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05:58 Jan 05 2006
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Aries is the First Sign of the Zodiac, the point where it begins its cycle on the Vernal Equinox. Thus, it is the herald of the Astrological New Year. Symbolized by an animal of great courage, Aries is related to dawn, the Season of Spring, and the beginning of life. Much like the Spirit of Spring, those born under Aries are forever looking forward, never backward. In essence, Aries governs leadership and initiative, as well as using energy to make things happen. Aries subjects are vital, instinctual and forever young...the perpetual Children of the Zodiac who are constantly in search of identity. These are joyful, dynamic, assertive, outspoken and brave individuals who celebrate life, but who can also be intolerant, impatient, impulsive and overly-emotional. There is a deficient capacity here for self-reflection and a tendency to take ill-considered risks. Those born under the Sign of Aries should strive to direct their power toward mature and constructive ends, as well as attempting to master the slow process of self-education, if they are to bring to fruition the projects they begin with such elemental enthusiasm.

The origin of the symbol...or glyph...for Aries is unknown. The symbol of the ram appeared for the first time in Ancient Egypt. It was depicted as the head of Amun, considered to be the leading deity whom all other gods followed. At that time, the head of a goose was also used to represent this Zodiac Sign, and the two symbols were often interchanged. In the Babylonion Zodiac, Hunga (The Hired Hand) symbolized Aries. The modern interpretation of this glyph likens it to the horns of a ram. In Vedic Astrology, it is said to be symbolic of the upward flow of Spirit...as in a fountain...the universal consciousness in its creative aspect. It is also thought to be representative of a sprouting seed, from which germination results in the tree and fruit. In its seed form, it is said to symbolize potentiality. As this symbol appears to move upward then outward and finally downward, it signifies the ultimate sacrifice of Spirit in its descent into the Realms of Matter.

Also known as the Sign of the Pioneer or Warrior, Aries is Positive in polarity (as are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). However, Positive Signs rarely display the same levels of sensitivity or the same depth of understanding of emotional subtleties as do their Negative counterparts. Positive Signs tend to crave excitement and thus, are inclined to direct their energies outward into the world around them. Aries is the most flagrantly extrovert of the Positive Signs (with Sagittarius a close second).

All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Fire and Air are considered to be Masculine in nature. Thus, Aries (ruled by fire) is considered Masculine (as are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Masculine signs are traditionally conceived as being more active and less receptive than their Feminine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Earth and Water (the Zodiac Signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Masculine Signs focus primarily on spirituality and activity...both in the physical sense and mental sense. Masculine Signs are said to be diurnal or day-oriented. Therefore, the term "masculine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yang (or bright) Polarity of the Tao.

Aries is the natural ruler of the First House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Self" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Horoskopos" or "Helm." This is the field of experience in which an individual is challenged to develop his or her own unique personality and present it to the world. Traditionally, the First House is associated with self and personal appearance...how an individual wishes to appear outwardly (with regard to both physical appearance and personal style, which may or may not be consistent with the inner self). It is associated with look, moves, gestures, body language and how a person appears to others on a superficial or "first impression" level. Essentially, it is the projection of an individual's "image." Early childhood is also ruled by the this House...everything from a toddler's initial steps to a young person's view of the emerging world. The First House is governed by the Planet Mars.

The opposite sign to Aries is Libra. From Libra, Aries will learn to cooperate, share and bring people together in harmony. Thus, can Aries natives learn to express their ideas actively but tactfully and, in so doing, find much needed balance.

Positive Traits: pioneering, adventurous, energetic, courageous, enterprising, confident, dynamic, quick-witted and freedom-loving

Negative Traits: selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and undiplomatic

Likes: action, challenge, spontaneity, championing causes and coming in first

Dislikes: waiting, tyranny, failure, lack of opposition and the advice of others

Spiritual Goal: To learn the meaning of selfless love

Spiritual Correspondence: The Seraphim

Apostle: Peter

Prophet: Malachi

Anatomy: Rules the head, face, brain and upper teeth

Corresponding Tarot Card: The Emperor

Associated Countries: England, France, Germany and Poland

Associated Cities: Florence, Naples, Marseilles, Krakow and Verona

Animals: Ram, Sheep and Owl

Watchword: Action

Keynote: Hope

Physical Manifestation: Impetus

Mental Manifestation: Enterprise

Motto: Never Defeated

Quote: I Am


Ruled as she is by the planet Mars, the female Aries loves nothing more than a good battle (verbal or physical) and is always ready to meet any challenge. The trouble is that, while she can forget about the whole thing within ten seconds, the offended party is liable to take a little longer to get over the confrontation. Normally, the Aries woman's joy of living and totally uninhibited good nature will offset the effects of such nerve-shattering outbursts...but this cannot always be relied upon to happen. A self-motivated individual, the Aries female does not like to be bossed around. She will have a good selection of intellectual friends and is impressed with those who can introduce her to intelligent and cultured people like herself. Disliking to be monopolized, she will doubtless resent anyone who seems to be attempting to distance her from her closest friends...although she is not adverse to doing the very same herself...and may, at times, even enjoy the feeling that she is the object of emotional dependency. Vitally absorbed in the world around her, the need for love will not be the "be all and end all" of this woman's life. In short, she is able to function quite happily and easily without a male partner. That having been said, an Aries woman will make a marvellous wife for an ambitious man, possessing a brilliant, independent mind and vigorous energy.

The Aries woman is particularly attracted to men who are cultured, well-mannered and highly educated for she thoroughly enjoys intelligent conversation. It is unwise to appeal to her affections through reason and it is important to always be punctual (even though the Aries female herself is not likely to be on time). She prefers her companions to dress carefully and tends to shy away from rough behavior. She is usually quite athletic and enjoys sports...although it would probably be diplomatic to let her win every now and again. Like all those born under the sign of Aries (whether male or female), she hates criticism. It would be disastrous to criticize her in public and care must be taken to do so even in private. On the other hand, the Aries woman will respond extremely well to flattery. She is usually a clever conversationalist who excels in entertaining and appreciates the opportunity to help her partner rise in the corporate world. Quite often, the female Aries is able to maintain a very successful career of her own in addition to a successful marriage. In fact, she is probably a better wife if she is working or has outside interests.

Perhaps the major stumbling block in the personality of the Aries female is that of jealousy. This is the one thing that has brought more heartaches and unhappiness into the lives of Aries women than any other fault they may possess. In many ways, women who are governed by this Zodiac Sign are charming and were it not for this one character flaw, they would otherwise have a beautiful temperament. Much energy will be lost by the Aries female through anger, impatience and a quick temper, but there is great potential here if self-control can be learned. Unfortunately, without such self-control, the Aries woman is unlikely to achieve true peace of mind. She should strive to allow the mind to become the master and the body the servant. Aries females have a great deal of willpower and should begin at an early age to overcome their weak tendencies by compelling their higher nature to rule and dominate. Once this has been accomplished, the Aries woman will certainly enjoy happiness and tranquility, as well as peace and prosperity in abundance. It would also serve her well to learn how to overcome the stubborn streak inherent in the Aries nature of both males and females and try not to do all the talking during a conversation. Of all the female signs of the Zodiac, it is perhaps Aries who is the most immature by nature.

When it comes to the choice of a mate, the Aries woman wants only the strongest and the best. Her biggest failing in this regard is probably lack of psychological insight. She is just as likely to pick the wrong partner as the right one and some of the experiences notched-up in the process can be far from beneficial. Then, once she has sorted out the "wheat from the chaff," she can never seem to quite latch on to what really makes her partner tick. As a sweetheart, her worst faults are probably jealousy and the desire for a competitive social life. The female Aries is happiest when married to a passionate and possessive man...one who is determined to make his mark in the world. Should she marry a weaker character, then she will eventually be overtaken by unhappiness, for she cannot bear to see others succeed where her partner fails. In such a situation, she can become grumbling and ungracious with a tendency to constantly find fault. However, if she finds the right man, then the female Aries will be completely fulfilled and remain faithful for the remainder of her life. As a mother, the Aries woman is stern but loving. She will never allow a tantrum to go unpunished, but is speedily ready to forgive and forget. She will take an interest in her children's education and be amibitious for them, but must curb her tendency to dominate. She will always keep a home for them throughout their entire lives and they will always feel that they can turn to her for support in times of trouble. The Aries female needs to be very careful before embarking upon marriage. She is an affectionate creature and, if not appreciated, is apt to become exceedingly unhappy.

Aries women make excellent designers and good writers. Other favorable professions include sales, department manager and hotel keeper. They are highly capable of holding positions of authority, trust and responsibility. However, the Aries female will become impatient and irritable under restraint and it would be best if she were left alone to carry out any duties once she has a thorough understanding of what is required. In order to be completely content, the Aries female must learn to check the impulsive behavior inherent in her nature and learn how to occasionally "play second fiddle." She needs to be verbally appreciated for every effort made and basks in the warmth of compliments. She likes to be taken where she can been seen and adores meeting new and interesting people. It is a mistake, however, to think that the Aries female wants to be spoiled. This is actually the last thing she desires. This woman adores nothing more than a challenge and boredom is somthing she is unable to tolerate.


