gotten off her bed and handed her the goblet as he got that book he had been waiting to read. Just then, he saw that they were back in the living room and she had the same book in her hands. “Did you make a copy for me?” Roth asked. “Yes, just one condition. You need to keep it covered up with something in your study. It’s valuable to Mikel and Marcus.” Rose said as she drank from her goblet.

Roth nodded, while Rose explained about the book. She changed her copy to a romance novel, a second later. Just then, Marcus and Mikel were at his door. He changed his copy to a suspense novel.

Roth answered the door with a smile and said, “Hello, Marcus and Mikel. Please come in the living room.” When Marcus and Mikel saw Rose was looking one hundred times better than an hour ago. “You look a lot better Rose. Yuck is probably the word for the medication or cure. Right?” Mikel asked. “Yep, yuck is definitely the word.” Rose said.

Just then, Roth appeared with another goblet for her and two Angelic punches for Marcus and Mikel. Roth went back to the kitchen, then went back to sit next to Rose again.

Rose was holding up a lot better this time. She was starting to get tired again, but Roth knew it was near dawn again. Roth felt Rose lean against him.

“You guys may want to get home, it‘s almost dawn. Rose is falling asleep.” Roth said, then carefully laid Rose down. He took them to the door and said, “Come by next week, okay?” “Sure thing, we’ll see you next week.” Mikel said and left.

Roth picked up Rose and locked up the house. He carried her to his room and laid her carefully on her side of his mattress.

Chapter fifteen

Roth and Rose

They were both out cold, until Rose woke up and straddled him. She was nipping at his neck and he couldn’t move his body. She had chained his arms and legs. She pressed his shoulders down into the mattress and kissed him on his mouth.

One thing he knew, he was getting harder and wanted to hold her down. She licked behind his ears and he screamed her name. “Is this too wild for you dear?” She asked as she nuzzled his ears and neck. “Yes, it is and you know its driving me crazy. You knew that didn’t you? Well, we aren‘t leaving this bed now that you‘ve started this event.”

“Why would we have to finish this event?” Rose asked in her sexiest purr. Roth tried to move, but he couldn’t budge an inch. Rose just sat on him like she had all the time in the world. He moved his hips and she bounced once.

Rose want to his throat again and started to nip, lick, then without warning she bit him hard. She sucked on his throat and drank his blood.

Her color had returned and she ripped his pants off. She got off the bed and stripped. When she got back on the bed, she grabbed his shirt and ripped it off him.

She straddled him again, but he wanted her in his position. A second later, he was on top and Rose was on the bottom and chained too. He kissed her hard on her mouth, then moved down to her neck and licked, kissed, and nipping. She couldn’t stay still long enough.

Roth went down to one of her breasts and licked underneath it. She nearly went off the bed, but he held her down. She was as strong as he, but she couldn’t control her strength as well as he could.

Roth went lower and licked her heated folds. She was slippery, as he began to lick and suck her. She screamed and he bit her on her right thigh. Her scream turned into a moan, as he drank a little of her blood. He licked her folds again.

When Roth tasted her, he went and positioned himself in between her legs and pushed inside of her. She moaned his name and he kissed her on her mouth and said, “I told you we would finish this event. Now, you know, I do keep my word.”

He kissed her and went down to her breast. He suckled her like he never suckled her before. She was going over the edge and she broke the chains on her arms and legs. She pounced on him and held him down and kissed him on his mouth so hard. He could barely hold his own response.

She was on top and he just lost his one weapon to hold her down. She unleashed her own torment and caused him to cry out her name. She passed out a couple of minutes later.

When Roth felt Rose fall on top of him, he took the cuffs of the chains off of her arms and legs. She needed to get some food he thought, and got her a goblet of blood. She was still out like a light when he returned to her side.

He couldn’t help but love her. She surprised him tonight and he was going to get that kind response out of again. He would need to replace his chains too, but this time they were going to twice as strong.

Roth woke Rose up and sat behind her so she could drink her goblet. He nipped at her neck and she leaned against him and moaned. Roth loves it when she trusted him.

“You need to practice your magic you know that, right? Rose, are you listening? Can you hear me?” Roth said as he got from behind her. “Yes, I hear you. There’s no need to yell. Besides that I think I’m getting another book tonight anyway.” She said as she went to the bathroom to shower and change into clean clothes.

When she got out of the shower, Roth was waiting for her in her room. She wore a pair of blue jeans, a new blood red blouse, and her black backless heals. Roth didn’t know what to say as she dressed. “Well, what do you think? Roth are you there?”

Chapter sixteen

Rose’s birthday

“Yes, I‘m here. You look gorgeous in that outfit. Just one thing is missing.” Roth said as he vanished and reappeared in front of her. “What do you mean something’s missing from my outfit?” “This is something I got for you over a month ago. I figured that you would need the perfect necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. I saw this and thought of you the whole time. It is my gift to you.” Roth said as he handed her the box.

When she opened the box, she saw a small jewelry box and took it out. She opened it and it expanded to the size of a packing box. There were many stones, on different chains and indescribable jewelry in there too. Rose almost cried. “Thank you, Roth they’re amazing. How did you know it was my birthday?”

“I guessed and had a small hunch, which I couldn’t hold back on.” Roth said, then felt Rose relax against him. “It was perfect. I have never had the matching jewelry to all my clothing before.” “I’ll let you work with your magic and be back in one hour. I need to run a few errands, but you may use your magic if anyone or thing tries to break in. The password will be the poet. Ask for a password if anyone is at the door. Okay?” “Alright, but how will I know it’s really you and not an impostor?” “I’ll include sweetheart.”

Roth kissed Rose and left her to her magic setting. After Roth left, Rose read one spell ‘invota’, but after she read that spell. Rose got a huge power boost. She could barely move one step and she passed out. She felt like she was in a different world or realm. Rose saw herself, but she had killed all the demons. Roth appeared by her side and had something in his hand.

