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Hidden's Journal


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7 entries this month

An Honest Question I have.. o.0

02:31 Mar 22 2010
Times Read: 784

If u choke a Smurf * those little blue guys* what color do they turn?



02:00 Mar 25 2010

black and purple lol

23:14 Mar 25 2010

i say purple lol


My Interesting Love Question

02:30 Mar 22 2010
Times Read: 785

Does it matter who you love? Even if others hate that person? If your like in people's words the lamb and him the lion? It shouldnt be yet we always think about it.. not to our control. Yes we love them but what if they are the monster? The enemy? The bad person? The person ppl talk about behind closed doors? No those arent my questions but there something for you to think about. Heres my question, plz think 4 u post.

" If you love a monster.. does that make you a monster...Or them less as one?



21:29 Jul 05 2010

When you love someone you love from the inside out, nothing makes you a monster, often at the beginning of a relationship we do not realize the person we have before us, time always shows the truth and if at that time was true love but never the essence of one equals the other .....

17:15 Jul 20 2010



Words of Wisdom part 4

01:06 Mar 18 2010
Times Read: 801

There comes a point in everyone's life when we look in the mirror. Not to see how we look or how hot we are but to really look at ourselves. Who are we we ask? Why are we here, whats our purpose? Those are the questions. We take a very good look at ourselves and then we realize hey.. is this what people really see me as? Is this me? We go over every inch of our body form head to toe. We look and as we look we think and all this thoughts come through our minds. When this moment comes what will you see? Will you be honest with yourself and really see the truth? Can you handle the truth? Are you ready to see yourself the good and the bad? Even if not the time will come.



04:08 Mar 18 2010

true i like what you say

11:22 Mar 20 2010

Thank you.


Words of Wisdom part 3

01:05 Mar 18 2010
Times Read: 802

Today was the worse day and it's just gonna get worse."

Why? Just why? There is always tomorrow, why worry about the pain of today? You think that tomorrow will be just as bad but tell me, how could you possiblely now? Yeah your prob. saying well how you know that it wont be, thats the thing, you dont. But thats the best part. Not knowing. Think about it, if you knew what tomorrow would bring you will never cherish today. You have to take the good with the bad. humpf think about it like this. All the worse has happened so theres nothing left but the good right?

A wise man once said " I'm not sad that today ended, but happy that tomorrow will be better."

so tell me... are you a wise man or fool?




Words of wisdom part 2

01:04 Mar 18 2010
Times Read: 803

If tomorow will never come why wait? Once it comes its today and it'll be tomorrow all over again. Tomorrow is today so dont wait. Tell that person you love them, wear your favorite artical of wear, eat that last bit of ice cream, bake that cake, go to the movies, watch the sun set. watch it rise. Do everything like it was your last day. Live your life. Go outside, smile, laugh, grow, love like u never loved before for to everything there is an end. Dont wait, love all and treat everyone like you would like to be treated. Ask that person to the dance, let go of an old grudge, buy that dress, go to the beach, eat a huge bowl of ice cream and not care what anyone else say. Stand out in the crowd. CURPA DE UM! SEIZE THE DAY .. latin :3 For tomorrw will never come and the future is always changing and nothing is certain.




My own words of Wisdom

01:01 Mar 18 2010
Times Read: 804

You do not enter war when you pick up arms, nor when the first shot is fired. You do not enter a war when you see those fall around you, nor when your the one causing others to fall. You do not enter a war the day you are born or the day you turn that age. You do not enter a war when you sign up or get that draft notice. You do not enter a war when you have no choice but to.

You enter a war when you realize you have something to fight for. Someone to protect. A country to honor or innocents to save. You enter a war when you finally realize that this isnt about the fighting, nor the bloodshed, nor the leaders. The weapons, the orders or death. Its about the reason. If you dont have a reason then you are not truely fighting, your just a puppet under the puppet masters hands.

And once you have that reason.. no matter what it may be.. you will not exit that war, not even for death, until that reason is justified.




Who am I... well... I'm old.

01:00 Mar 18 2010
Times Read: 805

Then the heavens shook and for a split second it seemed like all was silent. Even with all the fighting that had just taken place it was "quiet".

Our Father, our lord cast a huge hole in heaven and those against him were cast out. Some had to be forced. Other were "pulled" down. They became the fallen.

As i walked upon the mountain's peak, upon that cliff I asked him, the one that with me a simple but impossible question; "What now? "

He never did turn to face me, he just stood there, his golden blond hair alive in the breeze, his armour ablaze with the after effects of the battle. He was tall but yet average. But when he spoke all listened. Even our father, for his words held power. He was indeed mighter than most of us. His sword hanging at his side, resting but always ready for battle, ready for another order from our father, another task. Always was that sword waiting.

He breathed in and told me; " My dear... nothing is certain. We will just have to wait & see. "

He then offered me his hand, he was my mentor, my protector my everything. Whereever he went so would I. I took the hand and the task was told. Our fathers voice loud in the heavens, on the earths, in the hell and even underneath. He said it simple.

" Nevermore. Never again, you are banished. "

I took pity on the fallen then. How sad. But our task was told. I was to help this angel, this warrior with his task.



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