In personal relationships, Aries natives are frank, high-spirited, direct and candid. They make for enthusiastic and generous friends, but need to curb their competitive impuluses and the manner in which those impulses affect those around them. Subject of this Sign also need to learn how to temper their natural aggressiveness and use reason coupled with diplomacy when dealing with others. Generally, when it comes to friendships, these individuals get along better with members of their own gender rather than members of the opposite sex. Since those governed by Aries like to get their own way and often pit the wishes of self against what is best for any partnership, this can frequently lead to conflict. The capacity for deep affection should result in faithfulness with regard to both love and friendship, but these natives need to guard against an inclination toward jealousy and/or over-possessiveness. There is a strong belief here that "what is mine, is mine," which could easily manifest itself in an overly-dominating attitude toward certain family members.

Usually possessed with a high sex drive, individuals ruled by Aries make for passionate but fastidious lovers. However, there is a negative side to associations with others. Aries natives are easily irritated by slowness or moderation in companions and, though sensitive themselves, will often ride roughshod over the sensitivities of those around them. There is some difficulty here regarding an understanding the opposite sex, which can cause much misunderstanding and unhappiness when it comes to love affairs. The intensity of the Aries sexual urge can drive the individual who falls within this Sign's jurisdiction toward promiscuity and a counting of conquests. It can also trick its natives into an early and often unwise marriage which could end in disaster. In the home, Aries individuals will always want to be "top dog" and are extremely possessive of their mates, but not always the most faithful of partners themselves. Romantic Aries individuals usually have no need of "hearts and flowers" to give them that "warm and fuzzy" glow. Far more important to them is a partner who is equally strong and self-possessed...one who will challenge them to reach greater heights both mentally and physically. It also helps if the Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and become a master at the art of reconciliation.

In spite of the fact that the Aries nature is passionate one with a gift for loving deeply, these individuals do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. Although they themselves may not be good at expressing their love in words, they do adore hearing endearments from their loved ones and can listen to declarations of undying affection and everlasting fidelity with the most ardent appreciation. The greatest Aries weakness in affairs of the heart is a tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions. Although these individuals are not in the habit of mincing words, it is important to be tactful with sweethearts or keep silent when things get out of hand. By being more tolerant, those governed by this Sign will find greater happiness. Aries natives are possessed with a red-hot energy which often proves irresistible...and is certainly never boring. They prefer to initiate relationships and the role of seducer comes to them quite easily. However, this sizzling "dance of romance" will only work on those strong enough to stay in the game. In short, and Aries individual desire a partner who can go toe-to-toe...whether it be over lunch or in the bedroom.

Due to a strong executive ability, Aries subjects usually do better on their own rather than by entering into any business partnership. However, they do need business associates to a degree and their best choice would likely be a native of Taurus. While Aries can team well with Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces, any of these are apt to profit more from the alliance unless the Aries individual is strongly dominant. Any business association between Aries and Capricorn or Aries and Scorpio may prove to be highly productive of problems.

Though usually insistent on strict discipline, Aries parents are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives. In short, there is no more defensive or loving parent to be found within the entire Zodiac.

If one partner will submit and allow the other "to rule the roost," then there should be much compatibility between two persons born with the element of fire in their sign. Although there is obviously a lack of contrasting personalities, there will be a sympathetic understanding by both parties regarding the qualities and shortcomings of the other. It would seldom be a peaceful or quiet relationship, the exception being that Aries natives do like to recharge their batteries in solitude every now and again and, hopefully, the timing would coincide. However, if both Aries subjects have dominant and forceful aspects in their horoscopes, then conflict will assuredly arise because both will desire to be head of the household and family.

In courtship, this combination can be a passionate affair, but neither will be content to play an inferior role. The Aries female tends to dominate...generally because domineering females have to try harder to get their way than do domineering males. There will however be fierce competition to see who can be "Number One" and eventually, such flare-ups and heavy cannonading will take their toll in the bedroom. Quite often, an Aries/Aries relationship that begins with much promise ends in disharmony. The prognosis is a little better if each has outside interests and/or a career separate from the other. When their energies are diverted into alternative areas, conflict between the two becomes a little more playful and much less destructive.

There are many instances of this union going the distance for life, but a divorce can prove to be somewhat violent and heart-breaking, so such an eventuality should be taken into consideration. Any possible court battle which ensued could well become legendary. Coupled with high risk though, there can be high reward and if two Aries natives are able to "get it right," then their relationship is likely to be one of the most rewarding adventures of their lives.

This can be a truly wonderful match and often makes for a winning combination. The Taurus nature is ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love, which is exactly what Aries always seeks in a mate. Taurus appreciates the outward nature of Aries and Aries appreciates the earthy nature of Taurus. There are many vast differences between the two personalities however and, sometimes, the very qualities they initially appreciate in each other are the ones which, over time, they can come to dislike. Nevertheless, although the Taurus half of this combination, being somewhat on the slow-moving side, may find the going a bit hectic, the excitement of the Aries natives will often help to stimulate the relationship. The Aries partner, however, should make every effort to stifle temperamental outbursts, because Taurus is not emotional on the surface and can become quietly obstinate when angry.

Given favorable circumstances, the chance is quite excellent that this pairing will lead to a lasting relationship. However, should a break-up occur, then the Taurus partner may come surprisingly to life and give the fiery Aries a run for his or her money. That having been said, most Aries/Taurus combinations are thought of as "matches made in Heaven" and, once a relationship is established, it is unlikely that this pair will part company. Aries is an impatient, energetic and rather domineering sign, but Taurus is normally able to show the Mars-ruled Aries the error of his or her ways...once they meet on a common level.

On a more negative note, both of these natives are highly sensual, but Aries may become annoyed by the deliberate pace and unimaginative romantic overtures of Taurus. In addition, Taurus is a homebody while, on the other hand (being impulsive by nature, fond of freedom and constantly on the lookout for new experiences), Aries most definitely is not. Also, Taurus natives are somewhat "set in their ways," being possessive, jealous and often viewing as personal rejection the fact that the Aries partner needs to be an individual. Plus, it is worthy of note that while Taurus is good at making money, Aries is even better at spending it. Thus, making it through the "long haul" can prove to be quite tough going for this combination but, if they hang on long enough, then Aries will eventually come to deeply appreciate the steadiness and dependability offered by the Taurus nature.

This combination sometimes leads to a great deal of bickering due to the strong differences of opinion about sex. Gemini is a mercurial sign and the mind plays an important part in all sexual encounters. The emotional Mars-influenced Aries native may prove be too much for the conventional nature of Gemini. All in all, Gemini respects the refined and intellectual approach to continual bliss and, over the course of time, the impatient Aries could find this frustrating...possibly trying to find a less difficult companion. Basically, this is far from a great match, but it can work with understanding and effort. Eventually, Gemini may prove to be the "reality check" that Aries needs to calm down. If not, then the Aries energy level may be far too much for Gemini to handle.

Nonetheless, this will certainly be a far from boring relationship. Both Aries and Gemini love to talk and they share a special compatibility, with Gemini being as restless and anxious to try new things as is Aries. There are no inhibitions on either side and Gemini is clever enough to counter the Aries need for domination. Eventually, Gemini may seek extra outside stimulation, but he or she is likely to be discreet about it. Both minds mesh well here...Aries being dynamic and intelligent with Gemini being versatile and ingenious. In sexual terms, Aries is likely to be the leader but Gemini will take delight in thinking up variations to keep Aries' interest at a peak.

This combination usually makes for a difficult match. Cancer natives are ruled by the Moon, which makes them by nature moody, sentimental and secretive. They also tend to live in the past and have a difficult time forgetting serious quarrels or disagreements that may have occurred early in a relationship. The secretive character of Cancer has the potential of clashing with the open nature of Aries. Although Aries can also be a moody individual, such moodiness is not as prevalent as that of Cancer. When two moody people live together, the end result can be chaos. However, since one can counteract the other, it could just as easily result in a good balance. For example, Aries might be in a wonderful mood but the Cancer partner is not. Aries may be successful in cheering Cancer and thus create a balance. The risk, of course, is that the reverse may happen.

What may be of little concern to an Aries subject may be extremely traumatic to one governed by Cancer. Although Cancer will hold on with the tenacity of a crab, there is a tendency to back away from situations which may have been hurtful in the past.

This combination finds fascination in each other at the beginning, but sexual attraction often fades in the face of many temperamental differences. Aries leaps without looking while Cancer is cautious. Cancer loves hearth and home but Aries hates to be tied down. Resentments can build and then arguments ensue over trifles. Aries possesses a sharp tongue that frequently wounds the more vulnerable Cancer. The more aggressive the Aries individual becomes, then the more defensive Cancer becomes. Often, there is far too little compatibility to work with and, when Cancer starts to nag, then Aries starts to look for a way out.

This is usually a marvellous combination. With both sides being emotional in their make-up, Leo will "lionize" an Aries partner. This is particularly true if Aries will allow Leo to hold the center of the floor on occasions. However, sharing the limelight on the part of Leo is also important, since Aries too will feel the need to be "on stage" every once in a while. There is little doubt that within the "den of the lion," the Aries mate will find a welcome home. The sexual compatability here could be legendary and infidelity kept to a minimum...possibly even eliminated altogether. This is because each will probably strive find what he or she wants from the other and there will be no physical compulsion to stray. Leo admires the aggressive tendencies of fiery contemporaries and since this is exactly what Aries subjects are are made of, it can be an ideal union.

Both individuals here have egos to burn and both like to lead. Aggressive Aries would never dream of taking second place and kingly Leo requires constant admiration. However, this partnership can work if Leo is allowed to "play emperor" and Aries is allowed to "play general." The trick is for neither to take the other all that seriously.