Chapter seventeen

Another Witch inside Rose

Roth was lifting Rose up into a sitting position, but he could not wake her up and she was almost free of his control. Rose was in bad shape, but Roth almost had her back to him and she blasted him. Roth didn’t expect to be blasted, but he noticed that his Rose had another witch inside her.

Roth did not like the fact that she had been possessed. Then he noticed that she was fighting like her mom did when she had disappeared. Roth was wondering what she had said to become like this, then he looked at the open spell book. He saw the spell and read the description of what the spell did. This was a spell for emergencies only, because her mother’s spirit was inside her.

Just then Rose dropped like deadweight onto the floor. He caught Rose and carefully placed her on the bed. She started to come around now, but she wasn’t really sure of what had happened. Somehow, she managed to get back to normal. Roth was glad that that was over for now.

Rose was back to herself, but she was sleeping. Roth now knew to be careful of Rose, but he couldn’t help but wonder why she had attacked him. He was healing, but that type of blast was normally reserved for someone like Mikel and Marcus.

Rose felt something holding her tight and she opened her eyes to see Roth carrying her somewhere. “What happened Roth?” She asked as she yawned. “I need you to be in my magic space for a little while, but you need your sleep now. Just sleep and I’ll guard you.” Roth said and kissed her. Rose fell asleep a second later.

Roth placed Rose on his bed and got his wand out. A second later, he and Rose were in his setting. Roth looked through his books and found a spell that he hoped would get rid of the other witch that was inside of Rose.

Roth rebinded with Rose, then binded the other witch that she had acquired within the last three hours. Roth remade the chains on his bed and made them stronger than what she could lift, then he chained Rose’s ankle to the end of the bed.

When Rose woke up after a full day of sleep, she found herself chained to the bed post. She tried to break the chain, but she couldn’t even lift it up. Her leg was totally stuck. Roth appeared after she started to try and break the chain. “The new chains are stronger than what you lift or pull. I would suggest you save your strength for the time being. Here’s your breakfast.” “Why am I chained? Roth answers me. What’s the problem with me?”

“You are possessed by another witch. You blasted me last night with a little bit of your power, but you had to be out like a light while I binded if I‘m correct your mother‘s spirit. You should really read the description of the spells you practice because that was an emergency spell for battle.” “Let me off this bed Roth. I‘m not a threat to you right now, so why keep me chained up.”

“I don’t think you want the answer to that question at all. I will let you have your wand though, but I don’t trust you to not to look in my spell books right now. Read the description under the spell before you cast it.” “Fine, but you can’t keep me here forever.” Roth said something under his breath and left the room. Rose didn’t like the situation right now, but as soon as he left the room she said, “IN CON TAR TA.”

Rose broke the chain and freed her ankle, but just as she was about to get up off the bed, a power surge went through her entire body. The other chains that were on Roth’s bed had caught her other leg and both of her arms, but the chain she had broken clamped on her ankle again.

Chapter eighteen

Annita Anne Rose blows Rose’s identity

Just then, Roth came into the room with her wand and saw Rose had triggered the other chains. Rose kept saying, “Let go of me.” “If you relax, they will stop reacting like that.” “IN CON TAR TA” Rose’s entire body was magic fire. Now Roth knew that wasn’t his Rose. “IN VOL TUN TA CA” Roth said, and she fell asleep again. That wasn’t Rose’s fire, but Annita Anne Rose’s fire.

“Annita Anne Rose stop trying to kill me and hurting your daughter. She has to be chained down because of you. Come out of her body now. I COMMAND YOU.” Rose’s body was now trying to throw up. Annita Anne Rose came out an instant later and said, “Why can‘t I have my daughter‘s body? You made her one of your fledglings. I want a body. I thought I could help her with her magic anyway.” “Why can‘t you just go back to your body? Is it gone, disfigured, or damaged. Maybe you’re just sleeping. Can you use your own body?” “I don’t know where my body is. I can’t seem to find it and I really want a body.” “I will help you locate your body, but you must stay out of your daughter‘s body and life. Do you understand that?” “Okay, I will, but I fear who may have it. If they have my body and I finally wake up, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

Roth went to his crystal ball and located her body, but just then, Rose said one of her spells out loud, ‘spinning round the world are you, look into another point of view, only to see what you don’t want happening’. Roth saw Marcus and Mikel heading to his house. “You need to hide or you can chat with Marcus and Mikel, but don‘t let them know anything about Rose. She is your daughter and they are looking for you and her. She has my protection right now and Marcus and Mikel don‘t know her true identity.”

Roth and Annita went to the front door and greeted Marcus and Mikel. “Hello, Marcus and Mikel, would you like anything to drink?” “No thank you.” Marcus said grumpily. Roth and Annita went to the living room and sat down with Marcus and Mikel. “We‘ve located Annita Anne Rose‘s body, but no one is in. We really need to talk to Rose, maybe she would have some idea where the spirit is.” Annita was quiet, but she said, “I’m right here. You just don’t see me.” “Where is the book that you took from us?” “I don’t really know off hand. I let Rose have it.” “Do you mean ‘Rose’ Roth’s girlfriend? I noticed that she looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on whom though. Where‘s Rose now?”

“On my bed chained, because of Annita Anne Rose trying to take over Rose‘s body. She is healing right now and can‘t be moved.” Roth said quietly. “What did you do to Rose, Annita?” Mikel asked. “I burned her body trying to get out of the chains. She’ll need about three days to heal her entire body and regain all of her power back.” “Wait a second; you made her entire body go aflame to escape Roth’s chains. She must be tired.”

