HaZyFaErY's Journal

HaZyFaErY's Journal


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16 entries this month

Im a princess!

02:01 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 637

What Disney Princess are you?

You see past the bad things in people. You also don't settle for someone who is below your standards. You care about your education and you love your family. It takes a lot to win your heart, but once someone does they can count on you to be loyal.
How do you compare?
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what color i am test result

01:57 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 638

What Color Are You?

Pink-Candy Babe/Dude
Pink-Candy Babe/Dude

You are at a good place in your life. You are either in love or very happy! Your life depends on love, and love is what you have. Your whole world circles around it. And You couldn't be happier. You think life is great, and nothing could possibly be better, and you want everything to be perfect. And seeing as how you smile so happily every day, i think it's safe to say, you probably have the best life in the world. To you that is.!! (Love Fairy/Goddess)
How do you compare?
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united -

03:27 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 645

trying to make it in my new coven. lots of new friends. getting a lot of my friends moved to be with me. that is the best. i have missed them so. it wasnt the same.noone understands me like they do., we have had so many good times. i love you all- vamp-ren-fire- pinky-

and to my friend birra- you and your kind words will not be forgotten




going back

12:01 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 654

well today i go back to work after two months off. it will be nice but strange.

get the classrooms ready, find out which grade i will be working with,get my schedule for next week and hopefully register the kids to go back. i am nervous because i dont know what to expect and which class i will be in. i wanted to be with the same teacher but that is almost impossible. my daughter is going into that teachers grade and they wont allow me to be with her, i dont think even though i love her the best. lol

i pray that today is easy and worth while. i hope noone makes me mad and that i am happy with what i get. *crossing fingers and saying a prayer* wish me luck!




dwindling soul

20:50 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 658

the walls are closing in. everything i do isnt good enough. noone cares. noone tries. noone matters. the life i have is a joke. why do i bother? why do i try? its not like anyone notices what i do any way.

i feel invalid. incomplete. and alone. empty without everything.

if it werent for my children, i would cease to exist. they are the only ones that count. (and vamp)




words from a great man

02:07 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 665

from my new friend- Doru- the sweetest words i have ever heard

Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways,

Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar,

Blessed be thy [womb/phallus], without which we would not be,

Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty/breast formed in strength,

Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names... ~bows~





16:33 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 673

this is for S. my best friend. i miss you, i cant wait til you come back. there is so much to tell. so much has happened. these people dont know me like you do. they dont care, the way you do, they dont understand.

they lie, cheat or whatever to get their way. to find out what they want to know. they say they are your friend. but they are not.

come home sweet ~S~ i love ya!




keep your mouth shut

00:08 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 678

why cant anyone keep their mouths shut? they swear they wont say a word, but then the moment you turn your back, there they are, ruining your day, running their mouth.

stay away from me. leave me alone. and keep your fucking mouth shut!




the past visited

23:59 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 681

today i took my kids to see their real father after 7 months. it was delightful. they saw him, their cousins and their grandparents. it was very nice considering. he wasnt drunk or mean or rude. he kept texting somebody the whole day, but oh well, whatever.

its not like he hasnt seen them in 7 months. he should be giving them his undivided attention but he didnt. he just sat there, like a knot on a log- lol

oh well i am thankful it went well.





23:32 Jul 16 2009
Times Read: 687

today has been awful. had plans with a friend. she stood me up. texted another and she lied to me. almost was in a head on wreck today. scared the shit out of me. been fighting with my daughter.

its as if noone one cares. i dont fit in any more. friends arent really friends. they lie.

how can you be around someone and still feel all alone? that is the way i feel. alone. sadness. depression. alone, afraid, sad, angry. wtf happened? it was great and crash! everyone and everything wrong.




fey info please

21:24 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 693

these are some stones that someone told me that will help with being fey.

tigers eye or any other smooth stone other stones to use are: saurolite fulorite, peridot,jade,green emerald{sacred} Homework: find out what stone listed works with you and find out why.

how do i do this?




a new me

15:25 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 700

well i changed covens. i love the old and the new but i miss everyone terribly. i am learning new things. adjusting is hard because i am the new girl on the block again. *sadness* i hope to learn new ways, rituals, make new friends, and hopefully be blessed along the way . ^^





02:55 Jul 12 2009
Times Read: 710

you say i am your friend. we chat. online, on the phone. i keep your secrets, and you lie to me. you leave my coven to go to another. ask me not to tell. i say not one word. then you come back with a different name. identity. and lie to my face- in forum, acting like you don't know me- but you do. why?

you talk about people here and i keep my mouth shut. not one word! don't tell anyone anything, and you do this to me. was our friendship a lie also?

i am hurt and disappointed. sad. this is why i dont trust. who else knows? hmm? liar





04:36 Jul 11 2009
Times Read: 713

why are people just adding me to their friend list? i dont appreciate it. they didn't even ask. if they had read my profile when they rated me they wouldn't have. but if i block them, it hurts my rating. ggggggrrrrrrr

why cant people just read what it says. and do it. just because i rated you, doesn't mean i want to chat and be bff's i have one. thanks.





i love ya but you are driving me insane!

19:16 Jul 08 2009
Times Read: 718

my kids are great most of the time. i love them so much. so why do they have to act like devils?! they have a great life, why fight and cause problems?

we have the same blood. the same eyes, hair, skin. accept that we will be together- all of us, no matter what. i will not turn my back on either of you. i expect you to do the same. no matter the cost. my love is eternal, for you, for your brother. accept this and agree to get along for my sake. for my heart, for my love. i would die for you and i expect the same from you. FOREVER!





20:09 Jul 03 2009
Times Read: 726

i try not to be paranoid. i try to believe what you say. just answer your phone when i call. or let me know not to worry. dont make up lies.

you say i dont have to worry but i do. that is like saying dont breathe! you lied to me before, i cannot get past it. it will not let me let it go.

the thoughts are there of you and her, eating lunch together or chatting on the phone, when you left me out in the cold.

i know that is the past and we said we would be together.

i know we stayed together, but its hard to believe what you say. i dont believe you even though i say i do.

i want to believe our love is forever but how?

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