In terms of sexual compatability, this is a fine combustible match since both are fiery and romantic individuals. Aries is optimistic and open to life...Leo is generous and good-hearted. If neither tries to deflate the other and, if each can give room for compromise in the area of domination, then this should be an extremely happy combination.

This combination is very similar to that of Aries/Gemini. The Mercury-ruled Virgo does not blend well astrologically with the Martian tendencies of Aries. Virgo natives are prone to fault-finding and will often prove to be far too precise for the Aries personality. Where Virgo will be logical and analytical, Aries will become impatient. There are many relationships between these two that can work out very well, but it is a constant challenge. Virgo desires a well-ordered existence and will not find happiness beneath Aries dictatorship. In short, the prissy Virgo cannot condone a bossy Aries.

If the Aries partner will allow Virgo space and acknowledge the inherent virtues of this Sign (intellect, precision and logic, for example), then the two can make for a dynamic relationship. The exact qualities that make this a bad team are also the ones which can make it good. In return, if Virgo will grant Aries the leadership of which this Sign is so capable, then there could easily be a relationship where one is "the brains" and the other "the brawn." Although such can work out wonderfully in terms of friendship, it is a difficult situation for intimate relationships. Nonetheless, it can work.

The bold nature of Aries will intrigue the shy, reserved Virgo for a time, but the pair have totally different ideas about what should happen in the bedroom (and elsewhere). The passions of Aries natives are impulsive and direct, but the sexuality of Virgo is more enigmatic and takes time to be revealed. In other areas, Aries is full of exciting new plans and ideas, usually insisting on being the boss. Virgo is critical and fussy, liking things to be done in the manner that Virgo wants. Virgo greatly disapproves of the Aries extravagance, while Aries considers Virgo cold and carping. Quite often, this combination ends up making war instead of love.

This is a magnificent combination. The warm and passionate Libra will make a welcome home for the fiery and impetuous Aries. This will be particularly true if both individuals are on the same cultural and intellectual plane. However, this could be a poor match if one partner is from a culture or religion varying from the other. Aries appreciates the passion and emotion possessed by Libra natives, but too much of a good thing could spoil the relationship. In short, balance is necessary in order for this match to work. There is a wider than ordinary margin for error though, and most of these pairings will go the distance. The refined and artistic temperament of Libra yearns for reciprocal attachments and this is something Aries is capable of providing.

There will almost certainly be a powerful initial attraction between these two opposites because, in certain areas, each supplies what the other lacks. For exaple, the aggressive nature of Aries will arouse the sensual potential of Libra. However, the love life between theis pair may well be quite unconventional, given that Libra really desires peace, quiet and harmony...unlike Aries, who wants action and adventure. Both individuals here are fond of the social life, entertaining and pleasure, but both are restless...albeit in different ways. In time, Libra could search for someone less demanding, while Aries may seek out someone more adoring. This combination makes for a marvellous affair, but not necessarily for a good marriage.

Since there is seldom room for two heads of one family, this combination is far from an ideal match. These individuals possess very positive temperaments, unless there happens to be several benign natal planetary aspects. Put simply, there are conditions which, when they meet in the natal chart of each individual, may actually turn this into a good match...but this will be extremely rare given that both are, by nature, born leaders and, of course, only one can lead.

While Scorpio may adore Aries from a sexual standpoint, the more mundane interests of this combination would make for two individuals who are constantly at odds with each other in many respects. Scorpio may also be intimidated by the leadership tendencies of Aries and this could create resentment. Love between this pairing can be a bonfire. Both are physical, energetic and passionate. Sexually, all would probably be fine, but it is the emotional side of the relationship which will be difficult to handle. Each has a forceful personality with a harboring desire to maintain control over the other. At the end of the day, the jealousy of the Scorpoio character may prove to be the undoing. Aries will have many outside interests causing Scorpio to feel insecure and this is sure to bring out the tyrannical streak inherent in this Sign. Since Aries will refuse to take orders and Scorpio will refuse to take a back seat, this will probably be an unstable partnership with an extremely low ignition point.

This combination of the first Zodiac Sign and the third Zodiac Sign of the "Fiery Trinity" usually makes an ideal partnership. Indeed, most of the matches between these two will probably be for life. In short, the Mars/Jupiter duo is usually a perfect one. Both are creatures of impulse and both can have outside interests without fear of conflict or friction from the other. The banner of Sagittarius is "liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Aries is usually more than willing to subscribe to this theory. For that reason alone, this would make for a good match. In addition, Sagittarius natives are of an ideal temperamental match for Aries. Both are active and spontaneous individuals who enjoy socializing and have extravagant tastes in common. In short, they share an enjoyment of the good life.

There may be some small amount of conflict here due to the fact that both subjects are impulsive as well as brutally frank, and arguments may reach the boiling point. The forceful sexual approach of the Aries native is not always compatible with the playful style of Sagittarius, but both possess a wonderful sense of humor and they will never fail to thoroughly enjoy each other's company.

This is not a hopeful combination. Saturn, represented by Father Time, is the Capricorn standard bearer. Thus, Capricorn individuals are usually very patient, traditionally laid-back and easy-going. Aries natives are customarily too impatient to cope with the slow, methodical plodding of the Capricorn nature. Since the Capricorn goat will invariably butt against the Martian will, an impasse is bound to occur. In the matter of sexual attraction, there is an affinity...however, the inherent personalities of these two natives will inevitably clash.

Here, there is the combination of a fire sign with an earth sign. Aries is fiery in nature while Capricorn is far more down to earth, being cautious and reserved. Aries prefers to take action while Capricorn would rather plan and wait. Without a great deal of tolerence, there is not much future for this relationship. The taste of Aries subjects for innovation and experiment may not please the conservative Capricorn. Aries is restless and impulsive, while Capricorn is ordered, settled and practical. In addition, Capricorn needs to dominate, as does Aries, and financial problems may also arise...particularly since Aries is extravagant while Capricorn is security-minded.

Oddly enough, the auguries for this match are better in terms of the long haul rather than the short. The responsive sexual nature of Aries meets its match in the seep-seated passions of Capricorn and, in the end, the strength and endurance of Capricorn may well win the respect of an Aries partner.

Here, the unpredictable Aquarius nature may well tax the patience of Aries, while the instability of the Aries temperament will surely provoke the good will and self-sacrifice inherent in the Aquarius nature. Such are the bones of contention that make this particular partnership something of a gamble. The planet Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is far from predictable in its actions. Therefore, Aquarius natives have a tendency to procrastinate too much to please the Aries "up and at 'em" characteristic. Nonetheless, this could possibly be a good relationship, but one which will require a constructive attitude on the part of both individuals. Aries and Aquarius are both independant by nature but sometimes, the Aquarius partner will do things without notice and Aries is likely to become impatient with this tendency. Yet, this pair is well-suited temperamentally, both being active, ambitious and enjoying a wide range of interests. Dependent upon whim, Aquarius may or may not let Aries take the sexual lead, but both are adventurous in that area.

Aquarius, by nature, is even more independent than Aries. Consequently, the Aries partner in this combination may well feel neglected at times. Although Aries will find Aquarius unpredictability exciting, this does leave a feeling of insecurity. However, with a little tact and understanding on both sides, this can be a magnificicent affair and one which could easily turn into something even better.

Having a sentimental nature, the Pisces individual will find little comfort in the aggressive Aries native. Pisces individuals are romantic and desire a delicate approach...something Aries lacks. Neptune, the planet of Pisces, is of the higher mind and endows this Sign with an ethereal quality. Unless the Aries partner is wiling to take a trip to the clouds now and again, this partnership is almost certain to be incompatible. In addition, Pisces manages to inadvertently quench the fire of Aries and, in short, there is not much which is compatible about this pairing...unless one can appreciate the diversity of human beings. Nonetheless, Aries will probably draw Pisces out of his or her shell (a trait inherent in the Pisces character) and, in so doing, will almost certainly be hypnotized by the seductive and mysterious sexuality associated with Pisces subjects. The boldness and confidence of Aries, coupled with the intuitions and fantasies of Pisces, can sometimes compute to an eventful union...particularly if the individuals involved learn that personality differences can often complement each other.

Aries is self-assured and vivacious while Pisces is somewhat shy and easily led. Aries likes to be dominant and Pisces likes having someone to lean on. Thus, there is some compatability in this combination. However, in order to make this a happy coupling, it will be necessary for the Aries partner to utilize a little more tact than is usual for the native of this fiery Sign.

When it comes to matrimony, Aries natives frequently find the greatest harmony and

understanding with those born under the Signs of Leo or Sagittarius...or their own

Sign of Aries. Leo subjects, like those who fall under the jurisdiction of Aries,

are full of courage and possess the power of exercising great influence over others.

Leo will safely curb the Aries tendency toward impulsiveness, which so often leads

these individuals to make mistakes. The other fiery Sign, Sagittarius, also makes

for a successful match, although there could be many ups and downs in this

relationship due to disputes and disagreements. Nevertheless, Sagittarius natives do

possess the ambition, fire and optimism that Aries individuals appreciate most in a

partner. Marriage with a Gemini or Libra subject is also regarded as being especially

suited to the Aries temperament and Aquarius can sometimes prove to be a suitable partner.