Roth pulled down a suspense novel and handed it to Mikel and Marcus. “This is the book, just wave your wand over it and it will revert back to its original form. Rose had me cover it up because of a note written by Annita Anne here. Take her to her body though.” Roth pointed to Annita Anne and left the room.

When Roth returned to the living room, everyone had left. So he went to see how Rose was doing. She was fully recovered, but she was starving. He lifted Rose to a sitting position and placed the goblet of blood in front of her mouth and nose. She drank that down in no time, but she was still thirsty. Roth got one quart of blood and let her drink the entire down. She fell asleep against Roth, but he knew what her mother said was correct. It would take three days to have her back to normal again.

Thanks to the quart of blood that Roth gave to Rose, she was almost back to normal within the hour. Rose was still out for the count when it came down to her magic, so he fixed her up a power boost potion. When he poured the potion down Rose’s throat, she started to perk up and within minutes she was strong again.

“How did you create magic fire without your wand? Have you been practicing?” “Yes, I just use my index finger. What happened last night? All I remember is one spell that wiped out nearly all my strength and shooting you with an energy blast.” Rose started to fall asleep again, but Roth said, “You were possessed with a spirit, but you were asleep in your head. She almost burned you, but you will be a little weak with your magic. I have some rather bad news.” Roth said. “What is the bad news?” Rose asked as she started to sit up again. “Marcus and Mikel got my copy of the book you made for me, but don’t worry. The book can only be changed back by me and I told them the wrong thing to do. It will take about three days, before they will return. The spirit that possessed you, gave them the wrong amount of days for your healing to be complete.”

“Well, that was convenient of that spirit. Was I out for the count after it had gotten out of my body? I just have a feeling that I won’t be able to understand what really had happened.” Rose said, as she fell asleep. Roth was glad Rose had fallen asleep because he was tired, but just as he fell asleep, someone was knocking on his front door, but he didn’t answer it.

The next time when Roth woke up, Rose was sleeping with her head on his lap and she was making unusual sounds. Just as Roth was about to wake Rose up someone was banging on his front door. He carried Rose with him and carefully laid her in the big soft chair in the living room.

When Roth answered the door, Marcus and Mikel were there and looked a little mad. “You need any help Marcus and Mikel?” “Yes, we do. This is just a pickle were in. Our mother couldn’t even bring out the spell book in the book you gave us.” “Take a seat in the living room. I’ll be there in a moment, but leave Rose alone for the time. I need to wake her up.” Roth said.

When Marcus and Mikel saw Rose, they were shocked to see she was still burnt and weak. They sat down and Roth came in with a goblet of blood for her and two angelic punches for them. Roth woke Rose up and handed her the goblet after a minute then sat up. He kissed her on her cheek and she blushed, but Marcus and Mikel noticed how she reacted to Roth’s light kiss.

“Do you know how to get the book back to its true form Rose?” Mikel asked as he handed her the book. “No, that‘s not the book. Roth can you get me my romance novel please?” Rose asked as she handed Roth his suspense novel. “Sure thing, but hand that book back to me first. We’ll do a trade off.” Roth said.

When Rose got her romance novel, she changed it on will and handed it to Mikel and Marcus. They were stunned that she could do that on will. “How come you kept your identity from us Rose? We wouldn’t harm you in any way, shape or form. Did you make any copies of this book?” Mikel asked. “No, I made zero copies. I didn’t want to risk any of the writing. I kept my identity from everyone except Roth because my mother said not to tell my identity to anyone, but Roth figured out who I really was.” Rose said and drank the rest of the goblet and handed it back to Roth.

Well Marcus and Mikel were happy to hear the answer she gave and wanted to tell her that her mother had tried to possess her the night before hand, but the look that Roth had sent them said to not tell her about that. “I hope you totally recover within the next night Rose. You do look a lot better. How do you feel though? We were told that it would take about three nights to totally heal, but we’re glad you’re feeling better.” Mikel said. Then Marcus said, “We better leave you to get better, besides that we need to get home and give this back to our mother. I really hope your all better in the next night. See you in three nights Rose and Roth.” Marcus and Mikel left and shut the door behind them.

Chapter nineteen

Healing Rose

Roth looked at Rose and saw that Mikel and Marcus were right. She did look a lot better than the night before. Rose started to lean against the back of soft chair and relax. “I gave them my copy of their book, but don’t fear, they won’t back want the original back. I made sure that it was just like the way you couldn’t read it.” Rose said as she tried to get out of the chair. Roth came to Rose’s side and helped her up, but had her lean against him. She was still weak because of how her body was healing.

“Why would you want to keep the original book instead of a copy? I’ll help you to my room and get you some more blood. I will need to get some more blood tonight, so I’m going to let you get some sleep.” Roth said as he lifted her up in his arms and sat her up in his bed. “Thanks Roth, this is still one of the things that my mother gave me and I’m going to keep that book. After some blood, I’ll sleep for about an hour or so anyway. Thanks for the kiss earlier, it helped me out.” Rose said.

Rose placed Roth and herself in her setting then got the book with some telepathy and made another copy of the book. She placed the book back where it was and changed the copy she had made into another romance novel, then got out of her setting. Roth had returned with a pint of blood carefully got behind her and helped her get the blood down. He kissed her neck and softly bit her neck, then had some of her blood for breakfast. He closed off his bite and kissed her on her neck.

When Rose had fallen asleep, Roth carefully laid her down and left for the blood bank. Roth was happy that she was healing, but was surprised that she could do what magic she had while her powers were still returning to her. Now, all he needed to do was make sure he had enough blood for the rest of the week because she was still healing. She was drinking about two pints a night, but was really pleased that she was recovering fast.

Roth needed to get some ingredients for the healing/power up potion. Now that Rose’s condition had improved, Roth needed to help her out for a little while. He stopped by the market and got everything that he needed. When he got to Rose, she was still sleeping and he started to feel her bloodlust.

