Goblet's Journal

Goblet's Journal


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15 entries this month


22:19 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 614

"Spell and magick be gone (say this three times)

That has been placed on me by person(s) known or unknown to me

Go back from whence you came

Remain with whom you came from

Be with who you were sent by"

Then visualize a pyramid going over you.

'I am under universal light and universal protection

Nothing less then universal perfection can touch me were I am

The forces of this spell do leave So mote it be."





22:17 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 615

Visualize anger, hatred, and all other bad emotions into a glass.

Making sure you're far back enough as to where you won't be hit, hurl the

glass into a wall or on the floor as hard as possible.

{Good for stress.}





22:11 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 616

[To be done after an argument has occurred between you and a loved one.]

Draw two figures on separate sheets of paper-one representing you and the other representing

the other person. Personalize the figures as needed (e.g.. Draw yellow on the head for blond

hair, draw glasses , etc.) Place an unbroken bay leaf on one figure and lay the other figure

face-down on top, creating a sandwich type thing. Say:

"Let the bay leaf take the energy and anger that is between us."

Separate the figures. Pick up the bay leaf and crumple it in the palm of your hand.

While doing so, say:

" As this leaf is broken and blown away,

Let the anger contained within also break and blow away."

Place the figures again on top of each other and say,

"Now there is no anger between us."

Blow the leaf to the wind. Wrap the figures up with a pink ribbon and put in safe place.


Needs: White candle Scissors Small knitted clothing article

Inscribe the candle with your problem, then draw a question mark beneath the inscription.

Light the candle and say:

"Problem, problem, melt away.

Solutions come to me today."

Snip a thread at the edge of the knitted piece and pull the yarn to unravel it. Say:

"Knitted thread, as you unwind,

Problems can no longer bind."

Wind the yarn into a ball saying:

"As I smooth you to a ball,

Solutions rise-come one and all."

Alternate unraveling and winding with the appropriate chants. The solution

will come by the time all the yarn is wound.





22:09 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 617

This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business relationship

that you no longer wish to be in.

It is a fire spell.

To work it, gather herbs of protection

and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.) -Something written in their own

hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do.

Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever -

and set fire to it as you perform the spell. It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes.

The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry.

Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, etc.

It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move house if you have to. Be careful with this spell.

It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever. It's also powerful.

"by basilisk and bloodstone

by the garlic in the fields

by the poppies and what they yield

invisibly I make my shield

to detect thee and deflect thee

By dragon's blood and salamanders

by horses when their hooves strike sparks

by the dragon breathing flames from the Book of Life

I erase thy names

I cut the cords and unlock the chains

I sever all the ties by which we were bound

and with impenetrable walls myself I surround

against thy power and its source

against thy evil and its source

Vesta, Pele, Lilith Kali Kali Kali

I banish thee forever from me

and any harm from thee to me

doubles back and tables turned

thou shalt by thyself be burned

Lilith, Vesta, Pele Kali Ma Kali Ma

by the power of three times three I banish thee,

I banish thee, I banish thee I am set free So mote it be! "





22:07 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 618

If you think you have been cursed, and that is why you are unlucky in love,

you need to make a supplication to Aphrodite, asking her to intervene.

This supplication should be done on a Thursday evening at dusk.

1)Light 1purple candle and 1 pink one. Burn 7 pine needles in a bowl or brazier.

2)Offer the goddess three red roses, 1 for each stage of a woman's life (Maiden, Mother and Crone).

3)Then ask her to bless you in love and to break any curse that may exist.

4)Pour your heart out to her. Ask forgiveness for any and every thing you have ever

done to hurt another who loved you.

5)Offer to make amends by doing something in Aphrodite's name.

6)Make a commitment to showering your future partners with love and romance.

7)Vow never to be unfaithful, etc. Be respectful when addressing Aphrodite and be honest.

{Do not make empty promises or break the ones you make. If you say you will do something, do it.}

If you do not, you may not like the result. There is no spell for this one, no incantation.

You simply speak from the heart and if you are sincere, she will answer.

Aphrodite can be a generous, loving goddess, guiding us towards bliss.

Or she can be a vengeful harridan.

Be warned, if the reason you are "unlucky" is because you have been unfaithful, abusive,

cruel, or otherwise wasteful of Love's gifts, you will face her wrath unless you agree

to immediately change your ways, and then do so.





22:04 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 619

1)light 1 pink candle, 1 green, and a black candle.

Be sure that nobody else can see you (close all curtains, doors, windows, etc.)

2)Now, get a bowl full of water and put 3 drops of green dye in it.

3)Now that you've done that, slowly tip the bowl over each candle allowing them to be

extinguished while at the same time chanting:

"Juina Shelt Fonsed."

4)You must do this very slowly and imagine the spell being lifted from your body and all the

good luck and fortune that will soon come to you and the evil that will go to the person

that placed the hex/curse upon you.