There are two types of people born under the jurisdiction of Aries. The first type is tall (or at least above average in height) with broad shoulders, a strong, well-proportioned body, and elongated face. Although the frame of such an Aries subject is powerful, being muscular, sinewy and large-boned in appearance, some Aries natives of this type are inclined to be more slender in build. The forehead is usually pronounced, being high, broad and well-rounded. The complexion is customarily fair and the hair normally dark or sandy in color. These Aries natives will most likely be drawn to pusuits of an intellectual nature. Being extremely generous, this Aries type is continually seeking to do good to others but tends to be careless in discriminating between worthy and unworthy objects of charity...thus, he or she is unlikely to amass wealth as easily as the Aries subjects of shorter stature. The second type of Aries native is short and of robust build, usually with dark hair (tending toward redness) and a swarthy, coarse, open-pored complexion which may best be described as "leathery." Such individuals possess an excellent business ability and are prolific money-makers, particularly successful in all commercial areas. Somewhat headstrong, these Aries subjects are impatient of restraint or criticism and utterly heedless of advice.

While there are differences of temperament between the tall and short Aries natives, all are subject to the same mental influences and many characteristics are common to both types. For example, the countenance will indicate a strong perceptive faculty. The eyes (often grey to greenish-brown in color) will be clear, steady and penetrating, indicating a sharpness of sight. The eyebrows tend to be heavy and close-knit, seeming to join with the bridge of the nose to form a "T," while the end of the nose itself is often bulbous or button-shaped, appearing to somehow stand out from (or not to "blend" with) the rest of the face. Those who fall under the influence of Aries tend to have pointed but regular features with a prominent forehead, suggestive of the horns of the Ram...this Sign's Zodiac symbol. There will likely be bumps, moles or warts on some part of the head, face or body, and the fingers of Aries subjects are usually too thick for finely detailed handiwork. The teeth are inclined to be even and symmetrical, if somewhat on the large side. It is not unusual for Aries individuals to bend forward slightly when they walk, "leading themselves by the horns" so to speak, as if in search of a sparring partner. Despite these apparent mean-looking features, most Aries subjects are rather attractive, especially in the face (which is, indeed, their strong point). Many females possess the definitive jaw line and accentuated cheekbones suggestive of the classical facial lines of a model. Many males possess an Adam's apple which protrudes more than what would be considered normal. The hair of both males and females is usually healthy with plenty of shine and may be quite wiry in texture, tending toward crispness or waviness...it is also inclined to grow upward and backward.

Since there is an inherent desire to rule and command, Aries natives are noble, charming and attractive. They are also sympathetic, tender and warm-hearted, as well as being magnetic and progressive. Fond of music and dancing, those governed by Aries love harmony, order and beauty in all things. Their tastes are likly to be luxurious and they will be at their best in the midst of elegant surroundings and, if leaders, also in social functions. Aries people are often considered to be wealthier than they actually are...possibly because they dress well and tend to possess a commanding appearance. A vast majority of them will be deeply interested in the occult and metaphysical studies.

To some extent, the above descriptions are influenced and affected by the qualities associated with the Decan into which the Aries individual falls. (To read more about the qualities associated with the Decans of Aries, please click on the link given below.)

A subject born within the First Decan (March 21 to March 30...also known as the Aries Decante of Aries) is likely to have a short to medium-tall body which will tend toward being somewhat slim. The nose is usually long and slender, curving smoothly into arched eybrows which, more often than not, will be heavy. The overall effect of this is amazingly similar to the glyph of Aries being stamped onto the face of such an individual. The neck will probably be longer than average, with well-muscled shoulders and thick hair. The head is likely to be carried forward of the body and it is not unusual for the face itself to display scars, moles or other blemishes brought about by illness or injury. This characteristic shape of the nose and eyebrows is frequently reflected in the facial features of the Aries Decans associated with the other Fire Signs (Leo and Sagittarius). These natives tend to be somewhat taller, thinner and more wiry than others born within the jurisdiction of Aries. In addition, they may blush rather easily if embarrassed or angry...although such redness usually leaves as quickly as it came. Movements are likely to be quick and there is a tendency to walk briskly with a very upright stance.

A subject born within the Second Decan (March 31 to April 9...also known as the Leo Decante of Aries) usually has a broad and beaming smile with a generally friendly countenance and manner. These natives are prone to dress and groom themselves in something of a colorful and "showy" fashion, as well as being somewhat dramatic in expressing what they have to say. Generally more solid, filled-out and square than others born within the jurisdication of Aries, certain features of this Decan may appear somewhat disproportionately large...such as the head, nose, hands and feet. Indeed, the hands may well be particularly attractive and quite strong. Second Decan Aries individuals are similar in physical appearance to the Leo Decante of Leo, but the females of this Aries Decan tend to be somewhat on the thin side.

A subject born within the Third Decan (April 10 to April 20...also known as the Sagittarius Decante of Aries) can be either short and rather stocky in build (even outright tiny in stature) or conversely, the tallest and largest of all Aries individuals. Nonetheless, the face will always be distinctively broad with angular planes...facial features which are usually extremely attractive to the eye, particularly in the females of this Decan. There is the tendency toward obesity associated with this Third Decan of Aries and the physical movements are usually fast-paced and quite broad.


The four Zodiac Elements...Fire, Earth, Air and Water...are also known as the Triplicities since there are three signs belonging to each Elemental category. Thus, this trio of Signs share something of a similar basic character. These Elements are also known as the Four Humors, utilized in Astro-Meteorology to describe a type of wind and in other matters associated with the weather. Empedocles, a Fifth Century Greek philosopher, originated the terms "Fire," "Earth," "Air" and "Water," explaining the nature of the universe as an interaction of two opposing principles called "Love" and "Strife" who manipulated the four Elements. Empedocles also stated that these four Elements were all equal and of the same age, each ruling its own province and each possessing its own individual character. Thus, different mixtures of these Elements produced the different natures of things.

Many historic philosophers and alchemists also believed that the four Elements exhibited themeselves in humankind as four varying natures and that one would be more prevalent in each individual than the other three. Elemental signs are basic, being general or generic in nature. The related characteristics may be tempered by other factors, but the Elemental influence nonetheless refers to core human behavior and temperament. The Elemental quality associated with a Sign is dependent upon which of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac the Sun was residing at the time of an individual's birth.

NOTE: In the Wiccan culture and some other Western traditions, there is also a Fifth Element known as Pure Spirit, "Quinta Essentia," or Akasha. Akasha is the life force...the basic substance of the Universe and the soul or spiritual being of an individual. It is the subtle spiritual essence that pervades all space...not precisely ether, but an ether-like substance of a spiritual rather than material nature which, in ancient writings, is said to operate by mean of sound or vibration. Thus, it is often identified with the Element of Air, but in a spiritual sense...the "Breath of God" concept. Essentially Akasha stands apart from the Four Elements of the Zodiac and is not depicted within an individual's horoscope. Akasha hints at the freedom of mankind and is a reminder of the "great mystery of the eternal."

Aries is governed by the Element of Fire...an Element it shares with the Signs of Leo and Sagittarius. Fire is also the ruler of the First, Fifth and Ninth Houses of the Zodiac. Fire is the beginning...the first Element of creation and spiritual energy. As such, Fire indiviudals are in tune with the wild and untamed forces of nature and understand the spiritual character of the human race. Fire is associated with the life force or energy which animates all things. It is sometimes referred to as the "living element" and may be the most ancient symbol of divinity, change and passion. It is also the least material of the four Elements. Fire's approach to life is to create, envigorate and accomplish. Fire also describes what is often referred to as the "sixth sense" or intuition...a dream or vision of how things are or how they might become. It is symbolic of a belief or faith in personal potential and the overall potentials to be found in life itself. The Ancients believed that Fire could lie hidden in a piece of wood and, by rubbing two pieces together, could thus be coaxed from its hiding place. Fire is both a creator and a destroyer, essential for the growth of plants upon which the cycle of life depends. Fire warms homes, cooks food and fuels passions, yet it cannot exist in physical form without destroying something else. Fire transforms objects into new forms, but must be contolled in order to be beneficial. The traditional symbol for Fire is a triangle pointing upward.

Fire individuals are impulsive, energetic, active and inspired. They strive for positive progress and have no time to wallow in the feelings that might pass through them. The spiritual Fire burning within these individuals consumes emotion and allows the ability to move on...to forgive and forget. Such people dislike having to fixate on one project. They need to constantly feed their inner flame with new experiences and perceptions. Far more than material riches, Fire natives desire recognition for their shining abilities. Those ruled by Fire can appear brusque and hurried. They tend to rush through conversations in order to reach the heart of the matter. They are easily bored with the same people and ideas, and constantly search for more with which to feed their fiery souls. They often feel compelled by some higher force to take off on a personal quest or adventure. This is why Fire subjects usually feel more comfortable with the other Signs which compose the Fiery Trigon (Leo and Sagittarius). Being extremely passionate, individuals governed by Fire live life to the fullest and have powerful emotions. Everything is intense and when nothing is occurring, they will create something...even if it is troublesome.

Fire people are seekers of passion and willing to suffer in order to avoid bordeom. They possess quick and active minds, often being equally as quick to anger...and equally as quick to forget about it. They tend to get involved at the drop of a hat, but lack the staying power of the other three Elements. In short, they are the epitome of passion and brilliance, living only for the moment. However, the downfall of Fire individuals may well be a tendency toward self-righteousness. Nevertheless, the gift of these natives is a natural connection to the spirit world which allows them to fully understand and forgive the perilous nature of humankind. The danger here is a tendency here toward arrogance and a self-centered nature. A Fire person should never be approached if sympathy or comfort is what is being sought...he or she simply does not have the time and posesses little patience for emotionalism or heaviness. In fact, Fire individuals tend to "run over" the more weaker and shyer Elemental Signs.