Roth raced down to the kitchen and got a goblet of blood, then he started to hold her up into a sitting position and poured the blood down her throat. Her thirst was relieved for the time being, but now he needed to make the potion. When Roth got into his magical setting, he made the potion and placed it into two goblets. He poured one down Rose’s throat and found her more relaxed. She was tensed up in the past hour and it hadn’t helped her one bit.

Well, now that she could sleep, Roth relaxed and got a little sleep. The next night, after Rose had the second batch of potion, she started to move around. Within the hour, she was almost back to herself, but she still needed to sit down for a little while. After she had a little more blood, she was sleeping again.

Roth made sure she was taken care of, but he was happy for her after she woke up the next night. She back to her old self and at full strength and power. Whenever Rose went walking through the house, Roth made sure he was with her.

After about a week, Marcus and Mikel came by so they could talk to her and Roth. After about two hours, she couldn’t stay awake, but Roth made sure she wasn’t alone at night or anything.

Chapter twenty

Rose turns into a cat

After a month had passed, Roth had Rose’s power back to normal and had increased it. One night when he woke Rose up, she had felt different. She couldn’t help herself and she flashed into her room and dressed. Roth hadn’t even noticed anything missing from around him, but when he looked at Rose, he was surprised. She had already changed.

Roth felt her energy start to draw in other magic, then he tried to flash himself somewhere and couldn’t. “Did you take any energy from me last night?” He asked slowly. “I think I did. I don’t really know right now.” She said quietly. Just as Roth was about to say something, Mikel and Marcus were knocking on his door. She flashed herself to the door and answered it. “Hello, Marcus and Mikel come in the living room and I’ll go get Roth.” She said and flashed off to Roth.

“Marcus and Mikel are here to talk with you if I‘m correct. They seem rather urgent to tell you something. I‘ll be in your study, reading one of your books you have outside your setting.” Rose said that and flashed into the living room and told Marcus and Mikel then left them for Roth.

“You look a little hungry Roth. Do you need to get something to drink?” Mikel asked. “Yes. I’m starting to have a few issues with my magic that’s all, but I need to sleep for a few days.” He said and slowly sat down. “Did Rose take any of your power? I was just wondering because she is flashing herself places.” Marcus said. “I think she’s starting to absorb power used around here and in this world. She may start to take yours too. I wouldn’t doubt it though. She seems to be sucking a lot of power up and its starting to come from outside my house.”

“Well, that would explain the fact that our mother was weak. She seems to be sleeping inn and having bags under her eyes. Our magic seems to be getting weak. Everyone around here that we’ve talked to seem to be feeling drained. That’s why we needed to talk to you.” Mikel said quietly. “Rose, come down here. We need to speak with you.” Roth said and an instant later, she appeared.

“What is it? I was really getting to the good part of my book.” Rose said, as she sat down. “You’re draining everyone around here. Do you realize what that means?” Roth said in a quiet voice. “No, I didn’t know. I don’t really know why either. I just can’t stop what’s going on with my magic. I‘ll see you in the kitchen.” Rose said and flashed off. Mikel and Marcus just stared at where she was just sitting and shook their heads. She was quicker than a month ago.

Roth joined Rose in the kitchen, and got a goblet and a quart of blood out for her. She was sitting on the corner of the counter, then got down. Roth was quiet. “You need to find a way of stopping your power from sucking everyone around here or you is going to find another place to live.” Roth said almost sobbingly. “I’ll look in the books, which I have in my settings and see if there is a potion or spell I can do.” Rose said and sipped the goblet.

She quietly flashed herself into her setting and looked through her books only to find a potion that would only stop the sucking power. She then flashed herself to a seat across from Roth. “I think that I may have something for that, but I’ll need you to find me a few ingredients. You will need to tell everyone to drink a power boost potion an hour after I take this potion, but there is a slight problem. I don’t have anything for giving back any magic or power.” Rose said.

“I have something just for that. I have something just like that in my book.” Roth said. Marcus and Mikel were happy to hear the news Rose gave, but they didn’t like the idea. “We can get the ingredients that Roth doesn’t have.” Mikel said. Rose read the ingredients and they didn’t like any of them, but they got everything that she had asked for.

Roth helped her make the potion and made his potion. After an hour in their settings, the potions were ready to be taken. She took hers, but after that, she had to take Roth’s potion as well.

After she took both potions, something began to happen to her entire system. Roth had to hold her very tight. She started to burn, but Roth was on fire. She couldn’t do anything after all the power that hadn’t belonged to her left. Roth put out the fire on both of them and carried her to the bed near her.

Roth was feeling like normal a second later, then noticed Rose’s body had flashed her to her room. After a second, a barrier went around her. Roth flashed into her room and tried to get through the barrier, but he couldn’t even go near it. Her mind, he thought, it was well aware of what was happening and it protected its body.

Just a second later, Rose was starting to move. She was moving her body, but it was trying to shift into something. She changed into a black cat and went underneath her bed and flashed again. She was sleeping under Roth’s bed with a barrier around her again. Well, she was sleeping, he thought.

Marcus and Mikel were knocking on his door, then he noticed that Annita was with them and that could only mean trouble for him. Rose raced to Roth’s side, she was hissing and spitting at Annita Anne. “You have all your powers back, I see. I’m busy right now, so you can leave.” He shut the door and placed a barrier around the entire house starting from the inside.

He held Rose and sighed. This was probably a reaction to the power leaving her body, but she jumped down and flashed somewhere. He didn’t know why she could still flash, but he knew that some of his powers were being inherited by her. She was in his study and had flashed up a bed. Just as she was falling asleep, Roth came in and scooped her up into his arms.