22:03 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 620

You Need: black candle, water and a black bowl

1)Place the candle into the black bowl, fix the candle to the bowl using the wax drippings from the candle so that it stands alone.

2)Fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the wick.

3)Breathe deeply and meditate for a few minutes.

When your mind is clear, light the candle.

Visualize the power the spell cast against you as living within the candles flame.

As the candle burns down, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water.

As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is broken.

4)Finally, dig a hole into the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the candle.





22:00 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 621

Purify area, cast circle, etc. Burn a white candle for yourself, and say:

"O Lady of shimmering beauty,

For whom the stars are shining jewels

And the Universe Her creation and plaything,

Weaver of destinies and Protectress of things wild and free

Make me now, I do ask, to be thy daughter

Make me one with thee and grant me thy far-flung power

Grant to this, thy Witch and Sorceress

Strength within and without.

As eternal as the boundless sea,

The calm assurance of my powers

To make any do my bidding,

And the winds, waters, and fires,

The hills themselves lend willingly themselves to me.

Give to me, who am of thy ancient Craft

The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons,

Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark.

Grant me beauty ever more perfect

That I may reflect thee better.

Build magick within me, build power within me.

Power be drawn and power come.

And make me one with thee.

Make me greater, make me better

Grant me strength and grant me power.

O Goddess who is my friend and mother,

I give you love and thanks

O Beautiful One, may the magick I have summoned

Return the stronger when I have need of it

So mote it be!"





21:50 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 623

This is a good technique to use when you want to quietly fade into the background, such as

when you have to walk through a group of cat-calling yobs, or you're at work and the boss is

on the warpath and looking for someone to pick on.

It's a simple procedure.

1)Ground and centre yourself. Start with creating a shield, with whatever technique you find most comfortable.

2)Then visualise that the shield is a little bit fuzzy, so you seem a bit blurry to anyone watching.

3)Gradually blur the shield, and begin to blend it, and yourself, into the colours and shapes of

your surroundings. (It's a bit hard to explain, but it's like visualising yourself as changing colour

to suit your surroundings like a chameleon.) The shield acts like a veil which makes you less

visible because you don't stand out from your surroundings as much. If you normally like a

mirrored shield, you can make it bounce back light so it mirrors your surroundings visually.





21:47 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 624

chant nine times:

"bright light,

dark night,

cloak me in light

as dark as night."

this is especially useful at night time if you don't want to be seen.





21:46 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 625

Components Required :

You need 4 candles (yellow or white do not mix colors)

- You need a quiet place to begin.

- You need a down feather ( The smaller the better)

1)First you must place the candles in a circle one in each direction.

2)Perform a cleansing ritual and center yourself.

3)Hold the feather in your non dominate hand (left if you are right handed, right if you are left handed).

4)Feel it's life force its gift of lightness. light the candles. Start in the East and work Sun-wise (clockwise).

5)Enter the Circle and sit in a comfortable position. Facing the north.

6)Now, you must chant the following 9 times:

"In the light I see, In the dark I am blind. In the world I walk, In the circle I fly. "

7)Next call to your spirit guide or God to aid you.

8)Then clear your mind the feel the feather float in your open hand and lift with it and now you levitate.

{Helpers to the Spell - Performed at dawn - Performed outside -

Add your own components and touch to the spell (it is just a guideline)}





21:44 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 626

This spell is intended to make you invisible in the sense that people will not notice you.

It will not work if you decide to deck someone. If you touch someone or talk to them, the spell will wear off.

1)Close your eyes and imagine a sphere of white light around you.

2)Imagine that the light begins to get blurry

It then takes on the shapes and colors of the environment around you.

3)Visualize yourself fading into the light, becoming part of it until you completely disappear into

the camouflage of the light.





21:42 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 627

Another charm to banish sickness is make by placing a gold coin in a glass of red wine.

Put this beneath the stars and waning moon for three nights, and each night drink one

third of the wine to shrink your sickness until it's gone. This originated in rural Welsh regions,

with some similar spells appearing in Scotland and England.





21:41 Sep 30 2005
Times Read: 628

Shout this Mantra

"Angels of Protection,

Angels who clear

Remove all spirits

Who don't belong here!"

Call upon your highest teacher, angel, or God to clear the spirit.

To increase the potency of this spell, burn sage incense and white candles.

Use a glass of water to collect negativity, then flush the water.

Also, wear any jewelry that is sacred to you. Express power and strength, show no fear.

While you meditate after the chant, know that the atmosphere around you has been cleared

of all evil spirits.




Images in Your Life

22:27 Sep 28 2005
Times Read: 630

Get a wide bowl of water.

Then Put an egge yoke in it.

Stir the yoke for a minute or two and soon you'll start to see images.



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