Brimming with power and light, those ruled by the Element of Fire are highly creative and bursting with enthusiasm and energy. Fire signs enjoy playing with new ideas and concepts and are invariably the Zodiac's trendsetters. Such individuals have high ideals and a broad vision, coupled with passion and assertiveness. Theirs is an inspirational and contagious "can-do" attitude which lacks nothing in the way of courage and initiative. It has been said that Fire Signs rule the spirit and primal life force. They are prone to have strong egos, so being the center of attention comes naturally to those governed by Fire. Individuals influenced by this Element place an enormous emphasis on individuality and independence. Thus, it is important that those around them make no attempt to "hem in" a native of Fire. Since Fire subjects are generally warm, enthusiastic and outgoing, they require an abundance of "fuel" and are constantly seeking for something new upon which to "feed." Those governed by the other Elements are often obliged to create boundaries in order to prevent Fire Signs from absorbing the entire resources and space within the vicinity. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of Fire, however, are not truly to blame for this since they are usually quite oblivious to the effects of their massive energy. When Fire Signs do reach a clearly defined edge drawn by another Elemental Sign, they rarely take offence and readily move in another direction. Fire Signs are extremely intuitive and rely heavily upon luck, which always seems to be with them.

Fire individuals frequently attract those governed by the Element of Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). These Earth subjects do have the ability to stabilize and center natives of Fire, but there is little doubt that Fire and Earth will have a difficult time. From the perspective of Fire, Earth often appears much too slow, far too boring and always voicing misgivings while constantly urging caution. On top of everything else, Earth natives may even demand facts that Fire subjects should substantiate. All this may prove to be too arduous, unimaginative and dry for Fire individuals...particularly since it threatens to stifle enthusiasm. Fire individuals are also likely to experience difficulty with those governed by the Element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and the emotionality associated with Water Signs due to the lack of drive inherent in these natives. Water subjects are also frequently pessimistic souls who threaten to "put out the fire." The sensitivity which makes natives of Water cautious and shy is often interpreted by Fire individuals as cowardice. Yet, it is precisely this opposite pole that could teach subjects of Fire to perceive what goes on around them instead of simply placing themselves at the center of attention in a self-confident or high-handed manner. Fire natives are generally most compatible with Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). In short, Air will "fan the flames" of Fire. However, individuals governed by Fire may become tired and/or bored with the intelluctual observations of the more communcative Air Signs. Fire natives will probably love their Air companions as long as they are spared the "smart-alecky" questions Air natives are prone to ask and as long as the Fire subject is not requested to provide reasons for his or her convictions. However, when ideas (Air) and will (Fire) connect in a positive way, then this can result quite naturally in the birth of some excellent projects. In short, without the encouragement and ideas of Air, Fire would indeed find itself to be hopelessly lost.


ASPECT/POLARITY: Masculine, which is not a reference to gender but to the associated type of energy. In the case of the masculine aspect, the energy is projective and traditionally conceived as being more active, less receptive and focused on the spiritual/mental world, lending spirituality and activity (both physical and mental) to the character. Masculine signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius) are diurnal or day-oriented by nature, viewed in the same light as the Yang (or bright) polarity of the Tao.

ANGEL OF FIRE: Michael, Archangel of the South.

SEASON: Summer...the time of heat.

VIRTUE: Righteousness...conforming to the standard of moral law. Fire does what is right and is known for a sense of fair play. Truthful, straight-forward, just and upright, Fire is virtuous in its dealings with others.

CORE/INDIVIDUALITY: True warrior, demonstrating courage, fortitude, zeal and pugnacity. Fire possesses the mental and moral strength to venture into unknown waters, persevere and withstand danger. Fire seldom shows fear and is confident in its actions, possessing mettle, resolution and tenacity. Fire faces danger or difficulty without flinching or retreating. Fire also fights for personal principles and has a stubborn persistence which is unwilling to recognize defeat. Fire is aggressive and thrives on challenge.

NATURE: Spiritual and possessed of physical energy, strength and vital powers. The characteristics of Fire include liveliness, ardor, enthusiasm, courage and action. Fire has a firm and assertive disposition.

EMOTION: Goal-oriented. Fire likes to win or be the best in anything pursued...indeed, nothing is more stiumulating to Fire than to win and nothing more depressing than to lose. Fire strives to be the center of attention and is intensely egotistical.

EVILS: Chief fault is deceit. Fire is determined, spiteful, short-tempered and revengeful. When angered, Fire will go to almost any extreme necessary to get revenge...and such revenge will, more often than not, be at the moment of the anger, after which it is soon forgotten with no harboring of any grudge. Fire is prone to deliberately and openly do things which will irritate others to the point of anger. Fire is straight-forward and has no reservations about hurting the feelings of others...prone to inflict both physical and mental pain.

HUMOR: In Medical Astrology and Astro-Meteorology, the humor of Fire is Choleric, being hot and dry.

COLORS: Red, Amber, Gold, Crimson, Orange and White (the light of the Sun at Noon).

MOON PHASE: Second Quarter...Full Moon (Waxing).

POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Energy, Enthusiasm, Will, Vitality, Strength and Hope.

NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Greed, Vengeance, Ego and Jealousy.

SENSE: Sight.

SYMBOLS: Wand, Dagger, Censer, Triangle, Lamp, Knife, Lightning, Rainbow, Stars and Lava.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Guitar and all Stringed Instruments.

PLANTS AND TREES: Basil, Blood Root, Dragons Blood, Garlic, Ginger, Orange, Tobacco, Hibiscus, Mustard, Nettle, Onion, Red Pepper, Cinnamon, Poppy, Thistle, Cacti, Coffee Beans and the Almond Tree when it is in flower.

STONES: Fire Opal, Jasper, Ruby, Carnelian and Agate.

METALS: Gold and Brass.

LOCATIONS: Deserts, Hot Springs, Volcanoes, Ovens, Saunas, Fireplaces and Athletic Fields.

ANIMALS: Fire-Breathing Dragon, Lion, Snake, Praying Mantis, LadyBug, Bee, Scorpion, Shark, Phoenix, Coyote and Fox.

ELEMENTAL SPIRITS: Salamander (a small lizard-like creature believed to be impervious to fire which is ruled by King Djin) and FireDrake (a creature of Teutonic mythology, dragon-like in form and sometimes winged, usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body).

POINT IN LIFE: Youth and Young Adulthood (Teenage Years).

BODY PARTS: Head, Heart and Spine.

HOUR: Noon (Midday).


DIRECTION: South...the place of greatest heat...ruled by Notus, God of the South Wind, which is very warm and moist.

MOTTO: To Will.


Within each of the Triplicities or Elements is found a category known as the Qualities...also referred to as the Quadruplicities, Modes or Common States. There are three Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each Quality addresses the manner of expression which will be displayed by the individual who falls within its jurisdiction, based upon which of the four Elements predominates. Thus, the Element (either Fire, Earth, Air or Water) will dictate the core characteristics, while the Quality (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) will dictate the way in which those characteristics are expressed.

Aries is a Cardinal Quality Sign (a Quality it shares with Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). The world "cardinal" derives from the Latin for "hinge" and the four Signs which fall under its jurisdiction are, in essence, the Signs upon which the entire Zodiac hinges, marking the Seasons in much the same manner as the Cardinal points of the compass mark the directions. The job of Cardinal Signs is to initate the Season...the leaders or "scout signs" which bring forth the individual Seasons of the Year. As the first Zodiac Sign of Spring, Aries is the initiator of this Season. Cardinal Signs govern creativity, being pioneering and enterprising, indicative of a restless, self-motivated and ambitious character. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of a Cardinal Quality are intensely active and enthusiastic in their pursuit of life's experiences. Indeed, such natives are inclined to live life at a rather rapid, action-packed pace. They prefer to channel their energies into external events and their response is apt to be immediate reactions which can result in a crisis-driven way of life. Nevertheless, this is infinitely preferable to bordedom in the eyes of the Cardinal individual. Passionate about getting things moving, these individuals are active and quick. Many projects are started courtesy of the Cardinal initiative...although a vast number of such projects never seem to reach completion. This is due to the fact that Cardinal individuals are much more fond of beginning things rather than actually finishing them. Nonetheless, Cardinal Signs will never be found "slacking off." They are brimming with vim, vigor and rampant energy while possessing a drive and ambition which is unmistakable. Enthusiastic with a zest for life, the Cardinal individual can sometimes appear to be domineering and may forget about the "pack" when focusing busily on a personal endeavor. These are clever souls with an immense desire to win. They know how to use their abilities and dislike delay. Cardinal Signs represent centrifugal radiating energy and correlate with the principle of "action in a definite direction." The essential nature of Cardinal energy movement is to initiate action, get things started and get things going. Aries is a positive Cardinal Quality Sign, concerned with action in the present, based upon future considerations. These natives can, at times, be somewhat domineering but such a trait is part-and-parcel of such individuals' best qualtiies. In summary, Cardinal Signs are independent, spontaneous and forceful. Being the first Sign of the Zodiac itself, Aries expresses some of the qualities of its ruling Element in the purest fashion. It is the most entrepreneurial Sign...always generating fresh starts, new ideas and novel methods. Areas of business or the armed forces are natural arenas for Aries individuals. They are self-motiviated and at their happiest when self-employed or possibly running their own departments as if they owned them.