She was sleeping for the entire day, but when she woke up, she had shifted back to her human form again. Roth appeared beside her and handed her a goblet of blood. She drank it in a second, then Roth said, “Why did you shift into a cat last night?” “I really don’t know why or how I did that. I just remember I drank two potions and the power/magic that wasn’t mine left my system, then I passed out. I don’t remember anything else.” Rose said as she carefully sat up with a little help from Roth.

“Well, you needed to heal last night and your subconscious took over. You can flash still, but I’m not surprised.” Roth said. Rose was quiet for a second then vanished. She was invisible and now she was gone from his site and the room.

Roth couldn’t locate her right now, but he was going to find her. Now, all he needed to do was know which form she was in and get her back.

Rose was somewhere in Roth’s house, but she didn’t know where. She was in an entirely different room, but she was warm. She was able to locate a corner, but when she sat down, she changed her form into a cat. She curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

Roth was up near one of his supply rooms and he spotted Rose in her cat form. She was asleep, so he lifted her up and carried her to his bed. He got a hold of his chains and chained her neck to his bed, but made sure she couldn’t get out of it.

After an hour, she shifted her position and got near the pillows to sleep. She shifted back to her normal form and Roth was waiting for her to shift back to her regular form. He wasn’t too pleased that she had disappeared on him.

Rose woke up sore and being held down. Roth was on top of her and kissed her hard on her mouth. She was sure something was up and tried to flash to her room, but she couldn’t move. She changed her form and Roth couldn’t believe she had done that. She settled down at the end of the bed and went to sleep.

Roth was happy she could change, but now was not the time to do that. He yanked the chain connected to her neck, then she changed back a second later, coughing and hacking. He carefully chained her arms and legs, but unchained her neck. “Why did you just try to get out of my hold?” “I’m not all here and I don’t feel up to anything, but some time alone. I need to catch up on my new book.” She said and flashed to her secret hiding spot, then became invisible.

Chapter twenty-one

Finding Rose

Roth tried to find Rose, but he didn’t know where to start. Well, he knew she could hide really well and could be anywhere and anyplace at any time. Roth went to sleep for the day.

Rose was so conflicted with her powers, she didn’t feel up to facing Roth. She knew when he left the attic and flashed there, where it was quiet. She didn’t feel like normal either, but she did feel mean. Roth passed her by when he was looking in the supply rooms and didn’t know it.

The next night, he started to look for Rose in his attic. He couldn’t locate her in that room, so he moved to the next level down. In the supply room, he saw her flash really fast. He didn’t know where she was, but evidently she wasn’t normal right now. He rechecked the attic, but she wasn’t able to seen or felt.

Roth checked all of the rooms in his house and still couldn’t locate Rose. She had really disappeared on him, but he figured she would come around for some food so, he set up a goblet on the counter in the kitchen and left.

Rose smelled her breakfast and flashed it to herself. Roth was watching the goblet when it vanished, so he could figure out where she was hiding. He went to the attic and saw her finishing the goblet and flashed it back into the kitchen.

Roth left undetected, when she tried to move she couldn’t. Just as she was trying to get up, Roth appeared by her side. “Why did you try and hide from me?” He asked as he picked Rose up. “I don’t know, but I just needed to be by myself for a while. Is that so wrong?” She said.

Roth placed her on his bed and chained up an ankle, then placed a spell over them. Roth said, “GRAVO” and Rose could move her body again, then placed a bell around her neck. He made sure it couldn’t come off by her hands or spells. “Stay put and I’ll bring you something to drink. You can’t get away from me or the bed for the next two days. You can’t.” he said and left.

Rose tried to shift her form, but she had a collar with a bell around her neck. She shifted back and carefully got a book from her setting and read quietly. When Roth came back he handed her a goblet a left the room. She was in bad shape, but she drank the goblet and shifted her form. She laid on a pillow and went to sleep. She was sleeping, by the time Roth came into the room.

She looked tired, when he saw the bags under her eyes and noticed she was sleeping. Her collar was cute, he thought. It did do her justice and help him locate her fast. He carefully scratched her ear, rubbed her small back, and kissed her softly and quietly on her eyes. She would sleep for the next twelve hours.

After Rose woke up, she drank the goblet beside her. Roth had done something to her last night, but she didn’t know what. She started to read again, but found a spell. “Red and black, black and blue, release your hold, I command you.”

When she read that spell out loud, she felt the chain on her ankle release, then she flashed off somewhere. Roth knew she wasn’t in his bed and carefully got a hold of her. He said, “Inota” and she went limp in his arms. She was sleeping as he placed her back on his bed.

When he saw the spell she had used, he couldn’t believe it. She had a new spell book, too. Just how did she get into her setting in the first place. He placed the book back in her setting, then left her sleeping, but only after he kissed her on her lips and said, “I love you Rose.”.

Chapter twenty-two

Rose is back to normal

When Rose woke up, she felt almost normal again, but she checked her leg. She wasn’t chained or anything, but Roth was coming to her. Roth noticed that Rose was almost normal again, then handed her the goblet. He helped her out the night before by taking what was corrupting her away.

Rose looked so normal, that he kissed her. She was back, he thought, but just then, she was quiet and calm. She needed to feel again, but just after a second, she shifted to her cat form. She leaped on Roth’s shoulders and wrapped herself around his shoulders, then left for her bedroom.

She was back to normal again and flashed himself to her room. She had changed her clothing and managed to get cleaned up. This was normal for Rose, he thought. He grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck, she leaned against him and relaxed.

Roth knew that she was enjoying herself and was happy. He carefully drew her back to the bed in her room. She was placed underneath Roth, as he kissed her passionately. As he continued to kiss her, he had started to rid her of her clothes. She was getting greedy now, but he was happy about her reaction.

