GobletOfBlood's Journal

GobletOfBlood's Journal


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5 entries this month

The Thirst

15:46 Sep 18 2007
Times Read: 590




Waiting to feed...




The Sensation of Love...

Desire for energy...

Desire for flesh...

Indescribable emptiness...

With it, just bring me death...

Lurking in the shadows,

Afraid to love once again

What flavor of thine essence,

Yet I still resist, till what end?

It pains me to have seen your lips touch another...

Should I remain cloaked in the darkness, unhidden eyes

Oh yet knowing, my embrace would've melted you...

But I'll suppress my thirst, unquenched reprise

For I would only drain you...

Yet fill you with caress...

Arched in my arms...

As we entwined, I'd lay you to rest...

I cannot indulge myself,

As I still fear of love once again...

This thirst, this hunger,

But what of losing? Is that not pain...

I sense my anguish is my release

Once filled with fire, now extinguished

At one time the hunter,

But now relinquished

Chasing the one drains me...

I only now remain to my expiry

Clinging to the feeling she will come for me...

Hopefully not in vain, an obscure fantasy




Walk to the Hidden Garden

16:03 Sep 17 2007
Times Read: 596

Withdrawn from your vision...

Drained of all hope but, I still glisten...

As a dying star, A drying rose,

Leaving its cosmic remnants..

Walk a mile in my shoes...

It will feel like an eternity...

If I were to walk in yours,

It would probably be the end of me...

I am that single tree in a plain field...

The only butterfly in the sky...

Where as the wind has no companion...

I'm that beauty not in your sights...

It is my way to caress your face...

By not being in your present place...

The dark spot under the sun lit desert...

The oasis if you sought for peace...

The mysteries of wanting desire...

The mirage of your dreams...

Only as real as the words formed by my lips...

And fragile like a feather, whisked away in a harsh breeze...

Shrivel away in the passage of time...

Wanting, needing, my blood as thin as wine...

Begging, pleading, to walk strait into your arms...

Yet smiling, and tearing, as I'm not written in your memoirs

Somehow yet, with a company of one...

As long as I am soaring free,

My walk is not alone...

These lamenting tears will be with me...

As only solitude has been with me...

So shall that be with you...

How dreadful the long jaunts for affection...

Only to return with the foul stench of rejection...

So walk, and stroll, and prance this way...

And lift our sadness...

Pick my garden, Untouched...

Hidden and untraveled, this road cast away...

Pick and choose what you like to keep...

But remember to love and cherish all that you do...

There are still hidden wonders hidden deep...

Wondrous moments and colors will only reveal for you...

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. ..Dry Blood.. .

16:44 Sep 10 2007
Times Read: 607

The Wind is Dying

The Earth is Crying

My heart is aching,

for all love is taken

Aching for freedom

But Feeling this cage

All but a dream

To awaken aged

The wars that took place

In the grounds that have no face

The souls of the dead

Still roam for what they've bled

Fighting for my dream I see

That all I've gotten out of me

Is the death inside to be

The end of my humanity

Reach across destiny

For it might have nothing

If the scent of sensuality

Then grab your love, your darling

Look for those sweet eyes

Not a thing else will have more worth

Finding your true calling

My long awaited embrace with Her

The Cries when we drain its blood

The deaths when we pollute this earth

The Emptiness we feel despite a flood

Doomed the second were given birth

The past ever present

In our blood, In our air

As we make our descent

In the ground filled with despair

Soon my essence will be at your feet

The dirt beneath you, hallowed for my heart

For every day it craved and deluded it still beat

The dried blood earth, final release, oh sweet part




~The Echo~

19:15 Sep 05 2007
Times Read: 615

From the time of conception we've been listening...

The sounds of the world echoing through...

The womb has been our instrument, our drum...

to signal that you hear, to make way for you...

In the womb words had no structure...

After Birth they had no substance...

Following understanding...it had no power

Now with strength, the resonance can rip into your soul...

Memories can also reappear...

Like a flash back of a moment endured...

The good ones are hardy noticed...

The nightmares we just cannot bare...

Some echoes have the strength to last forever...those come with tears...

Precious ones you wish to last, only to go in a flash...

Which experiences make us stronger?

The echo you heard or will never hear?

In appreciation of a moment, a memory...

It at times must go away...

If it ever returns, if it could talk?

What is..its story, what has it to say?

It says, "I once was pure and true.

I could go over mountains and far.

With each step I take,

some visions of me may come apart...

For some, appreciate me more.

They I came to but, only once.

Like you, never forgetting, always in pain

You are who I was made for...

The others hope to end you...

To drain you of your vitality...

To make you cold, losing sight of you...who is true

Frequently picking at your heart, your sanity...

I am your test, for life...

But some days you may not hear me

Every time you go through pain, I'll make you stronger

I'll just have to return to you, when need you, need be...set you free..."




¿Remind Me?

14:47 Sep 02 2007
Times Read: 636

Remind me of the time, when I had a smile

Turn back the hands of time, Till when it was all worth while

Take me to that moment

Tell me if ever I'll be there again

Remind me Why....I'm...here

Of course a mistake, that is clear

I'll remind you when, I've seen a pretty face

Its all it takes to seduce this slow life pace

I can Tell you exactly, that love, it'll never blossom

For only birds of a feather will flock together

But for those who are lucky and receive a wink

Are the ones who live it and then its gone in a blink

Remind me if ever, I've made you smile

For all the things, I wish I could feel

Anyone has already forgotten

It's all lost to me or more as never found

Remind me why I am here

Remind me why I still breathe

I'll tell you why I am ill received

For I am your love you refuse to see

Of course its easy to say this

That those who belong will forever endure

But I'll Remind you again Love...

Love is the true, pure



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