As a Fire Sign with Cardinal Quality, Aries individuals project themselves upon the world through firsthand experiences. Self-expression is paramount to the pioneering Aries and those ruled by this Sign like to see how far they can go in exploring, discovering and experimenting with the world around them. The Fire Element of Aries provides such individuals with supreme faith in themselves coupled with a fierce sense of courage. The Cardinal Quality adds restlessness and change for the sake of change. These natives are assertive daredevils possessed with a knack for getting to know the right people. In short, they are always first and known to be just about as subtle as a sledgehammer. The Fire-influenced Cardinal Quality Aries is the literal "battering ram" of the Zodiac. Nonetheless, these natives do possess abundant patience for detail and methodical procedures. They are the Zodiac's "Jack of all trades" by virtue of their enthusiasm in the realm of trying something new.


For every aspect or cycle of time, there is an Angel who guards and directs spiritual lessons or karmic events. Primarily related to a particular zone on the Astrological Calendar, these Angels have, over time, grown to also be associated with a certain Calendar Month. Thus, although there will be a specific Guardian Angel connected with each Sign of the Zodiac, there will be an additional Angel who aids in governing individuals who are born during the second month into which that Zodiac Sign falls. For example, Malahidael (also known as Machidiel) is the Angel of March and primarily rules the Sign of Aries. However, those Aries natives born in April will not only be influenced by Malahidael, but also by Asmodel who is the Angel of April. Although believed to be nonsexual in form, Angels are nonetheless traditionally perceived (for the most part) to be masculine in gender. Such reference has been followed here.

Aries subjects are primarily governed by Malahidael, also known as Machidiel, who is the Angel of March and whose name means "Fullness of God." Malahidael is associated with stamina and courage, cheering humankind during life's frozen moments. This Angel boosts morale and helps in the achievement of new landmarks, enabling an individual to break through whatever barrier might be holding back that individual...whether the barrier be a personal belief or a lack of self-confidence. Malahidael also provides enthusiasm, liveliness and an adventurous spirit, as well as assisting in contacting sweehearts. Often referred to as the "Angel of Courage," Malahidael's associated color is pale yellow and he is the secondary Guardian Angel of Pisces natives born during the month of March.

Aries subjects born in April also fall under the jurisdiction of Asmodel, who is the Angel of April. This Angel is the Spirit of Rebirth. Asmodel spurs individuals to test themselves in new directions and make themselves vulnerable in the presence of unfamiliar people and places. With this Angel's encouragement, humankind seeks out novel endeavors which will enrich life and bring new meaning to career and/or family roles. Asmodel teaches individuals to take delight in nature and those around them. This Angel also aids in providing patience, groundness, practicality and physical comfort. Formerly one of the Chiefs of the Order of Cherubim, Asmodel is now believed by some cultures to be a Demon of Punishment. Often referred to as the "Angel of Patience," Asmodel is counted among the ten evil Serifoth of the Cabala and is the primary Guardian Angel of Taurus natives.

March 21 through March 25: This period of time is governed by the Angel Vehuiah, who is a member of the Order of Seraphim and an Angel of Energy. Vehuiah is customarily invoked to fulfill prayers. Governing the first rays of the Sun, this Angel is superior above all things, granting intense energy and lucidity. He offers protection from enemies and supports adventurous aspirations. Those who fall within the jurisdiction of this Angel are quick to act and react in competitive situations and are blessed with an excellent sense of timing. Such individuals are able to break through barriers and achieve seemingly impossible goals.

March 26 through March 30: This period of time is governed by the Angel Jeliel, who is a member of the Order of Seraphim and an Angel of Passion. This Angel's name is inscribed on the Tree of Life and he is the heavenly prince ruler of Turkey, controlling the destiny of kings and other high dignitaries. Jeliel donates the palm of victory to those who are unjustly attacked or invaded, as well as providing help and faithfulness. This Angel inspires personal enthusiasm and zeal as well as passion between the sexes. He also insures marital fidelity and the granting of a clear mind. Those who fall within the jurisdiction of this Angel are protected in times of adversity, influenced by a calming of the emotions and encouraged to analyse any given situation. Such individuals have the ability to learn much from personal relationships.

March 31 through April 4: This period of time is governed by the Angel Sitael, who is a member of the Order of Seraphim and an Angel of Assistance. Sitael is customarily invoked to grant victory during adversity. This Angel is the ruler of nobility and is particulary associated with hope and gratitude. He also encourages individuals to be of help to others and influences education. Sitael one of the 72 Angels who bear the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. This Angel protects those who fall within his jurisdiction by keeping misfortune and bad luck at bay. Such individuals like to feel useful and tend to look on the bright side. They are also blessed with an optimism which invariably inspires those around them and usually prosper through academic endeavors.

April 5 through April 9: This period of time is governed by the Angel Elemiah, who is a member of the Order of Seraphim and an Angel of Travel. This Angel's name is inscribed on the Tree of Life and also features in the Book of Yetsirah. Elemiah rules over voyages and maritime expeditions, his duty being to protect and indicate the right direction. In addition, he supports the efforts of individuals to explore new horizons and embark upon new ventures. He also serves to relieve worries. Elemiah is one of the 72 Angels who bear the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. Those who fall within the jurisdiction of this Angel harbor a strong desire for action and tend to grow bored very quickly. They have an enterprising spirit which will bring many and varied experiences, coupled with an enjoyment of challenge and adventure. Such individuals usually meet with success through steady ambition. Elemiah's corresponding Angel is Senacher.

April 10 through April 14: This period of time is governed by the Angel Mahasiah, who is a member of the Order of Seraphim and an Angel of Peace. This Angel grants indestructible moral strength and the ability to learn anything. In addition, he keeps an individual in touch with his or her deepest personal feelings and emotions, as well as inspiring the desire for harmony. This Angel also encourages the friendly and pleasant side of a personality. Mahasiah is one of the 72 Angels who bear the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. Those who fall within the jurisdiction of this Angel will always know how it feels to walk in the shoes of another and tend to express their feelings with much passion and enthusiasm. Such individuals are likely to attain fulfillment through making other people happy.

April 15 through April 20: This period of time is governed by the Angel Lelahel, who is a member of Order of Seraphim and an Angel of Ambition. This Angel grants love, as well as fortune and fame in the arts and sciences. Indeed, appeals are customarily made to Lelahel for good luck in such endeavors. He is also believed to aid the curing of diseases, as well as inspiring the necessary stamina and courage which prepares an individual for the tackling of new and daunting tasks. Those who fall within the jurisdiction of this Angel possess the confidence and assurance to go far in life. Such individuals will likely achieve many important goals throughout their lifetimes.


In order to give fuller interpretation to the Zodiac Signs, ancient astrologers subdivided each Sign into periods of approximately ten days. These divisions are known as the "decans" or "decantes" and cover modifications of individual traits, attributed to minor planetary influences, which temper or blend with the ruling influence of the period. The ten-day spans are somewhat arbitrary in order to allow for the five (and sometimes six) extra days in the year beyond the 360 days required for the thirty-six decans. According to accepted prodcedure, these days have thus been added to form various six-day periods instead of five. The earliest records of decans have been found inside coffin lids dating from the Tenth Egyptian Dynasty around 2100 B.C. Decans are also mentioned in the Babylonian Enuma Anu Enil, which dates approximately four centuries later. The root of the word "decante" is Greek in origin and means "ten days apart."

The planetary influences described under the decans are valuable in "shading" the traits of many individuals, but are generally subordinate to the stronger characteristics associated with the primary Zodiac Sign. In some people, the traits of the decans may only be slightly traced...in others, they are very marked. As a general rule, the primary Sign of an individual details his or her characteristics with what can be surprising exactitude, but where such individual traits may seem at variance with the accepted patterns of the Sign, then the answer may be found in that person's decan. A study of the decans may also reveal hidden factors to which a person may be susceptible, even though his or her major traits are fully delineated under his or her primary Sign.


The Third Decan of Aries is also known as the Sagittarius Decante and the "Week of the Pioneer." The influence of the Jupiter, one of the secondary planets governing this Decan, can induce interesting externalized characteristics and personality differences but chiefly makes for a person who will be interested in mental matters. Here, the influence of Venus (the other secondary planet governing this Decan) tempers the Aries nature, but allows it to become rash and headlong, ready to adopt any cause because of sentimental reasons. This Decan of Aries denotes a pleasure-seeking character which should be controlled. Cultivation of the sincerity and generosity which Jupiter supplies is all-important. Many individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of this Decan are dreamers...dreaming of faraway places, ancient mysteries and miracles. While the strong drive supplied by Aries is still apparent here, these natives are able to modify their approach so they can adjust from a "hard push" to a "soft pedal" if the former appears inappropriate or not working as well as it might. These are individuals who are better able to cope with resistance than natives governed by the other two Decans of Aries. On a personal level, those governed by the Third Decan of Aries tend to remain rather aloof from others and indeed, the environment in general. While this may appear to be indicative of a distant character who is difficult to get to know, being somewhat detached enables these Aries individuals to maintain better control of their tempers simply because they do not let as many things upset them. They protect their freedom and may lead a nomadic life. Liberty to come and go, coupled with the need for personal space, is essential to the health and happiness of this Decan. Its natives cannot abide employment, lifestyles or relationships that tend to restrict or confine. In short, these individuals love to travel and learn and are blessed with a wonderful sense of humor and general optimism. Particularly effective when helping others through problems and negative situations, natives of this Third Decan are pleasant to be around and will most probably spend their lifetimes...on and off...working to continue their education, both formally and informally. Of all Aries individuals, it is those ruled by this Decan who are most likely to approach love with a light attitude. Consequently, they find it much harder to settle down. The motto of the Third Decan of Aries is "Promotion."