After ten minutes, she was naked. He slid inside of her heat and she nearly groaned, but that wasn’t all he was doing. He was sucking her breasts and nipping at her throat. She moaned, then he bit her on the side of her neck and began to suck a little blood.

Just then, she went over the edge and screamed. She was back to normal and Roth was so happy, that he couldn’t stand to be without her for the next hour. She lay under Roth’s weight and she slowly got from beneath him and dressed.

The doorbell rang, Rose went to see who it was. It was Marcus and Mikel. She showed them into the living room, then went to get Roth. “Roth wake up. Come on, get out of my bedroom. Marcus and Mikel are here.” She said, then she shifted to her cat form.

He woke to Rose rubbing her fur around his nose, then got dressed. She guided him to Marcus and Mikel in the living room. He sat down in front of Marcus and Mikel and said, “What do you need to know? I’m sorry Rose had to answer the door, I was sleeping in a little longer.” “We need Rose here too.” Mikel said. “She’s already here.” Roth said pointing to the black cat around his shoulders.

“That can‘t be Rose. That is a black cat. Can she change her form?” Marcus said, as Mikel stared at the black cat. “Yes, she can change her form and that is this cat.” Roth said, while she was purring against his neck. Marcus and Mikel didn’t expect to see her in the form of a cat. Just then, Roth got up and placed Rose where he had sat and changed back into herself again.

Roth went to get drinks for everyone in the living room. “Sorry, I just started to change. It was after I drank the two potions.” She said. Roth came back in the room with three goblets and handed one to Rose and the other two to Marcus and Mikel. She polished off her goblet and flashed back into a cat, then settled into Roth’s lap.

“Well, I think I know where she could’ve gotten that ability from. Our mother can change into a cat as well, but I think you may have copied her power. That isn’t the only person I know that can change into a cat, your mother could as well.” Mikel said.

“Let’s get started. You haven’t been tested yet, that I know of, but I do know that you will be tested in two weeks. I’m not sure what you’ll be tested on, but study everything that you have.” Marcus said. “I would really suggest covering all your bases.” Mikel said. “I’ll help her study. Do you know who is testing Rose? Just so I know what I’ll have to go by.”

“It’s going to be Jewel. That’s all we know. We just wanted you to know. She is known for spell use, and potions.” Marcus said. “We‘ll see you in three weeks. Bye.” Marcus and Mikel said and left.

After they left, Roth took Rose and locked up the house and went to bed for the night. She was quiet and sleeping, when he got to his bedroom. He laid her on one side of the mattress, then she changed. She was still sleeping. He got all the lights turned off and got her in his embrace, then fell asleep too.

After Rose woke up, Roth was trying to comfort her because she woke up crying. She never cried, but something must have hit her. She never really broke down. She did have her breaking point, but who knows what really hit her.

She remembered not being able to do anything for five days, when she was little. It must have been one of her old dreams coming back to her, but she didn’t know why. She had issues when she was little about minor things. She shifted her form and flashed away from Roth without the collar.

Roth couldn’t find her anywhere, but he knew she was in her cat form. He waited for over an hour, then fixed another goblet. It was flashed in a second, but wasn’t returned for over an hour.

She licked it clean, then flashed it back in the kitchen. She flashed under her bed, but she did have some issues with her body. It wasn’t able to move, so she made herself disappear. When Roth went to Rose’s room, he couldn’t see her. She wasn’t there.

After two and a half hours, she passed out. Roth found her, but she was sleeping. She wasn’t able to be moved though, but she had accidentally put a barrier around herself. She wasn’t able to do anything for the time being, but her barrier stopped.

Roth was able to pick her up, but she wasn’t waking up. Something had changed her entire system in the past hour, but he knew what it could have been. She wasn’t entirely ready for any test/tests. She was scared into her cat form. She really needed to get some rest and for the next two nights she would sleep.

Roth made sure she would sleep, so he placed her in her magical setting, then carefully made a forty-eight hour sleeping potion. He then mixed it in with her dinner. She woke up and licked it clean, then fell asleep. She shifted her form at that same moment. She was curled up in a ball still.

Roth shifted her position, so she would wake up without any aches. After she was asleep, he closed her setting off. She would wake up better, but he hoped she wouldn’t do anything stupid. She looked tired, but sleep always improved his mood and it would do the same for her.

Chapter twenty-three

Roth pulls some strings

When Roth had Rose asleep in her setting, he left to see Jewel. He couldn’t understand why Jewel would be the one to test her. Jewel answered her door and said, “Hi, Roth. What can I do for you?” “I need you to hold off Rose’s testing. She needs to sleep for the next few nights because she shifted her form and ran off. She didn’t feel normal either.” He said and sat down.

“I’ll hold off her testing, but I don’t need to test her now. She passed her test I would’ve given her. Did she make a potion from her book?” “Yes, she did.” “Did she cast any spells for the past few weeks? Because that was just questions I was going to ask her. I wasn‘t going to see her.” “Thanks, but you weren’t going to actually meet her. Not to meet her personally.”

“Yep, I heard how she fixed a huge problem a few weeks ago. I got my information from Marcus and Mikel. I’ve had them tell me how Rose was doing while they were there. I didn’t want to alarm Rose. What animal does she shift into?” “A black cat, but she seems to stay in that form for about twelve hours to twenty-four hours. She stays like that almost twenty-four/seven now.”

“Well, she seems to have passed the next three tests as well. Does she have any ideas that she’s being tested?” “No, she doesn’t have any idea. I’m actually thinking about marring her in the next two months. But if I marry her, would the testing stop completely?” “Yes, it would, but you would have to report her progress with her magic. It would also stop the council from trying to find her. I know they wouldn’t kill her now, but they could if they still wanted to.”

“So I could really save her if I married her? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” “Yes, I am. I think you should go now. Rose is really going to need your help, so she could survive in our world. I would suggest you try and have your friends over. Introduce her to everyone as Rose. Just don’t tell them her true identity and her real mother.” “Thanks, I’ll do that. See you in two weeks then. Bye.” Roth said, as he left.

When Roth got back to his house, he went into his study and started writing down plans for the coming out party. He made three lists: party supplies, wooing Rose, and guests. Now, all he needed to do was get everything done. He went to sleep for the day.

After two days of sleep, Rose woke up in her setting. When she got out of her setting, Roth had her in his arms. She nearly passed out, but he placed a goblet of blood under her lip. He said, “Rose, wake up. I have your breakfast under your nose. Wake up, my kitty cat, its time to eat.” Rose started to rouse slowly.

Roth had her sit upright on his bed and poured the goblet of blood down her throat. She sighed, then went back to sleep. He noticed that her energy was a little low and gave her an energy boost/second helping of breakfast. She started to move a little bit, but she was tired.

He gave her a soft kiss on her lips, then awakened her system. Her magic was back to normal(if not a little bit higher) and she was just like the first night he kissed her. “Well, how do you feel?” He asked, as he placed her on the floor. “Fine, thank you, but why would you ask that?” She asked, as sat down on his bed.

“Lets just say that you’ve been asleep for the past forty-eight hours. You woke up distressed and you shifted your form. You left behind the collar/necklace with the bell on it. I couldn’t find you for about three hours. I think you were afraid of what the test was going to be on.” Roth said, then sat next to her.

“While you were asleep, I placed you in your magic setting. I made you a potion and mixed it with your dinner. The potion was a sleeping type and made you sleep for forty-eight hours. I thought you could use a few days sleep.” “Okay, but what is it that you’re not telling me?” “You passed your next four tests. You won’t be tested for the next four months.”

“Well, thank you, but I don’t know how I got tested in the first place.” Rose said, as she sighed. “Well, lets just say that Jewel had Marcus and Mikel bugged for the past few visits.” “You’re telling me that Marcus and Mikel were watching what I did while they were here?” “Yes, but she told me everything. I went to see her after you took the potion. She said that you were just going to be asked some questions.”

Chapter twenty-four

Roth takes Rose to the magic marriage bed

“What do you mean ask some questions?” Rose asked. She moved closer to Roth, but he took a hold of her wrists. He pulled her closer, then said in her ear, “She had you practice your magic. With her here, you would’ve been more nervous. She didn’t want you to be nervous around her and she knew who you really were.” He said, then kissed her.

She shifted and curled around his shoulder’s. He was happy, she had passed her tests. He needed to show her his world soon. “Rose you need to change clothes. We’re going on a field trip to the blood bank.” He said, and she slipped past his fingers. He caught up to her, then kissed her mouth, while he placed her bell around her neck.

She flashed to her room and changed. When Roth got to her room, she was dressed like a siren in a black velvet skirt, red velvet spaghetti shirt, black bra, fishnet stockings, and one inch backless heels.

Roth couldn’t move, as she was sitting on her bed and getting her stockings. She wasn’t looking like normal either, but he couldn’t help but drool. She looked like siren from the ole ship tales.

“What are you trying to look like Rose? A siren or a sexist?” He said. When she stepped towards him, he couldn’t move. She took her time and kissed his lips. Then she did something unexpected, she moved to bite his neck and drank his blood.

“You really need to do something or it will be dawn again. Roth can you hear me? Hello, earth to Roth, wake up.” Rose said and walked away from him. She flashed herself to the kitchen, then got herself a goblet of blood. She was drinking her goblet, while sitting on the counter when Roth flashed in front of her.

“You need to come with me now.” He said with more frustration than normal. She finished her goblet and took his hand. He flashed them to the bedroom, that he normally kept hidden from everyone.

“Grovato” He said, then she appeared on the bed and was naked. “What do you think you’re doing Roth?” She asked, but was silenced by his mouth. He held her down, then played with her hair. Her hair was so soft, smooth, and slippery to his touch, that he couldn’t get enough of it. He got a hold of her neck and took her bell off. He bit her neck after a few minutes of nipping at it.

She was moaning when he bit her, then he took her for the longest ride. She was trying to do something, but her mind was blank. She couldn’t talk. She couldn’t make coherent sentences or sounds. Roth was licking her arms, then she lost everything she was thinking.

Roth was aware that Rose didn’t know her name or anything, but she was definitely where he wanted her. He had definitely enjoyed what had happened so far, but he wanted her to feel his dick inside her warmth.

Now, they had been in his special bed for more than an hour, that something was happening to them. There was magic being placed inside both of them, that he needed to kiss Rose with an intensity that surprised him.

She wasn’t able to move, but knew very little of what was happening. The magic that was being forced into her, held her down. She could feel everything that was happening to her body, but didn’t feel up to moving.

She was so toughly exhausted after what Roth did to her, that she fell asleep. Roth knew that she would sleep off the effects of the power boost from his bed. They now shared each others powers, but he didn’t know how he would look after he shifted for the first time. It would be fun to see how she coped with him being a cat for the first few nights.

Chapter twenty-five

Roth shifts for the first time

Roth picked Rose up and carried her to his bedroom, then laid her down on his side of the bed. He got on her side, but he shifted accidentally. When he started to change his shape, he felt a lot of pain. He tried not to move, but he was tired. He ended up on the end of the bed.

The following night, Rose woke up and found that Roth had shifted into a cat. He was at the end of the bed asleep, but when she went to pet him he scratched her hand. “Why don‘t you try to embrace the cat side Roth? It helped me a lot more when I did that. Just don‘t try to really do anything stupid right now.” She said.