The constellation associated with this Decan is Perseus (The Hero), a beautiful grouping of stars which straddles the Milky Way from Capella (in Auriga) to the constellation of Cassiopeia. Perseus may be seen in the Northern skies from July through March. In mythology, Perseus was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Danae. Perseus' most famous exploit was to kill the Gorgon Medusa...one of three sisters who were so terrifyingly ugly that one glance from their eyes turned the viewer to stone. Using the shield of Athene as a mirror, Perseus severed the head of Medusa whereupon, according to legend, Pegasus the Winged Horse sprang fully-grown from her spilled blood.


Aries is one of the oldest and most revered of all constellations. The ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians and Greeks all called this group of stars "The Ram." It is the Zodiac's first constellation since the Sun, at one time, was entering Aries on the day of the vernal equinox...the moment when it crosses from the southern to the northern half of the celestial sphere. However, because of the Earth's precession, the Sun is now in Pisces at the vernal equinox. Nevertheless, Aries is still considered to be the symbolic first constellation of the Zodiac and Right Ascension continues to be measured from the first point of Aries.

In a bygone age, the Egyptians associated Aries with Amon-Re, the ram-headed supreme Sun God who symbolized power and fertility. The Mesopotamians' name for the constellation meant a military leader or prince. In Hebrew tradition, the ram represented the death-defying blood of the lamb smeared on the doorways as part of the original Passover, which preceded the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt. The Greeks related Aries to the story of the golden fleece, the hide of the flying ram that Jason (with the help of his beloved Medea) spirited away from the serpent in the Grove of Aries. This constellation is mentioned in "Phaenomena," authored by the Greek poet Aratus, which dates from the Third Century B.C., and Ptolemy, the great astronomer who lived and worked in Egypt during the Second Century A.D., cataloged this constellation. The present name of this Zodiac Sign is Roman in origin...Roman mythology having been adopted from that of the Ancient Greeks. This faint and tiny cluster of stars first appeared on monetary coin in 6 A.D. and is believed by some to have been the stellar pattern that the Magi and other astrologers looked to in their search for the Star of Bethlehem, which was foretold in biblical prophiesies and promised to be a sign of the imminent birth of a king.

Heavenly bodies found in the vicinity of Aries include Perseus, Triangulum, Andromeda, Pisces (to the west), Cetus the Whale (to the south) and the Pleiades. It lies along the ecliptic between Aldberan in Taurus (to the east) and the Square of Pegasus. It may be seen in the Northern Hemisphere during the late winter and early spring. The constellation itself is well known and not difficult to locate in the night sky, but has few objects of interest. Lying between the constellations of Taurus and Pisces, Aries is visible in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres from September through February. The head of the ram is marked by the first bright star due west of the Pleiades (a cluster of seven stars in Taurus). This star is Alpha Arietis, known as Hamal (from the Arabic for "lamb"). Just to the southwest lie two bright stars, Beta and Gamma Arietis (also known as Sheratan and Mesarthim), which represent the ram's horns. To the northeast of Hamal is a somewhat dimmer star that marks the ram's back, and southeast of that point is Delta Arietis (also known as Botein), which represents the tail.

Perhaps the best known stars in the constellation of Aries are Sheratan and Hamal. One of its major attractions is the Gamma Arietis, a beautiful double star, which was discovered quite by chance in 1664 when astronomer, Robert Hooke, was following the motion of a comet. Gamma Arietis is one of the earliest double stars on record to have been found with the aid of a telescope.


A temperamental and active creature, the Aries Cat is the most exasperating of the Zodiac, whose impact is formidable as he or she rushes through life, leaving a trail of demented impressions behind. This intrepid and adventurous sould s constantly busy and considers the world to be full of new horizons...all within the reach of the Aries Cat. Physically, this feline is the epitome of the species, being lithe and athletic with a superb coat and a resolute gait. Perpetually on the move...climbing, jumping and flying...he or she is determined to make the most of the proverbial nine lives. However, the Aries Cat is prone to headaches, which often strike suddenly and quickly. The cure is a rest period, but persuading this cat to take one is far from easy since the creature rarely sleeps, considering catnaps a complete waste of wonderful time. Those who own an Aries Cat sometimes have a tendency to forget that they have a pet at all. This feline will seldom be home, far preferring the freedom of the great open spaces. Indeed, the occasional empty feeding bowl may well be the most anyone will see of the Aries Cat...or perhaps a tail disappearing through the cat-flap. The high days and holidays will be the rare times when this cat chooses to remember he or she possesses an owner and decides to hang around for a moment or two...which will be quite enough. Shredded curtains, snagged clothing and upholstery, and dents in all the cushions will leave an owner with plenty of clearing up to do until the Aries Cat decides to drop by again.

The Aries Cat has no desire to spend evenings in a mutual haze of "stroke and purr" with his or her owner and a well-balanced, two-sided partnership between human and cat will never be within the range of this creature. Basically a loner, if forcibly confined to the lap of one who feels the need for company, the Aries Cat will quickly convert from a feline to a writhing bundle of needle-ridden fur. Nonetheless, this cat is capable of considerable warmth and affection, when he or she feels in the mood...probably in the middle of the night on some far away roof top. Intolerant of other pets (viewed by the Aries Cat as intruders), it would be wise for owners to keep any pet birds or goldfish under lock and key...if not, there is bound to be trouble. It is not unusual to hear the Aries Cat hissing at any other cats who may have strayed into his or her territory and this feline is frequently covered with battle scars...perhaps even a piece or two missing from the ear. In the wild, the Aries Cat would either be the leader of the pride or second-in-command to a Leo Cat. This feline needs to be treated as an equal and suffers from a badly bruised ego if spoken down to.

Natives of Leo and Sagittarius tend to be the most harmonious owners for the far-from-dull Aries Cat, being able to cope best with the battering-ram approach of this feline. Since both Leo and Sagittarius possess sufficient personality of their own, they are able to hold out against the Aries Cat, refusing to allow him or her to reduce them to subservient positions.


Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac. The Aries Dog will live by the motto "Me First" and there will be no "please" about it. Life to this canine is an exciting, all-consuming challenge. This is a quick-tempered dog and, in extreme case, downright selfish. Given his or her position in the Zodiac, however, it is only natural that the Aries Dog would want to be leader of the pack. Physically, the Aries Dog is an active, energetic and urgent type of canine with an almost endless capacity for exercise who demands (and needs) long walks several times a day. This dog will enjoy a variety of activities, such as agility classes or playing frisbee. On a visit to the countryside, he or she will soon be picking up a scent or acting as a trailblazer. The Aries Dog is prone to accidents since, by nature, this canine is reckless and daring. Headaches are often a problem for this dog, as is sunstroke during the Summer months. A home with plenty of space is vital to this canine, who hates to be restricted in any way. Any owner cooped-up in the average house with an Aries Dog all day will soon become utterly exhausted. A small cottage is also no suitable home for this canine and individuals who live in an apartment should give the Aries Dog a very wide berth. It is foolish to think that this dog can be contained with fences or gates. Much like Harry Houdini (who was also born under the sign of Aries), this canine is sure to find a way to escape being anxious to make his or her mark upon the world.

The Aries Dog will never be a "yes-dog," not even after months of training. The battle for independence begins the moment this little pup arrives in the home. It is futile for an owner to attempt to assert superiority over the Aries Dog...he or she will stop at nothing to undermine an owner's position. The end relationship between the Aries Dog and his or her human will largely be one of compromise...usually on the part of the owner...but can be most enjoyable once the owner is "trained." In short, the Aries Dog is basically a warm-hearted creature who will prove to be amusing, if time-consuming and he or she is incapable of sulking or holding a grudge for long. Most canines who fall under the jurisdiction of Aries are completely intolerant of other dogs, constantly getting into scraps and trying to dominate each and every other pet (and person) within the household. The type of Aries Dog that appears to thrive best under the influence of this constellation are Gun Dogs, Whippets, Lurchers and those of the hunting variety.

Leo natives and Sagittarius bative ten to get along best with the Aries Dog...whether it be as an owner or a companion pet. The stable elements found in both Leo and Sagittarius act as a balance to the erratic side of this canine. Some of the energetic and self-expressive qualties are also shared between all three of these Zodiac Signs, thus leading to a type of mutual understanding.


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"The Alders in the front line,

Began the affray."

Armed with spear and sword, Bran...the mighty giant and ancient Celtic King of Britain...has slain the Green Dragon in order to establish his hold upon the seasons. The power of the Sun has triumphed, having reached the Vernal Equinox. Day will now rule the night and the Sun have dominion over the Moon.

The Alder was believed by the Druids to link both male and female principles, thus helping to create a balance between the two within each individual. It is also associated with courage and represents the evolving spirit. Considered to be a tree of death and resurrection, it may have been used (along with the Poplar) in the fe rod which was kept in pre-Christian cemeteries for the measuring of graves and corpses. The fe rod was handled only by an appointed official and was believed to have been carved with an Ogham inscription. Resistant to the rotting element of water, wood from the Alder was often used in the making of bridges, boats, clogs and milk jugs. It was also frequently used in the making of magical whistles, flutes and pipes. It was once a crime to fell an Alder since the angry tree spirit was believed to take revenge by burning down houses. If felled, however, the tree literally "bleeds" by turning from white to red. Red dyes were once made from the bark, brown dyes from the twigs and green dyes from the flowers of this tree. The Alder is a Faery tree sacred to Bran and, therefore, oracular in nature and often used for divination. Medicinally, it would be used to rid people of fleas and boils. In Irish legend, the first human male was created from Alder (the first female being created from Rowan).