When the doorbell rang, she flashed herself to the door to answer it. It was Mikel. “Where’s Marcus? Normally he’s with you.” “I’m afraid he had some errands to run, but we’ll see him in an hour. I’d like to talk with you that’s all.” “Sit in the living room and I’ll be there in a minute.” She said and left for the kitchen. When she got into the living room, Mikel was on one knee. “Will you marry me? I love you very, very much. I can’t wait to see you.” He was saying, but she laughed out loud. “No way, I won’t marry you at all. I love Roth. I can’t wait until he’s back to normal right now. I‘m sorry, but if Roth was in the living room, you would be hurting.” She said and sipped her goblet.

“I don‘t see why you like Roth so much. He made you what you are, but does he love you?” Mikel asked. “Yes, he has said ‘I love you’ in different languages to me.” She said and went to the kitchen again. She made a goblet up for Roth, who flashed it in a second.

“You need to leave. I have to find Roth, so you need to tell your brother that tonight is not a good night to be here. For the next three days, I‘ll be training Roth in how to shift. Bye Mikel, but I‘m already taken.” She left Mikel after saying that.

Roth was trying to move, but he couldn’t. Rose was by his side and lifted him in her arms. He didn’t weigh more than twenty pounds. He had black fur on his back, but his stomach was white. She placed him on her bed and placed a chain around his neck, then said, “GRAVO”. Roth was able to move, but Rose did something unexpected. She pulled on his chain, then he shifted back. He was coughing and hacking. She handed him a goblet of blood and he drank it down in an instant. “You need to embraced the cat to get past all of the pain of transforming. Relish the feelings, take all the pain and think of what could happen. that’s the only way.” She said.

“Do you really relish the feeling? I would really like to know.” “I do, but sometimes it can really hurt. I take it little by little.” She said, as she went to her closet. Roth just stared at her, not doing anything, not making a sound, and not moving. It was like last night, like he couldn’t get enough of looking at her.

She changed her shirt and skirt, but made sure she was slow about it. “Why aren’t you waiting to be woken up anymore?” He asked quietly. “I really don’t know. I think my psychic ability is starting to kick in. I don’t have any ideas except that.” She said and left him.

Roth tried to get out of her chains, but there was something he couldn’t do. He couldn’t get to his wand. A second later, Rose appeared in front of him. She placed a collar around his neck. He couldn’t help noticing that she was shivering. He was wondering why though.

“Why are you shivering Rose?” He asked. “I don’t know why I’m shivering, but I think I’m fighting the urge to shift right now, but I freezing, too.” She said. “If you let me off this bed and wear the collar I gave you. I could turn up the heater and you could shift.” “Alright, but you can’t uh…..try anything stupid okay?” She said quietly.

“Sure thing, but get me off this bed.” He said. She slowly got him unchained, then shifted her form to be warm. She was trying to get next to him, but he held her in his arms. He was starting to shiver too. He turned up the heater, then shifted his form after he laid her down on the soft, cushy, cold leather seat. He got next to her and carefully licked her paw, that got scratched.

He fell asleep next to her and slept for the next three hours. It was two o’clock in the morning when he woke up. She was still by his side, but she was laying her entire body against his chest area. He couldn’t move without waking Rose up.

She wasn’t shivering or shaking, but she was sleeping. Roth carefully flashed himself from underneath her and slowly lowered her down. She didn’t stir. He flashed back to his normal form and carefully lifted Rose in his arms. She curled against his chest and sighed. Her eyes still closed.

Roth knew that she needed some sleep in her present form, but he didn’t want her to wake up hungrier than normal. So he kissed her on her cheek and watched her wake up slowly. She stretched, then jumped down onto the floor. She shifted back to normal, but she fell asleep on the floor.

When Roth picked her up off the floor, he couldn’t do anything. She was still tired. A minute later, he poured some of his blood down her throat. She was starting to move a little bit. He noticed that she wasn’t able to wake up.

Chapter twenty-six

Rose’s strange dream

When Rose wouldn’t wake up, Roth was started to panic. She should’ve woken up. She moved, but would not wake up.

Rose looked around her. There was a graveyard, an old church, and a priest standing by. She didn’t know what to do. She noticed that her power level was rising. “You want to talk?” The Priest asked as he approached her. “No, I want to wake up.”

“You will wake after you talk to me. I was told you needed to talk to me. That is why I am here. I listen to those who like you do not wish to talk. Everyone eventually talks.” He said as he walked to a bench. “I want to know why I’m here.” “You have been married only one night and you ask that question. You doubt yourself. Your heart is seeking answers. Just wake up.”

“Where am I?” “Count Dracula’s graveyard.” “Why am I here?” “You need to understand yourself to answer that question yourself. Goodbye.” “Wait, where are you going?” Rose asked.

Rose woke up in Roth’s arms. She didn’t know how she got there, but noticed that he cried earlier. She could taste the acid tears on her lips. “Roth are you okay?” She asked. Roth heard Rose ask him a question. He moved a little bit, then said, “I couldn’t wake you earlier. You scared me. I tried to wake you up in almost all manners. You wouldn’t rise. I’m still scared about you not being able to wake up.”

“I’m alright. I just had a strange, strange dream.” “What did you dream about?” “Dracula’s graveyard, a Priest, and an old church.” “Oh, no, that’s not good. Did anything happen in the last two nights?” “Yes, Mikel proposed to me. Said he loved me, then he questioned me about you. If you loved me, said ’I love you’. I told him NO to that proposal of his and said the truth., that you loved me and I loved you.” Rose said.

“Mikel is not to be allowed back in this house without his brother from now on. Was this the first time that he came in by himself?” “Yes.” Roth looked at Rose very carefully and thanked that magic bed of his. She loved him. She really loved him. “I’ll deal with Mikel soon enough. I’ll see to your dinner, then we can sleep for the day. Okay?” “Okay. Fine with me.” She said quietly as she yawned.

When Roth came back he poured the goblet of blood down her throat, then fell asleep.



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