The Common Alder is a somber, deciduous tree with a dark bark. It is water-loving and most comfortable along lowland rivers and streams, often in the company of Aspens, Poplars and Willows. Like the Willow, the Alder sprouts from a stump, which allows this tree to regenerate after heavy flooding. In protected areas, Alders may grow to be 65 feet tall. European Alders are not widely cultivated in North America (where they are often sold under the name of "Black Alders"). Alders are members of the Birch family. The timber of the Alder is oily and used extensively for underwater foundations...parts of Venice and many medieval cathedrals were built on Alder pilings. On the Continent, Alder is used extensively to make cigar-boxes and the branches make good charcoal...valuable in the manufacture of gunpowder. Alpine peasants are often reported to have been cured of rheumatism by being covered with bags filled with heated Alder leaves. Horses, cows, sheep and goats are said to eat of the Alder, but swine refuse it and it is thought that it may be bad for horses, turning their tongues black.

There are two distinct types of Alder individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks.

The "new moon" Alder individual is perhaps the most restless and indecisive. While personal courage and sincerity may never be in doubt, such an individual might be well-advised to slow down every now and again in order to reconsider the cosequences of any actions. The "full moon" Alder individual is the most persuasive, exuding a more confident approach to life in general, but can lack the apparent vibrant energy associated with the "new moon" Alder. Nevertheless, such individuals can become extremely successful by being strategically placed in the right position to take full advantage of any crisis situation.

In general, Alder individuals are powerful, adventurous people prepared to make their own way in the world, often leaving friends and family behind. They possess a great deal of courage and make for wonderful allies, but usually prefer to fight their own battles. They have a restless spirit and, on occasion, can be foolhardy in pursuits due to their sense of adventure. Since they are also very competitive by nature, they are likely to do everything to the limit of their being, but often direct their energies entirely for the good of others...frequently to their own detriment. Alder people are inclined to break down barriers and explore new territory. Their enthusiasm and bravery makes them excellent leaders. They can, however, be selfish and display a quick temper which may earn them enemies. The Alder individual has a well-honed sense of humor (sometimes considered to be barbed or even satirical) and will often "play the clown" when in the midst of a group. Being extremely physical people, Alders are full of energy and have a deep-seated need to be active almost 24 hours a day.

Impetuous and self-reliant, Alders enjoy risk-taking and are tenacious workers. Being affectionate, gentle, charming and usually accommodating, they inspire great loyalty in others. Magnificent as entrepreneurs, Alder individuals are often flamboyant and frequently attracted to dangerous occupations. In friendship, their personal ego rides high but they possess a need for recognition which often makes them vulnerable. They are great competitors but, if on the losing end, have the tendency to quit and try something new instead. If an Alder can be convinced to channel his or her energy into humanitarian causes, then he or she will be the type of person who is not easy to forget. Psychologically, the Alder is uncomplicated and will usually express any opinion quite openly. With a passionate nature and an inherent desire for love, they are apt to marry quickly but usually make better sweethearts than they do spouses, given their need for personal freedom. As parents, however, they rank among the best than can be found. It is important for Alder individuals to learn the art of diplomacy or they are prone to waste energy in fruitless disputes.

Physical Goal: To be aware of the unique quality in self and in others. To keep eyes open in order to see the unusual and to acknowledge what is seen in another, if at all possible.

Mental Goal: To utilize something that was previously overlooked. Oracular skills are not easy to acknowledge and the mind is sometimes unwilling to deal with the intuitive part.

Spiritual Goal: To offer spiritual aid and protection in a dipsute...to let inutition be the guide.

Amergin Verse: "I am a Tear the Sun lets fall"

Ogham Association: Fearn

Polarity: Masculine

Color: Crimson

Class: Chieftain

Letter Character: "F" and "V"

Month: January...the third month in the Celtic Ogham, named for Janus, the Roman God with two faces who presided over Gates and Doorways...beginnings and endings...the past and the future. A mild January is said to foretell of bad luck in the coming months, particularly May.

Alias: "Moon of Utility," "Moon of Efficacy" and "Moon of Self-Guidance"

Magickal Properties: Spirituality, Teaching, Weather Magick, Duty and Mental Prowess

Some Famous Ash People: Mariah Carey, Eric Clapton, Mata Hari, Harry Houdini, Elton John, Eddie Murphy, Rosie O'Donnel and William Shatner


Gemstone: The Alder gemstone is the Ruby, a variety of the Corumdum family (basically aluminum oxide, of which the Sapphire is also a member), which is next in hardness to the Diamond. A stone of glowing, brilliant red, the Ruby was treasured throughout the Orient as the most precious of the gemstones. Rubies were once given as offerings to Buddha in China and to Krishna in India. It was once believed that the Ruby would change color and become darker when its owner was in danger or when an illness was imminent. It was also thought that this stone could chase away the spirits of the dead and any evil phantom not contained within Hell. The Ruby was once considered a powerful amulet, affording protection from disaster, plague and pestilence and promoting a cheeful disposition upon its wearer. It was also formerly believed to overcome depression and sorrow. In the form of a ring, this stone was said to bestow knowledge, health and wealth. During the Tenth Century in China and Europe, dragons and snakes were carved into the surfaces of Rubies to increase the flow of money and power to those who owned them. The finest Rubies are found in Burma and Ceylon and have a prominent place in the Crown Jewels of almost every empire. The medicinal powers of the Ruby were said to range from that of snake bite antidote to a curative for liver and heart ailments and the gem was also highly-prized as a symbol of love, passion and friendship. It was also believed to guarantee success in battle. To dream of Rubies was thought to bring success in trade for the businessman and a bountiful harvest for the farmer.


Flower: The flower of the Alder is the Broom...a member of the order of Leguminosae, or pod-bearing tribe. Its long, slender, erect and tough branches were often used in the making of brooms...hence its English name. As a medicinal aid, the Broom (under the name "Genista") is mentioned in the earliest printed herbals, especially of benefit in bladder and kidney afflictions. The bark of the Broom also yields an excellent and fine fiber, which has been employed since ancient times in the manufacture of paper and cloth, while the twigs and branches of this plant have often been used for thatching cottages and cornricks. As a heraldic device, the Broom was adopted as the Badge of Brittany and Geoffrey of Anjou thrust it into his helmet at the moment of entering battle in order that his troops might see and follow him. Legend states that the Broom was cursed by the Virgin as she and Joseph fled into Egypt due to the cracking of its ripe pods, which they touched in passing and which risked drawing the attention of Herod's soldiers to the fugitives.


Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Alder is the planet Mars ("Maurth"), named for the Roman God of War who was the former God of Agriculture.


Deity: The Alder deity is Bran the Blessed, God of the Spirit World, Celtic Raven God and Welsh God of the Underworld. He is also the God of Prophecy, The Arts, War and Writing, among others, and the patron of bards, minstrels and musicians. Said to be colossal in size, Bran was so large than no house or ship could contain him. A Master of the Isle of Britain, Bran set out with an army to avenge the ill-treatment of his sister Branwen by her husband, King Matholwch of Ireland. Mortally wounded in the foot by a poisoned spear during the battle, he instructed his followers to decapitate him and carry his head to London, where it was buried under the White Mount (now the vicinity of the Tower of London) and set facing France...the chief menace of invasion...in order to defend and protect the realm. It is said that King Arthur later had the head exhumed and then reburied facing a different way, being loath to have the kingdom guarded by any other than himself and his Knights of the Round Table. Some authorities believe Bran to be the root character of the Fisher King mentioned in Arthurian romance and according to medieval christian writings, Bran is credited with being the first British man.



The Fox - The Fox symbolizes skill in diplomacy. It is a cunning and sly animal, possessed of the ability to make fools out of those who chase it.

The Bear - Although not mentioned in Celtic legend, there is evidence that the Bear was a "totem animal" of the Druids. The word "arth," which means "bear," is the root word for the name "Arthur." The Bear was noted for its strength and stamina, symbolizing balance and harmony in life, and the fortitude to accomplish what is necessary.

The Hunting Falcon or Hawk - Celtic tradition lists the oldest animal as the Hawk of Achill. As with many other birds, the Hawk is a messenger of the various worlds. However, it is noted as being more skillful and stronger than most others of its species. The Hawk symbolizes clear-sightedness and far-memory. To hear the cry of a Hawk during a journey is an indication that it would be wise to be alert to upcoming situations that require boldness and decisiveness in order to keep from being thrown off-balance. A noble bird that brought the Sun within his feathers and enabled recollection with the ability to progress. Merlin was said to have often transformed himself into a small Hawk...perhaps the reason why today, the smaller family member of the Hawk is known as a Merlin. Two knights who sat at Arthur's Round Table carried the name of the Hawk: Gwalchmai the "Hawk of May" and Gwalch-Y-Had the "Hawk of Summer," better known respectively as Sir Gawain and Sir Galahad.





06:12 Jan 04 2006
Times Read: 641

Victims"Victims... aren't we all?"

Which Quote From The Crow Are You?
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What a lonely day it is. the 2nd anniversery of Adam's death. ....the 3rd mourning ..





20:37 Jan 03 2006
Times Read: 644

Justin's more parinoid about me and Jason hanging out. It's getting really bad. Jason's worried about me, and i am almost at witts end about the subject.



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